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3 hours ago, csyphrett said:

Did Kevin MCCarthy get enough votes to be a speaker? I think it would be hilarious if he didn't.



He didn't, at least not the first time around.  We'll see if there's a second ballot attempt or if they adjourn for the day.  But it was a roll call vote and they hadn't even gotten past the reps with last names starting with C before he fell short.


Hilarious, but what would really be hilarious is if Jeffries somehow got enough votes to be Speaker despite belonging to the minority party.  It won't happen, but it's fun to think about.

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Democrats have 213 seats in the House. If they vote for Jeffries as a block (and their nomination of him was unanimous), they only need to turn five Republicans to achieve a majority. If the GOP remain gridlocked, that's far from impossible.


The MAGATs are again the spoilers. They won't support anyone who isn't rabidly anti-Biden administration, but the majority of the GOP see that as alienating future voters. So even if they're all self-interested, that works against them.

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Second round failed to elect anyone as well.


As fun as this is to watch, there's less than zero chance that enough Republicans defect for Jeffries to become Speaker.  And the House literally cannot function at all without one.  So ultimately we're left with a choice between McCarthy, Biggs, and Jordan, any of whom would be disastrous.  But if it takes a couple weeks of high profile humiliation and infighting before it finally happens, I'm completely okay with that.

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The Democrats may use it as their symbol, but the Republicans are the ones making TOTAL asses of themselves.  3rd vote is in roll call right now, and I've already heard "Jordan" called several times.  Seems certain this one fails too.


Note that it's not funny any more;  Congress can't formally be seated until a Speaker is named.  Also this comment from the NYT reporter there:



Chip Roy’s nominating speech underscores that for a certain group of lawmakers, the issue isn’t McCarthy himself. They are trying to change how the House does business in a fundamental way that would weaken Republican leaders’ ability to push through bills required to govern.


I think this will backfire SPECTACULARLY in '24...but not before doing massive damage to the country first.  


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45 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

If the base only understood that 19 Republicans voting against McCarthy are playing Russian roulette with our hard earned Republican majority right now.

This is the worst thing that could possibly happen. https://t.co/ncY6GgGIM1

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) January 3, 2023


And yet more irony: MTG forcing an absurd agenda on McCarthy in exchange for her faction's support, greatly helped precipitate this fiasco. Yet this comment adds further evidence that Greene isn't as stupid as she pretends to be. OTOH she is partly responsible for cultivating a base that doesn't understand, well, anything.

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1 hour ago, Cygnia said:


This is actually worse than it sounds.  Random reps are not empowered to direct the Capitol Police--only the House Speaker can do that.  And there is no House Speaker.  So right now people are trying to figure out who ordered the removal of the metal detectors, and why.


(Well, we know why.  But still.)

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5 hours ago, Old Man said:

Second round failed to elect anyone as well.


As fun as this is to watch, there's less than zero chance that enough Republicans defect for Jeffries to become Speaker.  And the House literally cannot function at all without one.  So ultimately we're left with a choice between McCarthy, Biggs, and Jordan, any of whom would be disastrous.  But if it takes a couple weeks of high profile humiliation and infighting before it finally happens, I'm completely okay with that.


Centrist Republicans Don Bacon of Nebraska and Fred Upton of Utah have both expressed some interest in making a bid for the Speakers gavel if McCarthy proves unable to win it.  For this to work they would need to secure the support of Democrats as well as moderate Republicans.  Neither of these men would do anything to advance Biden's agenda, but they could be counted on handle basic governance and they would be able to completely ignore the desires of crazies on the red side of the aisle.  So, IMHO, the Democrats would do well to take them up on their offer if either of them throws their hat into the ring. 

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1 minute ago, Ranxerox said:


Centrist Republicans Don Bacon of Nebraska and Fred Upton of Utah have both expressed some interest in making a bid for the Speakers gavel if McCarthy proves unable to win it.  For this to work they would need to secure the support of Democrats as well as moderate Republicans.  Neither of these men would do anything to advance Biden's agenda, but they could be counted on handle basic governance and they would be able to completely ignore the desires of crazies on the red side of the aisle.  So, IMHO, the Democrats would do well to take them up on their offer if either of them throws their hat into the ring. 


In other words, forming a parliamentary coalition.  I don't know.  NYT's running updates included thoughts on both Reps voting for Jeffries...never happen, would be considered a betrayal...and Dems voting for McCarthy...same.  NOT on Dems voting for someone centrist, but the betrayal notion's probably still there.


It's also unclear if the coalition could be kept happy...but that's probably going to be an issue no matter what.  

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1 hour ago, unclevlad said:


In other words, forming a parliamentary coalition.  I don't know.  NYT's running updates included thoughts on both Reps voting for Jeffries...never happen, would be considered a betrayal...and Dems voting for McCarthy...same.  NOT on Dems voting for someone centrist, but the betrayal notion's probably still there.


It's also unclear if the coalition could be kept happy...but that's probably going to be an issue no matter what.  


Yes, many Republicans will view it as a betrayal to vote for any Speaker who is being supported by the Democrats.  However, the betrayal won't have the same sting if the vote is being cast for a respected Republican instead of a Democrat.  As for the Democrats, they won't be happy to vote for a Republican but otherwise they will have no say at all in the next Speaker, so it is under the circumstances a win for them.

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6 hours ago, Old Man said:

Second round failed to elect anyone as well.


As fun as this is to watch, there's less than zero chance that enough Republicans defect for Jeffries to become Speaker.  And the House literally cannot function at all without one.  So ultimately we're left with a choice between McCarthy, Biggs, and Jordan, any of whom would be disastrous.  But if it takes a couple weeks of high profile humiliation and infighting before it finally happens, I'm completely okay with that.


To explain what Old Man means, it is literally true.  Until the Speaker is named, the members cannot be sworn in to take the oath of office, and obviously without that, no legislation can be considered.  So, they have literally shut down the House, and therefore, almost the entire legislative branch.  (The Senate could proceed with approving nominees, altho they're not in session right now.)


1 minute ago, Ranxerox said:


Yes, many Republicans will view it as a betrayal to vote for any Speaker who is being supported by the Democrats.  However, the betrayal won't have the same sting if the vote is being cast for a respected Republican instead of a Democrat.  As for the Democrats, they won't be happy to vote for a Republican but otherwise they will have no say at all in the next Speaker, so it is under the circumstances a win for them.


Ehhhh...I'm not sure of that.  Not now.  What you're saying would probably be true even 20 years ago, but the polarization is total now.  The Republican split doesn't change that;  it's showing the potential formation of a 3rd pole.  Certainly, a moderate Republican supported by some Dems would *infuriate* the MAGATs, and almost guarantee their intransigence.


Plus, anyone the Dems might consider, probably would have to reject any of the Faustian bargains McCarthy made with MTG & Co...which means you'll probably lose them.  

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4th ballot:  stalement, no change, save that it wasn't Jordan as McCarthy's opposition.  Still the same 20 votes against McCarthy.  EDIT:  one tweak.  McCarthy lost a vote...one Rep voted Present, after voting for McCarthy on the first 3 ballots.  Not much but it can't be encouraging to him.  

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