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5 hours ago, DShomshak said:

I try to resist clickbait, but this was just too funny when it turned up in my front-page newsfeed.


You wanna talk reclaiming historic territories of your great, great empire? Mongolia has a comment or two.


Mongolia's former president mocks Putin with a map showing how big the Mongol empire used to be, and how small Russia was (msn.com)


Dean Shomshak


The Mongol Empire was bigger than Russia is today. In fact it was bigger than the Russian Empire ever was, or the Soviet Union. Only Britain's colonial empire was more vast. And Mongols dominated Russia for three centuries.


All this historical-precedent mythology Putin's spouting is just a reskinning of manifest destiny, or jingoism, or crusade/jihad, or whatever imperialist rationale you care to cite. Borders are drawn according to who has power, and what they want to do with it. It's always been that way.

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1 hour ago, Lord Liaden said:


The Mongol Empire was bigger than Russia is today. In fact it was bigger than the Russian Empire ever was, or the Soviet Union. Only Britain's colonial empire was more vast. And Mongols dominated Russia for three centuries.


All this historical-precedent mythology Putin's spouting is just a reskinning of manifest destiny, or jingoism, or crusade/jihad, or whatever imperialist rationale you care to cite. Borders are drawn according to who has power, and what they want to do with it. It's always been that way.



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16 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

Trying to divert attention from their paradoxical flip-flops on the border security bill(s). They're desperate for anything they can sell to their voters as actually doing something.


Those voters are firmly ensconced in the conservabubble, so it'll work.

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No motive yet for the shooting.  


Elsewhere...RFK Jr. apologized for that *bizarre* Super Bowl ad.  He claims it was his SuperPAC's creation...and not approved.  Yes, well, that never flies very well, does it?  The family's irate...apparently not for the first time.  His campaign staff is also leaving...even before the ad...citing malfeasance at the upper echelons.  

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18 minutes ago, Rails said:

I think that's the first time violence has broken out at a Chiefs (or Royals, not that there have been many of those) parade.


Has there ever been a shooting at that kind of parade?  I can readily enough see fist fights occasionally, but a shooting?  No.  Granted, not many shootings register for all that long, but it's bizarre for it to relate to the parade, IMO.

EDIT:  DOH!  Denver's title celebration last year.


Well, we'll likely hear more over the next few days.


TRY to find an impartial jury for when this goes to trial.  I mean, seriously, a significant fraction of KC was there, and *schools were closed*...LOTS of kids were at the parade and IIRC several were hit.  Impartiality might be as uncommon as Bronco fans.

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2 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

Frankly, in many sporting events around the world, it's notable when nobody was killed.


But that's the events...and a bit of hyperbole, altho not nearly as much as I'd like.


The parade?  I re-checked the Denver incident;  report is the timing was largely coincidental.  

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A recent The Daily episode dealt with Biden's supposed senility. The reporter noted that Biden has a very long history of mixing up names and sentences that wander off into unexpected territory. Also addressed the cognitive advantages of old age: less glib, but better judgment. Slower speed, but better aim, so to speak.


I am reminded here of the assessment of someone who knows former House Speaker Newt Gingrich well. In ten minutes the man can be relied on to come out with ten startling, original, and superficially brilliant ideas... half of which contradict the other half, and nine out of ten of which turn out to be batsh*t insane once you look at them closely. Really, not someone I would want with his hand on The Big Red Button.


As I grow older myself, I place greater value on temperament than cleverness. I trust Biden to at least try to do the right thing, even if I may disagree with him about what the right thing is.


Dean Shomshak

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The "Biden gaff" has been a running joke in Washington for half a century. Him occasionally misspeaking, or saying something impulsively, isn't new, it's always been part of him. When Biden was Obama's VP, Obama joked that his advisers wanted him to follow his teleprompter less when he spoke in public, but wanted Biden to follow it more. ;)

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On 2/14/2024 at 8:31 AM, Old Man said:


Oh, wow. This probably isn't the place for it, but it's kinda political. So, anyway, I devoured the British show Slow Horses on Apple recently, and it was promoting Mark Wahlberg's Family Plan pretty hard, and it looked like light hearted fun, so I gave it a whirl recently. 


I know Wahlberg as a pretty personable guy, and that was definitely on show from the first minute of the movie and I could go on at length, but there is a lot off about the movie, of which the bit about the very well developed tendency for the bad, worse, and worst characters to be non-White, bothered me the most. I think I now understand the decision making processes that went into this movie better. 

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