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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It was an interesting weekend downtown. Baseball game, NRA convention, and a half and full marathon. I was only there for the run, one hour and forty minutes, which was four minutes less than my last half marathon. My legs are still fatigued, but I am already planning my training for the rest of the summer.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm wondering what would happen if I threw my computer out the window. It's irritating me today...as our internet is being craptastically sucky and won't load all the websites we normally use.


On the downside, it would mean I'd not have a computer to use the rest of the day. On the plus side, it would mean I would get a new computer out of it, and be able to get all my "busy" work done (like pulling invoices and matching them to check stubs, goodness knows I've not done that in a good month). :D

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It's hot in here.......







despite the fact that it's only 44 degrees outside right now and I have the heat off and the patio doors all the way open.





Why ?






My dryer, which just nearly burned my building down, due to the fact that its exhaust vent wasn't installed up inside the wall right, is now vented into a water box in my bathroom, so not only is it hot as blank in here, my windows and patio doors are all fogged up.



Blank this. When the weather warms up, I'll just take my laundry to Sunday breakfast and do it at OddHat's Mom's. I'M NOT PAYING TO AIR CONDITION THIS PLACE WITH THAT DRYER RUNNING. :idjit::help:


Edit: Closing the bathroom door keeps the house from heating up. So does having the patio doors open as it was nice and warm here today for a change. Anyone wants a sauna who can't afford a Health Club Membership, come on up !

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Wife bought a new stove the other day. She'd been lusting after one for a while, this one was on sale (30% markdown; it's new, it had been dropped so had cosmetic damage to one side). It worked fine last night.


So ... anyone in the Seattle area want an old electric stove? It's ugly, it's dirty (it was badly in need of cleaning before the new one was spotted), and it needs a power cable (we took the old one off and put it on the new stove). Otherwise, it works OK. We'll probably haul it to the dump. I've got a pickup, so within modest limits, I can even offer to transport it.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It looks like Josh and I have a place. Thanks to everyone who wished us well. It's a bit farther from our places of employment than we would've liked, but it's bigger, it has adequate room to store our crap, and they allow cats. It also looks like we'll be able to arrange some kind of direct deposit, so the whole waiting-for-the-check-to-clear nonsense can end.


But now we get to look forward to the FUN part: packing and moving all of our stuff.


I have moved eighteen more times than I've wanted in my life. I suspect there are several more unwanted moves in my future, too. HATE it.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So, after the old DVD player built into my wee bedroom TV decided to kick the old electronic bucket, we decided it was time to replace the old cranky PS2 with a new one.


Everything is cool.


Then, last night, I decide to pop Shrek 2 into the system to watch while going to bed.


And all sorts of parental control setting start popping up.




Let me get this straight... The exact same PS2 I've been using to play GTA: Vice City Stories, involving much death and destruction, generall lawless ness, and the occasional adult situation, is now trying to tell me that Shrek 2 exceedes the "parental control level" my player is set for?


I fixed it, but sheesh.


I'm not opposed to voluntary parental controls. Forcing them on me annoys me. In much that same way that forcing me to sit through the preveiws on the same DVD annoys me.


Probably not gonna watch that movie again for a while.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So I was listening to the radio and a commercial comes on for a lawyer who specializes in defending DUIs. He gives his cell number, says call him 27 seven, when "pleading guilty is not an option". Calls himself the DUI Guy...





I'm gonna have to tell you all that I find the ad in horrific taste. I'm hoping beyond hope that he's trying to help innocent drivers accused of DUI for some other reason. But really the ad sounded like: Do you not take responsibility for yourself and your actions? Call me so you won't have to.



oh well. It's been grating on me.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings





Thank goodness there's a name for this disorder. Somehow I feel better,even though I have it!!



Recently, I was diagnosed with A.A.A.D.D. - Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder. This is how it manifests:


I decide to water my garden.


As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over at my car and decide it needs washing.


As I start toward the garage, I notice mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mail box earlier.


I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.


I lay my car keys on the table, put the junk mail in the garbage can under the table, and notice that the can is full.


So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the garbage first.


But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mailbox when I take out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.


I take my check book off the table, and see that there is only one check left.


My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find the can of Coke I'd been drinking.


I'm going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over.


The Coke is getting warm, and I decide to put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.


As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye--they need water.


I put the Coke on the counter and discover my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning.


I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I'm going to water the flowers.


I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table.


I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I'll be looking for the remote, but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I'll water the flowers.


I pour some water in the flowers, but quite a bit of it spills on the floor.


So, I set the remote back on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill.


Then, I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.


At the end of the day:


The car isn't washed.


The bills aren't paid.


There is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter.


The flowers don't have enough water.


There is still only 1 check in my check book.


I can't find the remote.


I can't find my glasses.


And I don't remember what I did with the car keys.


Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all damn day, and I'm really tired.


I realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail....

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


While cleaning my house yesterday, I moved the recliner and discovered a copy of Dana Carvey's magnum opus, "The Master of Disguise."


None of my friends will fess up to having left it here, and neither my wife nor myself bought it, so I am at a complete loss as to where it came from.


I think I've been targeted by the SNL Alumni Who Never Made It Big mafia. :fear:



(Expecting a knock on my door from Corky Romano any day now...) :angst:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm am the...most crass person in the office today.


Our favourite office butt-kisser is out because of surgery (she had a hysterectomy Tuesday). No on in the office can stand her...and we all make crass jokes about her being the office slut and...well...doing things to the boss to get ahead (things that we joke require knee pads).


Anywho. One of the managers asked us if the company had sent her a get well card. We told him no. He acted...disgusted (even though he is like everyone else and can hardly stand her) and said he'd go get one later.


So, that begs the question, what do you sign on a card for someone you don't really care for? I mean...something like "Don't worry. You'll be back on the knee-pads soon. Get well soon." doesn't seem very...PC (not to mention appropriate, even though that's what we're all thinking). :P


Oh well. Such is drama in my office. :D

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I want so badly to let this Thing inside... out. I know it's there and it might just change my life if I let it. For whatever reason though, I'd rather play online poker, paintball, or whatever.


Life is passing by at a horrific rate. I don't know what I should do.


I'm talking about FWS, btw (Frustrated Writer Syndrome).


Then, there's that overwhelming urge to keep playing paintball whatever the costs (money, spousal relationship, and my child's welfare). How can one person be torn so many different directions that he fails to deal with anyone as well as he should?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


If I continue a previous musing, is it still random?


I have repeatedly said, when asked, that if the stories about me helped inspire our troops and rally

a nation, then perhaps there was some good. However, I am still confused as to why they chose to

lie and tried to make me a legend when the real heroics of my fellow soldiers that day were, in fact,

legendary. People like Lori Piestewa and First Sergeant Dowdy who picked up fellow soldiers in

harms way. Or people like Patrick Miller and Sergeant Donald Walters who actually fought until

the very end.


The bottom line is the American people are capable of determining their own ideals for heroes and

they don’t need to be told elaborate tales.


My hero is my brother Greg who continues to serve this country today. My hero is my friend Lori

who died in Iraq but set an example for a generation of Hopi and Native American women and little

girls everywhere about the important contributions just one soldier can make in the fight for

freedom. My hero is every American who says, my country needs me and answers the call to fight.


I had the good fortune and opportunity to come home and I told the truth. Many other soldiers, like

Pat Tillman, do not have the opportunity.


The truth of war is not always easy to hear but it always more heroic than the hype.

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