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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Books tend to accumulate around my computer area as I bring them in for reference, but don't return them to their shelves until I've got a bunch of them, which I put back all in one trip. If someone didn't know what I'd been working on, but did know I used these books for reference, they might be wondering just what the heck I was doing:


HERO System 5th Edition Revised

The Complete Works of William Shakespear

A Book on C

Fundamentals of Topology

The Shadow of the Ship (fiction)

Edith Hamilton's Mythology

Gamer's Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Vol. 4

Quantum Gravity

To Seek Out New Life: The Biology of Star Trek

The Essential Plato

The Physician's Desk Reference

Vegetarian Times



...on the other hand, if you know I'm a gamer, it probably doesn't raise any eyebrows at all...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I overlooked a minor feature of this course I'm teaching ... it's full of pre-meds. The fact that they might not get the A they need to go to med school is a life-threatening event. And the fact that I place more importance on understanding physical principles than getting the answer that's in the back of the book is another thing.


Now, the test was too long; either I mistimed myself (I was interrupted when I did the test key, so that's a possibility) or my standard factor-of-5 rule isn't generous enough for this situation.


Bah. Well, I'll start grading this evening, which should put me in a mood to bust heads in tonights gaming session.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The Check's In The Mail

by Al Yankovic




Well, hey, how ya doin', have a seat, have a drink

Boy, it's good to see you, what can I say

Whoa, sorry, gotta run, we'll get together again

Say, what was your name, anyway

Well, we're workin' on the problem

We'll get back to ya soon (yeah)

But don't try to call me

I'll be in a meeting every afternoon

For a year, maybe longer, keep in touch

Thanks for droppin' by and have a nice day


The check's in the mail (hey)

You're beautiful

Don't ever change

You know what I mean

My girl will call your girl

We'll talk, we'll do lunch

Or leave a message on my machine

So baby, won't you sign

On the dotted line

I'm gonna make your dreams come true

The check's in the mail

Would I lie to you


Well, hey, wait a minute

What's the matter, hold on

You want me to fork over the loot

You say you hate my guts

You wanna take me to court

And you got yourself a lawyer with a three-piece suit

Well, I'm proud to say you're not

The only critic of mine (yeah)

So if you wanna sue me

I'm afraid you're gonna have to wait in line

Take a number, thanks for calling

Who loves you, baby

Don't forget to read the fine print


See, the check's in the mail (hey)

You're beautiful

Don't ever change

You know what I mean

My girl will call your girl

We'll talk, we'll do lunch

Or leave a message on my machine

So baby, won't you sign

On the dotted line

I'm gonna make your dreams come true

The check's in the mail

Would I lie to you


Aw, trust me


The check's in the mail (hey)

You're beautiful

Don't ever change

You know what I mean

Why don't you leave a message with my girl

I'll have lunch with your machine

So baby, won't you sign

On the dotted line

I'm gonna make your dreams come true

The check's in the mail

Would I lie to you

The check's in the mail

Would I lie to you



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Cyber Ninja Pirates' last hurdle, vehicles is finally coming into a sharp, cool focus. I have to brag - here's a briefing I sent to my F2F play group:


Vehicles have a Speed Rating. Each Speed Rating is a 5% bump over the prior

one in actual MPH/KPH and therefore in game-units at any scale (don't worry,

it's all in a table). And there are different scales - "personal" scale is

the normal character scale of 2 meters per game-unit (I would love to go

with 6 feet, but it got messy in dealing with space distances which are all

metric), land/water-based is 8 meters per game-unit, air (atmosphere)-based

is 56 meters per game-unit, near-atmosphere/very fast travel/"slow" space

travel is 2 km per game-unit, and space travel (excepting hyper-jump) is

12,000 km per game-unit. Tables demonsrate the number of inches for each

Speed Rating for each scale. Each vehicle has a "normal" maximum Speed

Rating. To go faster in a Turn, roll Piloting. If you make it, you go

faster by as many Speed Ratings as you make your roll by, up to as many as

TEN Speed Ratings higher, but if you go that high there's a severe price.

For each 1 level in excess of the vehicle's default Speed Rating, you incur

a -1 to all Piloting rolls in the Turn. If a vehicle moves at 4 or more

Speed Ratings higher than the default, you have to make a Vehicle Stress

Roll (btw, of course, you can go slower than the degree of success of your

piloting roll). For Vehicle Stress, roll 3d20; any PC who has Vehiclesmith

(i.e., a Scotty) can use their skill to help offset this ("She cannae hold,

Cap'n!") - you want to roll low! A vehicle's basic Engineering Rating (see

below) can also help with this (or hurt, if it's a poorly-constructed

vehicle). Basically, failing the Vehicle Stress Roll causes damage - either

the Engineering Rating gets reduced (potentailly a lot) and a critical hit

occurs, or you can actually experience COMPLETE STRUCTURAL FAILURE. But,

see, this is kinda cool - because at an excess of 4-5 Speed Ratings, a

pretty good Pilot and Engineer can keep it together fairly reliably. But

each step up gets to the point where, at 10 in excess, you are almost

guaranteed (you only avoid damage on a 3!) to start having your vehicle tear

apart. So if you HAVE to go fast, faster than the vehicle was ever intended

("She was never meant to go past Warp 9!") you can risk it all - and I mean

nail-biting risk it all at extremes! And of course, if you go at much

slower speeds, you get pluses to piloting rolls. Blowing piloting skill

rolls when going fast or taking turns can lead, of course, to losing control

(not necessarily that bad - could just be a slight skid/roll/flip depending

on vehicle type and environment, impairing your movement, but could be

worse, too).


Making one 45 degree angle turn (as in a hex or square, to be consistent

with likely mapping scenarios) is free during a Turn, the more you make as

well as (and in combination) the more severe the angle, a piloting roll is

required with mounting penalties the more you do.


Vehicles can help or hurt - each vehicle has a Handling Rating and an

Engineering Rating. I pretty much covered the Engineering Rating above -

but note that also comes into play for vehicle repairs and maintenance time

and so on. The Handling Rating can be important, too - it helps offset (or

if poor Handling, it penalizes) turning and speeding rolls.


Okay, here's another cool thing - there's a random environmental

obstacle/encounter table. Great, okay, so what? Well, here's so what - you

need a "spotter" in your vehicle - a sensor/communications officer! Get

your character with high Perception to do this. Because basically the pilot

is heavily penalized against Perception rolls, if he's using his Piloting

skill much at all. The guy helping with Perception gets a roll against

obstacles. The more he makes his roll, the better the pilot can make his

roll against these.


Some of this was the result of the playtest and player comments - the guys

correctly called out that lots of people stand around while the pilot does

stuff. Consider now, if you want to do lots of neat space movement/combat,

you need: a pilot; a spotter/sensor; an engineer; and people to fire

weapons! Oh, and of course the cyber guy can be doing his thing, too. Lots

for everyone to do.


oh btw - copyright notice 2006 or something like that...but if you steal it, that's fine, please give me credit though and ask permission before publishing if you do - I'll get around to employing a Creative Commons licensing, I just have to think it out first (http://creativecommons.org/)


but I'd rather just get the ideas out there, anyway



whoops, one more note - and of course this is just a sort of brief basic idea thing - there's more to it, and some bits I left out, I just wanted to get the basic idea across without sending entire rule extracts (especially since at this point the rules are written only in a purely mechanical way for myself to work with, I have to go through and completely edit/rewrite before any publishable form takes shape - they need flavor embedded, more examples in some areas, more elaboration on why some things are as they are, and so on)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I've come the the conclusion that Batman Begin's is not a super-hero movie. To me it is just another Hollywood action film like Die Hard etc. Just because it is focused on Batman doesn't make it a super-hero film. There are way to many formulaic Hollywood action sequences to make it a superhero film unlike Spider-man or X-men which to me can be classified as super-hero films.


I will say that some aspects involving Bruces home are super-heroic elements but to me they are not enough for me to classify it as a super-hero film.


Disclaimer: it has been a while since I saw the movie and would have to see it again to reassess my opinion.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Moving next week. We're moving out of the 364 sq ft studio into a 2 bedroom house. It's small compared to the house we had in Portland, but it will be HUGE compared to the last 10 months.


And we won't have neighbors on the other side of the walls, a yard, and a shower that drains! :celebrate


And it looks to be a good chance I'll be in New Orleans soon after. It will be a hectic month, but good.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I don't much mind having labyrinthitis, nor is the fact that I'll have it most of my life much of a problem, considering there are MUCH worse health problems to have.


But does it really have to be so hard to explain?


Sure, I could just call it "dizziness" or "vertigo," but neither of those sound like medical disorders. They just sound like I spun in a circle too fast, or looked down a tall building. And I even get blank looks when I call it "vertigo."


The problem is, periodically (especially when it's dry), my inner ear retains fluid, and swells up. When it gets to a certain point, it registers that I'm tilting in 360 different directions, all at the same time. It feels like being on a tilt-a-whirl. There's sometimes some nausea, but nothing that makes eating impossible. The hardest part about it is that it makes concentration impossible, and focusing on a given task quite difficult. Even lying down induces this sensation, though a good night's sleep staves it off for a couple of hours in the morning.


The treatments are steroids and some medicine that makes me sleepy. The steroids make me impatient, overly warm, and irritable. The other medication is so powerful, I almost fall asleep standing up. Taking them in tandem, sadly, doesn't make the side effects cancel one another out. I just get cranky and impossible to be around.


So I prefer going without the medication, since, the last time I went without meds, it went away on its own. They really only help ease the symptoms. And they don't even help that well. I'd rather be dizzy than snapping at everyone between falling asleep standing up.

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