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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Went on a bill/important papers cleaning&filing spree today. I managed to clean off my desk. And the pile of stuff next to it. And the pile of stuff that was moved to a shelf on the bookcase because it didn't fit on either of the other two piles. Which didn't include the pile of stuff on the dining room table that hadn't made into any of the other piles yet, or the smaller pile of stuff on the entertainment center that had yet to be classified as important enough to be put into the dining room pile.


One Hefty garbage bag later (lots of shredding involved, too), I have a clean desk.


And a pile of files on the filing cabinet, which I discovered also needs to be cleaned out.



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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I am so fooqin' mental right now.


I just watched the Fantastic Four trailer from MTV.


Sue... bouncing Dr. Doom's blast off her force field.

Ben trashing a semi-truck.

Johnny in flight.

Doom belting Reed halfway across Times Square.


If my nipples were any harder, they could cut diamonds.

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Guest PenguinKiller

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I just got back from seeing the movie "Phantom of the Opera" and it kicked major ass! I need the soundtrack!


I actually went with me friend Mary who also kicks major ass! Go Mary! lol

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Over christmas / new year on the day I was to fly back home, I went and had a look at the display units on the 42nd floor (IIRC) of the World's Tallest Residential Tower -- Q1. It is still being built.


The view was simply breath taking. Being that high up and seeing around the Gold Coast was awesome (in its original meaning of awe). Many of the unit on the floor was on display and others were empty of display furniture, there just for the view.


I literally can't wait until it is finished as above the 80th floor (the highest) is an observation deck. I thought the view was spectacular on the 42nd floor, on the 80+ floor...word fail me to what I believe the view will be like.


Also, many of the units have been sold, and I thought that having the perk "Worlds tallest residential tower" would inflate the price somewhat, but that is clearly not the case. The units are quite affordable (for the market).


For stats on the development, I urge you to follow the link as that has all that info. For a comparison, Q1 is as tall as the Eiffel Tower.


I just wanted to pass this story on.

You can all be jealous of me now :winkgrin:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Meanwhile, back on Page 176...


It's August 27th.


Skaramine has been laughing his head off.


Gewing is wondering why everyone went to bed before 3 AM.


Enforcer84 is going to bed at 5 AM.


Death Tribble is telling his diary how much it disturbs him that everyone keeps changing their avatars.


Vanguard00 has had his offer on a house accepted.


red_eagle123 is wondering why slavering alients never kidnap men to mate with them.


Hermit has discovered that he likes it when people complement his ideas.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I hate days like this. I'm bored at work, despite having a schedule of 17 projects to work on in the coming months.


I can't get any work done because I'm waiting for a developer to finish modifying the code so I can start a new test pass. I can't work on any of the other projects because they're not in any state to start testing. And yet I have to continiously tell my manager that I am, in fact, swamped with work. So instead I hide in my cube and hope nobody sees me surfing the Hero Boards.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


What a gloomy, soggy, foggy and demeaning thing depression can be. I have much going well in my life, much to be thankful for, yet the weight of this lethargy hangs on my soul like leaden cloth over a balloon.


Meanwhile, all over the world, people with real problems struggle to get by and do so with smiles on their faces.


Bad enough to be so discontent, worse that my depression is completely unjustified.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


One of the Christmas presents that I got was the Firefly series on DVD. Looking at the cases of the DVD's it appears that the order the episodes are in is not the order that they aired. And there doesn't seem to be any explanation of this on any of the material.


Maybe it's on the first disk...



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings




Come to me in my dreams, and then

By day I shall be well again!

For so the night will more than pay

The hopeless longing of the day.


Come, as thou cam’st a thousand times,

A messenger from radiant climes,

And smile on thy new world, and be

As kind to others as to me!


Or, as thou never cam’st in sooth,

Come now, and let me dream it truth;

And part my hair, and kiss my brow,

And say: My love! why sufferst thou?


Come to me in my dreams, and then

By day I shall be well again!

For so the night will more than pay

The hopeless longing of the day.


-- Matthew Arnold

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


“Acquainted With the Nightâ€


I have been one acquainted wit the night.

I have walked out in rain - and back in rain.

I have out walked the furthest city light.

I have looked down the saddest city lane.

I have passed by the watchman on his beat

And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.


I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet.

When far away an interrupted cry

Came over houses from another street,

But not to call me back or say good-bye;

And further still at an unearthly height,

One luminary clock against the sky

Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right

I have been one acquainted with the night.


-- Robert Frost

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


She Walks in Beautyâ€


She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies,

And all that’s best of dark and bright

Meets in her aspect and her eyes,

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.


One shade the more, one ray the less

Had half impaired the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress

Or softly lighten o’er her face,

Where thoughts serenely sweet express

How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.


And on that cheek and o’er that brow

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

But tell of days in goodness spent, -

A mind at peace with all below,

A heart whose love is innocent.


-- George Gordon, Lord Byron

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