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New Series--The Orville


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Yeah, I know.  I had exactly the same disconnect and thoughts.  I was just being a smarta** about my strong expectation that the writers have put next to zero thought into things like that. 


That said, as to multiple users going separate ways, I'd think it could maybe be done by directing different users into discreet areas of the holodeck which can be walled off on the fly, with each area having its own rotatable, variable-movement, variable-tilt user platform.  If users are supposed to be in sight of each other but far away, use holograms of the other users, appropriately small enough to show them at a distance.  So even though Phil and Steve see each other at, say, opposite ends of the football field, they're actually about 20 feet apart, separated by a holo-wall with sound dampening active.

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On 11/17/2017 at 4:41 AM, Ternaugh said:


Small horror films are where the best ROI has been this year. Happy Death Day has made over $55 million domestic and $33 million foreign on an initial budget of $4.8 million.


This has been true for decades.  Since before Blair Witch.  It takes almost nothing to film a horror movie--an abandoned house, a couple of cameras, half a dozen reasonably attractive unknown "actors", and a 55 gallon drum of fake blood.  You don't even need lights!

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I dimly recall there was half a page on it in the TNG technical manual.  I'd look it up but I haven't seen it for 15 years and have no idea where it is.  Anyway, it's all holograms and force fields, even the part you walk on, and maybe some matter replication for foodstuffs.  Like half the Ent-D's computer processing power was devoted to running the thing.  No, it makes no sense.

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I think I read same thing as Old Man. That basically everyone is on a force field treadmill, so you feel you are walking/running, but really the holograms are moving and you are walking/running in place. Then the holograms can change perspective of people locations, so from when you enter the room, you may not actually move more then 5 feet and the system effectively creates a hologram around each individual/group as needed.

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So we can assume, then, that The Orville's system works differently since they don't have transporter tech. One wonders how much more sophisticated their holodeck technology must be since they have to replace the functions normally handled by transporter tech (on Trek) with something else entirely.

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Hmm, how fun an episode would it be if something did escape using that (or similar technology) so only the people who were in there could see it, and because they were still hooked in, they were the ones causing the mischief. You could do a really funny or really serious episode with that premise.

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7 hours ago, zslane said:

So does the floor of a holodeck move so that you can physically run around the space? How does that work for multiple people who go off in different directions?


There are some interesting methods of turning your body only 80 degrees when your brain thinks you've turned 90. The VR software can store up all of those shaved degrees to prevent you from walking into a wall.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, The Orville has done a Star Trek-style space wedgie episode. Bound to happen, I suppose. (OK, you could count the "dark matter storm" as a space wedgie, too. Your basic hand-wavey excuse to put the ship in peril.)


But I give them props for a much cooler space wedgie that I ever saw in Star Trek. A bit of real Sensawunda here, I thought.


Though I think Yaphet still should have been made chief engineer. Experience counts.



Dean Shomshak

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10 minutes ago, Hermit said:

Yeah, I feel Yaphet has a legit gripe here.


I agree. He had the seniority in Engineering, and they install this newbie as Chief Engineer? I'd be pissed too if that happened to me. Okay, yeah, he's a brainiac. So what? Does he have all the necessary engineering classes--to say nothing of practical experience--under his belt? (I *think* they said he had great scores in Engineering, to be honest, but if so it just hits another hot button of mine--which is that in most tv SF, "science" of any sort is indistinguishable from "science" of any other sort. You're a botanist? Well, naturally, you understand temporal mechanics and artificial intelligence systems as well....)


I wasn't too keen on Yaphet at first. He seemed like too much of a "this would be funny" character. But episodes like New Dimension (where he gets pissed off by the juvenile prank played on him AND he gets righteously angry about being passed over for promotion in favor of a newbie) have made him more of a real character, and I like it.

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Yaphit is growing on me after this episode too. Of course, his tirade in Mercer's office was pretty unprofessional, but there's not much of that in evidence anywhere, really, so picking on Yaphit for it is perhaps a little unfair.


I kind of feel that this move with Lamar is an attempt to essentially reboot the character. Do they expect us to just forget he used to be a complete dumbass (along with Malloy), and accept him as Mr. Big Brains now? I don't really buy the explanation, and I don't really buy the jarring and unearned character re-write. But I guess this is the sort of "adjusting" a show goes through during its first season as it works out all the kinks. On most shows, though, changes like this tend to happen gradually, and with much more subtlety.


BTW, I'm surprised Bortus had digestive troubles after consuming a piece of Yaphit. I thought Moclins could eat anything...

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11 hours ago, Hermit said:

heck, it's in some ways a direct rip off of LaForge heading from helm to Engineering. But it does look bad from a certain POV- It's like Yaphet got passed over because someone did well on a SAT score back at the academy ;)

I wouldn't even of minded that so much, if they hadn't gone directly from "I'm placing a letter of reprimand on your file...WHOA, I didn't realize you were an under-performing smart person! I guess we'll promote you and put you in charge of other, more qualified people, included the one you just assaulted." Yaphit's got a helluva EEO suit, is all I'm saying.


It actually reminded me of the TNG episode where they introduced Barclay (who, granted, in time turned into an interesting character). When Geordi complained that he wasn't sure what to do with this smart-but-clueless f**k-up, Picard's advice was "Make him your best friend!" We all literally fell out of our chairs laughing so hard at that one.


11 hours ago, Spence said:

I think everyone is reading too much in to this. 


It's Orville........

Heh. Yeah, `cause fans overthinking things would be unprecedented. ;)


But you're right, there is something freeing about a show that so openly says "We're not taking this too seriously; you don't have to either."

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18 minutes ago, bigdamnhero said:

I wouldn't even of minded that so much, if they hadn't gone directly from "I'm placing a letter of reprimand on your file...WHOA, I didn't realize you were an under-performing smart person! I guess we'll promote you and put you in charge of other, more qualified people, included the one you just assaulted." Yaphit's got a helluva EEO suit, is all I'm saying.


It actually reminded me of teh TNG episode where they introduced Barclay (who, granted, in time turned into an interesting character). When Geordi complained that he wasn't sure what to do with this smart-but-clueless f**k-up, Picard's advice was "Make him your best friend!" We all literally fell out of our chairs laughing so hard at that one.


Heh. Yeah, `cause fans overthinking things would be unprecedented. ;)


But you're right, there is something freeing about a show that so openly says "We're not taking this too seriously; you don't have to either."


Yeah, coming from Picard that was especially interesting as he wasn't exactly Captain Social ;)



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