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Justice League Film

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Not me.  I don't think I can get burned out on 'entertainment genres'.  I get burned out on things that happen every day or every other day (like eating the same breakfast or listening to the same song or Trump news or every fraggin', motherbleeping national media outlet incessantly discussing Trump news), not on things I see or listen to once a month.

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3 hours ago, Tech priest support said:

Is anyone else kinda burned out on superhero movies period? 





They've come in a lot of variety (And props to Marvel for that as they have done 70s style Espionage thrillers, to Heists, to Space Opera etc) so not yet.


Now, Police and Crime Dramas on TV? If they stopped making those for a 3 year break I'd be quite happy.

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Super heroes are one of my favourite genres and I feel like we had to wait an eternity for any decent ones. Then came Sam Raimi and a couple of Spiderman movies followed by another excruciating wait until the current MCU run. 


So I am pretty happy with how things are right now. 


If I had a wand that was limited to superhero related entertainment wishes Spiderman and The Fantastic Four would appear as high quality weekly TV serials.  Probably featuring occasional visits from a "proper" Doctor Doom. But I don't :-( 


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I'm feeling a little fatigued with the genre. I haven't watched a superhero movie since Wonder Woman. But I'm not a heavy movie-goer at the best of times.


Ironically, the whole shared-universe angle is what's bothering me the most. I want to see a movie that focuses on its own self-contained story, not spends half its time referencing or foreshadowing other movies. I don't like feeling that I need to see or to have seen something else to really appreciate what I'm looking at now.

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The big advantage to Superheroes (which I've always loved running a game) is that you can do pretty much anything.  Because of its nature, you can have sci fi, fantasy, old west, pirates, gritty street crime, cosmic wonders, street brawls, anything.  Its a genre that can accompany any other kind, from romance to horror and all points in between.  So there's no reason to get burned out on the Superhero film, just how they are presented and give us.


But I agree, both Star Trek and Star Wars feel over done and past their due date.

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No Superhero Fatigue setting in on my end. But it might just be that my taste is not that discerning.


7 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

The big advantage to Superheroes (which I've always loved running a game) is that you can do pretty much anything.  Because of its nature, you can have sci fi, fantasy, old west, pirates, gritty street crime, cosmic wonders, street brawls, anything.  Its a genre that can accompany any other kind, from romance to horror and all points in between.  So there's no reason to get burned out on the Superhero film, just how they are presented and give us.


Most of the Thor movies were basically just the Loki/Thor family therapy. Especially after Thor 3 I noticed just how little Loki actually did in Avengers: He being defeated by Hulk changed exactly nothing. And indeed without the Avengers, Loki would have died in the nuclear strike, that is how poorly planned this was.

At the same time he overshadowed the Thor 2 villain entirely.

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6 minutes ago, Christopher said:

Most of the Thor movies were basically just the Loki/Thor family therapy. Especially after Thor 3 I noticed just how little Loki actually did in Avengers: He being defeated by Hulk changed exactly nothing. And indeed without the Avengers, Loki would have died in the nuclear strike, that is how poorly planned this was.

At the same time he overshadowed the Thor 2 villain entirely.


For all his scheming, Loki in Avengers was just there to set things up for the minions of Thanos, the real threat. It's questionable whether the nuclear strike would even have penetrated the shield around the Tesseract, and if not, Loki might have been toast but that wouldn't have stopped the invasion.

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If the movie (which I have yet to see) does in fact open with that cover of "Everybody Knows" and parents take their young children to see it with them (because they follow the same logic that places copies of The Killing Joke in the kid's movie section at Target), I can see some awkward moments in their immediate future ("Why would you want to meet someone without your clothes? Is it fun? Should I try it?")


One of the reason I've been waiting for it is that I am a bit burned out on superheroes right now, and I don't know that another movie glorifying (or should I say deifying?) billionaires is what America needs right now. Yes, I know Bruce Wayne isn't you-know-who, and I don't place them in nearly the same context. And I would be appalled if anyone writing for or about a Batman series did. But I can;t help but wonder if we would be better off spending less time hoping some rich guy will swoop in through the window and solve all out problems for us and more time fixing them ourselves (says the guy whose finances are broken beyond all rational hope of repair).

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3 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

One of the reason I've been waiting for it is that I am a bit burned out on superheroes right now, and I don't know that another movie glorifying (or should I say deifying?) billionaires is what America needs right now.

Oh, defintely not glorifying Billionaries. Bruce Wayne has that exact one thing in common with Tony Stark. I doubt they could be more opposites.

I will not try to spoil to much, but Bruce does not think highly of himself as a superhero or as a human being. So no worries on that front.

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Something that the DCEU definitely has up on the MCU is the Music.

The only part that comes even close are the Guardians Movies and even they are not quite on the same level as these:





Usually the only songs that manage to carry that much emotion for me are the Original Soundtracks of games. Because there I have the interactive experience and story memory embedded with the song.

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7 minutes ago, Christopher said:

Something that the DCEU definitely has up on the MCU is the Music.

The only part that comes even close are the Guardians Movies and even they are not quite on the same level as these:





Usually the only songs that manage to carry that much emotion for me are the Original Soundtracks of games. Because there I have the interactive experience and story memory embedded with the song.

And my favorite they can use: 



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Marvel movies have included some great scores, particularly the Phase One films. IMO the problem was that the Disney exec Kevin Feige used to report to was a notorious penny-pincher, and didn't want to pay to reuse themes from movies in subsequent fllms; so they didn't achieve the notoriety they were due from lack of replay.





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1 hour ago, Lord Liaden said:


Actually that sounds a lot like Supermans Old Theme linked above. Propably the same American Anthem/Military roots in the music?


As for the MCU, there was only one Movie that came close to the seriousness. Ironman 1 had moments similar to what Man of Steel had as theme:


But at the end of the movie, they had fully decided against it. Tony saying "I am Iron Man". The Nick Fury after Credits Scene.

The DCEU goes the path that Marvel choose against that early.

I am not getting superhero movie fagtigue. But maybe some Marvel Style Fatigue?


DCEU characters feel more like actual relateable characters, despite being way more outlandish then the Avengers. Thus far they featured in the DCEU:

A totally OP alien with the ability to ignore all consequences, that still chooses to live with all consequences (wich is actually a core of superman).

A bitter person full of vengeance of a past injustice, that might have walked that path way to long.

A women that retreated after she lost her first love.*

A sportler scarred by a car accident, unwilling to show himself in public. That also has some serious father issues.

A outcast in both worlds he comes from. Estranged from his Mother, had to burry his father.

A boy in his formative years, that has issues even finding friends.


I mean they are practically beating us over the head with those similarities in the Justice League Movie.



*I always found that Dianas retreat after WW1 made little sense. She was as hopefull for humanity at the end of WW1 as she was after the clock was returned to her. But there was a 100 year retreat from the world between those two (1918 to 2017). Something of her story is missing right there. I have some theories what it could be. They go to some dark places, but those are places the DCEU can actually go to. While Marvel would fail at getting that serious.

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12 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

If the movie (which I have yet to see) does in fact open with that cover of "Everybody Knows" and parents take their young children to see it with them (because they follow the same logic that places copies of The Killing Joke in the kid's movie section at Target), I can see some awkward moments in their immediate future ("Why would you want to meet someone without your clothes? Is it fun? Should I try it?")

It seemed to be a variation of the song. It was at least song by someone other than the original guy,

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