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Everything posted by SirViss

  1. Re: [power help] Reversing costs endurance Well, you can put a Side Effect defined as "X END per phase that power is turned off".
  2. Re: Questions for the Canadian HEROBoard members Just a question: When did THIS happen?!? And was it the island or only the city that became a province?
  3. Re: Searching for a game in the Edinburgh area Well, you could always search the "Player Finder" board. I know there a few people in the Edinburgh area, though right now their names escape me. Sorry!
  4. Re: Moving from D&D - rules issues There is something that I noticed that isn't mentionned in HERO, and that is the effect of "terrain" on movement. in D&D 3.5, I think "bad footing" reduces your movement half. What does this have to do with AoO, you ask? Well, you could concider the area around a character to be difficult terrain, where you would have to take even more care than Combat Movement implies not to take damage. Basically, instead of an AoO, you could give the characters a ZoC (either all the hexes around a character or only in th character's hex) in which you would have to spend 2 points of movement for every one. It wouldn't allow the characters to attack when it isn't their turn, but it would reduce the ability of characters to simply move through a defensive line to get to the less-defended character which would be at the rear. Another way of looking at it: all characters have a Susceptibility to moving through a Zoc, if they do not take care. Heck, even allies can take damage if they move too close to a sword swing, but we can ignore that, if we want. What do you guys think?
  5. Re: All Scots don't have 17 str! Just to know: How widespread was the use of the claymore (Great Sword) amongst the Scotish soldiers? If the use of the claymore was very restricted, why was it restricted? Until you get a chance to address these questions, an idea I had is that you could make the "STR Min" scores of weapons the STR needed to use the weapon 1-handed. Using the weapon 2-handed reduces the STR Min (or augments the Character's STR for wielding the sword) by 3, taking a 17 down to a 14. (It's just an idea.) Of course, some weapons will be TOO easy to handle, and then you would want to change those, and you would wind-up changing all the "STR Min". I'm not helping very much, am I. I'll just shutup, now.
  6. Re: Sentinel Robots While this is true, they do concentrate on mutants. The IHA dislikes superhumans in general, but view mutants as a danger to the human race's dominance of the world. Anyway, whatever they hunt, they are still a good place to start to build a (Marvel) Sentinel robot.
  7. Re: How would you use Takofanes? You know, your giving me enough ideas that I may actually USE Tak in the campaign I am running. I wasn't particularly adverse to using him, I just hadn't come up with any ideas on the how. So a big "Thank You", if only to have inspired me (into bringing greater levels of Terror to my players ) Argh!:
  8. Hey Steve, Generally, do Characters take BODY damage when they are sujected to xd6 "Normal Damage" from a: Side Effect Susceptibility I just want to make sure I get this right when it finally comes up.
  9. Re: Nexus: Concerning the Missile Deflection... The way I read it, I was sure that Steve read Missile Reflection. You may want to post a follow-up. (I'm too chicken)
  10. Re: I am hot! If you hang around these boards long enough you probably will become that good. Wait for the moment when you are watching a movie/show and you see something cool and you think: "I would build that with «insert power build here»."
  11. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. That is so close to a character in one of the campaigns I am in. He may make an appearance there.
  12. Re: New Ablative Limitation This sample article for Digital Hero #10 might give you some idea. It is about suggested modifiers for Force Field-based powers, but you could use it on Armor, or other defensive powers. Specifically, check out the Regenerating Shields limitation. Might be what you are looking for.
  13. Re: A Focus that can Shrink to be hid. That may be, but usually something is "Obvious" when it is in use. A pistol is an OAF also, but once holstered it is hard to spot. A whip could be easy to conceal and they can be 30 feet long! In a campaign with super-powers or advanced tech, a "shrinking" object, when it isn't in use, is not that bizarre. Just look at a Light Saber.
  14. Re: I am hot! Here is something that is inspired by Ghost-Angel's excellent Entangle build and a "STUN" power that was discussed on the boards some months back: Suppress STUN 10d6 (standard effect: 30 points), Side Effects, (May Make Women Jealous; +0), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Area Of Effect (16" Radius; +1), Continuous (+1) (212 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Limited Power (Works on Men Only; -1), Limited Power (Can Only Affect Someone Once/Turn; -1), Limited Power (Cannot Be Maintained and Effect Terminates at the End Of Phase; -1), Limited Power (Character Must Be Clearly Visible; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Activation Roll 15- (-1/4) Real Cost: 28 This should CON-Stun most characters that are subject to the power unless they have a CON+Power Defense of 30 or more. The fact that the Suppress can't be maintained and ends at the end of the Phase, means that the STUN returns almost immediately. Note that Normals should be knocked on their butts by this power. I added an Activation Roll is because for the simple fact that someone might not have taken a very close look at the character in any specific Phase. I would handwave the Activation if she were the only character visible, or similar situation that would call attention to her.
  15. Re: Do you have Active Point Limits? I do use AP limits, too. At the beginning of the campaign, the present characters started off with a 60-point limit, and after the first session they could (slowly) buy up to 75 points. Funny thing is that the game is nearly 3 years old, and only two of the original four have even started buying any powers above 60 AP. I guess they are all satified with their characters' effectiveness.
  16. Re: Thoughts on the Speed Zone I suspected that might be the case. I don't have the USP (yet), so I don't know the particulars of the Speed Zone, but all I saw mentionned was a lack of DCV. You should say that they have a lack of CV. Of course you did mention that the targets would be But, I often skim too fast to make such leaps of logic.
  17. Re: How would you use Takofanes? Having read Hidden Lands, Takofanes rising must have sent the Empyrean into a panic, as they once attacked him "en mass" and were trounced. They did weakne his defenses enough for the "good guys" of the Turakian Age to take down, though. It could be possible that Takofanes might hold a grudge, and start making plans on taking out an enemy that he might still recognise as being dangerous enough to have challenged him, and know him more intimitaly than anyone else in this day and age. Also, on the "he just woke up" idea, what if he hasn't woken up yet, and right now is simply animated by the rage he might still feel at having been defeated. The force that is animating his body might start a quest to bring him to full consciousness, and then he might start to be a bit more subtle.
  18. Re: Thoughts on the Speed Zone Something that people should keep in mind that Block is based on OCV.
  19. Re: martial arts question Maybe he is refering to the Bonus STR to hold onto someone?
  20. Re: How to build: instant learning And it probably would only apply to physical skills since:
  21. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... Well, it's only audio but it's written up here.
  22. Re: No scar tissue Disadvantage Here is a link to an article that refers to what you were talking about: Mighty Mice Regrow Organs My question is how often would the "lack of scar tissue" issue come up in the setting, and how you would handle those situations. Reduced resistance to taxic substances and infections are seldom a problem in worlds where technologie and magic effectively become interchangeable. Removal of a foreign body that could cause problem should be a fairly simple affair. To tell the truth, I would have to know what the benifits of scar tissue are, if only to know how often the subject could come up. Right now, I would concider it a Distinctive Feature. Only doctors and close friends would notice that one, and it would usually only cause problems if "regens" were rare or had somekind of societal problems.
  23. Re: Three new planets discovered There is something in the works to detect Earth-size planets: Kepler Mission [Edit: I should spell Kepler properly.]
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