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Everything posted by Lucius

  1. Deduction is a pretty broadly useful Skill and you're limiting it quite a bit. Diagnosis: (Total: 3 Active Cost, 1 Real Cost) Deduction 13- (3 Active Points); Limited Power Only to deduce medical information (-1) (Real Cost: 1) Lucius Alexander Limiting palindromedaries to taglines, usually.
  2. 1, I would say that EITHER PS: Physician or Sci: Medical Science would be necessary. You can of course pile on a ton more skills, but that's all that is truly "necessary." 2. Paramedics. Again, you can and probably should pile on a lot more, but Paramedics on top of the above is all you need to be a general practitioner. 3. Basically you have to ask, what in game terms does this stuff do? I would probably build something like this: MD Black Bag: (Total: 12 Active Cost, 4 Real Cost) +3 with all Medical (12 Active Points); OAF (Requires Multiple Foci or functions at reduced effectiveness; -3/4), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (Real Cost: 4) Lucius Alexander The palindromedary suggests a Diagnosis power built as "Detect medical condition."
  3. Margarita Man Nibblin' on sponge cake Helping a thug make The smartest decision he's made in some time Yeah he'll get off scott free But that doesn't bug me 'Cause the three he'll turn in are the worst kinds of slime. Savin' the day again, I'm Margarita Man Scanning for some good deed I can do Some people claim the fact I'm here is a shame, But I know, that they don't have a clue. That mugger was stalking A young woman walking But now he's freaked out and his mind's come unglued She's a real beauty A Mexican cutie She's had a close call, but she hasn't a clue. Savin' the day again, I'm Margarita Man Scanning for some good deed I can do Some people claim the fact I'm here is a shame, But I know, that they don't have a clue. My fights, I must pick 'em I can't save each victim And mind reading psychopaths drives me to drink But if you ask how come Some killers get so dumb And finally get caught, well now, what do you think? Savin' the day again, I'm Margarita Man Scanning for some good deed I can do Some people claim the fact I'm here is a shame, But I know, that they don't have a clue. Lucius Alexander Some people claim that Jimmy Buffet's to blame, But I know, it's the palindromedary's fault.
  4. Q: WHO did you say you owe your soul to? A: Another day older and deeper in debt. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary moved sixteen tons
  5. Q: We need to put in this request for enhanced security to try to catch that thief. When can you have this paperwork processed? A: It is no use to curse me or to plead, These rules are the bureaucracy's not mine. The forms you have are not the forms you need. I find this form impossible to read. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary says stop Lucius before he quotes his own poetry again!
  6. It is possible for a power to be non-persistent and not cost END. Lucius Alexander And a persistent palindromedary
  7. As long as your character has no abilities that call for OMCV. The moment you do, your OMCV will drop to 3. While you're at it, would you like a free "Smash Goblins" Power for a game that features no Goblins whatsoever? Note that the power vanishes if Goblins do actually appear in the world, so you'll never really get to smash a Goblin with it. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary says you can pay for the 0 pt Smash Goblin power by taking a 0 pt "Hates Goblins" Complication. But that wold be pointless.
  8. Bop 'em 'til their quarks spin! Bop 'em 'til their gluons come unglued! Bop 'em when they're up, Bop 'em when they're down! Lucius Alexander The palindromedary adds, Bop 'em when they're charming, Bop 'em when they're strange!
  9. The character sheets are complete (and hilarious) down to Sugar Bear. Are the rest villains with the details deliberately hidden? Lucius Alexander The palindromedary and I never heard of "Fruit Brute".....
  10. Q: How come vampires in old folklore stories sometimes go about in broad daylight? A: Someone has set us up the bomb Lucius Alexander And now for something completely different: A palindromedary
  11. That would solve nothing. Normal Human Maximum is not even a solution in search of a problem; it's a problem pretending to be a solution in search of a problem. Lucius Alexander What was it Markdoc said about applying to Pixies and Ogres but not to Pachyderms and Palindromedaries?
  12. I think, almost certainly. Even naming it Comeliness doesn't make it a Characteristic. The same people who have a problem with it now would have the same problem, it's just that instead of saying "Bring back COM!" they'd be saying "Make COMeliness a Characteristic again!" Lucius Alexander The palindromedary remembers....
  13. Old Man presents a chart about children living in single parent households Toxxus presents a chart about nonmarital birth rates. Old Man and Toxxus are talking about two different things but I get the impression Toxxus somehow thinks they're talking about the same thing. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary also thinks different people may have different definitions of "liberalism."
  14. The very name of Egypt derives from an ancient name for the city of Memphis meaning "Home of the Soul of Ptah." Lucius Alexander Riding a palindromedary on the PATH of PTAH.
  15. Yes. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary affirms at both ends
  16. Not sure how munchkin this is - it's cheaper than just getting Growth but also takes 6 turns to fully activate and costs a lot of END. Growth: (Total: 214 Active Cost, 44 Real Cost) Aid 3d6+1 (standard effect: 10 points), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1), Damage Over Time, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple times), Target's defenses only apply once (6 damage increments, damage occurs every Turn, +3), Expanded Effect (x10 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (+4 1/2) (190 Active Points); Limited Power Only up to: +20 CON, +20 PRE, +12 PD, +12 ED, +12 BOD, +24 STUN, +15 Stretching, +48 Runing, =24 Knockback Resist (-1 1/2), One Use At A Time (-1), Only to Aid Self (-1), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (+8 OCV to hit, +8 Perception to spot, weighs 50+ tons, 17 to 32m tall,9 - 16m wide (at full power); -1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; Pro-rated over 10 Turns; -1/2), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; needs room to grow; -1/4) (Real Cost: 27) <b>plus</b> Stretching 1m (Real Cost: 1) <b>plus</b> Knockback Resistance -1m (Real Cost: 1) <b>plus</b> Area Of Effect (2m Radius; +1/4) for up to 60 Active Points of STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (22 Active Points); Linked (Aid; -1/2) (Real Cost: 15) Lucius Alexander The palindromedary says it is the opposite of Munchkin - a Munchkin is a little person and this would make a person very big......
  17. Chedarification: (Total: 20 Active Cost, 4 Real Cost) Severe Transform 1d6-1 (Target into cheddar cheese, Dispel), Partial Transform (+1/2), Sticky (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Damage Over Time, Target's defenses only apply once, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple times) (13-16 damage increments, damage occurs every 1 Day, can be negated by Dispel; -1 1/2), OAF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Cheesecloth; -1), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Incantations ("Easy breezy super-cheesy, you'll be much better when you're cheddar!"; -1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) (Real Cost: 4) END cost: 2 Over the course of a couple of weeks the target will transform slowly 1st stage: smells like cheese 2nd stage: turns yellow, attractive to rodents 3rd stage: develops the taste and consistency of cheddar cheese; has Psychological Complication, Miser 4th stage: turns into a wheel of cheddar Lucius Alexander And a cheesy palindromedary tagline
  18. Q: I can't leave until someone signs the receipt for this giant trampoline, so will you sign it now or do I just stand around until you do? A: So THAT'S why we got a giant trampoline! Lucius Alexander The palindromedary is already jumping on it
  19. I'm sure you don't care but arguing "this makes the rules too big" is not an absurdity. Saying it is doesn't make it one. It remains the case that neither character sheets nor rule books can be made infinite. You know that, I know that, we all know that, so no, I don't know why I'm bothering to point it out. I'm sure you care even less but "we shouldn't add new stuff" is as far as I can see a strawman. Who but you is saying that? Lucius Alexander The palindromedary isn't sure why I'm bothering either.
  20. Striking Appearance isn't a Characteristic. It appears only on the character sheets of players who wanted it and paid for it. But if having the last word in a pointless argument makes you feel better, feel free to ignore this post. I already regret making it. Lucius Alexander The palindromedary regretted being in this tagline before it was composed.
  21. As amusing as seeing someone look at Hero's very long list of Characteristics and say "What this game needs is yet ANOTHER characteristic!" Or look at the two volumes of core rules and say "What this game needs is still MORE optional rules!" Neither character sheets nor rulebooks are infinite. Lucius Alexander What this post needs is a palindromedary tagline
  22. I think that what I was thinking was that the level of Striking Appearance applied to those VIEWING the message, and that's why I put on another Limitation to restrict it to the literate. It would probably be cleaner and more appropriate to eliminate that conditional. And after all, even the illiterate may appreciate the aesthetic appeal of handwriting enhanced by the Quill. So yeah, I think I made a mistake. Lucius Alexander But I'm sure a palindromedary tagline is seldom a mistake
  23. No. Lucius Alexander Should I have a Perk to have a palindromedary?
  24. "All the personal magnetism of a loaf of rye bread" Lucius Alexander The palindromedary wryly remarks that I have no magnetism, loaf around, and am ill-bred.
  25. What do you use it for? Lucius Alexander I use palindromedaries for taglines
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