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Everything posted by Edsel

  1. Re: Charge maneuver from UMA No. It causes no damage to the attacker.
  2. Re: More comfortable in fire than out I can manage 60 WPM but I am always stopping to look things up. Fast typing gets you rep.
  3. Re: More comfortable in fire than out In the Fantasy Hero Book there is a discussion about absolute effects (page 251 if you have the FH book). In other words what is the best way to model the certain death attack or the completely invulnerable defense. Of course the Hero System abhors such things as absolutes, but this is how Fantasy Hero handled it. Total Invunlnerability/Immunity to a specific attack form: a Force Wall, Hardened, with enough DEF to resist the highest BODY damage roll that type of damage could, given an average attack, achieve in the campaign. Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% plus Armor, Hardened (30 DEF) (or, alternately, the same Active Points worth of just Hardened Armor). You could reduce this cost some by specifying the defenses work only vs Fire & Heat (-1/2) since these are such common attack forms. Of course if you already have defenses you just need to add on top of them the portion with this limitation. Another option might be to buy Desolidification only vs. Heat & Fire (-1/2). But if you do that you will need a (+2) Advantage for anything that is still going to be able to affect the real world while you are desolid. There just isn't a really cheap way to make yourself immune to things. Especially common things like heat and fire. EDIT: Note to self: Must learn to type faster so ghost-angel doesn't keep beating me to the punch.
  4. Re: Fringeworthy Hero I just posted the most recent update of my campaign log to my Hero Blog. More parts will be coming over the next several days.
  5. Re: Susano's Guide to Adapting Fictional Characters to HERO If you do a revised version of this I request that you make a copy in a format that can be downloaded (say RTF or something like that). I cut and pasted the original posts into a Word document so I could read them while off line. This is wonderful work.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Ever wonder what the Alvin and the rest of the chipmunks really sound like. Alvin and the Chipmunks slowed waaaay down.
  7. Re: Order of the Stick I wonder just what sort of storage arrangements they have for Roy's corpse.
  8. Re: [Killershrike.com] Vancian Spell List Revamp Am I the only one who read Vatican Spell List the first time I looked at this?
  9. Re: Villains named after Santa's reindeer? Make lovers Dancer & Prancer androgynous enough that no one really knows whether they are male or female.
  10. Re: Bleach-anime So has anybody ever gotten around to trying a write-up of any of the Bleach characters yet?
  11. Re: Stop Bleeding Herb? According to page 418 of 5ER any character can stop bleeding with Paramedics. According to pages 43-44 of The Ultimate Skill Paramedics is an everyman skill in all genres. 5ER goes on to state that "Appropriate tools (bandages, pressure packs, antiseptics, etc.) can add up to +3 to this roll. I would think that in a Fantasy setting the proper herbs, bandages, etc. can grant up to a +3. To me it would seem easiest to just build your herb with 2 point skill levels to Paramedics. A +5 to Paramedics would only be 10 points. A +10 would only be 20 points. With a +10 herb even a novice will now have an 18- roll to stop bleeding. Just remember that you can't apply limitations to 2-point skill levels.
  12. Edsel


    Re: Help I am assuming that you already have either the Hero System rules book, or at least Sidekick (a light version of the core rules). You'll need one or the other to have the actual rules of play. The spell limitation is used to represent that the spell requires study, rest, etc. in order to be used and/or cast. In a way it means that the spell caster has to live a certain lifestyle or behave in a certain way in order to be able to cast that spell. At least that is what the book says. I wish I could give a better explanation but I am at work with no access to my gaming materials. Hopefully some one will post soon with better data. In my own opinion it is a limitation that was created in order to help offset the sometimes high cost of powers bought to be spells.
  13. Re: disadvantages I used a very recent copy of Winzip to compress it and probably forgot to make it backwards compatible with earlier versions. When I get home this evening I will try to correct that. In the meantime getting the latest version of Winzip might allow you to decompress it.
  14. Re: disadvantages Follow this Link to get a file with hundreds of Physical, Psychological and Social Limitation Disadvantage examples.
  15. Re: Campaign Newspaper This has been posted before but It is probably worth mentioning again in this thread. Here is a Link to a Newpaper Snippet generator. It is quite useful for producing props for your game.
  16. Re: Tac-nukes vs. Nuclear Warheads If you can find a copy of the Hero System Almanac 2 (printed in 1995), there is a six page long article by Steve Long that details the effects of Nuclear Weapons. It includes an exhaustive write-up of the effects of a 1 megaton bomb. You could scale that data down a bit for less powerful tactical nuclear weapons. In summary this version of nuclear weapons gives them eight effects in a single attack. A radiation burst which is an RKA AVLD vs. Power Defense. The flash of light which is actually a Major Transform to make observers blind. A thermal blast which is simply a powerful heat RKA. An EMP attack which is a RKA that only targets electronics. The blast wave of static overpressure, another big RKA. A follow-up negative pressure wave of the air rushing back into the void. Another RKA but not as powerful. The firestorm effect which is an Aid to all existing fires in the area. The Radiation fallout / Nuclear Winter effect. This is left rather vague but it is suggested that it be modeled with a large area Change Environment of some sort.
  17. Re: another call for help.... Just check out the Based On Ego Combat Value stuff on page 169 of 5ER to see how to build this.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings On a whim I bought a Lindt 85% cocoa dark chocolate bar. I had never tried anything with even half that cocoa content. It really tastes different than normal chocolate, not really sweet, hard to describe. I think I like it.
  19. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I recently finished reading Storm Front by Jim Butcher. It is the first novel of the Dresden Files. I got interested in it after watching the SciFi channel series. I enjoyed the book enough that I have aquired the next four in the series. Right now I am reading Fox on the Rhine. It is an alternate history novel so I'm not really sure that qualifies as Fantasy/Sci-Fi. It is pretty good as alternate history goes. The main assumption is that the plot to assassinate Hitler works and the end of World War II takes a different turn because of it.
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures An interesting sign on a septic tank truck.
  21. Re: Armor-related question for the forum According the the Gamer's Handbook of the Marvel Universe (a supplement for the Marvel Super Heroes RPG) JOH's costume is Remarkable body armor. This was a 1988 release but the 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992 Updates never changed that.
  22. Re: My new on-line comic
  23. Re: How would you build this power? Well you could simply buy a lot of Flash defense vs. Sight and Hearing. You could also buy a modified form of Spacial Awareness: Detect Physical Objects (10 points) and Sound (+5 points); Targeting (+20 points) since it affects both parts of this sense; Sense (+2 points); Affected as a Mental Sense as well as Spacial Awareness (-1/4). REAL COST = 30 points Normal Spacial Awareness only detected physical objects so you had to add the bit for sound. For the same 30 points you could simply buy 15 points of Flash Defense vs. Sight and Hearing but that might not be enough to make you totally immune from high powered flash or AP flash, Penetrating flash, etc. If this ability is always on you probably should not get many, if any, points for the disadvantages of Blindness and Deafness. After all the character actually isn't blind or deaf.
  24. Re: Order of the Stick They are pretty cool. I thought that the version of V looked too much like a male. Not androgynous enough. One of the great mysteries has always been whether V is a he or a she.
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