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Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


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Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


...If they spend more time in the hospital than Seeker.

...If the little old lady the villain is Mind Controlling kicks their collective ass without breaking a sweat.

...If their the sum of their STUN scores equals your shoe size.


:D :D :D :D

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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


Originally posted by Cybernaut

Your PCs might be Underpowered if...



:D :D :D :D

... a Viper Agent named "Marvin" takes their lunch money daily.


Your base is a cardboard box with the word "Transmagorifier" on it.... and you fear Calvin wants it back.


Damsels keep falling to their deaths because of your Acro-phobia psych lims.


When you do try to save them, the velocity kills you both.


You consider a shaken soda can lobbed at you a 'Doomsday device'


Your BODY stat is on an activation roll.

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...other players ask if they can take you as an incompetent DNPC.

...Bulldozer doesn't bother with you because you're not challenging enough.

...the first use of your attack power drains both your END and STUN to negative. (This could also mean you're overpowered.)

...your mightiest blows won't dent a house of cards.



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They hire Seeker to be the team powerhouse.


There's an entire wing of the emergency ward devoted to them, and on permanent standby.


Their character sheets have 2/3 their points spent on things like KS: Orchid Growing, KS: Sports Trivia, and KS: Porn Sites and they forgot to buy Scholar.



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Re: Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


Originally posted by Hermit

Damsels keep falling to their deaths because of your Acro-phobia psych lims.


I keep telling them, I'm only flying next to falling damsels because it's easier to look up their skirts... no need to fear.

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...when showing the character sheet around you constantly say, "But its not about winning, its about roleplaying!"




.... your evil twin was captured by the police and they didnt bother to call PRIMUS to transport you. Nor did anyone consider Stronghold.

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Guest Keneton

1. You have to push your strength to martial throw Shrinker.

2. You need to use the Set manever and brace to hit Giganto at 6" Range.

3. Jimmy Dugan Dives to Cover You!

4. You appear in the supplement "Champions of The North"

5. You get 20 points for being hunted by an ex agent of Terror Inc.

6. You team uses the Chuck E Cheese Two and Under Ball Pit as its Danger Room.

7. You need to Haymaker to max out boxcutters.

8. Your +10 Presence is bought with the limitations, Only at Bedtime (-1) and OAF "Special Blankie" (-1).




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  • 1 year later...

Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


1. If your wings are Restrainable by just ripping the foolish things off.

2. If you have to trick the villian into blowing his own head off.

3. If you change into your supercostume and you get less respect now than in your Secret Id.

4. If a guy on a moped can outrun you.

5. If your team's tactic is "He'll run out of endurance before he can defeat all of us."

6. If this is the third time that the villians laugh, beat you up, and break your foci.

7. If your sacred oath includes as the last line, "So long as my batteries hold out."

8. Your team beat up a Viper agents for the forcefield belts.

9. And the rocket skates.


and finally,

10. If your brand new superpower is buying a gun and just shooting the f***er.

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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


1. You have to push your strength to martial throw Shrinker.

2. You need to use the Set manever and brace to hit Giganto at 6" Range.

3. Jimmy Dugan Dives to Cover You!

4. You appear in the supplement "Champions of The North"

5. You get 20 points for being hunted by an ex agent of Terror Inc.

6. You team uses the Chuck E Cheese Two and Under Ball Pit as its Danger Room.

7. You need to Haymaker to max out boxcutters.

8. Your +10 Presence is bought with the limitations, Only at Bedtime (-1) and OAF "Special Blankie" (-1).




I yield! Please! Mercy! I'm hurting myself laughing... :lol::rofl:
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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


...if Foxbat won't goof on you because you make it too easy.


...if your Team Transport runs on a 9-volt!


...if the major butt-kicking arch nemesis of your team has a KS: Christian Revival Circuit (Rep for anyone who knows who I'm referring to)

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