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What Do You Want To See?: DEMON


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Re: Re: What Do You Want To See?: DEMON


Originally posted by devlin1

One word: Cthulhu.



Yeah, that'll do.


Personally, I go for otherwordly Lovecraftian horror.


Otherworldly Lovecraftian Horror + Superheroes = Gold!


Put me on the opposite side of this question. If I want Lovecraft, I'll play CoC, in whatever rulesset. Be original; don't cop out to Lovecraft's specific mythos.

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Another way to use Demon would be something similar to the conspiracy that ran things from the shadows in the X-Files series, the one that the Smoking Man worked for. They were involved with aliens, so why not have Demon as a nebulous conspiracy that is firmly entrenched in positions of power? That makes it both more scary and different from Viper, and very difficult to root out. If not the main focus of the book, perhaps suggestions on how to use Demon as a conspiracy organization, one that keeps the players guessing.

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I'd like to see something along the lines of the Universal Brotherhood from Shadowrun. DEMON uses fronts as self-help charitable organization to recruit streetpeople and people in emotional distress. Most remain ignorant of anything wrong (It's run as a real charity/new wave church), but a small percentage get to see the inner workings of DEMON in various-usually unpleasant ways. This gives DEMON a constant source of income, a creditable front and a steady supply of sacrifices who won't be missed. The UB storyline was probalby the best done thing in the Shadowrun universe in terms of foreshadowing and story.

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Originally posted by Grailknight

I'd like to see something along the lines of the Universal Brotherhood from Shadowrun. DEMON uses fronts as self-help charitable organization to recruit streetpeople and people in emotional distress. Most remain ignorant of anything wrong (It's run as a real charity/new wave church), but a small percentage get to see the inner workings of DEMON in various-usually unpleasant ways. This gives DEMON a constant source of income, a creditable front and a steady supply of sacrifices who won't be missed. The UB storyline was probalby the best done thing in the Shadowrun universe in terms of foreshadowing and story.


Hm. PSI already has that paradigm in the CU. Might be too much of a good thing.

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Here's another idea for DEMON-it could be based on a "leaderless resistance"(LR). There is the Inner Circle, whom issues it's orders in a fully "deniable" method ("modern" LRs like Earth First! or Al Queda use web sites that "advocate" action but never outright "order" it). Perhaps a few, deniable "ops" that go around to the various cells of DEMON worshippers and gives them training and gear to do things, and the actual DEMON cells in various cities that cause trouble.


The really big advantage to this is that the cells can do the bidding of the higher levels (i.e. the Inner Circle), while it's very hard to come after/prosecute/send a thousand tons of Octol in a cruise missile. Also, in a world of telepaths, breaking the various links in the chain would be almost impossible since there is a level of deniablity at each level.


It is, however, somewhat slow (which the traditional cell system of resistance has some advantages-it can rapidly relay information up and down it's various "levels"), which means that a lot of plans and plots are going to be long-term ones.


A website on leaderless resistance-


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Hello Herophiles , with reguards to technology I must lean towards the non-High Tech Weapons , But for asthetic reasons . A Demon agent uses Common Firearms and Melee Weapons because they create fear , pain , and terror . There is nothing clean and noble about them . They have been with use for hundreds or thousands of years and may well be imprinted deeply in human memory . The horrors they have left will more than make up for their lack of SPX .


Alternatively agents could be equipped with enchanted weapons or ammo . ( ex ; A Demon bullet the causes the victum to bleed and doesn't or slowly drains his soul or allows a demon to take possession ) . As for defenses go a different route . An agent blessed by a morbane recieves the protections of the Demons of War , etc ... etc ...


It's surprising how little gamers view a knife as a threat . In Canada Police procedure when confronting a suspect brandishing a knife is to shoot to kill if he gets within 15' . Even VIPER's Knife weilding agents are not to be ignored .


just my two bits

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Please can you include Damon Herrington? He's one of my favorite bad guys from the previous book, and I'd love to see what you could do with him. Also it would be good to see what DEMON thinks of other mystical groups (e.g., Dark Seraph and the Crowns of Krim): are they allies, rivals, enemies?


Just my two cents.:D

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QuestionMan, I must say I like your ideas. Enchanted bullets and knives, which look like common objects but aren't, are a cool idea. This could be the sort of mass-produceable (-enchantable?) weapons that DEMON could issue to their cannon-fodder, like street gangs or associated cultists. Maybe imbue these weapons with single-use Powers to catch heroes by surprise.

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What I'd be interested in would be more on how DEMON uses Summon.According to virtually everything I've read about Demon-Summoning implies it normally has to have the Specific Being Advantage,unless the summoner is trying to Summon a demonic army.

As Summoning is (even without the +1 Advantage described above) a rather expensive Power,it should be bought with plenty of Limitations.Fortunately traditional demon-summoning spells have plenty, usually involving Gestures,Incantations,Fragile OAFs (circles of protection) and plenty of Extra Time.

But what I'm really interested in is how much of a Limitation requiring multiple people to perform a Summoning is.If a spell requires all of DEMON's Morbanes to function,how Limited is the Power?

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Re: Demonhanes


Originally posted by muleskinner

Its propbably too late but are there examples of Demonhanes in the mix. A map or two or even an example of a Demonhane complete with brothers, initiates, a morbane and all the evil "goodies" that would come with it.What the heck type of stuff would be in one of these under-the-old-building places have.


This is something that you would expect to see in a Demon sourcebook, but I also expected to see some maps in the ne UNTIL sourcebook, so nothing should be taken for granted.


A a GM using DEMON, the things that are really, really useful are the MAPS of bases and keyed descriptions of the rooms. At least one colorful base example would seem to be a must for such a book. This is the kind of thing that it would take me forever to write up on my own, and the type of GM help that I value the most.


I'm thinking of starting a separate thread to ask if others feel the same way, because I was SO disappointed not to find anything like this in the new UNTIL book. There were opportunities with the undersea base and the Gateway space station that would have been trememndously useful. But just simple write-ups that cost out the points are of little value. I want to see the maps and know what's in the rooms that I can use to create interesting encouters in my games.


Such a map of some DEMON base would be a great tool.

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