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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


My Family won't stop nagging OddHat. This has been going on for many years. So OddHat avoids my Family. He doesn't even like to answer the phone. I don't blame him. The problem is unfixable by me. I just get to listen to my Family complain and have to apologise for them to OddHat. We're supposed to visit my Brother's Family in November. My Brother nags OddHat every time we go, when I am out of the room. So I gotta make sure they're never alone. :ugly:


I wish I could fix this problem, but I can't. :help:

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Re: The cranky thread


My Family won't stop nagging OddHat. This has been going on for many years. So OddHat avoids my Family. He doesn't even like to answer the phone. I don't blame him. The problem is unfixable by me. I just get to listen to my Family complain and have to apologise for them to OddHat. We're supposed to visit my Brother's Family in November. My Brother nags OddHat every time we go, when I am out of the room. So I gotta make sure they're never alone. :ugly:


I wish I could fix this problem, but I can't. :help:


I take it "We're going to stop coming over if you don't stop nagging Oddhat" isn't workable.


Fortunately I get along really well with my wife's family. Of course it helps that her sister introduced us. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


Dammit. I seem to have lost my thumb drive. :( I don't think it had anything irreplacable on it, except for a bunch of game-related stuff and I'll be very unhappy if I have to re-write it all. :(


With any luck, it's buried under some papers on my desk at work. :(


w00t! I found it! I was right, it was hidden behind some stuff at work. :celebrate


First thing when I get home tonight, I back everything up onto a CD...

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Re: The cranky thread


Uh oh, the project is on a clear downward trajectory that will almost certainly terminate in a smoking crater. You can tell because the people involved are ejecting. Just hope I'm not caught in the blast radius--but cleanup will almost certainly be at least partly my responsibility. Fortunately, I'm much too tired to be angry today!

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Re: The cranky thread


[Marital Vent]


I love my wife. Dearly. We've been together over fifteen years and I wouldn't change it for the world.


But she has this blind spot when it comes to clutter and trash that drives me crazy. It's not that she can ignore clutter. No, that would actually be reasonable. The problem is, she's this weird combination of a Clean Freak AND a Dumper. What do I mean by Dumper, you ask?


If I wasn't utterly appalled by it, I'd show you our garage at the moment. Or her closet. Or our son's closet. Or pretty much any storage space that doesn't involve being out in a visible public part of the house.


Now, it's worth noting that I am NOT a clean freak. I don't get bugged by stuff stacking up. She does. It drives her nuts. Which means she ends up dumping it somewhere (typically the garage) until it becomes so bad/impassable that she then declares that we have to do something about that mess. At which point, all activity on Earth must come to a halt until said mess is sorted out, things that should have gone straight to the trash are finally tossed out (she NEVER throws out a box associated with a piece of household electronics, whether it's a Tivo or an electric pencil sharpener). Inevitably, I end up breaking my back for a day or two sorting things out and the cycle begins anew.


Honestly, I could stand her using the garage as a dump if she put some effort into it. But her version of putting things in the garage is finding a spot of more or less clear space within five feet of the doors (either the one into the house or the front). Which inevitably leaves the only ways in or out somewhere between utterly blocked and merely hazardous to life and limb. And when something needs to be recovered from this fearsome pile, who is it that is inevitably tasked with said quest? Need you ask?


When we were younger, and had less storage space, it was less of a problem, a mere walk-in closet worth of junk. But then, when we were expecting The Kiddo, we rented a house with a three car garage. In short order, two cars' worth became a sea of junk and boxes (having a baby means lots of new stuff and boxes). Even after we moved into this house, we've never quite recovered from it.


Worse, is her similar approach to trash. Once it's in (or piled on) the can, it is no longer her responsibility. Case in point, over nine months ago, our neighborhood was annexed by a nearby community, which meant a change in trash pickup and a change in pickup policies. Chief among these changes was a restriction against putting trash in cans out for pickup (bags and boxes only). This has been going on for nine months now. And yet, every time I go into the garage, I find one of our old garbage cans filled to the brim with unbagged refuse that she's taken out of her car or otherwise disposed of on her own volition. Said trash inevitably has to be bagged for collection. By me. By hand, so I don't end up spilling the remains of three week old Starbucks soy lattes on the driveway.


Today, I finally hauled the cans off. I should have done it months ago.


[/Marital Vent]


Wow. This is actually rather therapeutic.

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Re: The cranky thread


Friday was going great! Then I got an email from my boss:


Subject: We need to talk

Re:: repeated complaints about the attiude of {your staff} (customers and salesreps). We need to have a come to jesus. Monday a.m.


I immediately raced over to his office to find out what was the matter. But I'd missed him; he'd gone out drinking with the sales guys. The good news is he'll be in a much better mood on monday. The bad news is now I get to stew about it all weekend.

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Re: The cranky thread


OddHat got a cold, so I got a cold. He got his last week, I just got mine. I hate having a cold. Also I still have a ton of books to unpack once the shelves arrive Tues. Must get rid of many books as these shelves will not even hold 1/10th of all of them. Also had bad fight with OddHat tonight. This day has generally sucked. :(

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Re: The cranky thread


RL intrudes on some of the folks I rp with and cut into my gaming (and, of course, also cause me to worry for them)

Grandmother has been dealing with recovery, and seems worried about her memory when I visited her.

Some sort of tension between at least two of my family members. Not sure I even want to know.

One of my best friends had a temp of nearly 104 starting thursday and is ending up having to stay in the hospital than I'd like.

I stayed with said friend last night, another friend offering to pick me up when she went to sleep. That happens, and I call.. my ride home has fallen asleep and can't answer the phone..so I stay up all night in the hospital, trying to doze when I can.

I'm actually physically ill at more than one post but free country and all that so I'll just wait for them to go away.

And I still have the same problems I had before.

This September SUCKS!

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Re: The cranky thread


RL intrudes on some of the folks I rp with and cut into my gaming (and, of course, also cause me to worry for them)

Grandmother has been dealing with recovery, and seems worried about her memory when I visited her.

Some sort of tension between at least two of my family members. Not sure I even want to know.

One of my best friends had a temp of nearly 104 starting thursday and is ending up having to stay in the hospital than I'd like.

I stayed with said friend last night, another friend offering to pick me up when she went to sleep. That happens, and I call.. my ride home has fallen asleep and can't answer the phone..so I stay up all night in the hospital, trying to doze when I can.

I'm actually physically ill at more than one post but free country and all that so I'll just wait for them to go away.

And I still have the same problems I had before.

This September SUCKS!


well, don't worry in 2 more hours September will be over.

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Re: The cranky thread


Another cat, lost through an inadequate screen because neighbors won't keep their cats in. I THOUGHT they signed the same agreement we did, promising to keep their cats indoors.


Came in on Sunday evening to run something that should've taken about two hours. Left at 10:15 PM.




Money problems.


Cracked windshield, likely vandalism.


I'm really TRYING not to be cranky! :mad:

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Re: The cranky thread


Another cat, lost through an inadequate screen because neighbors won't keep their cats in. I THOUGHT they signed the same agreement we did, promising to keep their cats indoors.


Came in on Sunday evening to run something that should've taken about two hours. Left at 10:15 PM.




Money problems.


Cracked windshield, likely vandalism.


I'm really TRYING not to be cranky! :mad:


Maybe you should call your landlord and complain.

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