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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Because I'm on a memory roll... the additional stupid adventures of Te'kuro Tu'Shek. (the guy from the earlier stories)


So we roll into a town for some R&R, and the other guys go shopping again. Except me and the archer fellow, who I can't remember the name of. We, of course, go to a bar. We, of course, get into a brawl. It starts with a couple fellows intimidating Te'Kuro (teh-cer-oh) and his archer buddy, which, of course, we can't take.

me: "Now listen here, you can pick on my buddy here all you want but leave me alone."

Thug: "Don't you like your buddy?"

me: "Well, not overly, but -"

GM: *clatter* "He stabs you."

me: "What?!"

GM: "You have a reputation."

me: "Oh... yeah... I forgot... irony sucks."


And another time...

We're fighting a dragon. Its kicking our butts. I'm down, no bunny power, I'm at zero but able to still crawl around.

me: "Do dragons have the usual anatomy?"

GM: "Uh... yeah..."

me: "I'm behind it. Can I limp up to the base of its tail?"

GM: "uh... sure..."

me: "Its standing, right, on all fours?"

GM: "this is going somewhere, right?"

Me: "Yep."

GM: "This is going to be retarded, isn't it?"

me: "Yep. I kick it in the brown eye. That way, I can go out and still tell everyone in the afterlife I kicked its @%#!"

"You're a moron. The dragon looks at you, annoyed for a second before it kills you with a casual swipe of its tail."

me: "... it was worth it." :smoke:


This is kind of like being that kid that has to keep telling you about his character... except, in this case, you can just skip it. :D Ah, the idiocy of boredom...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


So in our (not exactly) final fight with the wizard from another dimension' date=' our team KO's the wizard, but in the process screws up the spell he was using to open a gateway to modern Earth for his Orc Army to march through. [/quote']


This reminds me heavily of the book ORCS! I think it was... where fantasy Orcs become magically like marines and try to march into modern earth. =)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Continuing with my amusing character who kept turning into a fuzzy white bunny... I must add' date=' however, that the source of much of this was the fact that the game was incredibly boring for me most of the time as the other three players were only interested in two things: treasure, and killing things for their treasure. Well, I guess I could add shopping at magic stores, which is another pet peeve of mine... but I digress... [/quote']


Well, when you put it that way I suppose getting turned into a bunny would be the highlight of the campaign.



So we've made it into a laboratory where the most evil bad guy was hanging out and he begins his bad guy soliloquy, describing his nefarious plot (boring and obvious as we'd just hacked through most of it) and where he came from. So happens the villain is of the same race as me, so I interrupt him (which has been the norm thus far):


me: "I'm sorry, where did you say you were from? I missed it, I'm a bit hard of hearing."

Villain: "From [insert place]! It is a majestic -"

me: "[ooc]I throw my sword at him with all my strength."

GM: "What?!"

me: "I throw my sword at him. This hamhock ought to hurt. I did take proficiency in throwing this thing, y'know."

GM: *sigh* "I hate you. Roll. Major penalties for throwing that giant thing."


Was this before or after you got turned into a bunny rabbit?



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The team is about to go to a dimension where clothing is considered entirely cosmetic, and it is considered normal to expose one's sexual characteristics. Upon hearing that Vitus is going to wear apropriate garb for the society they'll be visiting, Felicity blurts out "Okay, you won't stick out much."


Every other player bursts out laughing, and Felicity's player slapped herforehead as she realised what she'd just said...


Actually, that would have been Orca - internal genitalia, after all...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


So its a Champions game and we've just bee recruited by the beautiful Sidney Viori, daughter of the Senator, who has recently been assassinated. She is also a powerful mentalist in a limited way.


She is giving us the tour of the Viori Mansion, explaining the huge estate, the various rooms, the immense library, the state of the art holographic computer display, the hangar bay, the medical and equipment bays, the pool, training areas, etc.


Chimera, the genegineered martial artist/scientist comments: "This is very impressive."


Heavy Metal, the tank of the group who comes from the Low-Downs (slums), "yeah, but does it have a basement?"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From last night's DARK GUARDIANS Champions game...


Midnight and Avatar (one of the PSI agents, with a COM and PRE of 20 and 25, respectively - we have taken to calling him the "PSI Bishi"... I liken him to Vampire Hunter D in BLOODLUST), along with a few others, head off to Babylon for "the quintessential latte" (don't look at ME). After an entertaining interlude where we nearly got eaten by three carnivorous pick-up trucks, Avatar looks at Midnight.


"Want to find a dark alley with me?"


(Now, YOU tell me what you thought when you read that. That's what Midnight thought, too. Nope, not quite.)


Off we go, leaving the others behind. Now imagine this - a tall, gorgeous red-haired woman in a black trenchcoat, and a tall, gorgeous black-haired guy in a white trenchcoat. We practically SCREAM "Bishi" as we stroll down the alley (we also apparently scream "TARGET").


As it turns out, Avatar's idea of a good time is watching the would-be muggers out of the corner of his eye and then scaring them off with a single glance. Midnight is vaguely amused watching him do this, but to take his ego down a notch, she stops in mid-stride.


"So am I just along to break into applause each time you do that?"


Avatar looks back over his shoulder, and sees over HER shoulder that lurking in the shadows, there is yet another mugger getting ready to pounce on Midnight. He shrugs and says, "You could do something about the guy behind you."


Without missing a single beat, and without turning around (and thanks to a beautiful Clairsentience roll, following by five rapid-fire EGO attacks), Midnight snaps her fingers, and the would-be mugger drops in his tracks, unconscious. Midnight shrugs at Avatar and says:


"You can applaud now."


Avatar grins and offers her his arm, and off they go.





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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


what are "Bishi"?


My anime days are long behind me. Heck, Record of Lodoss Wars is still one of my favorites. Nowadays I only watch Miyazaki films and some Ghost in the Shell because I just can't wade through the 5 billion titles to watch 50 bad films before seeing something I like.


Off thread, but if someone couuld PM me some recommendations then that would be great. As a guide, I am not into magic girl anime, I hate Dragonball of any flavor, (sorry to fans) but I did enjoy Macross Plus (OAV), Gunsmith Cats, El Hazzard, City Hunter, and Lupin. Neon Genesis Evangelion was crap, Ranma 1/2 was fun in the early episodes and got worse as it went on. That should give a slice od my tastes. I know there are some big fans here, so help a long lost enthusiast out?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


what are "Bishi"?


My anime days are long behind me. Heck, Record of Lodoss Wars is still one of my favorites. Nowadays I only watch Miyazaki films and some Ghost in the Shell because I just can't wade through the 5 billion titles to watch 50 bad films before seeing something I like.


Off thread, but if someone couuld PM me some recommendations then that would be great. As a guide, I am not into magic girl anime, I hate Dragonball of any flavor, (sorry to fans) but I did enjoy Macross Plus (OAV), Gunsmith Cats, El Hazzard, City Hunter, and Lupin. Neon Genesis Evangelion was crap, Ranma 1/2 was fun in the early episodes and got worse as it went on. That should give a slice od my tastes. I know there are some big fans here, so help a long lost enthusiast out?


Your tastes pretty much match mine - I sent you a PM.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


An NPC recently manifested the ability to teleport, which involves stepping onto another plane and using it as a shortcut. This plane is unfit for human habitation, however, so doing this leaves her worn out, shaky and distracted. She doesn't like to do it, but recognizes the necessity when you have a huge, shady organization out to rule the world after you.


The NPC's name is Ryllis.


Toward the end of the session, the PCs (in a Fantasy Hero setting) are discussing their next move, and how to get there. One player suggests using the NPC's power, to which another player replies, "We're not using Air Ryllis!"


He replies, "But she gets frequent flyer miles!"


It was a pretty fun session, overall, and there were lots of excellent quips.


My favorite in-character interaction was when they PCs were hiding Michael, the kid they're protecting, behind an invisibility spell. Father Danaecus, who has a SocLim: Must Obey Orders where the church is concerned, is approached by a priest of a higher ranking than himself, and asked if he's seen the boy. Father Danaecus responds that yes, he has, and they ask where.


"The last time I saw him," he replies, "he was over there." He points down the road, toward where Michael was standing when the invisibility spell took effect.


The priest thanks him for the lead and heads off toward the village.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A little background material: Lab Rat, the teenage gadgeteer (played by Adam Leisemann), was out with friends at the game store when a nearby bank robbery happened. He covered for his exit, and headed out to stop it. He is now chasing a slightly faster flying villainess across the city.


He cut loose with his sonic stun pistol, to no avail. So he decided to get creative. He lands, pulls off his anti-grav belt, and straps it to a manhole cover.


First I toss this cover to that lamp-post over there and it should ricochet and hit that flowerpot over there' date=' which if I have the angle just right should land by that sill with the board a bit in front of her. If that board has what I think it has, that should sent some paint her way, right into her mask and thus her eyes, blinding her.[/i']

Rube Goldberg, eat your heart out.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


One I forgot: the party is being tailed, obviously and inconspicuously, by a member of an Order they have good reason to believe is evil. This person, himself, seems oblivious to the evil the Order is capable of.


On the third day of travel, the party slows to allow him to catch up, since he's been hanging back about 100 yards the whole time. At that point, I, the GM, had to put my head down and allow myself to laugh for a while. The players exchange puzzled glances, and I explain, "I'm just imagining the scenario: you slow down, so he slows down. And eventually, slowly, gradually, you each come to a halt."


A player picked up my line of thinking. "So then he sets up camp, and we ride off at a gallop, he catches up to us, we slow down . . ."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A little background material: Lab Rat, the teenage gadgeteer (played by Adam Leisemann), was out with friends at the game store when a nearby bank robbery happened. He covered for his exit, and headed out to stop it. He is now chasing a slightly faster flying villainess across the city.


He cut loose with his sonic stun pistol, to no avail. So he decided to get creative. He lands, pulls off his anti-grav belt, and straps it to a manhole cover.



Rube Goldberg, eat your heart out.


And if it contains turpentine, bleach, or wood varnish...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From Zornwil's Marginally Powerful Sit-Com Hero game at GenCon.


Scene: Nazi commendant is "interrogating" Ellie May Clampet (spelling?).

He's trying to seduce her by giving her wine.


Nazi: Get me more VINE!

Ellie Mae: *blank look* Why are we eating vines?


The Nazi peon (actually Three's Company's Jack Tripper in disguise) pours the wine. The nazi takes it. He pours Ellie May some wine. She grabs the bottle and swigs from it (with her pinky out like Grandma taught her, gotsta be civilized in these situations you know).

Nazi: Ah, you Americans. Now my dear. Ve shoult be talkink about your Future.

Ellie May *Whips the bottle around and smashes the nazi on the head* Nazi is KO'd

Ellie May and Jack put him in his chair with his head on the desk and make their escape. As they open the door Sgt Schultz enters


Schultz: Vat happened to Commendant' Burkholter? (was it Berkholter? It was Col. Klink's superior officer)...


Jack Tripper: The Wine must have Gone to his Head.


*pause for laughter**End Scene*

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I remembered one from back in high school, when we were gaming at a friend's house. I *think* we were playing D&D, but am not sure. Anyway, the two players of note are Chris, who is the stereotypical 98-pounds-when-soaking-wet weakling and Larry, who is the loveable 350 pound guy. Being teenage guys, we constantly rag on each other.


Whatever the game it was, Chris had just been beaten.


Somebody (me?): Chris, it looks like even in the game you're the bottom of the food chain.


Chris: Oh yeah? Well, I may be the bottom of the food chain, but Larry ate the food chain!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Not a game quote, but overheard in the hotel elevator at GenCon:


We'd just managed to cram one more gamer into the elevator (Embassy Suites only had 3 of 4 elevators working most of the weekend), and the guy who got on commented "I hope we're not overweight."


Response from someone in the crowd, "Of course we're overweight, we're gamers".

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A former Morbane of Demon, who is currently getting protection from U.N.T.I.L. in exchange for information about his organization, on having to get up early enough to make an 8:00 a.m. meeting:


"In Demon, you didn't get up this early... if you were up this early, it's because you were beheading someone who displeased you during the night. Why'd I have to choose U.N.T.I.L.? I wonder what PRIMUS is like? I'll bet they don't get up early in PRIMUS! Unless they want to kill someone, of course... after all, that's what PRIMUS is all about, isn't it? 'Captain! Have you killed anyone yet today?' 'No, General!' 'Well, why not? It's 8:05 a.m., soldier!' And I'll bet PRIMUS doesn't try to make someone of my importance eat meals prepared the same as the meals prepared for the rank and file, like U.N.T.I.L. does. I wonder what their reaction would be if I summoned something right into the kitchen? No, they'd probably react poorly... that's the way U.N.T.I.L. is, you know..."



...this went on for some time. ;)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From Zornwil's Marginally Powerful Sit-Com Hero game at GenCon.


Scene: Nazi commendant is "interrogating" Ellie May Clampet (spelling?).

He's trying to seduce her by giving her wine.


Nazi: Get me more VINE!

Ellie Mae: *blank look* Why are we eating vines?


The Nazi peon (actually Three's Company's Jack Tripper in disguise) pours the wine. The nazi takes it. He pours Ellie May some wine. She grabs the bottle and swigs from it (with her pinky out like Grandma taught her, gotsta be civilized in these situations you know).

Nazi: Ah, you Americans. Now my dear. Ve shoult be talkink about your Future.

Ellie May *Whips the bottle around and smashes the nazi on the head* Nazi is KO'd

Ellie May and Jack put him in his chair with his head on the desk and make their escape. As they open the door Sgt Schultz enters


Schultz: Vat happened to Commendant' Burkholter? (was it Berkholter? It was Col. Klink's superior officer)...


Jack Tripper: The Wine must have Gone to his Head.


*pause for laughter**End Scene*

It was Hochstetter, the Gestapo guy, just FYI. Enforcer84, can you remember the wording to the Hochstetter/Tripper "interrogation" well enough to post it?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Various quotes and comments I noted down from GenCon.


"I can fix a lot of thing, but not dead."


"Can you get a scholarship to Evil Medical School?"


"Turns out the driver was Hitler, who knew?"


"He's a blind guy, what's he gonna do?"


"You see an old lady being mugged by a thug."

(To thug) "You a Nazi? No? Carry on."


"GPS: Green Lantern Positioning System"


"I'll fly down and scare the natives away."

"What's your Occult Skill?"


"Oh yeah, you're Dr. Fate."


"Oh god! The little girl with a stick killed [Golden Age] Green Lantern!"


"Spiders with cars?"

"It was a drive-by webbing."


"These are movie spiders, the webs gotta come out of the mouth."


"Soft underbelly..."

Ohhh... that's a great band name."


"Old people on safari..."


"I'm glad you're getting this out of your system while we are still *over there*!"


Johnny Quick (to Zyklon): "Remember me?" *POW*

Dice: 17

Zyklon: "No."


"Roll to hit the computer, that's pretty easy."


"Or not."

(for the record, this fight had 3 "18s" and 4 "17s".)


"This guy doesn't have any wood, does he?"


How to play Superman in the Golden Age (or in general):

1) Be Dramatic.

2) Do Cinematic Stunts.

3) Do spectacular stuff, otherwise, what's the point?"


"He-Man for an hour."


"He's just a 45' gorilla rampaging in Central Park."


"That'll hit a big giant ape."


Some damage rolls of note:

4d6+1 HKA: 8 BODY, 8 STUN

12d6 Superman Punch: 15 BODY, 50 STUN

Superman Punch Knockback: 15 BODY, 57 STUN (on 14d6)

10d6 Atom Punch: 13 BODY, 47 STUN

10d6 Atom Punch: 13 BODY, 46 STUN

13d6 Fall from a Cliff: 18 BODY, 58 STUN


Xiao-Li Pai (Invincible Sword Princess)


Kung Fu Marvel (a.k.a. One-Shot Wonder)


"Five Virtuous Pillars Of The Middle Kingdom" (Inc.)


"Take it like an elf"


"It's all about getting even."


Weapons of the Gods Demo:

GM: "What do you know about the Wuxia Genre?"

ME: "I wrote NINJA HERO for Hero Games."


"Five Dragons, one for each of us."


"You know, we may have to smack [the dragon] around anyway."

"Yeah, but we won't feel guilty about it."


"...I'm in the freakin' bug zapper!"


"This knife cuts this bottle in half."

"It's just a movie."

(Dice come up "16")

"RIght, it's just a movie."


"We're being flanked by Limbots!"


"If man's not meant to know it, she's not meant to know it."


"Great, I'm involved in a fight with Fat Bastard."


"That's not going to be good for his brains."


"Should I scare them or not?"

"Let's put it this way. They're drugged, fanatic, worshippers of a tree."

"I'll scare them off."


The Chariot of Flame and Iron is now the Chariot of Smoke and Rust"


"Now with 90% less angst."


"I've read the back issues, they never surrender."


"No one expects SuperSquad America!"


"She's either surrendering to Impact or Yakov Smirnoff."

"There's a difference?"


"Well, that's just not natural." (Gideon encounters a faceless man)


"Monkeys on a Train."


"I don't want to miss my next episode of "Lost"."

"We're *on* your next episode of "Lost"!"


"She hasn't moved."

"That's 'cause she's on dial-up."


Simulate Death, Damage Shield "Captain Narcolepsy"


"I'm for the flaming bag of poo, right now."


"I can't take any of you anywhere."


"Look, Nipponese with no name, siddown."


"Why am I talking like Gideon?"


"Something must be wrong with me, that almost made sense."


"My name's Archie, I'm a trapper, a scout, and I can shoot the eye out of a 'coon at three paces."


"So can most people, Archie."


"As soon as you reach down to cut the fuse.... *pop* ...nothing happens."


"Well, I don't want to be a prick, so I'll be the cowboy."


"This isn't a digging machine, it's a Nazi clown car."


"Can I trade in these dice for new ones?"

(Not only did the GM give me new dice, he gave my superstitious character a style point, too!)


"He might get ripped in half... but what the hell."


"Do you have Survival?"

"Umm... no...."


New martial arts technique:

Iron Bladder -- Life Support: No Need To Excrete


(Character's knife *clangs* off of a shaft of bamboo)

"This is an expensive movie set."


"All he reads is the racing forum."


"...castle full of Don Quixotes."


Currently we are...

Inside the Hollow Earth

In Atlantis

In the Garden of Eden

At the North Pole

On or in Thule

(pick one)


"Nazis versus Sleestaks!"


"Well... they're Nazis and they did shoot me..."


"You're just a private. We don't need to listen to you."


"I don't need cover, I have this big honkin' gun." (Greatest definition of Overconfidence, ever.)


Foxbat: "Seeker, you don't scare me, I've seen your character sheet."


On counting dice:

Woman 1: "This will take a second."

Woman 2: "Math is hard."


"I can do this shooting fire out of my ass thing."


"Slamming Keanu's career is a win in my book."


"Nice job, Rules Lawyer."


The Bugganeer


Buggernaut attacking Mrs. Butterworf.

(Try saying *that* six times fast!)


"He's a sex-brick."


"No one's close. You teleported everyone away."


"Can I taunt my Entangle?"


"Bring it on, big bi---"


"It would never work. I have ALS, you have PMS. We'd go together like my vertebrae."


"It's *your* pooper."


"Half-Phase to stand up, and..."

"...eat Cartman."


"Santa's going NSA data mining."


"Fattened 4th Graders are tasty."


"Wow, an unconscious woman, this is new."

"If only you could keep us awake."


"As I die, I have something to say."


"I didn't know you queers delivered."


"A BLT sounds like a bacon cheeseburger someone screwed you on."


"Through Europe, take a left a Switzerland, and turn around at Albuquerque."


"I'm the best at what I do, and what I do isn't very smart."


"They grow rocks there."


"It's a village of Saint Pauli girls."


"Everyone loves him, but no one loves him like he loves him."


"I never kill a man who can't take a swing at me."


"Most of the secret Nazi cave complexes aren't in the Barvarian Guide Book."


"I kill better with the gauntlet, I kill more with the gun."


"I get grouchy when people take my men."


"It's a bad sign when all your friends are metal skeletons."


"Darth Vader Choking the Bunny."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Weapons of the Gods Demo:

GM: "What do you know about the Wuxia Genre?"

ME: "I wrote NINJA HERO for Hero Games."





Repped! :)


How's that look on a resume? :P


BTW, what'd you think of WotG? Bought it some time ago. Beautiful book, system and setting seem very cool, but haven't had the chance to actually put a hand to running it yet.


(And, ironically enough, I'd like to get Ninja Hero beforehand as additional genre input :))

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...






Repped! :)


How's that look on a resume? :P


BTW, what'd you think of WotG? Bought it some time ago. Beautiful book, system and setting seem very cool, but haven't had the chance to actually put a hand to running it yet.


(And, ironically enough, I'd like to get Ninja Hero beforehand as additional genre input :))


That line was followed up by "You're Michael Surbrook!" from the GM. :D


Anyway... I have barely had a chance to look at WotGs. The playtest was interesting, but focused on task resolution, which was nice. I'd like to mess with it, but I need to sit down and read it (along with the rest of my 30-32 lbs of books....).

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