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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This was from a few weeks ago, during a fight with some VIPER agents. Grav, the gravity controlling martial artist, disarms the leader's sonic rifle with his telekinesis. She pulled out a sidearm and shot Grav.


Me: "What sort of sidearm?"

GM: "It's a gun. It looks decidedly less science fictiony than the sonic rifle."

Me: "So, it's just a normal gun? Is she going to get Dark Champions on his ass?"


Grav, my character, is notable for two things: dodging and stealing villains' Foci with telekinesis. While fighting a VIPER team, he'd been hit once by the leader's sonic cannon, so he stole it. The GM consulted his notes and...

GM: "She pulls out her 9mm pistol and shoots you. With, oh God, armour-piercing, Teflon-tipped, cop-killer bullets."


On her next phase, the GM was deciding what to do.

PC (Grav, me): "She could shoot me again."

GM: "Double tap to the back of the head."

PC (Dreadnought): "She's gonna get Dark Champions on your ass!"


Let me guess... you guys are in the same game? :winkgrin:



(That, or it's a terrible case of Plagiarism!) ;)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


More quotes from my Pulp Friends game at GenghisCon (spliced together from two different tables):


The PCs pack for their voyage to the South Pacific:

Ross: “Can I have a pith helmet?”

GM: “Oh, you gotta have a pith helmet!”

Chandler: “Ross is going to wear a pith helmet?” (Player falls out of chair laughing.)



The PCs arrive in Hawaii, fatigued and more than a little queasy after a bumpy 19-hour flight in a small plane. Undaunted, Rachel goes out on the town (mostly to annoy Ross), but badly blows her Seduction Roll:

Rachel: (OOC) “You're telling me Jennifer Aniston can't get a date in Honolulu?”

GM: “Maybe you should've cleaned the monkey vomit off first.”



Arriving on the island, Our Heroes are chased by an Allosaurus:

GM: “Fortunately, it’s a Lost World dinosaur, not a Jurassic Park dinosaur, so you’ve got a shot at outrunning it.”



The PCs meet Leon (pronounced Lay-own), my Tarzan-homage who was raised by jungle cats instead of apes -- vain, egotistical and shallow. (If you’ve seen Cat on Red Dwarf you have the basic idea.) They ask him about the island's natives, trying to find out if they’re Polynesians or Caucasians:

Rachel: “Do they look like you?”

Leon: (poses) “Heh! No one looks like Leon!”

Rachel: “No, I mean is their hair blonde, like yours?”

Leon: (tosses his blonde Fabio hair) “No one has hair like Leon. Raaaawr!”



The boys are somewhat less impressed with Leon:

Ross: (mutters in a whiny, sarcastic voice) "Ooo, look at me, I'm Leon! I'm too sexy for my loincloth, and talk about myself in the third person"



Ross tries to communicate with the native guardians of the sacred relics the PCs are after. But while Ross' linguistic skills are very good, his social skills are somewhat lacking:

Ross: "We're looking for the Eye & Spear of Wodan..."

GM: "That gets them upset. You're not helping."

Ross: "No, you see, there are these bad men, and they're trying to steal the Eye & Spear. So we have to take them, to keep them safe from the bad men..."

Other Players: "You're not helping!"



Joey seduces the native priestess, despite the fact that she speaks no English:

Ross: "She doesn't understand you."

Joey: (wiggles his eyebrows) "Oh, she understands me."

(Apparently she did. ;) )



The PC’s are searching for the Temple of Wodan, but…

Joey: “So what’s the deal with this Temple of Wooden anyway?”



And my personal favorite: one of the running gags is that the other characters (especially Ross) are very skeptical of Phoebe’s psychic powers. Inside the temple, Phoebe pulls out a dowsing rod to search for traps:

Phoebe: “Watch out, there’s a trap…”

Ross: “Yeah, sure there-- Ahhhhhh!” (Splash!)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The characters in my Teen Champions game decided to have a seance in SECRET ID, unaware that they summoned a REAL monster.


Several of the characters are legacy heroes, so one of them calls their parent hero to rescue them after several phases of brutal beatings, as many of the characters have little to no defenses and all their gear is at home.


Mervin (Plastron in Secret ID): How did those superheroes get here so fast?


Seizure: Oh, I called them from inside my pants!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Discussing chocolate covered pretzles OOC:


Robin Fletcher: She craves the salty goodness!


Torchsong: YES!


Father Longfellow: Well, just lick my hand...


* * * * *


Wendigo makes a successful PRE attack against a minoutar


GM: The minotaur is cowed!


* * * * *


Father Longfellow, attempting to convert the minotaurs:


Father: Boys, do you love God? No? Then we better start with Genesis, Chapter 1, Verse 1...


Robin: Father, would you kindly move the preachin' to the other side of camp? I'd like to get back to my dreams of sinin'...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


During a conversation where Prestige reveals to Sarah Lawrence (Silver Sentinel in normal ID) that she is who she is. Prestige is a stage magicianess style character.


Prestige: I have a gift for you.


Sarah: If you pull a big fat rabbit out of that hat, and it poops on the floor, we are so done.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


An LJ avatar of mine. I use it about once a week:



Thats wild. As far as I know, Matt is the guy who came up with that. This was back in the late 80s as I recall.


I guess I just rub elbows with "gaming greatness" or something; a couple of my friends were in the game group that the "Its a Gazebo" story came from. Ive even gamed with Ed Wychurch, once or twice (the guy reffing in the Gazebo story).


But nothing -I- say ever seems to make it onto a bumper sticker! :hush:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Thats wild. As far as I know, Matt is the guy who came up with that. This was back in the late 80s as I recall.


I guess I just rub elbows with "gaming greatness" or something; a couple of my friends were in the game group that the "Its a Gazebo" story came from. Ive even gamed with Ed Wychurch, once or twice (the guy reffing in the Gazebo story).


But nothing -I- say ever seems to make it onto a bumper sticker! :hush:

Really? Then I have to ask: Did they know it was a harmless object and were messing the the DM, or did they honestly assess it as a threat?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Yes, that really is what it says, I've met Rich a couple times and that really is exactly what happened.


Ironically, I was able to use this against one of my own parties later, where the gazebo was a giant mimic, and it killed and ate two party members when they cockily went up and sat down in it, thinking I was kidding around.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Yes, that really is what it says, I've met Rich a couple times and that really is exactly what happened.


Ironically, I was able to use this against one of my own parties later, where the gazebo was a giant mimic, and it killed and ate two party members when they cockily went up and sat down in it, thinking I was kidding around.


:snicker: Awesome, evil, and entertaining... all rolled into one! =)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Eiko calls the base to see if Gideon is there.


"Hello,Gideon! Are you there? Are you there? If you can hear me, this is your last chance, or I will build a butt-kicking machine and you will prepare for 36 hours of buttkicking. This is your second last chance....okay...."

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