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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Zero ( Truman Golightly ) panicking about the prospect of leaving town without his never-seen, never-heard mother, for a few days.

: "Leave a message for her that you're eloping! That's why you're not taking her..

Truman does tend to quote his mother when stressed.

Miss Chaos
: "We can't say Truman's ill, you know what mothers are like - she'll be straight down to the hospital checking he's okay, that the doctors are doing a good job..."

: "No she wouldn't - she'd stand there saying
'look at you, you're weak Truman, you're a failure Truman, just like your father, Truman...'"

Miss Chaos, heiress, offers to pose as a client.

: "at least Mother won't think she's a gold digger .
She's only after your money Truman.. They're all sluts Truman... "

Uhm... Zero doesn't have PS: Taxidermist or PS: Hotel Manager, does he? :angst:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...




"It's always puzzled me that some people have such a range of enemies - Now I, I dislike everybody equally."

The Ogre King : "I like the gnoll"

The Gunny : "He kind of grows on you, like..."

Felicity & The Spectre : "Fungus"

E Magister : "I'm sure, with the right sauce, I could like him too"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From my recent SteamPunk game:


"And how would a Victorian Scientist come up with a name like 'Bubba'?"

"It was mathematically inevitable."


"Treason. It's a seven-letter word beginning with T . . ."

". . . and ending with your life."


"Where did all these giant intelligent rats come from?"

"Well, when a mommy giant intelligent rat and a daddy giant intelligent rat meet at a disco . . ."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Mermaid "I had thought you very well endowed"

Felicity : " ... You have to have a different meaning to that word"

E Magister : "'Yes, my father IS quite wealthy!'"


Insert between first two lines.


Felicity looks at what passes for a bust on her athletic build, then at the mermaids build.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Insert between first two lines.


Felicity looks at what passes for a bust on her athletic build, then at the mermaids build.


Hey, water leaches heat, those mermaid need to store the lay of insulating body-fat somewhere! :D

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From last night's Champions game:


Psyker (to Solar): You can take your costume desolid with you, right?


Solar: Well, it's not really a costume...


Ghost Hunter: OH-MY-GOD! Solar's been naked all these years?!! :eek:





Queeog: Well, we can't really send them all notices not to look up.




Solar: e=mc^2..... magic = mc^?




Solar (shocked and proud of himself): Damn, I came up with that plan all by myself!


Kali: Well, there are 3 of you in there.




Queeog (dollmaker who can animate her dolls): Do you like Luke Skywalker or Mace Wyndoo?




Solar: I'll try to make a reassuring thump.





Iron Maiden: So, you want me to just leave Queeog by herself? Yeah, that's real responsible?


Queeog: Hey! I'm a superhero too!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Quotes from various heros when they faced some villians who were killing children.


Volt "I'm going to hit you three ways. Hard, fast, and continuously."


Black Tiger "Nuke them till they glow and shoot them in the dark."


Olorin "I'm going to rip of your arm and beat you to death with the bloody stump." Later - "I'm going to rip off your head and s*** down your neck." (Ah, those medievals! Such a way with words!)


Black Tiger "Hanging's too good for them. Burning's too good for them. They should be chopped into pieces and buried alive." (From the original Heavy Metal movie.)


Volt again after they were dealt with - some killed, some not. "It is not our job to judge these people. That's God's job after they die. Our job is to arrange the meeting." (This is probably my favorite.)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Session 12 of Daybreak Rising.


Shan-Yu (OOC): "Some bodies just hide themselves."

Veskar: "Yeah, they call those zombies."


Veskar: "Match making is sort of a hobby of mine."


Ragnar (OOC): "Want a slightly used fertility charm?"


GM: "Sub-clan to Clan Moulder."

Martin (OOC): "Clan Scully?"


GM: "[Veskar], make a hearing roll. You can hear Zafi's ulcer's growing from where ever you are."


The GM goes around the table pointing: "You're drunk, you're threatening people, and you're getting ulcers."


Veskar is accused of murder (sort of) resulting in: "Veskar's going to write a book: 'If I Did It'."


The GM on dealing with unexpected plot twists: "I need a left fielder."


The GM holds up a sheaf of papers: "Hey [shanYu's player]? My plans for the night." [tosses said papers on the floor.]

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A Solo 7th Sea Game I run for my wife.


A PC and and NPC trying to prick (so to speak) an NPC's pride are staging a shouting match just in earshot of him.


Sir Ryan: (referring to the NPC) The town whores say he's the only man in town who can thread a needle!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


More from the Legends Born epic D&D campaign:




GM: What does Kethri want to get in to?


Kethri (OOC): Everything! :D




Kethri: Baron Blaine is looking for a new wife. So perhaps he'll have babies.


Imet: That would be extremely painful for him. Perhaps it would be best for his new wife to do that.




Kethri: Ah. This decree was issued by Hotep the Anal :/




Kethri: She and I can communimate..... *cracks up over tongue flub*


Kethri (OOC): Communi-MATE ?!?


Astra (OOC): Thats when you have a conversation while doing something naughty. ;)


Kethri (OOC): Communi-bate?


Astra (OOC): Thats when youre talking to yourself :sneaky:




Acolyte Trainee: High Warden, can Neris smite someone -so- dead that even SHE cant raise them?


Imet: ...Put your face in the book. :sneaky: [/J'Kar]




[Kethri had been scouting the catacombs. Later, the the Mummy of a powerful ancient Pharaoh appears, and Kethri recognizes his name]


Kethri: Look! Its Roach-Bird-Crown-Throne!




GM: What's Astra's Armor Class?


Astra (OOC): Forty-nine....





...You asked.




Imet (OOC): Sixty points of damage....Oops! I forgot to add the damage for the weapon itself. *Rolls 1d10* There! Now you know the difference between my attacking with the Dark Eye of Neris, and a toothpick with the same bonuses; SIX POINTS! :celebrate




Astra (OOC): Arent you leaking blood like a sieve right now?


Imet (OOC): No. A sieve holds some of it in.




GM: Theyre pretty good at bolting things down. Pyramids dont just blow away.


Kethri (OOC): Actually, they do. It just takes a REALLY long time! ;D




Kethri: Imet! What if we break its canopic jars!


Imet: It doesnt HAVE any! It is the unliving husk of what was once a God. It is self-contained. It doesnt even need its SOUL!


Kethri: So...ixnay on the arsjay...




Imet (OOC): Imets current plan is to hold it off long enough for the rest of you to evacuate the continent!




Kethri: Youre -covered- in blood, from head to toe, and I happen to know its yours!


Imet: Yeah, but Im not using it.




[The Mummy of Epicness finally falls, after knocking the PCs around]


Kethri: *pant pant pant* Thats a wrap! :D

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Reminds me of an Epic D&D game I played in once.


We had just finished a very long quest that ended with us having possession of the eye and hand of Vecna. The original plan was to take them to a temple to learn how to destory them (since no one was lawful good that lasted like ten seconds.) We instead decided to keep them and even found a way to make money with them. We would find some town that was completely lacking of wizards or any serious guards, then at night our wizard would summon a level one skeleton. He would throw some old rags on it, attach the hand to one wrist and put the eye in on of it's empty sockets. A few finishing touches and behold one evil super lich. After a night or two of the skeleton wondering the town, we would rush in and after a totally legitamate battle :winkgrin:, recieve payment for saving the town. Just a little something to keep us entertained between quest and the GM couldn't bring himself to stop us. I still remember some of the classic moments this plan lead us to. Like this one.


Rogue: Ok, since we can't find the place until the next full moon, who gets to kill the lich this time?

Barbarian: Me not get to yet.

Wizard: Fine with me, just let me conjure up Bernie (movie reference) again.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Because getting OUT of that GMs game was the most valuable prize the Player could receive?


Just picked this one to quote because it was the latest... could have easily been any of the others. While I don't necessarily agree with the GMing decision made in that game guys...


From the post it seemed the players didn't mind too much and actually found it (darkly) funny. And lets face it - it makes for a great visual :) Just sayin'.


and to put this thread back...


...ummm, I have no quote :o



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Slight pendant.

"I'm sorry your mom's face blew up." IIRC


Per IMDB, it's "Gee, I'm sorry your mom blew up, Ricky". So we were both wrong. As punishment, one of us will have to stop speaking English, while the other will only speak as if they learned from watching The Wide World of Sports. You tell me which is worse.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Can I ask why rolling a 3 sent the MA out the window to his death?
Because getting OUT of that GMs game was the most valuable prize the Player could receive?
I've been in a few games like that (usually with the same GM :nonp: ). I remember a Werewolf game we were in once where one of the PCs rolled so many critical successes to leap from point A to point B that the GM ruled she overshot "due to such powerful leg strength" and ended up instead falling into a pit a hundred feet down.
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