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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From Sunday's Heracles' Children: The First Age (High Noon session 2)


Thebes has been half shunted in a domed pocket dimension where it's perpetually noon, The Delphic Oracle can't determine if any of the Heraclidae inside are alive or dead. Critias finds Callisto outside.


Critias: Everyone else is dead!

Lydos (OOC): Way to sugar coat it.


Critias: It's a time bubble.

Callisto: Ummm, that explains everything then?


Lydos' weather control powers affect the sky, so many of them don't appear to work in Thebes currently. Little did he know that they have been wreaking havoc with his fellows and the invading army outside the dome.

Critias and Callisto are attempting to sneak into the enemy camp to grab the Doric Shaman who created the dome and get him to take it down.

Inside during a fight Lydos decides to try calling down the Wrath of Zeus (Deadly Lightning from the sky rather than his usual EB), nothing seems to happen.

Outside, however, a barrage of lightning is unleashed from a clear sky striking the exterior of the dome, all eyes in the opposing army are drawn to the incredible display allowing Critias and Callisto to get to the center of the encampment unobserved.


Lydos (Inside the Dome): Well, that was useless.


The dimensional/temperal dome is collapsing incorrectly, destroying everything in its path. The exterior wall of Thebes are destroyed.

Critias: So much for 7 walled Thebes

Lydos: More like no walled Thebes

Pelorios: I'm thinking Thebes, suburb of Athens

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


In last night's Champions game:


A package from a supervillainess / nemesis gets delivered to Squeeze. Inside is a note: "Keep this close to your heart. Hugs and Kisses, Diamond Kitty." And also... a pink plush My Little Pony, with a handmade diamond-studded leather collar.


GM: During one of your fights you did make a sarcastic comment to Kitty, saying "Well, I want a pony..."


An UNTIL squad arrives in Chicago, investigating a sighting of Grond by someone named Gregory Abbott. Serendipity gets his address and phone number from the UNTIL agent. She meets up with Abbott, who says he never saw Grond or met with UNTIL.


Serendipity: I'm concerned for your safety, and would like to take you back to our base.

Abbott: Why would I be in danger?

Serendipity: I don't know, but someone is claiming to be you. Can I take you back to our base until we figure out what's going on?

Abbott: (shrugs) Sure.

Serendipity: Do you want to drive there, or do you want to take the Serendipity Express?

Squeeze and Styx, both OOC and not even there at the time: (raising hands and bouncing in seats): Ooo! Ooo! Me! I do! Pick me!

Serendipity: :nonp: I didn't even realize how that would sound until I said it... :nonp:


The heroes figure out that Utility and GRAB are somehow involved in what's going on, and suspect they might break into the S-Squad base.


Squeeze: Didn't we take Utility's utility belt last time we beat him? Maybe he wants that back. We should replace the stuff inside it...

Synergy: Yeah, with Fisher Price tools...

Squeeze: (announcer's voice) Utility doesn't know it, but we replaced everything in his utility belt with Folger's crystals...


Grond shows up at the water filtration facility, and the heroes rush there. Serendipity and Styx arrive first.



Styx: Pinkie Pie?!?!

Serendipity: The My Little Pony that Diamond Kitty sent to Squeeze. (OOC) My daughter has one...

Styx: But we didn't take it. She sent it to us!



Grond swings at Styx and misses. Styx hears a tinny voice say "They're lying! They stole it!" The voice is coming from one of Grond's hands, and he looks closer to see that Grond is holding a green My Little Pony. Styx first attacks the plush pony, trashing the small radio receiver inside, then takes it from the dumbfounded Grond.


Styx: Ha, ha, it's mine now! :sneaky: And I'm not gonna give it back, you big dummy! Nya, nya, nya! :nya: (OOC) I'm going to head for the lake, try and lead him away from here.


Serendipity has been mind-blasting Grond, so he leaps up and one-shots her unconscious. The other heroes arrive to see her falling to the ground, force field off, so Sentinel rushes there to heal her teammate with her radiation powers.


Squeeze (to Serendipity): I hope you don't want to have any kids...

Sentinel: My powers don't work like that!

Squeeze (ignoring Sentinel's protests): We'll get you a genetic pregnancy test kit. It shows Positive, Negative, and Chest Buster. (Mimes alien head busting out of his chest)

Sentinel: :mad:


After Grond is dealt with...


Styx: We'll leave the green My Little Pony's head on Grond's pillow in prison. Like in the Godfather.

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Guest steamteck

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


After Skylord, Alykat and Wile E. Coyote have just trashed a bunch of minions . Skylord complains the mercs tried to take the girls alive and shot at him "the big scary powered armor guy.


Wile "its because we're so hot"

Alykat "they ARE male they can't help themselves, especially with me"


Long debate between the girls about who is hotter ( in character) with Skylord's player looking dumbfounded.


Finally they both turn to him. " So who do you think is sexier?"


Skylord "oh no, the last time a man made that sort of decision it started the Trojan war."


Wile " He just compared us to goddesses"


Alykat "You think we're as beautiful as goddesses!" ( hug)


They were very happy with him the rest of the adventure AND he dodged the question but wasn't sure what happened.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A package from a supervillainess / nemesis gets delivered to Squeeze. Inside is a note: "Keep this close to your heart. Hugs and Kisses' date=' Diamond Kitty." And also... a pink plush My Little Pony, with a handmade diamond-studded leather collar.[/quote']


OMG PONIES!!!! :love:


What shocks me is that you know the names and colors of at least two MLPs. :rofl:











It should shock no one to know that I know the names and colors of considerably more than that. :o

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


OMG PONIES!!!! :love:


What shocks me is that you know the names and colors of at least two MLPs. :rofl:











It should shock no one to know that I know the names and colors of considerably more than that. :o


Look, leave your sick fantasies at work, okay?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


OMG PONIES!!!! :love:


What shocks me is that you know the names and colors of at least two MLPs. :rofl:


It should shock no one to know that I know the names and colors of considerably more than that. :o


I had to do some online research. Glad I did, since one of the players (a mom) knew the names and colors herself. Of course, I had to find a green pony for Grond, and a pink pony for the male player character on the off chance he'd have to carry into battle. (He didn't, BTW -- he had locked it in an armored box in the team vault, under guard. :D That was one safe and secure pony, let me tell you!)


Plus, there's something surreal about a four-armed giant green monster shouting "GROND WANT PINKIE PIE!!!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


OMG PONIES!!!! :love:


What shocks me is that you know the names and colors of at least two MLPs. :rofl:


Sir, I am the proud parent of four beautiful daughters. At one point in time, I knew the names of the whole frickin' stable, and was constantly tripping over the durn beasties walking down the stairs.


You, on the other hand, are just a perv. So there. ;)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Sir' date=' I am the proud parent of four beautiful daughters. At one point in time, I knew the names of the whole frickin' stable, and was constantly tripping over the durn beasties walking down the stairs.[/quote']


Hey, if you're planning on having a garage sale to get rid of them at any point, let me know. :cool:


You, on the other hand, are just a perv. So there. ;)


Case in point. :winkgrin:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Don't you know, you can't sell daughters at a garage sale.


You have to use Craigslist.


Dang you, beat me to it. :D


I'll keep that in mind, bunneh. The youngest is 9 and still playing with them so it'll be a few years yet. Of course, keep in mind they'll be well-loved by that time. ;)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Don't you know, you can't sell daughters at a garage sale.


You have to use Craigslist.


Curses! Foiled again!


I'll keep that in mind' date=' bunneh. The youngest is 9 and still playing with them so it'll be a few years yet. Of course, keep in mind they'll be well-loved by that time. ;)[/quote']


The ponies, or the daughters? :sneaky:


Actually, being well-used isn't a problem. I cut off the heads, pull out all the hair, and recolor the pony anyway. :ugly:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


After Skylord, Alykat and Wile E. Coyote have just trashed a bunch of minions . Skylord complains the mercs tried to take the girls alive and shot at him "the big scary powered armor guy.


Wile "its because we're so hot"

Alykat "they ARE male they can't help themselves, especially with me"


Long debate between the girls about who is hotter ( in character) with Skylord's player looking dumbfounded.


Finally they both turn to him. " So who do you think is sexier?"


Skylord "oh no, the last time a man made that sort of decision it started the Trojan war."


Wile " He just compared us to goddesses"


Alykat "You think we're as beautiful as goddesses!" ( hug)


They were very happy with him the rest of the adventure AND he dodged the question but wasn't sure what happened.


What happened is he rolled his luck. I don't care if his character sheet doesn't say he has any, obviously he does.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A group of DEMON agents have been doing a mindscan/ego attack combo on Whipcord


However, I decided to have some fun with the encounter so when she got to where she could see them:


She rips open the door and sees four people, half women and half men, all with long hair, the two men have beards. They are wearing stonewashed jeans, tie dye tees, love beads, sandals, and

DEMON Insignias!


"Groovy man, she was closer than we thought" One guy says


"Time to show this Witchborn the true might of DEMON, man," One makes something that looks like the peace sign, only his fingers are on fire


"FAR OUT! Let's like, devour her spiritual energies, and like, make them our own," One of the women agrees.



Her response cracked me up :)


"Where the hell did they dig you guys up at, a Thankfully Dead concert? I'm going to give you one warning to knock your $#** off, or I'm going to do it for you."


Well, no one disses the dead, so the Fight is on ;)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From last night's Star Wars game.


Me: And all our droids speak Dosch. The Trandoshan's the one who did the programming and I'm not arguing.


After entering a system, we are intercepted by pirates.

Pirate Leader: Stand down and prepare to be boarded!

Me and the Trandoshan gather our weapons,

Me: Oh, oh, can we? Please?:bounce:


later, after we had successfully captured their ship.

Me: What is it with us and people that try to board us?:sneaky:

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


After Skylord, Alykat and Wile E. Coyote have just trashed a bunch of minions . Skylord complains the mercs tried to take the girls alive and shot at him "the big scary powered armor guy.


Wile "its because we're so hot"

Alykat "they ARE male they can't help themselves, especially with me"


Long debate between the girls about who is hotter ( in character) with Skylord's player looking dumbfounded.


Finally they both turn to him. " So who do you think is sexier?"


Skylord "oh no, the last time a man made that sort of decision it started the Trojan war."


Wile " He just compared us to goddesses"


Alykat "You think we're as beautiful as goddesses!" ( hug)


They were very happy with him the rest of the adventure AND he dodged the question but wasn't sure what happened.




My advice to Skylord: just roll with it and enjoy the situation while it lasts.


Things'll get back to normal before you know it (having to save the world

every third week, meeting Invictus at Sanctuary for the weekly chess

game, etc., etc.).




Major Tom :D

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Guest steamteck

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


My advice to Skylord: just roll with it and enjoy the situation while it lasts.


Things'll get back to normal before you know it (having to save the world

every third week, meeting Invictus at Sanctuary for the weekly chess

game, etc., etc.).




Major Tom :D


This poor guy. He and Coyote both showed up the first time as they came upon a kidnapping. She got to the press first ( and having NO idea who he really was) said he was her sidekick Astro boy. She been trying to rename him ever since and he's been trying to get his real name out there.:help:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The crew of the USS Venture (a Galaxy-class, Federation starship) are invited to witness and participate in the much-anticipated "Festival of Lorissaine", on the planet Thallonia. The Thallonian people are generally a bit stodgy and stoic, but assure us that the festival will be "truly spectacular" this time. The festival occurs once every ten years, and the populace are clearly excited about it.


T'shani, the Vulcan chief of Sciences, decides to attend the Fire Festival. Taking a place at the back of the crowd with K'less, her Caitian assistant, the two watch as excited Thallonians file in, excitedly murmuring to each other.


Thallonian Celebrant: *Walks to the front of the stage, and raises his right arm*


Thallonian Crowd: *Falls silent*


Thallonian Celebrant: And now we shall comemmorate Lorissaine, mother of our Savior. Let the Festival of Fire commence!


[The Thallonian Celebrant lights three flames...each of which is about a foot high, that burn evenly and without any real to-do.]


Thallonian Crowd: Ahhhhhhh! :D


Three Minutes: *tick by*


Thallonian Celebrant: *Extinguishes the flames and raises his arm*


Thallonian Crowd: *Get up and leave, talking excitedly about how good the festival is this year*


K'less: ....Um....what just happened? I mean...it wasnt even as exciting as if hed made popcorn. What do you think?

T'shani: As a Vulcan, I am incapable of being disappointed.........Allegedly. :straight:



(PS: K'less looks like a Caitian Jessica Alba. T'shani looks like Natalie Portman as a Vulcan. No bearing on the story, but I thought it was worth sharing)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Two quotes, mostly because our group has ADD... OOC commentary and joke. Not necessarily in that order.


"Don't scream, it makes them lay eggs."




"You stick a crab in my ear, and I'll punch you in the d---."


Yeah, I know, we're stupid. :D

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The crew of the USS Venture (a Galaxy-class, Federation starship) are invited to witness and participate in the much-anticipated "Festival of Lorissaine", on the planet Thallonia. The Thallonian people are generally a bit stodgy and stoic, but assure us that the festival will be "truly spectacular" this time. The festival occurs once every ten years, and the populace are clearly excited about it.



Funny! :)


We played a Star Trek campaign for a while on our own version of the Venture. Ours was a prototype ship, with a complement of fighters and a detachment of Marines. The crew was a collection of misfits, from the captain down. Lots of fun.


At one point, we were convinced Peter David was bugging our house because his New Frontier books were hitting rather close to our own antics. :D

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