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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Just a few from recent D&D 4.0 games.


Kenku (human-sized intelligent bird-creatures) have been attacking villages, convoys, and are now amassing an army to take out the city of Fendt. One of the heroes (a dwarf warrior named Merrick) reasons that the Kenku are like giant chickens and has taken to cooking up the ones we kill on our way to Fendt. (On the plus side, we *were* well fed that trip.) After we finally arrive in Fendt and are debriefed by the military commander, we have some free time. So what do we do with that time? Replenish our arrows? Look for more weapons and armor? Gather some intel on our enemy?


Merrick: I'm looking for some spices and a nice cutlery set. I'm almost out of curry powder, and I'm sick of using my battleaxe to prepare our food.


The kenku are trying to mess with the city's magical defenses through some spell of their own. Our party is teleported out to the kenku camp to investigate. We find a group of four kenku mages performing some magic ritual aided by a bunch of large iron runes (16 in all). After defeating them, the team's runepriest (Neru) insists they take the runes back to Fendt with them. Given the runes' size and weight, each hero is carrying 2-3 runes each.


Fendt soldier (pointing to runes): What are those?

Neru: They're our bling! (makes gangsta hand gesture) Yo!


Apparently, the runes influenced the teleportation back to Fendt. Our fight with the kenku took about 15-20 minutes, but we returned to Fendt only 20 seconds after we left.


Fendt commander: Why did you return so quickly? Was there a problem?

Maethkor: No, no problem, we're just that good.


Of course, Merrick brought along one of the killed kenku for dinner.


Merrick: While you guys are discussing the runes, I'll be over here pluckin' me bird.

Neru: Is *that* what they're calling it nowadays? Ewwwww...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Merrick: I'm looking for some spices and a nice cutlery set. I'm almost out of curry powder, and I'm sick of using my battleaxe to prepare our food.


Sounds exactly like a a character from a D&D 3.5 game I ran ages ago: A Half-Dragon (bronze)/Aasimar Sorcerer by the name of Mishatalarushenir (aka Misha). The PC gave him the cooking skill, and really played it up. Once, they fought and killed a bullette. Misha wondered, "There's a lot of meat on that thing! I wonder if it's good eating..." The way Misha cooked it, it most certainly was. It was so good, in fact, when Misha took notice of how rotund the local Baron was, he offered to cook up him some of meat for him. It was a hit, and this got the party in really good with the Baron.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Once' date=' they fought and killed a bullette.[/quote']

This original name for it always sounded funny for me (in german they are called Landhai - landshark). It sounds funny because Bulette (one L) is also a dialect term for this in german.


So perhaps this character is just a german, taking the name very seriously?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This original name for it always sounded funny for me (in german they are called Landhai - landshark). It sounds funny because Bulette (one L) is also a dialect term for this in german.


So perhaps this character is just a german, taking the name very seriously?


Ever since the days of 1st Edition D&D, this monster has also been known as a "land sharK", with "Bulette" (apologies for my misspelling) being the creatures proper name. And to the best of my knowledge, the player was not, nor did he mean for his character to be, German. :)


However, in an entirely different campaign, there was a lady who named her dwarf fighter: Serilde Mundschäumende-Kampfhünd. She wanted a last name that meant something approximately the equivalent of: the frothing-at-the-mouth-battle-bitch. I forget what her original translation was, so I went to a friend of mine online who is a native German, and this is what she gave us. Not only was it a cleaner translation, it actually sounded better as a name.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Sounds exactly like a a character from a D&D 3.5 game I ran ages ago: A Half-Dragon (bronze)/Aasimar Sorcerer by the name of Mishatalarushenir (aka Misha). The PC gave him the cooking skill' date=' and really played it up. Once, they fought and killed a bullette. Misha wondered, "There's a lot of meat on that thing! I wonder if it's good eating..." The way Misha cooked it, it most certainly was. It was so good, in fact, when Misha took notice of how rotund the local Baron was, he offered to cook up him some of meat for him. It was a hit, and this got the party in really good with the Baron.[/quote']


Awesome I love it when background skills come into play

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Trapped in a mobile plutonium mine, hunted by cyborgs, and being mocked by the voice of a long-dead heretek, Tech-Priest Marzu, Malakai and the astropath Adric hole up in an intersection, while Marzu tries to break through into the power conduits, and Rosenkrantz/Jak Frost, busy up on the bridge, tries to decide what to do next.


At least they figure out why the servitors are cutting off their retreat, when the flyer they arrived in takes off, apparently en route to the Rose Tattoo. With Malakai and his beloved lasgun Josephine neatly blowing the heads off any of the rivet-gun and mining-laser-bearing servitors that try to come around the corner, Jak and Marzu frantically seize control of the rig's heavy-duty lasers and blow their only transport out of the sky. The voice on the vox pauses, apparently a bit upset by this development, and resumes control of the modified corpse in the cyberthrone to kill Jak with its baleful laser eye. Jak takes cover as the consoles are shot to pieces around him.


Several decks below, Marzu had been intending to cut off all power to the bridge, but then has a better idea, routing the entire output into the bridge systems instead. Circuit-breakers fail, the panels explode in showers of sparks beyond the wildest dreams of Gene Roddenbery, the corpse of the heretek Stylianides bursts into flame and a ghastly electronic screaming erupts from the vox.


After that, it's relatively straightforward for Marzu to re-assume control of the remaining servitors, and lead them up to the bridge.

Jak Frost
: It's like some horrifying version of a mother duck leading her offspring.

And furthermore, Marzu's superhuman intelligence makes short work of the encryption on the heretek's dataslate. The contents will make interesting reading, but first everybody's attention is captured by another discovery - a production line for crude nuclear bombs. Marzu pauses his study of the heretek's research notes and dashes madly to scan the mine for masses of refined plutonium.

: What's the saying? 'If you see an ordnance officer at a dead run, try and keep up'

To their relief, the end product doesn't seem to be anywhere onboard. That's because it had been loaded onto the stolen flyer, that Malakai & Frost had just set out to salvage.


Sending the servitors out to do the salvage instead - after all, who cares if they pick up a lethal dose of radiation - they settle down to stockpile their new acquisition, and try and figure out what Stylianides and his associate Lord-Captain Ingeneri were up to. It makes interesting reading - apparently the Rogue Trader had found a source of archeotech, and had sought out Stylianides to test a cogitator apparently dating from the dawn of the Imperium, and get his advice on the best way to go back for more. But this 'X-I' unit, now in Marzu's hands, was no mere tame Machine Spirit, but a supremely adaptable and frighteningly invasive Artificial Intelligence - a heresy banned since the nearly mythical Men of Iron. After waiting a year it had taken over the mine, slaughtered the humans, and waited five decades for a Rogue Trader that never came back.


Thus, the group has a clue to immense wealth and danger, assuming they can find out out where 'Makybe's Veil' is. Hints among the mine crew's personal effects imply a heathen world. The mine itself is valuable, too, providing Lord-Captain van Baroque bribes the right people to get the salvage rights, and re-equips it with crew, servitors, and orthodox cogitators. Some of the existing equipment was way past its service date anyway, such as the late crew's pleasure-servitor.

Jak Frost OOC
: Oh god, I can picture it all too well - C3PO with jubblies.


: I realise that Ingeneri carefully chose his mine crew from people that wouldn't report back to the Imperium, but you might want to replace them with people that know what they're doing. After all, you wouldn't want one of them to say 'What does this button do?' and you come back to find a large radioactive crater where your mine used to be.

Equipping the mine with extra defences might also be a good idea. After all if they've gone to all this trouble to bags it, they wouldn't want some other Rogue Trader doing the same thing.

: What's with your obsession with big guns? You can kill people with your freak mind, can't you?

: No I can't.

: You can't? Then why do we even have you along?

Thus, after some weeks of making absolutely sure that the X-I hasn't left any nasty surprises in the ship's datacores, the Rose Tattoo makes an uneventful return to the Imperial border outpost at Port Wander, with a long shopping list. Not least to replace the hundreds of crew killed because their decompression drill wasn't up to scratch.


Malakai and Jak seems to be developing a rivalry over the best ways to improve ship morale. Whilst it's a certainty that the Rose Tattoo's shipboard economy already includes representatives of the oldest profession, both feel the number could be improved. Malakai thinks hiring on a complement of Port Wander's many doxies would be best, but Jak thinks that dedicated pleasure-servitors would be a better use of the Lord-Captain's funds.

Tech-Priest Marzu
: I can recommend the Roboslut 3000.

There is one surprise for them when the Rose Tattoo arrives at Port Wander - a spacecraft that dwarfs their own, heaved to a few hundred klicks from the space station. Clearly that of a Rogue Trader, since who else would have the ego and funds to have the prow re-modelled into a human face?

: The transponder can give you the ship's name and model, but it's not going to tell you which Lord-Captain runs it. After all, as far as the Ordo Mechanicus are concerned, the merely organic parts of a ship are the least important.

But as to who that Lord-Captain is, and what effect his presence will have on the van Baroque fortunes, will have to wait until next week.





Sailor Moon, and specifically Sailor Venus, comes up in conversation.

Jak's player
: Sailor Vitus?

: ... OK... I'm picturing it... and the costume... and all I can think is him saying 'Someone will die for this'.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


And Tuxedo Mask runs screaming in terror...



Well, wouldn't you if you were confronted with a misanthropic, upright-standing

critter that looks vaguely hyena-like wearing a Japanese schoolgirl's sailor-type



I certainly would, assuming I hadn't dropped dead on the spot from catastrophic brain asplosion.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Sailor Moon' date=' and specifically Sailor Venus, comes up in conversation.[indent']Jak's player : Sailor Vitus?

GM : ... OK... I'm picturing it... and the costume... and all I can think is him saying 'Someone will die for this'.[/indent]


In the Name of the Alchemical Prophet!


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says wait, what - a MOBILE mine?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Spoilers for one of the Champions Online story arcs



Me : Oh dear. Vitus did something silly and now it's the Apocalypse.

Purrdence : Why am I am not surprised. Not even remotely surprised.

Me : What's worse is that it's exactly the kind of trick I can see Vitus falling for in the tabletop game.



Me : It's getting creepy how many of Vitus's techniques Erin ( that ex-student of his, responsible for the Skeleton Crew Sex Tape Scandal ) is using in her plans. It's like she actually paid attention in class.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


In the Name of the Alchemical Prophet!


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says wait, what - a MOBILE mine?


Yup. Hephaestus-model Mobile Mine - a gigantic machine that crawls across a planet chewing up mountainsides and refining the ore as it goes.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Welcome back Jack. Its been a while since you've posted.



Thanks! I had a catastrophic computer melt-down and replacing the thing took MONTHS (for some reason).


Now my desk is covered in "quote cards" and I dont know which ones Ive already posted!


If I accidentally post quotes you have seen before....be gentle?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Thanks! I had a catastrophic computer melt-down and replacing the thing took MONTHS (for some reason).


Now my desk is covered in "quote cards" and I dont know which ones Ive already posted!


If I accidentally post quotes you have seen before....be gentle?


You expect gentleness from a public forum???

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The continued adventures of 4th edition DnD

Andraste the Pyromaniac, Eladrin Warlock

Theren the Archer, Elven Ranger

Adinymus the Holy, Drow Cleric

James the Pius, Half-Elf Paladin

Erevan the Dancer, Eladrin Swordmage


Adinymus uses Gaze of Defiance and...

"I looked at him and missed?"


As we explore the crypt, Adinymus advises the party...

"Since we're opening doors and may disturb things, let's not open them all at once."


"Aw, man..."



"I don't like that we're tomb raiding.


"It was in the job prospectus."


"He didn't read it."



"There may be rats."


"Screw the rats."





"I hit him with an arrow."


"What kind of damage does that do?"


"Pointy object."


"In the face!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I posted last week's game late, so I'll post this weeks game early.


The continued adventures of 4th edition DnD

Andraste the Pyromaniac, Eladrin Warlock

Theren the Archer, Elven Ranger

Adinymus the Holy, Drow Cleric

James the Pius, Half-Elf Paladin

Erevan the Dancer, Eladrin Swordmage

Nebin the Short, Halfling Rogue


In the tombs...

We overhear a shuffling sound...

"Zombies playing poker."


James sings, to the tune of "I touch myself"

"I won't help anybody else, when I take damage I heal myself!"


Andraste sings, to the tune of "Material Girl"

"We are living in a Magical world, and I am a Magical Girl!"


Adinymus: I cast Healing Word!

James: Word!

Andraste: Yes, word. What, are you deaf?


A villian trips a trap that kills him...

Andraste: He rolled (pause) Poorly.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


So we're playing Pathfinder when this exchange takes place...


GM: You know...the way this is written, you could take -anything- as a Profession, and make money at it. Anything at all! As long as you make your roll, you get money for the week.


Anushka (OOC): Gargle eggs!


Azyrabett (OOC): Juggle sheep! Start barfights!


Xasha (OOC): Paint people blue!


GM: Exactly! Say you took "Kick guardmen in the b*lls" as your skill. So you make your roll, and you earn your money! "I made my roll. I spent the week kicking Guardsmen in the b*lls, and I got 7 gold pieces!"


Azyrabett (OOC): Its all the change spilling out of their pockets as they cry :cry:




GM: He thought that if he hit you with a BARREL of Alchemist's Fire, youd stop shooting at them.


Azyrabett (OOC): No, I wasnt interested in that :)




Xasha had been captured and held as a prisoner/slave in Anhkara, a region based on mythic Egypt. Her friends rescued her, and now they face a powerful foe who had deceived them and helped with her capture.


Lortil urMord: Ah, pretty Xasha, you have escaped! I confess, I did not expect you or your friends here for several days. So....how was Ankhara? *Leers*


Xasha - High Priestess of the Raven Queen: Ankhara? Well....the sand gets in your eyes *Hits urMord and his Devil-girl ally with a Holy Smite, damaging and blinding them*


urMord: Aaaaaaagh!


Hot Devil-girl Ally: Aieeeee!


Xasha: ....And it was a bit warm. *Drops a FLAME STRIKE on urMord, blasting him with a column of holy flame ten feet across*


urMord: *Sizzles*

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Once again, the jammy gits in my Cthulhu campaign bypass 90% of the plot I had planned, jump straight to the final scene, and manage to triumph solely due to sheer jamminess. Plot lifted straight from Brian Lumley's The Fairground Horror, because my players insisted I build upon their efforts to find a home for the hideously mutated orphan Jamie, left over after the last adventure.


A few day's inquiry locates a traveling circus, and freak show, currently heading south away from the encroaching cold weather. They'll have to drive down to New York State to catch up with it, but that at least will give McGinty a chance to catch up with Dr Augustus von Habsburg, who has been carefully avoiding any entanglement with the group since the the Voodoo case. His return also marks that of the Smut Field . Oh boy, did the Smut Field return this week. I can't even write down half the stuff that came up.

: Plaski is carefully refraining from comment, given that handing the kid over to a freak show was his idea first, and Al punched him out for it. Of course, he can't say much anyway, because his jaw is still wired shut.

En route, Aldous suggests a few ways to further arm and armour McGinty's Fearsome Battletruck ( it's probably just as well McGinty has yet to find a Punt Gun he can fit to the roof ). Some sort of flamethrower might be useful.

Aldous Quinn OOC
: Also good for de-icing the engine.

Dr. von Habsburg OOC
: And if we go through any drive-ins and they ask for a tip we can say "Sure, here's a tip - duck"

The circus owner is highly impressed by their discovery, and eager to add him to the show.

: .. so you see, he's an orphan now, and we wanted to make sure he was looked after and not handed over to some asylum where they'll run all sorts a tests on him, ya see.

: I see. And you're his legal ward now, yes?

: .... yeah. I am. Aren't I, Doc?

Dr von Habsburg
*nods and looks innocent*

Just in case this bluff doesn't work out, McGinty signs the paperwork with a false name - Chucky Larms. Physically transferring their charge to his new residence - a horse float, until more elaborate quarters can be arranged - presents it's own problems. After all, until this week he'd never met another human being, and McGinty and company know he has a venomous bite and are unwilling to find out how venomous, so they wave a chicken at him and then wrestle him from truck to horsebox as he's occupied.

: We could always put him in a sack. But I don't have a big enough sack.

Aldous & Dr. von H
. :....... *snigger*

: Ok, I've got a sack, I've got a huge sack, rough from overuse, but

The fraudulent paperwork and their charge duly transferred, McGinty and company spend the rest of the evening enjoying themselves around the circus, and stop dead when they come to one side show billing itself as The Temple Of The Great Old Ones.

*turns to Doctor von Habsburg*
You go in first.

Fortunately, nobody is devoured the moment they step inside, and indeed the display is a disappointment. A few bottled animal specimens, a mummy, and a cageful of large 'vampire bats.' McGinty is dubious.

: Those aren't vampire bats. Vampire bats are titchy little things, only this big.... those are fruit bats, aren't they?

: Oh, these are
vampire bats, sir.

Recognising that McGinty is an educated man - despite all evidence to the contrary - the owner of the sideshow admits that the contents of his display are hardly the kind of thing the Great Old Ones suggest. That's because he keeps all the real stuff out the back, for more discerning customers, and he's willing to show them to McGinty and his associates, especially when McGinty admits he has more of the same.

: You show me yours and I'll show you mine.

Tharpe has quite the collection, apparently the life work of his brother. He's been looking for a good home for it too, since he doesn't feel his fellow carnies appreciate the rarity and occasionally blasphemous nature of the books, letters, and statuary. Thus, he invites McGinty and company to come back after the carnival closes for the night, so they can negotiate on price and sign some paperwork. McGinty has an understandable reluctance to read any of the papers aloud, however.

: I don't want some big hairy son-of-a-bitch coming out of the walls.

Dr. von Habsburg
: A big hairy son-of-a-bitch? Aldous?


Dr. von Habsburg
: You should come to Germany, for Oktoberfest. It's three weeks of beer-drinking.

: What, like Monday?

Dr. von Habsburg
: No, beer-drinking.

: And wearing lederhosen.

: OK, a bad Monday.

Negotiations, drinking, and paperwork go long into the night. The books include a Who's Who of Mythos entities, of which a few McGinty recognises. A mention of Nyarlathotep make him twitch violently, for one.

Aldous Quinn OOC
: It's a Poké-rap of the Mythos

Aldous starts loading the new items into the truck, although Tharpe does want to show off one of his brother's Pacific discoveries before they go - a disturbingly octopoid statue, complete with a transliteration his brother made of the glyphs around the base.

Dr. von Habsburg
: It sounds like somebody had a coughing fit and wrote it down.

: er, you sure you want to be reading that aloud there, buddy?

Oh, it'll be fine - I've done it before

McGinty was correct to be concerned, since the statue lights up with hideous green light and the tent interior is replaced by a ghastly black temple, complete with knee-deep water, seaweed, and giant tentacles reaching for them from a wall of impenetrable darkness ahead. McGinty, fortunately, has his magical dagger which seems to work quite well on the tentacle that clutches at his leg, and works even better on Tharpe. Tharpe's gurgling form is snatched up by the ravening appendages, and McGinty takes it into his head to read the spell again. This of course, ensures nothing more than the tentacles reaching down to collect the second course. In this case, the unfortunate Doctor.

Dr. von Habsburg OOC
: My first week back and I'm being eaten by Cthulhu??? You BASTARD!

Aldous, rushing back into the tent, grabs one of the Doctor's arms and tries to hold him back. The Doctor just blazes away blindly, and both are dragged inexorably towards the stygian depths of the submarine temple. McGinty, on the other hand, is frantically feeling around for the statuette, and not only finds it but destroys it with a Shrivelling spell before it his compatriots can become food for the star-spawn. Cthulhu does get away with one of the Doctor's legs, however.

Dr. von Habsburg OoC
: The first time I fire my gun, I shoot at Cthulhu. You can't top that.

: True, but somewhere Cthulhu is using your femur as a toothpick.


McGinty OOC
: I'm so glad we didn't die

Aldous Quinn
: I'm so glad nothing of value was lost.

Dr. von Habsburg
: Hey! Oh, it's official - I'm now a sour Kraut.

: Medical services, now 50% off?

McGinty and Aldous do what they can to tie off and cauterise the stump, throw the unconscious doctor over his shoulder, and flee, with a goodbye to Jamie as they go. Of course, the screaming and gunfire has attracted attention, but at least McGinty gave a false name to delay the inevitable pursuit.

Aldous Quinn
: They'll always be after ya, Chucky Larms.


: Have you ever heard of
? Electrocuted by Edison, although they made sure to feed her cyanide-laced carrots first in case the electricity didn't kill her and she just woke up annoyed. Or with superpowers.
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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


and McGinty takes it into his head to read the spell again. This of course, ensures nothing more than the tentacles reaching down to collect the second course.


He was thinking that would reverse the spell, right? (I might have tried reading it backwards.)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A little Role-Play with my Champions Online Heroine Thrud (daughter of Thor and Sif)


Thrud: Well met, sir. I appreciate your aid against this evil.


Mister Giggles: Not a problem Babe, there more like you at home?


Thrud: I have two brothers...if that's what you mean?


Mister Giggles: uhm...no.


Austere: He means you're hot and he wants to know if you have sisters.


Thrud: *raises eyebrow* The daughter of Thor is not enough woman for you?


Mister Giggles: Not saying that at all! I um...damn


Austere: Just think if she took you home you could have the awkward moment with Thor polishing his hammer while you wait in the living room....wait...that didn't come out right...


Thrud: (smile) It's more awkward when Mother polishes his hammer in front of company.

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