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WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


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You wake up in the morning and you are the only hero that didn't change sex in the night. Now the thing is everyone else in the world thinks that this has always been the case. They think your C was the opposite sex and they wonder why you are the sex you are. How will your C deal with this?

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Going to use a couple I've just started with coming out of my most recent game. The first one should make it clear why.


Breakdown: Squeal in glee as he realizes that he can finally wear girl's clothes and nobody's going to think it's really that strange. Then sulk once he realizes that his female self had similar inclinations in outfits - and all her clothes are designed for guys.


As a note, this character is not mine. And the player actually does 'dress up' from time to time.


Galaxy Girl: Groan and start smacking her dimensional transit device on the side, trying to get the blasted thing to take her home instead of to the weird parallel dimensions it keeps dropping her in before the batteries die!

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Millennium: Would want to explore the myth/folklore of this world to see how they portray the Heroine with a Thousand Faces. Will continue patrols and public apperances as normal.


Cheeta: "I'm a pro football player. Does this mean that in my Secret ID I now get to shower with 44 hot, sweaty, athleticly endowed chicks? Kewl!"


Iron Will is a 13 year old quadroplegic who cannot live outside his self-designed life support system. No one will notice the gender change.


Snow Leopard "Great! Yet another bloody alternate dimension. Wait a second, the other half of the population is now potential mates."


Dolphin is Gay and has a fettish for telepaths. Will picture Jean Grey, Betsy Braddock, and Danielle Moonstar as men, and make a bee line for Westchester.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


You wake up in the morning and you are the only hero that didn't change sex in the night. Now the thing is everyone else in the world thinks that this has always been the case. They think your C was the opposite sex and they wonder why you are the sex you are. How will your C deal with this?

Mxyzptlk inspired or no, this one is interesting, but my poor characters.

Most would think they were in a parallel universe, and start from there. If they found otherwise, then comes the panicing.


Aquatic: Aquatic would be deeply distrubed, and wonder if his many girl problems had finally driven him mad. He would go to the OSC, and see if they had a telepath they trusted to confirm that his thoughts were his own to prove he's not kidding when he says he was, is, and plans on staying male and something is very wrong.


Banner: Son of Captain America and Diamondback, he'd start looking into Avenger Archives for any similar situations having ever happened before.

In the mean time, he'd shake his head consider how weird it is just how good looking some of the now female Avengers are.


Gaze: Jack has, at long last, found love again, and she's a beauty, as well as a fellow hero. If he wakes up next to a redheaded man, well, fortunately Gaze's secret ID is in showbiz, but it would still be a step down in his personal preferences. If nothing set off his mental awareness, he'd end up seeking out Marduk or Jinx to find out what was going on. The Saints as a nearly all female group would be something.


Scarlet Archer III : Depends a lot if the previous history of the world, were the first two Scarlet Archer females, or is it just the current time period where things were flipped? Different situations might lead to different attempts. As his romance with Sapphire is only in the begining stages (mostly due to her attraction to Defender) it might be interesting to see how much Saph, now a he, cares about SAIII's gender switch. Dr. Silverback would be a 'must visit'.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Jessica - hope her boy, er now girlfriend is into girls ... because she really does love him.. her. Yeah, She'd be a bit confused for a while but settle down and cope. If the opportunity provided itself she'd try and figure our what happened. If her SO did reject her becuase of the gender switch she'd get angry and actively try and figure out what happened - whomever she had to hurt to do it.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


You wake up in the morning and you are the only hero that didn't change sex in the night. Now the thing is everyone else in the world thinks that this has always been the case. They think your C was the opposite sex and they wonder why you are the sex you are. How will your C deal with this?


Kaja: "I didn't think it would bother all of you this much.", invokes his Hermaphromorph power to become an adult Jenny, and (depending on when this is on his personal timeline) either pretends to be switching "back" or really is.



Ahh, my character was made for this one, eh McCoy? ;):cool:

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Badger: No, I have always been a guy....why are you looking at me like I have lost my mind?.....I am a guy really, damn it........I said......YYYYYAAAHAAHAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA.


In short probably lose his mind. :rolleyes:



Frosty Bob- after being told why he isnt a girl no more, gets insulted somebody considered him a woman, and shoots up part of the town. Also, with everybody else changing sexes, his love life just gets confusing.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Revenant slaps his forehead and believes himself cursed for how good Goblyn looks as a girl. (Because it IS his luck that Goblyn would be a hottie as a girl, just to make his life difficult). He would maintain that he has always been male, and would try to figure out what happened (if everyone else changed, or if he slipped through domensional cracks) and try to fix it. He doesnt belong here, and if theres a female Revenant where he is from, she doesnt belong there, either.


Black Hawk giggles herself silly over how different her teammates are, and then starts looking for what happened too. (Shes just gotta know). She is in a serious relationship, but is -very- openminded and really wont mind the gender switch of Lex at all. She would -seriously- fight any attempts to make her male. (She looks like Jessica Alba and knows it!)


Both characters would want to find out what happened, not because they hate the world theyre in, but because something happened, and it wasnt supposed to. Thats a symptom of something being...awry.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Cyrande: Doesn't bug her especially. Admittedly, it would very much bother her teammates. Then again, given how much the gender relationships change on Earth... (Cyrande is from Malva. Gender is mostly a preference. And she's already noted in background as culturally bisexual.) Though I can just imagine how Sunguard and Isis are going to take the fact that Cyrande would still be flirting with Isis.


Nox- "Just, please, please, tell me you all aren't evil me's harem. I don't want to think of my teammates like that. And how the heck did Shadowstrike possess him when she can only possess females?" A short pause, blush "oh." (The rest of Aegis are male. It looks very different when it's four girls and one guy and the guy is a darkness mage/martial artist.)


Lightshow- "Um, I was a guy? I know the light's kind of blinding, but I didn't think it was... Oh, god." Embaressed look at Kolabrandr and Banner "Um, I come in peace? Or what the hell are you supposed to say? I know Captain America would know...oh, geeze." Looks up at the sky "I want to go home."

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


I think pretty much all of them would try to figure out what caused the alternate dimension and see if needs to be fixed...


Delusion would eventually become worried that she really did used to be male, and that she's the one whose memories are wrong.


Dragonfly would be a bit bemused but eventually take it in stride. The catchphrase of the game she was in was "...and still not the weirdest thing they've ever seen..." She would show up at Emergent Technogies (the corporation bankrolling the team) and ask the nice dimension-hopping aliens secretly running the company what was going on.


Roxy's an alien shapeshifter, so she can swap if anyone's unconfortable with it. Most likely her teammates would just assume she was messing around and ignore it.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Mr. Terrific: (to himself) "Heh. Maybe now I can get a date." [in our game-world, among supers, there seems to be about a 4:1 male-to-female ratio before this gender-reversal event.] :rolleyes:

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


And once again, War Wolf plays the robot card, has no gender, couldn't care less about other people's genders (as he lacks, y'know, INTEREST, if you know what I mean ... nobody ever defragged his Sex Drive) and completely ducks the greater character-development implications of this WWYCD. :D


As far as everybody else, though, he'd have a quick way to determine if he dimension-shifted or if someone released an epidemic of Grandian Gender Reversal Germs into the air; his teammate Avalon wears full-plate armor; if the armor is female-shaped, it's a D-swap; if it's still male-fitting, it's a transformation.


Either way ... it's research time.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Queen of Spades: "Wait, you're saying that I'm supposed to be the King of Spades? Now I know something's wrong."


Then she'll start looking into her "other" self's life and figure out how the hell did this happen? (On the other hand, things will be interesting for her now.)

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Let's see....


Meeb - well nothing really changes for an asexual amoeba that breeds by mitosis. But he would wonder why everyone else changed. When they insisted it has always been that way, he'd think that he was still having problems from his memory loss and just keep on doing what he does.


Ballistic - He'd cast some spells to see if he ended up in an alternate dimension or if some weirdness happened (either to him or the world). Publically he'd say that it was a switch - something to do with a spell gone wrong. Privatly he'd investigate the matter. He is not in any relationships now, so that aspect wouldn't bug him.


Blackcat - She moves around dimensionally a lot, so would react a lot the way Ballistic did. She is one of those "total self knowledge physcially and mentally" kind of martial artists, so she'd know if she were changed or the world was (small funky mystical detection pool). She wouldn't comment publically, and try and solve it privately. He significant other... well she'd enjoy her company, but nothing intimate would happen. His physicality is part of the relationship, and she wouldn't want that changed.


Angelfire would be freaked out. And try and figure if the change (whether her or the world) is because she is an angel/demon and not mortal or something else. She isn't in any serious relationships, but her attitude wouldn't change. If the target of her interest is interesting it doesn't matter to her which gender the person is.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


"Aw Darn it, I just got use to this sex." Though in a couple of character I have played in which there sex has been changed it would then mean that everyone will have forgotten that they were ever a boy and that female is what they have always been so socially they will more acceptable but talk about the inner turmoil. Brain hurting now, time to leave thread

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Wizard will, once again, start looking for the flaws in the simulation. For example his world like most comic book world has a gender imbalance in the superhero and villain community (although not so much in the balance of people who have the powers but don't play the game). Now Wizard has always assumed that this simply reflects gender imbalances in things like physical strength, inclination toward physical violence (whether cultural or biological has never been a subject that interested him enough to investigate), and proportional representation in the scientific communities (and hence exposure to power acquisition events). If the supers are all gender switched but the mundane scientific community, military, and criminal fraternities remain unaltered, then this must not be real. Since it would be far easier to affect the Wizard's single mind instead of the minds of every other person in the world, by Occam's Razor Wizard must conclude that he has been trapped in some kind of virtual reality. He will then proceed to try to create his own virtual reality simulating his real world on the theory that once he uses up enough computing power on his project, the VR he's in will either snap, or the person controlling it will intervene to stop him.


Of course if the society does have changes to it which fit, (for example combat soldiers and hitmen are mostly female for some reason) then he's going to have to seriously consider the possibility that he really has been somehow switched with the Witch of Oz Incorporated. At which point his project becomes interdimensional travel.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


I explain to them the switcheroo. It's likely that my character(s) have been swapped with a duplicate who is having the very same discussion back in the character's home dimension. He/She/They would seek the assistance of the indigenous heroes in getting home.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


... make sure I understand this. I (Thia) am still male. My number two and best friend is now FEMALE, two of my top trainers went from female OVER to male, and my best squad just got four female members and one male member, and they ALL think is normal, and that I was originally a woman? Oh what the deuce.


Right, first, we pray. For guidance. Because we are very, very confused over here. This doesn't add up, and it doesn't track. Thia is aware of alternate dimensions, but they don't intersect in his plane on ANY common level. They exist, to Thia, like many people in our reality believe the Astral Plane exists; they've heard of it, and other people say they've seen it, but odds are, they never saw it.


So, we pray. We likely won't get an answer (Gods are about as chatty as real-world God, the difference being people with enough Faith get spells to show for it - most people consider this pretty conclusive evidence). No answer. Thia goes downstairs and stares at his two top (now male) Lieutenants, who are staring at him.


"Right then. Clearly we have a problem - I remember both of you as female, and you - oddly - believe I am the one who's changed gender. How unfortunate. (He would then ask for a battle briefing, establishing that that much of the world is still the same. He would also note that his world is now fascinatingly matriarchal). Clearly, either I'm dreaming, which is possible, or something has gone critically awry. Which is also possible.


Get me the ArchMagus. Now, please."


"Yes, Lord Captain." (Fortunatly, Lord Captain is a rank, and is not gender biased. It's simply 'Lord Captain.'). Then we wait and see what the ArchMage says.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Snapdragon Would be getting alot of "why haven't you changed back into a guy?" questions as her shapeshifting powers allow her to to take on just about any humanoid form. She'd be checking with her grandfather to see if he can tell her anything about what happened.


Jaguar Would be spending lots and lots of time with the Guardians resident mages and supergeniuses finding out just what happened to her.


Corona would be faced with 4 female team mates who are now all female and probably attracted to the 'Male' her. She would be a nervous wreack.

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Get me the ArchMagus. Now, please."


"Yes, Lord Captain." (Fortunatly, Lord Captain is a rank, and is not gender biased. It's simply 'Lord Captain.'). Then we wait and see what the ArchMage says.


Is the ArchMagus title also non-gender-dependent? ;)

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


and my best squad just got four female members and one male member' date='[/quote']


I didn't know there was such a thing as a female member.


(ducks and hides.)

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Soulbarb is definitely thinking about dimensional duplicates and some sort of funny business along those lines. Her first guess is that she's switched places with an analogue in another dimension somehow, as she has trouble believing that something could reverse the sexes of everyone else in the world. (She's normally a street-level heroine -- even dimensional travel is a step away from the normal kinds of things she has to deal with, let alone global-alteration level phenomena.) This will complicate things with Nocturne, probably leading to some embarassment. Otherwise she'll just have to hit the books, the net, and the streets, hoping to uncover some kind of clue as to what happened and how to get herself back to where she belongs. All the while hoping her analogue doesn't make too much mischief for her to clean up when she does get back...

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Re: WWYCD: The rest of the world's Supers just changed sex.


Shidoku: "Ya right, some how I think I would remember having johnson instead of being on the receiving end of one." Being from a Street Level supers universe, reality altering events are somewhat outside of her experience. If all records confirmed this, the best she could assume was she was back in the Matrix like "virtual reality" prison she was held in before because some big name pulled the plug on amnesty and this time they had a particularly cruel sense of humor or there was a major bug in the program., but seeing as she's not trapped in a Mr. Roger's neighborhood style universe intended to "set her straight" she'd deal with it.


Eve: would be pretty scared if her Daddy become a mommy and it was Mr...Sam(?) instead of Mrs Samira and would probably think it was a bad dream or that her wish to have a mommy went really weird and would try to find the nice magical lady that helped her before to talk about (a helpful NPC from earlier scenario).


Tao, since she posseses a memory that even temporal anomalies can't alter, would be good evidence that in this occasional reality was wrong and there was definitely something up.

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