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If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Exact opposite problem of the DC thread, I am fan of many of the DCU characters, not so much Marvel.


But if I had to choose, I would go with Nightcrawler. I like the teleporting martial artist aspect. Also character-wise he is interesting, a very pious individual trying to understand divinity. Religion is often ignored in comics, so its nice to see a character where it is the central theme of their non-combat development.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


The thing I find most interesting about this thread (and its DC counterpart) is the number of times I've read someone explain why they love a character, and thought "Wow, yeah, that's exactly why I can't stand that character!" :D Different strokes and all that.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


My top pics: The Human Torch; (Johnny Blaze) Ghost Rider, Ms. Marvel, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Hawkeye, Beast, Nightcrawler.


...Tough to choose one...


Beast, Hank McCoy. But on the cosmic scale, probably the latter redemptive Thanos would just edge out the Silver Surfer.

We're supposed to include why? Ok...


Hank McCoy (Beast): Nice guy, clever, spectacular vocabulary, genius level intellect, strong, acrobatic, blue and fuzzy.


Thanos: Former villain and would-be assassin of our universe, now on a path toward redemption. While he's powerful, he's dealing with folks on an unbelievable scale (Galactus, his former heralds; The Inbetweener; et al) and thus he has to plan for everything. Frankly, I'm not sure I could do the character justice with the amount of forethought he has most times.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


We're supposed to include why? Ok...


Hank McCoy (Beast): Nice guy, clever, spectacular vocabulary, genius level intellect, strong, acrobatic, blue and fuzzy.


Thanos: Former villain and would-be assassin of our universe, now on a path toward redemption. While he's powerful, he's dealing with folks on an unbelievable scale (Galactus, his former heralds; The Inbetweener; et al) and thus he has to plan for everything. Frankly, I'm not sure I could do the character justice with the amount of forethought he has most times.

Thanos is more powerful than the former and current Heralds. But he does get regularly tooled by the Cosmic Beings though.



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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


First Choice: The Vision, cuz I like the android wishing to be human thing...

Second Choice: Thor from back pre-beta ray bill, I got chills when he faced down Ghost Rider.

Third: Hank Pym as Yellow Jacket cuz he had a real attitude and a cool costume.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


First choice:


The Incredible Hulk. Particularly the way he is done now but also back in his salad days as well. In fact I could probably have fun with all of his incarnation except for the Dr. Banner/Hulk. I could probably have the most fun playing Joe Fixit. Always had a soft spot for the Grey Hulk.


Wolverine. But when he was much cooler and although very tough definitely not indestructable. The run on Wolverine when Buscema was doing the comic and he was in Madripoor playing Patch was some good storytelling. Logan is actually a good character when he is being done right. Annoying when he is done wrong.


The Silver Surfer. If I ever wanted to play a cosmically powered hero Norrin Radd is the MAN. Unfortunately in a RPG he would be very unbalancing.


The Punisher. I know, I know no one on these board like him. But I would like to play the Welcome Back, Frank Punisher because sometimes it is fun for me to just play someone who just blows away criminals.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Captain America

I would love to see someone try to play him.


Cap made a quick NPC appearance in my MarvUniv game,

at the big melee versus Space Godzilla.


My players said I ran him decently mainly because of two things:

1) Cap the only one on the battlefield not cowed by SG's enormous Presence.

2) when asked, he suggested the winning tactic

ie, Space Godzilla is a magic beast, the magician should do some detective work on
SG is even here.


Smooth as velvet, firm as iron, is Captain America. can talk appropriately

to statesmen, punks, demigods, rebels, masterminds, thugs, and children.




back on topic: one of my players in the game told me to proxy

his vote for Cannonball. reason ? the joy of move-throughs.

" ah'm pert near invunrable when ah'm blastin "
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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


i'd want to be spider man beast nightcrawler or gambit i just have a thing about super agility probably because in real life im just not


of course if i was really in the marvel universe and got super powers i would become Speedball which isnt a bad thing really

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Chalk up another one for Jack of Hearts - powerful, cool story, noble, and some truly kickin powers.


If I was picking an X-folk it would be the Beast; brains, brawn, and speed what more could a person ask for?


If I was feelin studly Thor from the Simonson era would be the go to man. Cool look, insane powers, and a great big ole hammer! Who doesn't want to be a god? Plus Thor is just butt kickin good, won't stay down and doesn't know what defeat looks like.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


One character?? Wow... so many to choose from... I'd probably have to say...


Iron Man


Why? I like the idea that my character can face normal everyday challenges from a normal perspective and face superhuman challenges from a superhuman perspective. Plus, I like Tony Stark as a character.


Runners Up: Daredevil (really close second), Spider-Man, and Thor


EDIT: Just for clarification, I'm talking about Iron Man before War Machine (I took a long break from comics right around that time). I looked into some of the things that have been done to/with the character since then and I'm wondering who's running that particular asylum? I'm afraid to look into Daredevil. However, I do enjoy the "Ultimate" line from Marvel, so maybe there's hope for the less-Ultimate lines now, too.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…




OK, not usually part of the Marvel Universe but he had hundreds and hundreds of issues published by Marvel and actually did cross over in with the regular Marvel Universe in a few "What-Ifs".


But no one kicks butt like the Barbarian himself -- take that Super-Skrull! You want a gritty street level hero, just wait until the practical barbarian learns how guns work -- move over Punisher ;)


Just kidding, even without firearms, given how long Captain America and Wolverine and the like have prospered, a superior warrior like Conan would do quite well methinks -- particularly against ANY supervillainess.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


I've just responded to the partner thread to this one, the one about playing a DC character, and I've just realized that Marvel has a lot more female characters that I'd enjoy playing than DC does...both my picks in the DC characters thread were male.


Tied for first choice: Storm of the X-Men and Mystique.


I love Storm's elemental weather powers and their "verging-on-the-mystical" nature, combined with the effectiveness and all-around competance of Ororo herself in almost every arena. She's intelligent, a natural leader, strong-willed and possesses a natural dignity that never seems to desert her.


And she can fly, which is the one power that my Champions characters almost always have, even if it doesn't fit the concept.


Mystique. I love her metamorphic powers. She also has a startling base form that's oddly attractive but clearly non-human. Clever, quick-witted, complex, a natural at intrigue and very dangerous, she is a classy character with some deeply-held beliefs, but she's not a fanatic. Mystique has the ability to negotiate and work with others. And she's evil, but it's "Marvel evil" -- she does bad things for good and even heroic reasons.


Tied for second choice (did I mention that Marvel has LOTS of very appealing female characters?): Rogue and Emma Frost, White Queen of the Hellfire Club.


Rogue could have been a villain, but chose otherwise. I like her forthright, forceful and straight-forward personality, her level-headed heroism, and I'm fascinated by her transference powers. I also like the base powers she inadvertantly absorbed from Ms. Marvel -- now she's naturally tough, strong and she can FLY! She's terribly isolated by her powers, and that's an intriguing emotional hook for the character.


Emma Frost is an ice queen in name and nature, lovely, proud, cold -- but passionate. She has immense telepathic powers (telepathy has been a favorite of mine since the days I first read Andre Norton's science fiction) and the arrogance to use them according to her will and no-one else's. And no-one masters the White Queen. She not a "nice" person -- but she's powerful, magnificent and has an inhuman will. And she will work with others...but for them, it's rather like a deal with the devil. Yes, I think she's more than just "Marvel evil" -- she's Evil. She one of the original Illuminati -- controls and destroys lives and considers herself not just better than everyone else, but the BEST. She's immensely selfish, but like Mystique, she does have a few "causes". And like Mystique, she's an intriguer and a keeper of secrets..

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


I think for me there are three big names that leap to mind:


Captain America: I think I understand where hes coming from. Hes an honest, decent, intelligent man, who wants to do his best to help those in need. He doesnt believe in "America: love it or leave it" jingoism; rather he strives to stand as an example of America (and Americans) at its best. What we -should- be. He is a powerful, courageous, compassionate man who seems to have in instinctive understanding of right and wrong, without getting snagged in the details and semantics that make alot of modern Americans so...prickly. He operates -just- beyond the pinnacle of peak Human performance, so he is literally putting his life on the line every time he puts on the uniform. And he misses a time when things seemed simpler....but knows that things werent really simpler then. Just frelled up in different ways.


My kinda guy.


Thor: Who wouldnt want to play an Asgardian God with a magic weapon and the ability to control the weather? Plus, Im a mythology geek, so I get into all that Asgard stuff. My primary exposure to Thor was during the Simonsen run, so thats how I think of him; brave (practically fearless), not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but with a fairly keen mind, and an indomitable will. (This is the guy who was consumed by Atun the God Eater and fought his way back out from the INSIDE on sheer willpower, alone! NO other GOD had done that!)


Rogue: First off, I think shes the hottest girl in Marvel. (Followed closely by Scarlet Witch). Second, I love playing flying bricks. Superstrength, some serious toughness, and the ability to fly. Doesnt get any better. Third, there are times I like to play the outsider, and Rogue is as outsider as they come. A sweet girl deep down inside, but with a temper, and real issue with personal relations that makes her dedication to her team even more remarkable. She came to the X-Men for help, and became one of their lynchpin members. She became my favorite Marvel girl right off the bat. (Im also a sucker for girls with two-tone hair) ;)


However, other Players might not agree with my interpretation of the character, as I wouldnt be able to help myself from throwing Gambit through a wall the first chance I got.


I hates him.


I hates him. Alot.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


However, other Players might not agree with my interpretation of the character, as I wouldnt be able to help myself from throwing Gambit through a wall the first chance I got.


I hates him.


I hates him. Alot.




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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Y'know, I know I said Cyclops... but I have always had a hankering to play Dr. Strange (or Dr. Fate over in the DC thread)... but I would never do it in Champions. Champions just isn't set up to handle such characters easily. Doc Strange would almost be better in a narrative driven mechanic like Capes or even Noblis.


Aint that a kick in the head.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


*huggles* Aylwin13. I can't help that I don't like him.
It's all good. :D


I guess it's just like my undying hatred of Lobo. Everyone else (at least while I was still collecting) loved him. I'd be happy if the universe just forgot he ever existed.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


This is very interesting... It seems that the last is a combination of the first two.


However, powers are only the starting point. Why do these characters appeal to you?

These are my childhood memories.

Captain Marvel simply looked cool when I was young and I read of him when I could. To me he was the ultimate at playing the hand you were delt. Sure he was cosmically powerful seemingly able to alway just have enough in the power department to save the universe, but Cap made his biggest impact on the Marvel Universe with his death. Dying of cancer in the prime of his life was awful, but he managed to go gracefully and it was the first graphic novel, Marvel really told a great story then.


Colossus was my favorite X-Man, and in highschool I had artistic aspirations so he was doubly cool. He also had a quiet nobility that you didn't see in some of the other characters in the X-Books.


Hyperion has the superman powerset and his duplicate romanced Thundra whom I had something of a crush on when I was a youngun.

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