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Storn's Art & Characters thread.


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Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


I was never great at math, but I remember one day I was in the college library doing my homework with our study group, and it hit me as I sat there getting more and more fustrated. I put my pencil down looked up, "I thought this was a math book, where the hell are the numbers?" That's when I realized Math was just another English.

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Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


I used to argue with my High School English teacher about this. I would say "How do you know your interpretation of the book is correct? Maybe the author had nothing symbolic in mind other than to just entertain."


Of course her response would be, "Because I'm an adult, college educated and know more than you." :rolleyes:


This answer was the result of me pointing out that the author was dead and left behind no evidence as to the reasons for what he wrote. This teacher was also the one that would ask us to write an 'OPINION' essay and then tell us we were wrong. :rolleyes:



I'm an English teacher and I'd argue with your teacher as well. I always tell my students that their interpretation is just as good as mine (or anyone else's) as long as they provide supporting arguments and evidence.


I find that most students are looking for the 'correct' answer when there really isn't one. That's the best thing about English.


In my opinion anyway.



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Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


I used to argue with my High School English teacher about this. I would say "How do you know your interpretation of the book is correct? Maybe the author had nothing symbolic in mind other than to just entertain."


Of course her response would be, "Because I'm an adult, college educated and know more than you." :rolleyes:


This answer was the result of me pointing out that the author was dead and left behind no evidence as to the reasons for what he wrote. This teacher was also the one that would ask us to write an 'OPINION' essay and then tell us we were wrong. :rolleyes:


Anyway, back on topic, I more often than not like your color choices for magic, and it never occurred to me that there might be some hidden meaning behind the color choices. I like the reasons you stated, and will now look a lot closer at those choices.


I'm an English teacher and I'd argue with your teacher too, especially about her being right because she is an adult, yadda yadda yadda.


I tell my students that their interpretation is just as valid as mine

(or anyone else's) as long as they can support it with evidence or reason.


I've found that a lot of students are looking for the 'correct' answer and get really frustrated when I tell them that there is no one definite answer in most English essays.


That's what I love about English - the teacher can actually learn something from the students. And hopefully, vice versa.

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Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


Authors are confused, befuddled, and often weird people, and what they think iis written on the page may not be what they intend to put there, nor is that the limit of acceptable interpetation of their work.


So if you get something out of a piece of work, if it's just enjoyment, or if it's some more profound insight that provokes thoughts or challenges complacent perceptions, it's all to the good and authorial intent be damned..

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Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


I'm an English teacher and I'd argue with your teacher too, especially about her being right because she is an adult, yadda yadda yadda.


I tell my students that their interpretation is just as valid as mine

(or anyone else's) as long as they can support it with evidence or reason.


I've found that a lot of students are looking for the 'correct' answer and get really frustrated when I tell them that there is no one definite answer in most English essays.


That's what I love about English - the teacher can actually learn something from the students. And hopefully, vice versa.

Too bad I didn't have English teachers like you in high school. I probably would have listened more. ;)

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Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


A duo for the nutty, incomparable Death Tribble (love ya man!). First up, Col. Blinky!




Then a red (orange-y redhead) headed pharoah-ess...





These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.



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Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


... :think: .... uh.... :fear: .... er... wow. I have got to say Colonel Binky is definitely in the "Huh, I wonder why no one has ever done that before?" category. Seems kind of obvious, after someone finally does it, but incomprehensible before...


The "targeting eye" was a very nice touch. That very much amused me!

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Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


Here is a project that is near and dear to me. It is the Mavericks. Which is one of the superteams in the RDU Champions game that I've been a part of for over 18 years. It still goes on in a PBeM and the players and GM got together to commission this.


The RDU has its own wiki, so if you are interested, check it out here. The link will take you directly to the Mavericks themselves... but poke around the massive campaign setting:







These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.


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