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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Finally saw Casino Royale this weekend. I loved it! I really hated the Bond franchise in recent years; Brosnan and his scripts were unwatchable. This was a very refreshing and enjoyable movie, and Daniel Craig's Bond is fantastic, if very different. I find myself looking forward to the next one, and I haven't done that in decades. (It wasn't perfect. The schmaltz at the end brought it to a grinding halt, but I can overlook that.)

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Josh can finally say he's seen Gone With the Wind. He now wonders about the sanity of those people who compile those "Best of" lists. That movie keeps winding up at the top!


He does admit that the cinematography is excellent, but there were a number of things he found it hard to look past. He hated Scarlett, thought the only person worse than her was Rhett, and abhorred the treatment of everyone in the movie.


He did learn what a "carpetbagger" is, though.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I watched a few episodes of "Smash Labs". The episode with the fluidized sand bed that cought bank robbers was especially awesome.


Bleh, that show annoys me a great deal, yet I can't stop watching it. What really annoys me about it is that all of their "ideas" that they have are just so ridiculous and utterly useless in the real world. Two of the worst ideas were the fire escape elevator thing (great for like 5 people, but what about the rest of the building?) and the trailer "e-brake" that was just two rockets strapped to the front. Seriously? And of course that went completely wrong.


Sorry to rant on that, don't blame anyone for watching it, I do myself, I just can't stand the people on it and their ideas. But it's like some kind of car wreck, I can't help but watch and call them idiots.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


After Dark Horrorfest's "8 Films To Die For" entry called.... Mulberry Street.


Gotta say... really good, simple, zombie splatterfest. Well, not really zombies so much as rat-people. But same general effect... except zombies don't tend to chew through the drywall.


Really good direction, very tense, and best of all--No character is safe! Very good ending, though not the one I wanted. No real explanation for why this all came down (which was fine by me, as reason seemed irrelevant). I'm pleasantly disturbed--I mean, surprised :D

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?




Watched this on the suggestion of Bill Keyes.


Some deeply stupid moments, plot so over-used it might end up as a convention game, and very entertaining when approached in the right frame of mind. Gorgeous girls, skimpy outfits, fair fight choreography, nice sets, and did I mention the girls? :)


Worth renting for a night of B martial arts films, or watching while exercising.


The making of documentary was as much or more fun than the movie. Always interesting to be reminded just how much work and training goes into taking actors and actresses and turning them into convincing fighters.

Well you did mention their nice sets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Just finished watching Season 2 of the X-Files. Don't know why, but for some reason I watched the first season back when I was like... 9? When it was first on the air, and it scared the crap out of me. For some reason I didn't keep up with it though, and never got around to actually watching it until now.


Really enjoying it, and I was quite surprised to find out that there's really no question as to whether there's alien life on earth for the viewers. Seems pretty obvious that they had no intentions of going any longer than 2-3 seasons with this, but I guess I'll see how it goes. And yeah, I saw the last episode when it aired, so I know I don't have a lot to look forward to when I get to that. Ah well.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Josh and I have been watching season 4 of Smallville. We joked about the "near-perfect" episode that had Lana only in the last couple of minutes of the episode.


The show is like on big deus ex machina. We need Clark to lose his memory? Okay; we'll have a freak-of-the-week who can erase memories. We need an intimate situation for Clark? Okay; the cheerleaders are love potioning all the football players.


There's been some character-driven development, but it's few and far-between, and it's starting to irk me.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Josh and I have been watching season 4 of Smallville. We joked about the "near-perfect" episode that had Lana only in the last couple of minutes of the episode.


The show is like on big deus ex machina. We need Clark to lose his memory? Okay; we'll have a freak-of-the-week who can erase memories. We need an intimate situation for Clark? Okay; the cheerleaders are love potioning all the football players.


There's been some character-driven development, but it's few and far-between, and it's starting to irk me.


Used to be a little obsessed with Smallville, but after S4 got pretty bored. The deus ex machina element grows pretty big in S5, athough I never finished the season. We even own it on dvd, but it's never been watched.


Very curious to see what's going on nowadays, but won't let myself look up spoilers just in case I get back into it, but I also don't want to take the time to watch it.


Ah well, enjoy it while you can.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I finally got on board with Battlestar Galactica. As they enter their final season I decided to start from the beginning and pick up the Season One DVDs.


Frankly, I think the original miniseries is brillian! The changes make sense and the more gritty look to things is far more interesting than the 80's chrome polished cheese of the original.


If I time it right, I'll be done with season 3 when this season comes out on DVD :)

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I finally got on board with Battlestar Galactica. As they enter their final season I decided to start from the beginning and pick up the Season One DVDs.


Frankly, I think the original miniseries is brillian! The changes make sense and the more gritty look to things is far more interesting than the 80's chrome polished cheese of the original.


If I time it right, I'll be done with season 3 when this season comes out on DVD :)


Well, if it takes you over a year to watch 3 seasons, then you'll be good. Otherwise get ready to wait. :mad:

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Josh and I have been watching season 4 of Smallville. We joked about the "near-perfect" episode that had Lana only in the last couple of minutes of the episode.


The show is like on big deus ex machina. We need Clark to lose his memory? Okay; we'll have a freak-of-the-week who can erase memories. We need an intimate situation for Clark? Okay; the cheerleaders are love potioning all the football players.


There's been some character-driven development, but it's few and far-between, and it's starting to irk me.


Used to be a little obsessed with Smallville' date=' but after S4 got pretty bored. The [i']deus ex machina[/i] element grows pretty big in S5, athough I never finished the season. We even own it on dvd, but it's never been watched.


Very curious to see what's going on nowadays, but won't let myself look up spoilers just in case I get back into it, but I also don't want to take the time to watch it.


Ah well, enjoy it while you can.

I liked both S4 and S5 of Smallville. I'm waiting for S6 to drop in price so I can watch it.
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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Season 3 of X-Files. I'm not a fan of most of the random episodes at all (an investigation into a series of animals escaping a zoo wher apparently they're abducted by aliens, impregnated, and made invisible? ...Okaaaaay), but I'm really loving the overall plot. And there are a few nuggets of gold, my particular favorite episode thus far being Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space', where a man writing a book about an alien abduction case that Scully and Mulder investigated has to interview Scully about what really happened. In all, hilarity ensues.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Season 3 of X-Files. I'm not a fan of most of the random episodes at all (an investigation into a series of animals escaping a zoo wher apparently they're abducted by aliens' date=' impregnated, and made invisible? ...Okaaaaay), but I'm really loving the overall plot. And there are a few nuggets of gold, my particular favorite episode thus far being [i']Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'[/i], where a man writing a book about an alien abduction case that Scully and Mulder investigated has to interview Scully about what really happened. In all, hilarity ensues.


Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space' is a great episode. So too is Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose . I'm watching the X-Files spin-off The Lone Gunman.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?




An animated film from the same guy who brought us Tokyo Godfathers and Perfect Blue. The plot reminded me of Dreamscape, and a friend said it was what The Matrix should have been. A very good, if surreal, movie about what happens when you can enter and manipulate dreams.

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