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Your occupation, please.


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Re: Your occupation, please.


Jack Diamond: Private detective.

Thunderstrike: Computer programmer, COO of lost teammate's small business.

Pariah: Farmer. On the moon.

Desperado: Professional skier.

Magnetite: Olympic-level gymnast.

Wild Card: Professor of Archaeology at UF-Vibora Bay.

Morningstar: Something menial, still looking for a real job.

Amethyst: Reluctant leader of a secret society that's spent the last 609 years preparing for an alien invasion.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


My long-term super made his living as a "simple teacher of chumash [Torah]" He was a rabbi, and very talented one in all fields, but his main love was teaching young children the peshat (simple lessons) of the Torah. He was a "rosh yeshiva" - the head of a seminar for rabbinical students.




A best-selling writer of horror fiction.

A master chef and 5 star bistro owner.

A soccer mom.

A boxing gym owner.

A widely acclaimed fashion and art photographer.

A stunt man.


More to come...

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Arachneida was a librarian


The Flame was a salesman and then became a government liaison


Thaw was 'officially' George Pappademetriou's bodyguard (as George was the backer of the team). COUGHironmanCOUGH


The Avenger was a reporter


The Magician was an inventor and stage show magician


Dr Density was a student


Negative Man was a scientist


The Voidwalker was an astronomer


British Bulldog was a labourer what is known as a brickie


The Angel (human version) was a police officer


Iron Lady was an MP

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Black Cat - before she was a professional interdimensional agent, she made her living from her Martial Arts studio.

Ballstic - Cop

Smokeater - Fireman

Meeb - well, never mind - but in his centuries of life he has be bascially a cop on many worlds.

Terminal Velocity - Student and cook at a high class place - he is in school to become a Chef (taking Chef stuff at school and at Chef school, and at university for business and management).

Sift - Student and Student (one an Fresheman and the other a grad student who is also teaching a couple of 101 classes) both at UF-Vibora Bay.

Angelfire - She's just a singer in a rock and roll band.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Jack "Crash" Parker: Mutant brick who worked as a Hollywood stunt man. Got his nick name from crashing all sorts of vehicles for different realistic movie shots.


The Brain: Super-Scientist and gadgeteer. Worked as an accountant for a toy company. He could do in an hour what it would take a normal CPA 2 days to do, and never made mistakes. Therefor his superviser never said a word if he had to leave for any reason, or didn't come in for a few days.


ElectroMite: A shrinker with electric powers worked as a electrician for the city.




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Re: Your occupation, please.


I usually don't do the Secret ID thing.


It's just not something I enjoy. My very first Champions character didn't even have a super-name. He went by his full name.


My last character went by his full name.


All of my characters have some kind of background skills/occupation but there full time occupation is usually Hero! I've always had a philosophical problem with part-time heroes. In my mind it's just not realistically possible. I mean, we all know that if Clark Kent REALLY ran around as much being Superman Perry would have eventually canned his superbutt for the 4 hour lunches.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


My namesake, Bolo, was an electrician. (Also part of how he got his electrical powers.)


Having mostly GM'd for the past 18 years, I've seen PCs with a wide variety of jobs. Here's a sampling of some of the more fun / unusual ones:


Bounty Hunter


SCUBA Diving Instructor

Irish Pub Owner

Emergency Medical Technician

Martial Arts Instructor

Teacher of deaf/hearing-impaired students


Covert PRIMUS Agent (assigned to infiltrate the local hero team; they never knew)


The public ID brick that liked to smack his enemies with empty vans did some commercials for Chevrolet. "In my line of work..." (picks up van by front end) "...you can't deal with shoddy vehicles." (Uses van like a baseball bat to send Ogre flying into a wall) "That's why I like Chevy vans. They're built to last." (Sets van down, then turns to van owner and hands him a business card) "Sorry, mister, you'll need to give that to your insurance agent." (Van owner looks in shock at Ogre-shaped dent in side of van, gets in, and drives off.)

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Re: Your occupation, please.


I usually don't do the Secret ID thing.


It's just not something I enjoy. My very first Champions character didn't even have a super-name. He went by his full name.


My last character went by his full name.


All of my characters have some kind of background skills/occupation but there full time occupation is usually Hero! I've always had a philosophical problem with part-time heroes. In my mind it's just not realistically possible. I mean, we all know that if Clark Kent REALLY ran around as much being Superman Perry would have eventually canned his superbutt for the 4 hour lunches.


I tried this initially in the last superhero game I played in. My character's nickname was Titanium Chef but his real name was public as he had a cooking show on cable (doesn't everyone these days?). Unfortunately, the public ID really began to be a pain as the character was designed as a skill heavy martial-brick and was underpowered for the stories the GM went with. Not really the GM's fault since he was new to 5e (last played with BBB/4th). I ended up bringing in my namesake (HM) and had a fun campaign that we may get back to eventually.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Lessee...some characters...


Omega - marketing/fundraising


Cat-man (modern) - inventor


Cat-man (1930s) - mystery writer


Jack O'Lantern (1930s) - explosives/munitions plant worker, later owner


Raze - former alien soldier, professional govt super


Comet - former test pilot, professional govt super


Nemesis - wealthy


Rapunzel - student (high school)


Vector - student (college)


Speed Demon - student (college)


The Flea - student (high school, later college)


Hornet - wealthy/scientist


Elementus! - scientist


Yeti - student (high school)


The Entangler! - scientist, professional supervillain


Taurus - former lab tech, former hero, professional supervillain


The Eel - thief, professional supervillain/thief


Superion - professional android super-henchman


Frogman - investigative reporter


Johnny Thunder! - former pro wrestler, moderately wealthy


Green Beret - professional government super


Archangel - archaeologist

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Re: Your occupation, please.


1. a nun who was also the daughter of a mafia consigliere

2. the handicapped daughter of a German geneticist

3. a celebrity with no talent, who, like Paris Hilton :P, can't sing, act, or do much of anything, but is famous nonetheless

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Current Character

The Specter - Building Superintendant for the PC's base. (Seriously.)


Other Characters (Retired, Dead or in Reserve.)

Arbiter - Criminal Psychologist

Beastlord - Private Investgator

Briareus - Antiquinarian

Facet - Jeweller (with a Public ID)

Gargoyle - Lawyer (Specialising in Superhuman Law) (Public ID: He's an 800kg stone statue!)

Hardcase - Mathematics Lecturer and Professional Chess Player

Lu Deng (Green Lantern) - Licensed Restauranteur (with a Public ID)

Millenial - Paramedic (Public ID)

Professor Grey - University Lecturer with tenure

Three-Piece - A Lawyer AND a Stockbroker AND an Image Consultant. (Public ID and in three places at once.)

One that I haven't actually used' date=' but have been contemplating, is a hospitalized mental patient.[/quote']

I have...


Willo-Wisp - Hospitalized Mental Patient (His Heroic ID was a Psychic Projection).

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Steel Thunder: public ID, but teaches cooking and women's self-defence classes.

Gadgetqueen: public ID, mad scientist.

Monseigneur Jean-Claude des Champs: public ID, Roman Catholic Priest (assigned to the special spiritual needs of the superheroes of Earth, thus his place in the hierarchy)

Mindshadow: secret ID, works for the FBI tracking down the very subtle psionic criminals

The Night: high school student, secret ID. (gets out of school at 3; does homework, eats dinner, goes to sleep at 6, gets up at 10, patrols until 2, goes back to sleep, gets up at 7, goes to school; schedule different on weekends.)

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Enforcer: Security Specialist. He's a "silent partner" in a security firm. Does mostly consulting work. He's been a personal bodyguard and a Security Chief as well. (He also publishes romance novels (of varying degrees of explicitness) under a couple of pseudonyms), briefly was an exotic dancer, and for a year served as the "Indentured Love Servant" of a superpowered Non Villainess )


Mantis: Runs a small franchise of martial arts dojos.

Captain Blaster: Owner/CEO of a publicly traded Engineering Firm.

Mammoth: Architect

Psi-Queen: used to be a professional Diplomat. Now, she's just the bossiest of Earth's Defenders. She lives off her trust fund.

Powerman: Private Investigator

Captain Tempest Unemployed Physicist; employed Courier.



Ultraman: Freelance Illustrator/Writer of comic books & Gaming material; studio musician

Corsair: Rock Star

Celestial Lion: Rock Star (in same group as Corsair); web page Designer

Valeria: Pharmacist (works part time at a hospital)

Mageknight: Retired Industrial Engineer, used bookstore owner

Mermaiden: Retired Chemical Engineer, co-owner of used bookstore, consultant at ocean research facility

Atalanta: Retired physical therapist; volunteer at children's clinic

Crucible: Technical writer in robotics industry

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Re: Your occupation, please.


One that I haven't actually used' date=' but have been contemplating, is a hospitalized mental patient.[/quote']

Not quite the same thing, but one character was an escaped science experiment. She had Asperger's Syndrome, and was a blast to play. Her curiosity about EVERYTHING and deadpan delivery cracked the rest of the group up.


She didn't hold down a real job because she couldn't, and had no interest in it. Being a superhero took up quite enough of her schedule. Though, in the stretches between superfights, she'd wander into the police station, pick up the Missing Person flyers, and write on them where each person was.


Obviously, a mentalist.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Finally getting around to actually posting the superhero occupations I've used in play:


Captain Photon: Research Assistant in physics (he only had his Master's).

Emerald Eye: Archaeologist.

Mental Man: Professional surfer.

Armor Man: Inventor (though obviously one with trouble coming up with good names for his stuff).

Shadow Panther: Police officer.

Sky Prince: Exiled prince from an alien world.

Miss Dozen: Baker. (Get it?)

Captain Glory: Archaeologist, inventor, linguist, and UNTIL consultant.

The Creature: College student.

Rattler: Private investigator.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Not considering he looks like a rattlesnake.... :eek:


In my City On The Edge campaign, there are mutant animals populating an area of the city (I'm a fan of Eastman and Laird). I now have to include a daycare center run by a Rattlesnake.

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Re: Your occupation, please.



...she used her BA in English to get freelance editing jobs for how-to books, companies that made textbooks for police academies, and for Paladin press... a publisher who used to put out books like "How to Change Identities" and "How to Convert an SKS to Full Automatic" and the life (I have no idea if they are still in business). Having full recall of every book she ever worked on, she had quite the collection of skills, and could work from home on her own schedule.


Yes, Paladin Press is still around. You can check out their website at http://www.paladin-press.com


I like this idea: could make for a very interesting skill set. :eg:

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