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The Worst character in comics


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Re: The Worst character in comics


Not the worst character by far, but I've never been keen on the Vision, but that's just a matter of his beetroot red face, costume and the fact that his "secret identity" (at least in Avengers: Clear & Present Dangers) looked like a '30 matinee idol. I've got nothing against the actual character as such.


However, Lobo has got to make the list of my Top 10 least favourite characters. I see he's also encountered Judge Dredd on his travels - shame Dredd didn't slam him into a cube. Seems the best place for him.


Superman afraid of this chump? Never gonna happen.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


LOBO, it's gotta be. I'd pick him over Wolverine because he thinks he's SO DAMN COOL when he's not. And they keep on changing how powerful he is. And he's basically a 'hard biker in space' type- what an original concept! Like 'Rocket Racer' and his jet powered skateboard.

And this guy supposedly fights Superman


The Biker Mice From Mars are cooler than LOBO.


Also enough of the Cable bashing- we now have your opinion, so you can move on now. Find a new joke.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


I just can't include Lobo on the list because he was never intended to be taken seriously. As a parody, he's brilliant. Unfortunately there are a lot of writers and editors who didn't get the joke and decided to mainstream him. Not the character's fault at all.


And there's never enough Cable bashing. I had forgotten how much I thoroughly despised Bishop. He probably comes in a very close second for me.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


Well' date=' if we are going to do bad code names, and LSH has many, I think Infectious Lass might top the chart...;)[/quote']


nowhere near as bad as Double Header IMO. For my money, one of the worst combinations of dumb powers, dumb name ever published.


If you add in the dumb plotline angle, I always go with the Red Nine.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


That would be Avengers Annual #10' date=' a good thing to include in an Essential Ms. Marvel collection because that's where she gets Rogue-raped.[/quote']


Not to mention, she tells the Avengers that they abandoned her to get raped by the guy who impregnated her just so he could transfer his mind into her unborn child. :angst::shock:


I'm stuck between gaping in horror and feeling just plain disgusted.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


I'll be frank with you. I'm a little tired of the Red Skull's yearly infiltration and takeover of the American government.


Doesn't that only happen when the Republicans have won the national election in the Real World?


Though I suppose they could always have Titanium Man or Radioactive Man or some other old Commie villain take over when the Democrats win, just to keep everything even.


Wolverine was an interesting character before he took over every title at Marvel. One day I fully expect to see a story arc where he takes out Galactus.


How hard can beating Galactus be? Dazzler kicked his butt once!

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Re: The Worst character in comics


What's wrong with Bishop?


I've always been disappointed with most African or African-American characters. They are horrible stereotypes and pretty much reduced to gimmicks designed to play on their heritage or as sidekicks.


And you really can't bring up the Milestone line as defense because it failed to do what it said it would.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


I've always been disappointed with most African or African-American characters. They are horrible stereotypes and pretty much reduced to gimmicks designed to play on their heritage or as sidekicks.


And you really can't bring up the Milestone line as defense because it failed to do what it said it would.


Okay, what was the Milestone line, and what did it try to do?

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Re: The Worst character in comics


What's wrong with Bishop?


I've always been disappointed with most African or African-American characters. They are horrible stereotypes and pretty much reduced to gimmicks designed to play on their heritage or as sidekicks.


And you really can't bring up the Milestone line as defense because it failed to do what it said it would.


I've always thought that it was because ther were so few African-Americans working in comics, especially when most of these characters were created.


Milestone had some decent books, but they didn't last too long. I liked the fact that they tried to portray every character as an individual, and not as a stereotype. There were noble Black characters, and there were less-than-noble Black characters, as with all the groups depicted. Some of the writing was a little clunky, but I admired what they were going for.


I'm not saying tha it takes a Black guy to write Blacks, but it does take an ability to think outside the box a little. For example, one of my favorite African-American characters is Jack-in-the-Box from Astro City. Busiek is just a good writer.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


AFAIK from being a Marvel Zombie in my youth and a "Much Smarter than Everyone" in my aged creaky nearly bodiless head,


The Blob started out with the powers of: Immovability, and a HIGH degree of invulnerability. In his first (IIRC) appearance he caught bullets in his fat and expelled them.


He was originally very strong but still considered human, but as time has gone one he's exhibited super strength. It has increased over the years.


His Gravity abilities have been up and down, from a high of smashing people great distances and being unaffected by the Vision's Phasing attack to simply explaining his immovability.


I think his strength is now somewhere near Doc Samson's level. Stronger than (say) the Wrecking Crew and Mr. Hyde but weaker than Colossus and the Thing.


I think he makes a great villain, and has even been given more depth at times.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


The Blob has always had superstrength. I just picked up the Essential Ms. Marvel #1, and he's shown slapping Wonder Man through a guard tower...that's back in 1981.


Specifically, Vision's quote on seeing that is: "That guard tower only marginally impeded Wonder Man's progress. His trajectory indicates that he will land somewhere in the West Bronx. It will be some time before he rejoins us."


Sounds like Double Knockback to me...

of course the Blob first appeared in the 60's/70's...

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Re: The Worst character in comics


Ummm' date=' that was a joke.[/quote']


I figured it was a joke. One of the greatest things I discovered about the gaming community is the lack of racism. I'm not saying it is out there but I've never stumbled on it.


As a black gamer/writer/comic-book fan, I find it a refreshing fortune.


Besides you have a picture of The Doctor, so you have to have some sense of humor.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


As long as we're piling on regrettable X-Men' date=' I have to give a partial vote to Maggott. Guy whose mutant power is his digestive system is actually two intelligent super-slugs named Eany and Meany who crawl out through his stomach and can eat anything, like a slug version of Matter-Eating Lad. Then they transmit the power to him, and he turns blue, gets really strong, and does other stupid things. Plus, his dumb accent. Conceptually, he's about as dumb as you can get. Who comes up with the idea for "guy with slugs in his stomach", anyways?[/quote']

I'm guessing a random table some where.


"I rolled a 66! Special Chart!"


"Um, No powers, but I have a slug in my stomach that gives me powers? Roll on power generation again for it's powers?"

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Re: The Worst character in comics


You mean the incredible badass from the apocalyptic future where mutants are persecuted with the big gun and a mutant power that he almost never uses because the big gun is much kewler?


Nothing, I guess. I just hate black characters.


The problem with Bishop's mutant power is that it's entirely reactive. If nobody's there to hit him some sort of energy that he can redirect, his power doesn't do squat. Bishop is one of the few super-types who I can actually see having a good reason to pack a gun; his power is too situational to rely on.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


I never really read much of Bishop, but in the recent X-treme X-Men series, Claremont gives him a grab-bag of weird powers. Apparently now, he's got nanites that do stuff. "What sort of stuff," you ask? Pretty much whatever sort of stuff Claremont needs him to do, which work perfectly until Claremont needs them not to work. Just like everyone else in the book.


Pretty typical "He's a mutant, he's got powers!" Claremont writing, actually. :thumbdown

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Re: The Worst character in comics


I'm guessing a random table some where.


"I rolled a 66! Special Chart!"


"Um, No powers, but I have a slug in my stomach that gives me powers? Roll on power generation again for it's powers?"


I'm trying to imagine a gaming system insane enough that something as weird as "power-giving slugs in my stomach" would appear on a random chart.


I'm guessing the word "Hybrid" is involved in said system.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


I'm trying to imagine a gaming system insane enough that something as weird as "power-giving slugs in my stomach" would appear on a random chart.


I'm guessing the word "Hybrid" is involved in said system.


I'm thinking either the old Central Casting Character Background Generator books or the roll actually said "GM's Choice" and the GM was 12, didn't like the player, or was Rob Liefield.

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Re: The Worst character in comics


I am not a big fan of comic reliefs. I may get a few boos but I usually won't even buy comics where one of the following appears on the cover.


Impossible Man - just too silly to live

Mister Mxyzlptlk - actually makes my @$$ hurt

Madcap - based entirely on a bad episode of Star Trek?

Bizzaro - just come one now! WTF!?!?

I must admit I have liked some incarnations of the character but not many.

Batroc - seriously? (just kidding bunny :) )

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Re: The Worst character in comics


@DocSamson: And yet in the X-Men movie they were able to reinvent the Toad into something quite cool. Though of course not having him be a fat guy in a jester's suit helped a lot. So maybe Batroc can reinvent himself into the big screen just as bad ass in the Captain America movie.


@ Lemming: It wouldn't surprise me if you could get slug stomach powers from Palladium's Heroes Unlimited or the old Marvel RPG expanded powers book. I got some damn weird characters off that second one.

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