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What labs are in your wallet?


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Re: What labs are in your wallet?


As GA said, Forensics.

I think Chemistry (or a variation like Organic Chemistry or Biochemistry) is a good idea. You need somewhere that you can have a lab accident / origin story. :)

Many places have a medical area, unless one of the team members is a healer.

A machine shop (Mechanics lab) usually adjoins any vehicle bay / garage I put into a base. Ditto an electronics lab.

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Re: What labs are in your wallet?


I don't think that there is such a list.


A superbase is not a Walmart where you can get everything under one roof. A superbase should reflect the character(s) to whom it is a base. It's silly to have a Forensics, Chemical, Physics Lab if none of the characters have those appropriate skills or concentrations. It is likewise inappropriate to have a Mechanic Bay in a base where none of the heroes have vehicles.


The only thing every superbase should have is four walls and a ceiling.


It is more appropriate to tailor the base to the characters than to tailor the base to some kind of heroic Batmanish ideal.

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Re: What labs are in your wallet?


I don't think that there is such a list.


A superbase is not a Walmart where you can get everything under one roof. A superbase should reflect the character(s) to whom it is a base. It's silly to have a Forensics, Chemical, Physics Lab if none of the characters have those appropriate skills or concentrations. It is likewise inappropriate to have a Mechanic Bay in a base where none of the heroes have vehicles.


The only thing every superbase should have is four walls and a ceiling.

It is more appropriate to tailor the base to the characters than to tailor the base to some kind of heroic Batmanish ideal.



I've found a floor very useful, especially on orbital bases.


But yes, you're right. Makes no sense to have a nuclear physics lab when all the characters are wizards.

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Re: What labs are in your wallet?


I've found a floor very useful, especially on orbital bases.


But yes, you're right. Makes no sense to have a nuclear physics lab when all the characters are wizards.


Oh, I beg to differ. Nothing impresses the chicks quite like a spinny-mathingotron. You can be all, like, "don't touch that or the world will disentangle at a quantum level," and then, "so, howabout a night cap?"

And then the stupid Wizard Signal lights up and you have to leave her to let herself out and you're like, "I'm 39, and no-one loves me and I'm never going to get another date," and the Commissioner has to look away and pretend not to notice while you man up, and the Questioner is going to get his face handed to him in a bucket tonight.

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Re: What labs are in your wallet?


The only thing every superbase should have is four walls and a ceiling.


Actually, one of the base that I wrote up was a Fairy Grove that didn't have that. But, it was important to define how big the area was since it had some unusual magical properties including a mental compulsion to avoid the area to prevent people from accidentally discovering the place.


I also wrote up the Squid Cave where the fourth wall was a waterfall that provided privacy.

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Re: What labs are in your wallet?


AK: World Geography (We call it a 'globe'.)


:rofl: I'd rep this but I still gotta spread the love.


There are superteams who don't have mechanics' date=' scientists, or criminologists?[/quote']


Ever heard of the Super Best Friends?


Flavor lab for creating new and interesting flavors and ice cream and tacos


Taco-flavored ice cream?!?

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Re: What labs are in your wallet?


Deduction (whiteboards' date=' post-it notes, colored yarn matching photos, etc.)[/quote']


I always favored a few comfy chairs and a selection of brandies for a deduction lab. Sometimes you just need to sit down and mull over the clues with a good snifter. Depends on the genre I guess.

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Re: What labs are in your wallet?


I've played with two super teams in the last few years that didn't have any players fulfilling those roles' date=' but had a slew of NPC contacts that could do it.[/quote']


Wow. That's positively alien to me. I don't recall ever being in a group that didn't have those, with the exception of a Teen Champions game.

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Re: What labs are in your wallet?


Wow. That's positively alien to me. I don't recall ever being in a group that didn't have those' date=' with the exception of a Teen Champions game.[/quote']


Depends a lot on the game world and the players.


For example, the detective role is semi rare with my main group, since several of the players don't like/are not good at solving mysteries. When they can't solve something with Telepathy or some basic deductive reasoning, they call in some expert NPC.


In various games I've been in, transport was handled by entirely by superpowers. When everyone can fly or run at superhuman speeds or someone can create teleportation gateways, having a super plane or car tends to be considerably downplayed. In another games, we sprung for a super vehicles, but not a single payer could repair the jet so we had an NPC mechanic.


One of my teams was highly magical, so there was no conventional scientist role at all. Another team had a scientist player, but had no group super lair. That characters lab was at a local university, where he was a professor.

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Re: What labs are in your wallet?


There are superteams who don't have mechanics' date=' scientists, or criminologists?[/quote']


I've been in (and heard of) campaigns where the teams would have been better off without them, since those turned out to be wasted points, and all that mattered was combat power. We're still accumulating points to put into a base, though I have strong doubts about how worthwhile that'd be, since I expect any base we'd have would just be a fixed target. That campaign is on hiatus.

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Re: What labs are in your wallet?


In the game I run, though none of the PC heroes are highly skilled in Criminology or Deduction, they do have a Criminology lab. One hero has a slew of science skills, and another is a skilled medic, so their base has a medical facility and several science labs. They also have a weapons lab, I think mainly for disassembling and studying captured weapons rather than creating their own. I'm not sure if any of them have Weaponsmith, but if not I'd bet someone on their security staff does.


I must say, I like the idea of a "Cogitation Chamber" (Deduction Lab) with brandy snifters and several comfortable leather chairs pulled up in front of a marble fireplace.

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