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What Superpowers or Abilities Would You Want to Have?


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Almost any superpower could be entertaining or useful. (Almost. There are exceptions, of course.) But my favorites would be:


1. Flight (preferably with LS: Cold, LS: Self-Contained Breathing, and Night Vision for flying at night and at high altitudes).

2. Teleportation

3. Telekinesis

4. Regeneration/LS: Doesn't Age

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If I could have any power at all?


I'd want the ability to heal any injury or cure any disease (in others, not necessarily myself).  I'd start a tax-deductible charity where people could donate money, and I'd use the proceeds to travel around the world, anywhere I was needed -- epidemics, natural disasters, victims of war -- and save everybody I could get my hands on, free of charge.


How grand would that be -- to be able to spend every day changing people's lives forever, without having to worry about making the rent, or attending business meetings, or making deadlines?  To be completely apolitical, with no worries about reprisals from some supercriminal with a grudge?  And if enough donations were forthcoming, to try to fund research to find a way to replicate my power, so that everyone could have the gift of long life and health?

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I have to think about the powers. My gut reaction is Invisibility, Clairsentience, Mind Defense, Teleportation (both self and others), Psychokinesis, a force field, Desolid, and a minor energy blast.


I'd call myself a villain because that way I wouldn't feel obliged to follow any heroic code of conduct. I don't intend to do the supervillain route, but to "fly under the radar" with generally good deeds while making sure I and those important to me had a reasonably comfortable life.

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Assuming a normal world - I'd love the ability to transform an object (or person) into a repaired/new/perfect version of itself. Buy old car, resell. Never have to have home repairs. Heal. Never have food go bad.


Not flashy - but really useful. :D


As a side effect, LS disease, poision and regen. And the ability to give that to someone else - because who wants to live forever if love must die.

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For me, I would like superhuman strength and invulnerability, including mental defenses.  I would also like mind control against everyone.  Currently, I can only make  men do what I want, but only when I wear a little black dress and heels (OIHID).

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Super genius/inventor... A'la Tony Stark... And yes I would build an Iron Man suite.  It would also be able to do Telepathy/Mind Control/Mind Scan on computer systems so I could take them over for my own use.




The other choice would be a very fast (SPD 6 or 7; DEX 26 or 30), acrobatics, super skills with a sword, lots of presence based of skills and detective skills.  And he would be a hero.

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For me, I would like superhuman strength and invulnerability, including mental defenses.  I would also like mind control against everyone.  Currently, I can only make  men do what I want, but only when I wear a little black dress and heels (OIHID).

Sounds more like an OAF to me.

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