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The following has absolutely no connection to the other conversation at hand. It is also not done in an angry, ironic, or otherwise undesired tone.


Why the scare quotes around my tag? Perhaps I haven't seen enough of your posts where you reference other users and the quotation marks are your standard. If so, I apologize. But I just don't quite get it. 

I am going to assume that it is because my actual user name is in Japanese 薔薇語. But I do go by Soar so feel free to use that as it is. Likewise, Foreign Orchid and Rose are ones I have gone / do go by. 

Anyway, back to the business at hand. ^^



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Where I think Clinton was right about the "basket of deplorables" was the composition of the audiences at his rallies. I think the alt-right crowd was overrepresented there, due to their high enthusiasm for Trump's perceived(and actual) message. So people would see the rallies on tv and get Riefenstahl flashbacks.

Am I the only one who sees a parallel between Clinton's "Basket of deplorables" and Mitt Romney's "47%" comment four years ago?

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Nobody's "moving on" around the racism thing. It's still headline news as I sample popular websites and flip channels.


I'd expect it to get thrown out about as often as accusations of socialist gun-seizing were in the previous 8 years, but with somewhat more supporting evidence. Every time Sessions engages in predictable discriminatory activities at the DOJ, or Bannon says/associates with something of that ilk, you'll see it.


Low hanging fruit. Easy to point to.

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Trump's "PR problem" around the racism thing is, as Soar points out, likely not going away. What he did can't just be apologised for, or, as us gamers might call it "retconned" in the minds of those who witnessed him courting those barbarians. It can, however, as Orwell pointed out, be retconned in History, if he makes the big speech. In 100 years, how much of the detail of the filthy campaign will be remembered if he makes a big speech that professors can quote. He will actually have to do something concrete to change the minds of those who he so thoroughly alienated during his campaign. Maybe he'll do that, along with all his other about-faces, and the theories about him standing as a Republican with Democratic intent will be proven correct.


Or maybe he's just flapping in the wind, out of his depth and is about to destroy any power for good the US might ever have had whether within or without its borders.

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"College Vice President Tony Chambers sent a letter to campus condemning this "act of cowardly hatred" and "intimidation." He wrote.


A group of cross-functional college staff representing campus security, student conduct, human resources, Title IX enforcement, and diversity and inclusion measures convened Tuesday morning to discuss how to address the hateful message. This group determined that the message constituted a Hate Crime… 


College officials informed the Madison police, and now the cops are investigating."

So, of course the above raises the question: "What was in that message?"


Well, the message was on a post-it-note and is as follows:


"Suck it up, pussies. :p"


Yep. College educated people think that is a hate crime. Remember how I pointed out that the image that springs to my mind when I hear hate crime and what people are actually using it for are drastically different? This is that.


Also, remember how people who were against hate-crime legislation were worried about "thought police" telling people how to think and feel? Such silly folks they were... oh, well, maybe not as silly anymore.


It is this kind of BS that I find infuriating. People hyping up every unpleasant interaction as a hate crime. Now, let's not throw out the baby with the bath water, but perhaps it is time to start draining the tub.





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Fair enough. I haven't found any sources that aren't right leaning. I did message the University and the police on twitter to get a response. This kind of reaction seems all to indicative of a trend by college admins and students. But that doesn't mean it should be taken at face value. 




Edit / Follow-up: While the College nor the Police have responded yet - one of the students there sent me a copy of e-mail. A quick comb over of the student's twitter profile suggest that he dislikes the alt-right, dislikes President Elect Trump, and is on the Libertarian side of life.

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So, a charter school and voucher advocate with no actual experience in the teaching profession is in line to be the next Secretary of Education?



Better than anticipated, for me at least. She's actively harmful but doesn't appear to be racist, insane, or anti-science from what I've seen of her.


So there's a ray of sunshine. Happy birthday to me.

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Well, I dont care much if they go after her, surprisingly.  She has already received the worst punishment a Hillary could conceive for herself.


For me to believe she has done nothing wrong, I might have to be convinced the last 20 years of my life, has been one big freaky *** acid trip.   (At times, I might could say I wish that to be true, but no)

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Based upon what we've seen so far, Trump's level of corruption will make the Clintons look like Knights Templar.


But isn't that poor commentary on both the Clintons and our system as a whole. We have just accepted as a foregone conclusion that our leaders will and really must be corrupt. Well, there is always a third party vote. And just imagine the world we could be moving into if 63 million people didn't throw away their vote on a losing candidate. :winkgrin:



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Actually, I regard allegations of corruption by the Clintons as absurdly overblown, but even taking it as a given, Trump still looks set to blow that away. He appears to be trying to conduct personal business with foreign leaders at the same time he is conducting the business of the country as president-elect(and soon to be president).

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Indeed. President Elect Trump looks to be using his office in a corrupt manner. But wagging one's finger with a "buy hey! That guy's worse!" isn't a solution. Finding someone who doesn't have that stench of corruption is. 



Well, perhaps if the two major third parties had nominated a presidential candidate with the stench of competence about them. :P

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