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Well, perhaps if the two major third parties had nominated a presidential candidate with the stench of competence about them. :P



Well, obviously I am biased but I think our guy had that. Successful 2 term governor. Alas he was pretty terrible at really representing the party on the center stage of this election cycle. Always next year. 



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Trump is apparently turning away intelligence briefers of late. Not interested.


If true that would be the first tangible indicator that what his son said about him during the campaign was correct - he's not planning on handling domestic or foreign policy himself. I wouldn't be surprised if the 'commander in chief' role is the least interesting to him.


Which admittedly suits the style of an international CEO - he has people for that.  If he has the right people then why would he need to be troubled by the minutia of leading when he can just focus on the business plan and delegate it?


I'm not particularly opposed to him being a hands off president, to be honest. I wouldn't be heartbroken if he spent the next four years playing Minecraft at the desk.

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Trump is apparently turning away intelligence briefers of late. Not interested.


Pence, on the other hand, is making time for his briefings. This seems to be falling in line with the rumors surrounding the VP offers--Trump would "Make America Great Again" and the VP would do the actual foreign and domestic policies.


In effect, he's outsourcing all of the hard, no-fun stuff to others, to concentrate on Presidential Cabinet Apprentice.

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If he came out tomorrow and made a bit TV speech, i think it would be good. Just as I said before. I would like it. But I am not going to be convinced of his new commitments to minorities because of such a speech. I am also not in the group that thinks he is a raging racist inciting neo-nazis. I am not the demographic that needs convincing while still being in a demographic that won't be convinced. I can accept that. I wish Mega could too but ultimately nothing will change. 


As to him losing votes - meh. Non-point. This idea that he won any victories by catering to neo-nazis is gleefully unaware of the exit polls. 



No one close to the issue is claiming that the alt-right voters won the election by way of their votes. What is actually demonstrable is that they had an influential role in the campaign, especially online, and a cabinet position went to someone whose livelihood came from ties to them and who actually spoke of admiring the white nationalist who founded the alt-right.


That is more political power than they've had in almost any national election in our lifetimes. That's the issue that most are concerned with on both sides of the aisle. Moderate Republicans are not pleased with it any more than Democrats, but their influence is waning, because to cross the aisle in any meaningful way is to be a RINO, which is political suicide for many of them.

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Indeed. President Elect Trump looks to be using his office in a corrupt manner. But wagging one's finger with a "buy hey! That guy's worse!" isn't a solution. Finding someone who doesn't have that stench of corruption is. 




I don't know it seems politics itself is a corruptive influence.  Others may be infected more than others, and some may be infected before going in.  But going in, insures you get infected.

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If true that would be the first tangible indicator that what his son said about him during the campaign was correct - he's not planning on handling domestic or foreign policy himself. I wouldn't be surprised if the 'commander in chief' role is the least interesting to him.


Which admittedly suits the style of an international CEO - he has people for that.  If he has the right people then why would he need to be troubled by the minutia of leading when he can just focus on the business plan and delegate it?


I'm not particularly opposed to him being a hands off president, to be honest. I wouldn't be heartbroken if he spent the next four years playing Minecraft at the desk.


Well, I never did understand the complaints of Obama playing golf.  If you don't like Obama that would be a good thing.

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Please feel free to reread my actual post and the post it quoted. 



I quoted your actual post.


You didn't actually quote another post in the one I was responding to. The previous person said that denouncing the alt-right as more than a response to being made to do so might lose him a few votes, the alt-right's, but never inferred their votes were responsible for his victory.


No one is claiming their votes are the problem.

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I know people have been biting their nails in anticipation and finally we know:


Comedian (?) Lena Dunham will not be moving to Canada despite her campaign promise.


Well, I don't quite know how to feel about this but at least all this worrisome speculation can finally come to a close.



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I will reserve judgement for the time being on that one. That will be a Ruthian effort to accomplish.

Well, he's off to a good start:


- Visiting dignitaries are advised to stay at the Trump hotel to make a good impression

- Trump business ventures in Argentina were greenlit a few days after Trump talked to them

- The windmills offshore from a Trump golf course in Scotland will likely be nixed


It's quite clear that Trump is coin operated above all else. His administration is already being defined as a kleptocracy.

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