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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I added to my life experience in a rather unusual way today. Specifically, I watched hogs being slaughtered.


A bunch of the friends who I told about this trip all warned me of how disgusting, traumatizing, smelly, bloody, and so on this was going to be. One even told me I'd end up a vegetarian after all this. To tell you the truth, I wasn't quite sure how it would go or how I'd feel afterward.


There was nothing traumatic about it, at least for me (I am quite aware of where pork comes from), and the smell of it all was much more bearable than I thought it would be. It was quick, efficient, and final. The kill-floor was cleaner than I expected, and the people working there weren't burnt-out psychos, but rather highly trained professionals.


I had a barbecued pork sandwich for lunch on the way home.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Saw the Ears, Nose, Throat guy. Seems that at this point, surgery will happen June 1.

The opening to the maxillary sinuses will be widened. They're not draining very well.

There's also some cartilidge & tissue to be removed in the front passage (I forget the name of that part)

Also I have a bit of a deviation in the nose probably due to some hits to my nose in Kenpo a few times. The doctor said he'll fix that up as well.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


We've been worrying about one of our cats lately.


Mage is a Champion Maine Coon who we got when the breeder retired him from stud. When we first got him, he was a powerful jumper. To the point that he could jump up onto the bed from about 6-8 feet away by traveling IN A STRAIGHT LINE. Very impressive jumper.


Well, a while ago, he started getting clumsy. He started missing his jumps and smacking his back feet into whatever it was he was jumping on. So, we took him to the vet. The vet diagnosed him as having luxating patellas. Basicly, the kneecaps on his back legs keep popping off to the side. This has caused him some mild discomfort, and has made it difficult for him to walk, run, and jump as his back legs will extend fine, but won't bend properly.


As he's started having trouble moving around, Mage has also started losing weight. It's hard to tell exactly why. There doesn't seem to be any physical cause for his weight loss. But there is Grace.


Grace is our oldest cat, and she's rather territorial. She's been trying to convince Mage to leave the house for the last two years. She hasn't been quite so bad lately, but she still growls at him. We're thinking that when Mage started to lose his mobility, he became more paranoid about those times when he was vulnerable: eating, and using the litterbox. We're wondering if he's been avoiding eating to make sure that Grace doesn't sneak up on him and attack.


Kee took Mage to the vet today. His weight seems to have leveled off, but he hasn't seemed to gain any weight. The vet wants us to isolate him and keep track of how much he eats, so we can be sure he is eating before trying to look for reasons why he doesn't seem to be getting enough nourishment.


So, for the next week or so, one of us will be sleeping in a room with Mage, and the other one will be in our bed keeping the other cats company.





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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The best thing about having an extensive herb garden on your front deck is walking past it, sniffing.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I don't know if anyone remembers that musing I posted about my ex-neighbor's kids running off while she was asleep and coming to my home.


Well it's happened again, not just once more, but a couple of times more. This last time, both the 3 and 2 year olds came knocking. It really pissed me off. Not just because this last time they were intent on destroying my home, but because there are SO many bad things that could happen to them. This last time, I called their mother, but the answering machine picked up. Since I have no children of my own in my home it's not child-proofed, and these two were intent on destroying my scanner, printer, vcr, computer, and dvd player. So, I walked them over to their home. When I got there I found the front door wide open. I walked in and announced myself loudly (to wake the obviously sleeping mom). I spoke with her at length about what could happen to these kids if they continue to get out. So far, she's been lucky that they've both made it safely to my home. I also let her know that since she is on welfare, it would be fairly easy for someone who spots these young kids running around unsupervised to contact the police or child protective services.


Let me add that this last time, I knew their mother had been off partying the night before because her youngest daughter (13) asked if she could borrow some colored pencils for a school project. I walked the pencils over to their home and found that daughter there babysitting her two younger brothers. When I asked where her mother was, she told me she had gone "out."


The mother called me this morning. I guess she was wanting to talk to someone. She told me that the kids had got out again this morning and the police had been contacted by one of our complex's maintenace men. Also, that the police made a report of what happened and that child protective services will be contacted.


So many times it takes more that just biology to be a mother.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


This is cool - I now have zorn.name registered! I was sure it would be long gone by now, all the other zorn.s are gone, I had a shot at zorn.com way back but then hesitated - and lost. I also picked up my gaming "org", realschluss.org. Also, with my new web service, I'll be able to point all my domains to that server, so now I can run peevish.org, asterick.com, and the new ones, realschluss.org and zorn.name totally independently. Nice!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Swings and roundabouts.


So yesterday I was burgled. My DVD player with one DVD in it, 21 20 pence pieces (for the laundrette dryer) and possibly an old St Christopher medal were taken.


They missed my laptop buried under some clothes at the bottom of my bed.

My TV, CD radio player, my CDs and DVDs weren't touched. Nor my books.

As the window was hard to open and over a skylight I figured that no-one would try it. Well the window wasn't bust but it was open when I got back so I knew I'd been robbed.


As I am in rented accommodation and trying to move out, things could have been worse.

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Re: Helping out family and friends


Alright, my life sucks.


I am the oldest of four children, we were poor growing up...very poor. I learned from my very nice Aunt and Grandmother that you have to give to your family in times of need. Even if it hurts.


Accordingly, last year my Aunt (the same one) was in serious financial difficulty, she was laid off and had a nasty habit of acquiring credit cards and using them as "addtional income". So I loaned her about 2000 USD. I never really expected to get repaid, I did it because a I was growing up she helped us out a lot. My wife feels that they hate her now, because as adults people should be making at least motions towards repayment of that kind of debt.


I also have a younger brother that has horrible credit, he was really stupid as a 20 year old and couldn't afford a car. I wanted to cosign a loan for him, but even that wouldn't work. So, against all better judgement, I took out the car loan. He was supposed to pay the monthly balance of the loan plus the insurance each month. He stopped paying months ago. I was flush with money at the time and never checked the Bank records to see if he was depositing his share. Then he got a DUI and decided to not pay me so that he could pay a lawyer for his bills. He did all this and never bothered to give me a call and say what is up.


I also own a townhouse in Washington DC. I remember how difficult living in DC can be so when my little sister and her husband moved in to the DC area to complete his tour of duty, I offered the townhouse for them to rent at their BAQ with is less than the place could get open market, but within their means as BAQ in Wash DC for his rank puts them in the Ghetto. So that is like a 1100-1300 subsidy for them each month. The now my sister is graduating from nursing school and going to Texas to live.


The problem is her husband does not want to leave within 30 days of her graduation. He wants to stay at the least until mid July. Ordinarily this would not be a problem. We live in Jordan...we didn't need to sell the place instantly.


Now, though the situation has changed, we are being forced to return for the year. We have to find a place to live, and the townhouse is too small for 2 adults and 3 children. So we need to sell it now. We need to have it vacant and ready for the new owners by the END of June.


My incredibly stressed and pregnant wife is being painted as the bad guy, where it is really me, the big brother not spelling everything out for the family and getting them to know what I expect of them (I hinted, I assumed i never said). I expect my family to treat me and my wife and children with the same consideration I have shown them. We need help now and they need to pitch in.


Is this just me being a rosy eyed f'up? I want my family to stop behaving like children. I want my family to treat Laura like a she deserves and not think of her as evil because they are the ones slacking off on obligations and familial courtesies.


Any one have suggestions other than move to Bangkok and never see my family again?



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


This is as good a place to announce this as any:


One of my friends and I are in a regular group, but would like to play something other than RIFTS. Another two friends would like to be in a new group. And I have a teenage cousin who lives with me and we're trying to get him into tabletop RPGs.


So, partially because I have little free time to redevelop my homemade world, and partly because I'd like to "playtest" The Turakian Age, I'm starting a Fantasy HERO game in that setting in the next few weeks.


And in the tradition of RDU Neil, I'm going to chronicle it on the board.


More news as it develops.



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