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Funny Pics II: The Revenge

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I would say that the arrogant cyclist is a purely American phenomenon, but I've seen enough videos of cyclists in the UK who are the same way.


I haven't observed the same issue in other bicycle-friendly cultures like Japan or the Netherlands.  But in those places bikes are more a fact of life than an identity.

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4 hours ago, death tribble said:



Are cyclists recognised as having insufferable personalities ?


The stereotype here is crossfitters, or exercise enthusiasts in general. They're held in similar esteem with flat earthers, vegans, and people from Texas.

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You can toss them in with that lot as well, if you really want to discuss them.


Which I don't.


And as for cyclists, the ones where I live are particularly insufferable for ignoring traffic signals, then getting righteously indignant when they're almost hit by a car.

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1 hour ago, Pariah said:


The stereotype here is crossfitters, or exercise enthusiasts in general. They're held in similar esteem with flat earthers, vegans, and people from Texas.


You don't know how confused I was when I first heard the term, "Vegan". I thought that they had left off the "Las" from in front.


Someone explained it to me over a steak and eggs special* down at the old Horsehoe Hotel and Casino in downtown Las Vegas.



*It was the Nineties, and it was $1.99 after midnight, and it was glorious. A 10oz New York strip and three eggs, cooked any way you wanted. We'd frequently tip more than the price of our meal because the servers were really good, never had to wait for a refill on our drinks. 

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5 hours ago, Cancer said:

And very well deserved, at least here.





From what I observe on the streets here, in no way is this is satire, unless you count understatement as a form of satire.


Pastis really has a hate on for cyclists. Jef is a recurring character, and he's always awful. 

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