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    Christopher got a reaction from assault in Golden Age   
    Okay, should have said "Superhumans".
  2. Like
    Christopher reacted to Hermit in Aquaman Spoiler Thread   
    I am a notoriously soft touch, and enjoy Aquaman getting some love so I am very likely biased here, but this movie was bonkers and I loved it. Someone described the visuals as LotR under the Sea, and yeah, it works as such! The comic books were heavily borrowed from and without shame! You want folks riding on seahorses? Oh yeah, we got that. Drum playing octopus? Heck yes! Five flavors of water breather? This movie borrowed from a lot of pulp craziness (Even touched on Hollow World with dinos) as well. I think a lot of credit has to go to the Director for being absolutely fearless in grabbing the material and then being good enough to make it work. It does dump a lot of backstory and doesn't always repeat itself, and it seems like everytime there was more than 6 minutes of talking somone broke through a wall- but I liked that too. The acting wasn't going to win any awards, but neither did it suck (Though the kid playing Teen Arthur was the weak link there imo, but hey he's young) but it actually had a stronger closing than the third act of wonder woman imo, and I adored Wonder Woman.
    Black Manta is nicely set up to be in the sequel and made a good showing. Ocean  Master was the main villain for this, and while there will be inevitable black Panther and thor comparisons, Aquaman holds up fine (And in fact I think it was better than the first Thor).
    I'd give it an 8.5 out o 10. Worth seeing once on the big screen and glad I did.
  3. Like
    Christopher reacted to steriaca in Golden Age   
    Finely found it. The Blue Knight is stated out on page 5.
  4. Like
    Christopher reacted to Lord Liaden in Am I misremembering?   
    Found her! She's in the adventure, Day of the Destroyer, by Scott Bennie, for Champions Fourth Edition. A member of the Villains International team, her write-up is on the very last page.
        "Fiona Millikan was visiting her cousin Katie in the Australian Outback when suddenly alien mutant sorcerers from another dimension landed and had a big battle. Earthshaking forces were unleashed, as the heroic outcast mutants fought a virtually omnipotent entity. Finally, after much angst, the heroes summoned the Cosmic Balance of Good and Evil and defeated the omnipotent entity, after rejecting the dark sides of their own personality.
         Yet for some strange reason, Fiona couldn't stop laughing. Even though the Outback had been transformed into something from Dante's Inferno, being thrown into a bad comic book with atrocious dialogue (as it seemed to her) was -- comical?
         Realizing It was being mocked, the Cosmic Balance of Good and Evil tried to judge her. But then it realized that while Fiona wasn't exactly a nice person, she wasn't exactly a nasty one either. Deciding that it had come across someone with depth to their character, the Cosmic Balance exploded, and it was all a dream...
         Except that dreams don't transform people into The Shape."
  5. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Pariah in Champions for High School D&D Players   
    FYI, there are variants of D&D that allow you to pick stats from a set.
    Still not a full point buy System like Shadowrun or Hero have.
    While there are no strict classes, there are still archetypes. And going to far out of them will be point ineffective.
    This is actually more on the plus side, as a too free System runs the issue of overwhelming you with Options.
    Overall the Power Curve is flatter too. You start at a respectable level, then do not improove too much.
    Note that D&D can be handeled the exact same way. You get XP for overcomming a challenge. Wich can include actions other then fighting them tooth and nail.
    This is one of the biggest - if not the biggest difference. You generally only got to use what you paid points for, with some rare exceptions. There is no "loot & level".
    Now I think the big difference is Combat resolution:
    - Armor and most defenses decrease damage/status effects directly, replacing the need for saving throws
    - the main damage you take and deal in Superheroic is STUN damage. At least in most settings
    - there is nearly no absolute effects like instant deaths (GM territory excluded)
    - you get less attacks per action, but they do mater more
    - there are plenty of options to deal with enemies other then dealing damage (Grab, Knockback, Entangles)
  6. Like
    Christopher reacted to massey in Stating out a Sarcosuchus imperator   
    Yeah, you're probably going to be playing a genre-appropriate version of that particular animal, not the real thing.  That means the build you use will have to fit your particular campaign.
    Think of a Batman cartoon where he gets dropped into a pit or something and has to fight a lion or an alligator (or some other large predatory animal).  Now if Batman has a 30 Dex and a 6 Speed, with a half-dozen combat levels and he can do a 12D6 offensive strike, then a puny little lion isn't going to be a threat to him.  Heck, your average Champions martial artist could probably beat up a T-Rex out of the book with just punches and kicks.  That's because superheroes exist in a range way beyond that of normal characters.  So if an animal is going to be a threat to a superhero, it needs to be a version that has been eating its Wheaties.  It probably needs its Dex and Speed raised, and probably more PD and ED to be a credible threat.
    Your animal form is probably not going to be interacting with many real animals, it'll be interacting with whatever NPCs you encounter in the game.  It needs to be scaled to affect them.  Realism takes a back seat to playability.
  7. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Vanguard in What about a speed of 12?   
    I think you are mixing up "Phase", "Segment" and "Turn". All 3 have a very specific meaning in Hero.
    "When Activated it would go on Phase 7, then next  turn on Phase 8, and then next turn Phase 9... ect. ect...  "
    It was a SPD of 1. Except slightly less then 1 (0.8), so it would be 1 Segment later every Turn.
  8. Thanks
    Christopher reacted to Doc Democracy in Looking for villain: Sludge   
    Digital Hero 11 by the looks of things...
    The Fabulous Five's latest members, Kestrel and Scirocco, face off against the pollution-powered Sludge. PAGE 8
  9. Thanks
    Christopher got a reaction from pinecone in More space news!   
    Ultima Thule - an object New Horizon will pass by around New Year - is giving us it's first mystery.
    We have already determined that it is not a sphere.
    So we have been looking at it to figure out what light-curve it emits, to have more ideas in wich way it was not a sphere.
    But there is no light curve. The light reflection is constants, as if it was a sphere.
  10. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Doc Democracy in Stating out a Sarcosuchus imperator   
    Both Deinosuchus and Sarcosuchus are just giant Alligators/Crocodiles. So any set of Crocodile power would work.
    Look at your campaign limits. Pick the stats according to that. None of your other questions mater.
    This is not about perfectly simulating an animal, but making a fun and unique character to play. Compared to the "baseline Sarcosuchus"  that the GM may use as a animal NPC, his abilities can be higher, lower and totally different from whatever the is in every single direction and at every point.
    Most of the "STR" that was measured is focussed in the jaw. So that sounds more like relatively low strenght with extra STR to hold a grab/HTH attack damage dice. An option that is often overlooked is to realize animals "unique strenghts" via Martial Arts. A constrictor is really good at grabbing (+STR/DC to hold Grab and do damage during Grab). The jaw of an aligator is kind of the same.
  11. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Durzan Malakim in War on Christmas   
    Everytime I read "war on christmas" I have to think of this comic:

    So maybe you could expand the villain team around Thanksviging and Halloween themed villains? Or the hero team perhaps?
  12. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Amorkca in What about a speed of 12?   
    I think you are mixing up "Phase", "Segment" and "Turn". All 3 have a very specific meaning in Hero.
    "When Activated it would go on Phase 7, then next  turn on Phase 8, and then next turn Phase 9... ect. ect...  "
    It was a SPD of 1. Except slightly less then 1 (0.8), so it would be 1 Segment later every Turn.
  13. Like
    Christopher reacted to L. Marcus in Shots fired and fire alarm at Nakatomi Plaza   
    Dear Santa,
    All I want for Christmas is new shoes and more ammo ...
  14. Like
    Christopher reacted to slikmar in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Just rewatched The Shadow. I may be in the minority, but I really liked Baldwin's Shadow, and the characters in it. John Lone was excellent as the over the top Shiwan Khan, Tim Curry made a great toady. Loved the representation of how he "Knows" whats going on, with informants all over the city feeding him information. Really wish had been popular enough to do more. Now, given he does tv, wish they would do a series. I liked that they didn't make him uber powerful.
  15. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from slikmar in Aquaman Spoiler Thread   
    I just watched the movie a few hours ago and thought I start a threat talking about it. I wish I did not have to run out to take a bathroom break halfway through (in the Sahara section), because I propably missed something really funny or interesting.
    The initial fight (in the submarine) reminded me a lot of Bud Spencer and his comedic fightscenes, of all roles.
    His way of casually tanking everything the bad guys threw at him? Totally Bud Spencer. I mean knocking the scared foe out with the door he is hinding behind? If there was a book about "Slapstick Fightscenes with Bud Spencer", that was propably right in there on the first 10 pages.
    Despite the comedic undertones, it did get seriously near the end. It did set up a mid-movie fightscene, a character moment and a sequell or two near the end. He was stricken by uncertainty about that action through the entire film, regardless how many people told him that his decision was okay.
    One common complaint about Aquaman is that "he is only relevant if the story is set in the ocean". But this movie made a really good job of setting up just how dangerous Atlantis was. I knew a Tidal Wave was comming the moment the birds were seen moving in formation.
    I did not expect it to have been a worldwide event however. Nor that it would casually throw submarines, aircraft carriers and tons of ocean garbage onto land.
    That is a weapon System with at least the destructive power of a nuclear weapon, but minus the fallout. And that was just Orm sending a warning. A casual use of Atlantis Military strengh, to speak in Hero games terms.
    The worldbuilding for Atlantis naturally has to be compared to Wakanda from Black Panther. And I do not think it has to shy away from that comparision. Indeed they went one futher and developed not 1, but 5 Atlantean cultures. All with fitting weapon Systems and warfare Philosophies. The Atlan Sonic Weaponry in particular makes a ton of sense underater.
    Well 4, unless you can call the Trenchers a "culture". I mean the Crab guys had more personality and I literally forgot their name.
    Just think about the detailed thought that goes into "how do Atlanteans think about tears/sorrow"? Or their relationship to Lava as "underwater fire"?
    A friend of mine complained about the logic of "fighting armies with your army to add to your strenght". But I think that fits into just about any History/Medieval Fantasy setting. Particular some of the Arthus Legend Interpretations (to continue a Theme). In those it is not uncommon at all to defeat a (potential) enemies, to have a united front before some big war. And usually if you go for the leaders, there is a decent chance you come out with a net-positive of forces.
    It was also a nice touch that Miras Dad was not actually fooled by the "submarine attack" plot. This is not a universe where "secret Identity" can fool someone on the Skill- and Resourcelevel of Armanda Waller.
    Their Tour the world part also showed that Arthur was quite versed in human cultures and even langauge. I think originally it was Wonder Womans side shtick to know all human langauges. Part of the whole "abassador to the world of men" thing. But Arthur used the Ocean to move around and could do so for years without drawing any attention. He propably drank in every single coastal bar on the planet. He did mention "happy hour ends soon" at one point.
    And what I could see him doing: Drinking in one bar until happy hour ends. Swim 1-2 timezones further, to be ready for that bars happy hour. And if you can not find the way anymore, you propably know you had enough. We know he likes drinking since the Justice League Trailers.
    As for his "speak with fish" things: It really is a serious power, if you are literally using shark cavalry. Granted that did not defeat the armies, as there was still plenty of vehicles in use. I think only the 2 royal guards still used living cavalry. Propably some tradition thing.
    But it became a serious problem after he used it to ally with the Underwater Godzilla! This beast was a story Atlantean mothers tell their unruly children. And he brought it and the atlantean holy grailt to the fight!
  16. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Amorkca in Aquaman Spoiler Thread   
    I just watched the movie a few hours ago and thought I start a threat talking about it. I wish I did not have to run out to take a bathroom break halfway through (in the Sahara section), because I propably missed something really funny or interesting.
    The initial fight (in the submarine) reminded me a lot of Bud Spencer and his comedic fightscenes, of all roles.
    His way of casually tanking everything the bad guys threw at him? Totally Bud Spencer. I mean knocking the scared foe out with the door he is hinding behind? If there was a book about "Slapstick Fightscenes with Bud Spencer", that was propably right in there on the first 10 pages.
    Despite the comedic undertones, it did get seriously near the end. It did set up a mid-movie fightscene, a character moment and a sequell or two near the end. He was stricken by uncertainty about that action through the entire film, regardless how many people told him that his decision was okay.
    One common complaint about Aquaman is that "he is only relevant if the story is set in the ocean". But this movie made a really good job of setting up just how dangerous Atlantis was. I knew a Tidal Wave was comming the moment the birds were seen moving in formation.
    I did not expect it to have been a worldwide event however. Nor that it would casually throw submarines, aircraft carriers and tons of ocean garbage onto land.
    That is a weapon System with at least the destructive power of a nuclear weapon, but minus the fallout. And that was just Orm sending a warning. A casual use of Atlantis Military strengh, to speak in Hero games terms.
    The worldbuilding for Atlantis naturally has to be compared to Wakanda from Black Panther. And I do not think it has to shy away from that comparision. Indeed they went one futher and developed not 1, but 5 Atlantean cultures. All with fitting weapon Systems and warfare Philosophies. The Atlan Sonic Weaponry in particular makes a ton of sense underater.
    Well 4, unless you can call the Trenchers a "culture". I mean the Crab guys had more personality and I literally forgot their name.
    Just think about the detailed thought that goes into "how do Atlanteans think about tears/sorrow"? Or their relationship to Lava as "underwater fire"?
    A friend of mine complained about the logic of "fighting armies with your army to add to your strenght". But I think that fits into just about any History/Medieval Fantasy setting. Particular some of the Arthus Legend Interpretations (to continue a Theme). In those it is not uncommon at all to defeat a (potential) enemies, to have a united front before some big war. And usually if you go for the leaders, there is a decent chance you come out with a net-positive of forces.
    It was also a nice touch that Miras Dad was not actually fooled by the "submarine attack" plot. This is not a universe where "secret Identity" can fool someone on the Skill- and Resourcelevel of Armanda Waller.
    Their Tour the world part also showed that Arthur was quite versed in human cultures and even langauge. I think originally it was Wonder Womans side shtick to know all human langauges. Part of the whole "abassador to the world of men" thing. But Arthur used the Ocean to move around and could do so for years without drawing any attention. He propably drank in every single coastal bar on the planet. He did mention "happy hour ends soon" at one point.
    And what I could see him doing: Drinking in one bar until happy hour ends. Swim 1-2 timezones further, to be ready for that bars happy hour. And if you can not find the way anymore, you propably know you had enough. We know he likes drinking since the Justice League Trailers.
    As for his "speak with fish" things: It really is a serious power, if you are literally using shark cavalry. Granted that did not defeat the armies, as there was still plenty of vehicles in use. I think only the 2 royal guards still used living cavalry. Propably some tradition thing.
    But it became a serious problem after he used it to ally with the Underwater Godzilla! This beast was a story Atlantean mothers tell their unruly children. And he brought it and the atlantean holy grailt to the fight!
  17. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Vanguard in Dealing with Killer Characters   
    My point was that my brother was simply a power gamer. Someone that wanted the powers of a Paladin, but none of the responsbility.
    This case was not he only instance where he showed this. He showed that tendency over years, but it took way longer then I want to admit it to realize it.
    There are simply players that are unable to follow even simple rules, because it is not their thing. CvK. Paladin Code. For them are both more or less the same.
  18. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from drunkonduty in How Many Focus Do Your Characters Use?   
    Uh, NOPE.
    If you take a single point of damage past defenses (wich are based on Active Points and/or the defense powers), a single power is lost.
    Complete loss of all powers in one attack requires something like Defenses + Body damage in one attack.
    At least that is how it is in 6E and the 5E book I have.
  19. Haha
    Christopher reacted to Starlord in And now, for your daily dose of cute...   
  20. Like
    Christopher reacted to Ninja-Bear in How Many Focus Do Your Characters Use?   
    No not a good reason. I pulled out the BBB and low and behold Breakable is in there and the example is Armadillo to boot. And you are allowed to define your Focus as unbreakable for free. I know when we games the rule never seem to come up so perhaps (in hindsight) everyone had unbreakable.
    Wanted to be clear that I’m NOT trying to be an edition snob. I’d play any edition myself. Just that to use a particular rule as justification to play a particular edition when that rule was already present is faulty reasoning.
  21. Like
    Christopher reacted to Gnome BODY (important!) in Determining whether or not an NPC is lying   
    It technically requires a little more to get truly objective length measurements (thanks, relativity), but defnitions such as  "The metre is the length equal to 1 650 763.73 wavelengths in vacuum of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the levels 2p10 and 5d5 of the krypton 86 atom" allow for unambiguous length measurements. 
    If I give the aforementioned definition of a meter (and krypton 86, and the levels, etc) then I can say that the metal rod I'm holding is 1.234 meters in my reference frame and every single observer (with accurate information) will agree. 
    Pinning down a "detect lie" power simply requires a bunch of definitions.  Take the statement 2+2=5. 
    Is it a lie if somebody honestly believes that 2+2=5?  Is it a lie if they misspeak and intended to say 2+3=5?  Is it a lie if they don't speak English and are just reciting words they don't know the meaning of?  Is it a lie if they really quietly whisper the word "doesn't" before "equals"?  Is it a lie if they meant to say 2+2=5 but accidentally said 2+2=4 instead?  Is it a lie if they postfix it with "I think" and honestly do think such? 
    The problem isn't that "lie" is impossible to make objective, the problem is that there's many competing definitions and methods of lying.  There may be a lot of questions needed to properly define "lie", but once those are out of the way you can easily have an objective "detect lie" power.  It's just very questionable as to if it's worth the time.  And if your GM even wants you to have it. 
  22. Like
    Christopher reacted to Hugh Neilson in d6-1 vs 1/2d6 for KAs   
    If you want more granularity, I've toyed in the past with abilities that are  5 points = 1 DC being:
     - +1 point = +1
     - +2 points = 1/3 d6
     - +3 points = 1/2d6
     - +4 points = 1d6-1
    Other abilities would get the same result - just triple the point cost for a KA.
    This would dovetail with allowing a (separate, different colour) d6 roll with char/skill rolls.  Every stat point over the 3/8 rounding breakpoint means a roll that just fails (say 14 on a 13- roll) is a success.  The goal was to make every point in a characteristic mean something, however minor.
  23. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in How Many Focus Do Your Characters Use?   
    Uh, NOPE.
    If you take a single point of damage past defenses (wich are based on Active Points and/or the defense powers), a single power is lost.
    Complete loss of all powers in one attack requires something like Defenses + Body damage in one attack.
    At least that is how it is in 6E and the 5E book I have.
  24. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from GhostDancer in War on Christmas   
    I like to watch the Youtube Channel Extra Credits. They have now branched out into Extra History. And recently, extra Mythology. And guess who just happens to have gotten a episode of EM today?
    As well as all his variantions.
  25. Haha
    Christopher got a reaction from Pariah in In other news...   
    In germany we just recently classified a baby doll (Cayla) as "Surveilance Equipment":
    Meaning only spy agencies are allowed to use it.
    However the claims it has to be "destroyed" is not quite true. The plastic parts are not the issue. As long as the espionage capacity is properly disabeled and you got the proof (yes we have a formular for "was de-spied"), you can keep the otuside.
    I guess it is lucky that there are a few "save for civilian use" solutions comming out of the woodworks now:
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