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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. I think I see where you and I disagree and I'll try to explain my viewpoint. There are powers such as Dispel or Drain or anything that does enough damage to completely break a set of power armor that can be used for this. I would nave no objection to these powers used in this way. I can even see a KA with the SFX of Teleport being applicable. I think that, short of VPP cheese, these powers will ultimately prove more expensive than a power that can perform a one shot KO so have at it. What I object to is using the Teleport mechanic as a means to remove any focus. While it is true that the focus limitation lets you buy powers at a discount, the mechanics of focus all center around how and how often a character can be deprived of that focus. The mechanics of Inaccessible say that it takes a turn out of combat to take the focus, Accessible has a lower standard but still requires an opposed roll of some sort. The Teleport mechanic does not allow for this opposed roll or a non-NND type defense. Vehicles save more points even and If you had UAA teleport and could establish LOS are fair game for the teleport mechanic So as long as you do not use Teleport as the mechanic, I see no reason not to build your power as long as there is a non-NND type defense against it. By which I mean, something like a STR vs STR or DEX vs DEX roll, not something all or nothing like the typical defenses against UAA Movement or NND's.
  2. I would. Even if bought OAF, you should still get an opposed roll like a disarm. I would not have a problem vs power armor bought as a vehicle. The focus rules give very specific ways to deprive a character of his or her focus. I don't see any game mechanic that supersedes these rules and mechanics always trump SFX in Hero.
  3. I've always thought the anti-vaxxers were just looking for something to blame besides bad genetic luck for autism. The raw water people are just stupid.
  4. Anything less than a gas giant planet or a star will be mostly wiped by a multi-ton object hitting it at even a tenth of the speed of light. The Deathstar would be melted debris with trace organic element mixed in. The velocity of the projectile is just too high.
  5. I would go with Shapeshift rather than Multiform unless each host body is going to have wildly differing Characteristics. No need for Desolid, just make the Shapeshift require a helpless victim or dead body.
  6. As an Alabama voter, I am happy to see Jones win. The vote broke mostly on urban/rural lines with the larger urban counties carrying Jones. A large minority turnout was also a factor but the biggest thing was the allegations against Moore. http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/page/2017_alabama_us_senate_election_results.html#incart_election
  7. He might have been bright but the lighting didn't show it. Like the DECU, that movie also happened in a world without sunshine.
  8. The problem isn't the animated DC productions. They've consistently put out quality product even in some the edgier movies. Even Teen Titans Go! is truer to the spirit of the source material than most of the DCEU. If they let that creative staff have control of the movie stories they might have a chance to turn this ship around.
  9. Building an abusive power has always been possible. Using the possibility of one abusive power as the justification for building another is ... a questionable argument. If your GM allows this power, they'll allow any power. Let the VPP wars begin.
  10. That's not a good example though. Objects of opportunity should be Accessible or have Physical Manifestation. I have no objection to you attacking a focus to damage or destroy it, but I still paid the points to keep from being disarmed. Popping a character out of his power suit is just a more all encompassing disarm when you get down to it and doesn't apply to Inaccessible foci.
  11. Baddest Blood for me. It allows the most variety in the heroes and who doesn't like angst-ridden teens being manipulated by shadowy government agencies.
  12. As I see it, any power that would be capable of this has issues that cannot be easily resolved . First, you are starting from the premise of building a power to work against a SFX: Power Suit. If the target gets all his powers from a Magic Belt or Bioweapon Sword then the power does what? If nothing then it's a power built to hose one type of SFX and I'd allow it as a Suppress, Dispel or Transform. I'd also have no problem with Teleport:UAA if the Power Armor in question was built as a vehicle. If it works on the other SFX then it's an instant win against anyone who uses any type of focus , which brings up issue two. If you want to say it can be used against any Focus bought with Inaccessible then I'd go with a flat emphatic no. The power breaks the contract of the game. Taking an Inaccessible Focus is supposed to require 1 turn out of combat. That is the risk condition that the creator of the target agreed to by taking that limitation, To create powers that change that is penalizing the player without giving any bonus in return. I'd expect enraged players if I was the GM using this against them and I'd have ... problems with any GM that tried it on me. Lastly, this power has no assurance that it will work at all. There are plenty of things that look like a focus but aren't(off the top of my head, full body cyborg conversion, psychic manifestation, symbiotic bioweapon and the others named above) and the user has no way of knowing in a combat situation which is which without an appropriate KS or spending the out of combat time trying to disable the target(who may be violently resisting such attempts).
  13. Don't know how it will interact but looks good. The 2-hr premiere is Friday night.
  14. Just saw it yesterday. I went in braced for it to suck and was very pleasantly surprised. There's only one moment that I thought the heroes were stupid but they were justifiably distracted when they lost the box. The personalities of our heroes were very well done. The action was some of the best in any superhero movie. The fights were just the right length and well choreographed not dragging on forever like MoS or BvS. If they learn from this movie, then they may just have a bright future ahead.
  15. He goes to the authorities. He has plenty of ways to stop him without killing.
  16. As comics nerds, we know that. But the mainstream audience is going to go " Who?" It doesn't help that he is a B-lister even among Darkseid's lackeys. Kailbak, Granny(and her Furies), Godfrey and DeSaad are all better known.
  17. It looks really nice. Thank you for your time and hard work sir.
  18. I've never thought 43 was a good president(not a bad person, just unqualified for the office). But his speech shows that he was morally fit for it and further crystallizes my opinion of Trump. Trump is a disgrace to our country and dangerous to our future. I never thought the day would come when a sitting president would lead attacks on freedom of expression and freedom of the press. Sadly. I expect things to get worse before they get better. My only hope is that a Russian smoking gun is found so he and his cronies can be sent to prison for the rest of their lives.
  19. Funny, if you check my later post(271), I thought I said the same. Nanotech requires that the proper materials be at hand, the transporter just needs some in computer memory.
  20. They ruled it a catch with a fumble before he crossed the goal line that he did not recover in bounds(supposedly he regained control of the ball after striking the pylon). Now if that is what happened then the ruling is correct but that's not what the ruling on the field was, and unless there is a replay angle not available to the public I don't see clear evidence to overturn the call.
  21. The official rule is that you can add all your STR. There is an optional rule to restrict it to adding only STR equal to the weapon base in 6e that I am not sure is present in CC.
  22. There are ways to do replication thru nanotech and that could be the way The Orville Universe functions. The ST transporter is matter energy conversion and energy matter conversion controlled by a ridiculous amount of computer processing and data storage.
  23. Taken to just a little extrapolation, there's very few problems that replicator technology can't solve. Infinite resources means that the only constraints are how quickly you can build more replicators and distribute them. There will still be philosophical and religious arguments but no economic stress to escalate any conflicts.
  24. Aquaman has a better personality, much better press coverage and a smoking hot wife. Namor just can't compete here,
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