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Everything posted by bigbywolfe

  1. Target's focus on removing gender signage was for toys and children's bedding, not clothes. As for the costume, it's probably the exact name the manufacturer put on it and was entered as such by some employee who didn't know better.
  2. I highly doubt it's Bizarro. Having said that, Bizarro in Superman the Animated Series started out looking normal and deteriorated. In Smallville he started out normal but his weird crystal form was revealed in direct sunlight. I believe in the period piece comic Trinity it's stated that he started out looking like Superman but the more power he uses the more he crystallized. I mean, the original Bizarro also wasn't a clone, he was an imperfect copy made by Lex's Duplicating Ray (unless you count the earlier version from the Superboy comics which was accidentally created by someone else's "duplicating ray"). All-Star Superman, Trinity, the comic tie-in to the Superboy show, not to mention pre- and post-crisis all have different versions of Bizarro with differences in origin, appearance, and behavior. Considering Bruutal, the Superman clone in the New 52's Earth Two line, I wouldn't put it past them to introduce a clone at some point. Whether it's "Bizarro" or not is another matter.
  3. Been a long time since I've felt the need to block someone, but when you repeatedly insult someone and tell them to calm down when they weren't worked up until you insulted them... I just can't handle that kind of intentional jackassery anymore.
  4. You're the first person I've seen say they didn't like Ant Man. Most of my circle thought it was better than Iron Man 3 or Thor 2 and many liked it better than the Avengers movies.
  5. Some crazy vigilante beating up cops? Yeah, Jessica and Luke would both keep their heads down and avoid that mess altogether. I was under the impression Fisk was jailed prior to the start of Jessica Jones, but I guess they haven't explicitly stated when the two series occur in relation to each other.
  6. Why? It was just as much of a surprise when it was revealed in the comics, wasn't it? The origin of Hydra has changed multiple times and was one of Marvel's earliest retcons. It's entirely unreasonable to expect the MCU to spring fully formed into existence. The idea of wasting screen time in a movie to mention a plot twist that may never come up in a show that may have never been made is ridiculous.
  7. Remember that while a roll of 8- may seem low, especially when looking at combat related things, it is considered skilled enough for an entry level job in that field or an avid hobbyist. Things like taking extra time, using good equipment (if applicable), researching the topic (again, if applicable), and complimentary skill rolls all make succeeding much more likely and simple tasks don't even require a roll unless the character is under some stress beyond whatever the skill normally entails (short on time, in combat, et cetera).
  8. Prior to Marvel Studios/Disney pretty much every studio was incapable of having a cosmic being be anything other than a cloud monster.
  9. Nerve Strike Martial Maneuvers are NNDs and shouldn't work against something that doesn't have those same nerves so I don't think that's really an issue.
  10. As soon as I typed that I thought the same thing, lol.
  11. I'm not sure I understand how anyone is even suggesting Thanos in the first place. We've already seen Thanos in the MCU and he isn't some weird possessed dust-storm.
  12. The Focus is not Expendable, shouldn't have the Arrangement Limitation, and why is it Inaccessible? What stops someone from grabbing his wheel chair and tipping him out? Also, it's not Restrainable, that aspect is already covered by making it a Focus.
  13. Bringing up the super strength orgasm is just dumb at this point. That's not how it works in the comics, that's not how it has worked in any previous DC property movies or TV shows, and there is absolutely no reason to try to apply some stupid "real physics" to superhuman mating. It's a non-issue and acting like it is, or worse, like it should be, is just looking for something to complain about. EDIT: having super sex be an issue in supergirl would be extremely off genre. She can hold a building up by one corner and it doesn't collapse but it's sex and no other misuse of super strength that breaks your suspension of disbelief? Seriously?
  14. A friend's Facebook status today: "At this point in our culture I'm very surprised there aren't people with nut allergies boycotting The Peanuts Movie."
  15. Except that's exactly the opposite of what the OP asked for... The entire point seems to be to have it be a power and not something that can be blocked by "just about anything" and treated the same as a smartphone.
  16. Cops Call Rancher for Help with a Bull, When He Showed Up the Cops Killed Him At least the County/Sheriff's Department asked the State Police to handle the investigation instead of doing it themselves. Oh, wait, these are the same State Police that are currently being sued by former employees who claim they suffered official, sanctioned retaliation for not cooperating in a cover-up...
  17. Only Through the Senses Of Other is generally a Limitation because you are stuck perceiving what they perceive where ever they go even if it's not what or where you want to be perceiving. But with a tracking device where they go is explicitly the thing you do want to perceive, so I'm not sure that's worth a Limitation.
  18. I've only seen one video where she seems to hit him at all. It happens when he wraps his arm around her head and she appears to hit him on the shoulder, though it looks a bit like flailing and is at almost the exact same time that she tips over backward. Despite claims I can't find a single video that shows her "punching him in the head". She didn't want to leave and probably did fight when he tried to remove her. People keep pointing that out like it justifies his actions. It doesn't. At the very least is was a really, really bad take down. At the worst it is what it looks like, a cop ignoring all procedure and literally throwing a disturbed teenager across a room.
  19. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5630fde3e4b0c66bae5a7469 Seems like a no brainer. Let's hope other areas follow suit.
  20. So your point was to enter a discussion about a serious and systematic problem in our culture and downplay the seriousness and pervasiveness of said problem? Sounds more like an attempt at satire gone wrong than "levity".
  21. I get you are being sarcastic, but what is your point Nolgroth? What does that article have to do with this thread?
  22. First time on video. Police takes the word of a cop over the "bad kid" that was doing something wrong. Not really hard to understand. There is currently a completely separate law suit against him going on. EDIT: And my comments about taking down a suspect echo the statement his police chief (or was it sheriff?) said when stating why he was fired.
  23. Pattern Ghosr, he didn't do things how he was trained, that's why he was fired. When apprehending a suspect, once physical contact is made you maintain control of the individual until they are secure. You never let the person go unless you have to for your own safety because they have a weapon or something. The officer literally THREW her away from himself, not to the ground, to the other side of the room so he had to walk over to her before cuffing her. In no world is that a reasonable response, and it completely violates their training, he increased her chance of injury and did not maintain control of the suspect both while he was in no danger.
  24. Has he been mentioned as her brother already? Because introducing a random brother that's never been mentioned before seems way more of a stretch than introducing a random cousin or nephew that's not come up previously.
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