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Goofy hero names that you still love


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While reading Hero a day got my on this train of thought, it's not because any of those awesome characters have goofy names, but the fact that one of them leads the national mexican hero team. That reminded me of one of my favorite goofy names...


Az-tech. I loved him in V&V, but I wanted a more Iron Man type of guy. He's been a back burner project for...hmmm..decades now.


Another is, of course, Psi-borg.


Any other slightly goofy names that you just love anyway?

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Re: Goofy hero names that you still love


I made up, but never used Enormo the Super Tap-Dancer. He was a youthful alien who crash-landed on earth. He brought a giant robot battlesuit in order to seem very impressive and keep him from being harmed by the natives, but the only part that survived were the eight foot tall shoes.


Which he wears.


To fight crime.



Great origin story, but kind of a one-trick pony.




Oh, also an archer character names Aerosmith

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Re: Goofy hero names that you still love


Well I did have that Moveby artist who started with the name 'Zip'

Got upgraded to Road Runner. - beep beep.

Though I used a picture based on "Bandit" from V&V at first. (I think Bandit was the name)


Though the GM still considered him one of the most dangerous heroes on the team. Probably because RR took out the Galactic Rampager (Galactus clone) in a phase. Multiple Moveby with 75" movement and penetrating and GR had a very low DCV. (high powered game obviously)


Not sure who was grossed out more, the GM, the other players, or myself. Though I did notice a lot more villians getting hardened after that.

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Re: Goofy hero names that you still love


Trainwreck -- a flying super-strong brick. Got the code name mostly because he tended to go on missions that ended up in bad places.


Spaaaace Noooomad! (you have to say it with echo and a reverb) -- actual name given to a character by an actual player. We couldn't stop laughing everytime he appeared and are still laughing about the name years later.

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Re: Goofy hero names that you still love


In a group I played in, we had a character who was a speedster/brick. His primary mode of attack was to run at high speed and crash into his target.


His name? Amtrack

We had one like that...his specialty was move through's. Massive running and a FF at 0 END that only stopped collision damage. His name was Slamdance.
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Re: Goofy hero names that you still love


Maybe I love comics and superheroes as much as I do because I have a secret love of puns.

You always know the powers of who you're fighting by their names. My characters (past and present):


Tempest-- an air elemental speedster who's real name was Gayle Booker. She mostly went by Booker.


Modem-- a tech-geek/programmer cyborg. She was the first to go wireless. :D


Nephilim-- a brick who's an emalgam of mortal and angel (or demon under the right circumstances, but that's not until next issue. Shhhhh.). :)

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Re: Goofy hero names that you still love


My charater was named Sunburn (an light energy projector), and his nemisis was named (hold on to your hats, folkes)...Dark Sun.


You have to remember, this was a year before TSR released the campain of the same name. If I had to name his nemisis now (if I was going to, say, do a Digital Hero artical on the both of them), I would rename him Blacklight.


Other names I love from the MetaGuard campain...


...our leader was named Consess (as in that littel voice in your brain which tells most people right from wrong)...

...our most anoying enimie was named dexneJ (get a mirror if you can't figure this one out) He was also an ex-member of the group...

...I loved our big nemisis group, Demolition. But I loved there first name better, The Raindear Raiders (hay, it was a Cristmas run). Master Blaster is a cool name. But the twins Highsteap and Twinkletoes could literly kick the snot out of you. Forcently, thay suffered from the Corsican Brothers effect.


Well, that should be it...

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Guest rholio

Re: Goofy hero names that you still love


Had a kinetic energy controller named Superindestructoman. Usually assumed the Superman pose when asked his name, too.


75%r Damage Reduction, PD and ED.


12d6 Absorbtion PD, to Stun / HA.

12d6 Absorbtion ED, to Stun.

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Re: Goofy hero names that you still love


We had someone make a hero with a hi-tech suit that, of course, could fly. His name? Flyboy!


Yah, it's pretty bad but he made his name to be respected due to his power.

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Re: Goofy hero names that you still love


I made a villain a while back. A gang-member. Tough brick, with the ability to boost his strength, con, PD, ED, etc by focusing on it. (multipower with extra points in those stats)


He wasn't fully evil, he just hung out with creeps who used his bulk to their advantage.


His name was Jason Johanson, but his buddies all called him "Jimmy."


'Cause he was the guy that opened the doors. :D (%)

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