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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A little personal . . .



The Sitch:

The GM and the players are discussing what kind of characters we want to run in the upcoming Kazei5 game. I have run female characters more often than not in this GM's games.




GM: What kind of character do you want to play?


Me:​ (Perusing the book, I see the Puma and automatically think of Dominion Tank Police): A Puma!


GM: OK, what gender?


Me (Still thinking of Ana and Una Puma): Female.

GM: Is there some reason you like to play females?

Me: It's because I like the ladies --


GM: And you secretly want to be one?


Me: What can I say? I'm a lesbian trapped inside a man's body.


GM:​ . . . :think:


So, you're playing a lesbian cougar?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A little personal . . .



The Sitch:

The GM and the players are discussing what kind of characters we want to run in the upcoming Kazei5 game. I have run female characters more often than not in this GM's games.




GM: What kind of character do you want to play?


Me:​ (Perusing the book, I see the Puma and automatically think of Dominion Tank Police): A Puma!


GM: OK, what gender?


Me (Still thinking of Ana and Una Puma): Female.

GM: Is there some reason you like to play females?

Me: It's because I like the ladies --


GM: And you secretly want to be one?


Me: What can I say? I'm a lesbian trapped inside a man's body.


GM:​ . . . :think:


Reminds me of a memorable exchange I saw once, on 'Friends' of all things. The group, for some reason, is talking about lesbians and then Chandler (who has been quiet during all this) suddenly muses: "You know. Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian ..... (PAUSE, LOOKS AROUND) .... Did I say that out loud?:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From the MLP RP one of my players is GMing



: You fork some of the scones onto your plate and begin to nibble cautiously. You couldn't really gauge if this counted as 'royal' food, but they tasted just like normal scones to you. Some things taste nice, others a little sub-par. Just like eating anywhere back home, really. Your eyes trace the room. Within seconds it was plain to see that Pinkie Pie isn't here. It isn't hard to miss a hyperactive pink puff ball. Still... it's beginning to drive you a little barmy. You were certain that she was-... Wait what was that metallic banging noise? You look up to the ceiling. Pinkie's grinning face looks back from the grate on the ventilation shaft.

Me OoC
: Ceiling Pinkie Is Watching You Masticate.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


How to terrify your enemies; Rogue Trader Style.


After limping around with only one ship for the better part of a year, the D'Stayn Family finally gets two new ships online, a fast Havoc-Class raider well armed, and a Transport, less well armed but with all kinds of Archeotech. Both have shady pasts as pirate vessels (one an old D'Stayn ship, another not ours...)


The best way to christen a newly repaired ship is to take it into battle. Facing a Tyrant-Class Cruiser (The Storm And Fury) and another Raider (The Intimidator). We figure this might be a tough fight, but doable.


The Salamder (the raider) charges forward, apparently the machine spirit has a disposition somewhere around "Kill! Kill! Kill!" on the scale. The first salvo blows through the heavily armored Tyrant Cruiser's reinforced prow blowing out both the Augers (sensors), Engines, and a port-side macro-battery array, and lighting it on fire. In the next round (after every other ship on the field of battle either missed or was ineffective) turns its sites on the other Raider and immediately blows the bridge off of it in a single hit.


Player: We should rechristen that the "Vorpal Bunny."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Yesterday the team of Noble Heros finished up escaping from a Alien scientist zookeeper, who seemed interested in Humans and their ability to manifest crazy differant powers. Most Aliens only have two of three "powers" tops.


The vigilante broke free, set fire to the library, blew up the main lab(s) and generally expressed himself forcefully...part of the reason he got loose , is that he has no powers (Not true! I have both attitude and cool powers!)


He finally tracks Alien scientist guy who is getting weepy....after listening to the belly aching, he prepares to lodge an objection with his machine gun.... "Hey, don't be so sad...your operation is trashed, but you did achieve a truely great discovery...no one will ever know, but you did find and identify this galaxy's apex prediter...."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


How to terrify your enemies; Rogue Trader Style.


After limping around with only one ship for the better part of a year, the D'Stayn Family finally gets two new ships online, a fast Havoc-Class raider well armed, and a Transport, less well armed but with all kinds of Archeotech. Both have shady pasts as pirate vessels (one an old D'Stayn ship, another not ours...)


The best way to christen a newly repaired ship is to take it into battle. Facing a Tyrant-Class Cruiser (The Storm And Fury) and another Raider (The Intimidator). We figure this might be a tough fight, but doable.


The Salamder (the raider) charges forward, apparently the machine spirit has a disposition somewhere around "Kill! Kill! Kill!" on the scale. The first salvo blows through the heavily armored Tyrant Cruiser's reinforced prow blowing out both the Augers (sensors), Engines, and a port-side macro-battery array, and lighting it on fire. In the next round (after every other ship on the field of battle either missed or was ineffective) turns its sites on the other Raider and immediately blows the bridge off of it in a single hit.


Player: We should rechristen that the "Vorpal Bunny."


Yep, THAT ship is a keeper.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Yep' date=' THAT ship is a keeper.[/quote']It's beginning to sound like how the Rose Tattoo is getting. (Remind me to tell Olaf that quality starts with a "q" and not a "c". English isn't his first language, so it's an easy mistake.)


Once we load on the turbo-batteries and the layered shielding, we'll be almost as tough as a light cruiser, but a LOT faster and more agile.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The Gamer's Guild Masks of Nyarlathotep Episode 9 - Wombling Free


February 11th – A restful morning followed by a very busy afternoon. Some of the investigators plan to go around to the Penhew foundation again, this time to talk to Edward Gavigan about the doomed Carlyle Expedition. Abbagale heads around to meet the artist Miles Shipley, since going to the Penhew Foundation again, after she was caught sneaking around their basement, would probably be asking for trouble. Especially if she goes climbing around in the crawlspaces again, which is the sort of situation that twenty years later leads to a report of a desiccated body found in the wall cavity.


To ensure they make a better impression than Abbagale, Aldous ensures that the deranged butler Damien Johns aka ‘Fakebottom’ actually takes his medication. Alas, he doesn’t know Johns has been watering the stuff down, effectively turning it into a homeopathic compound.


Gavigan is an immaculately dressed gentleman in his fifties, complete with carnation in his lapel and a fashionably new wristwatch.



: I'll have to kill him and eat his fashion, so I can become even MORE dapper.


Gavigan is a bit puzzled that the investigators have come all the way from the US to ask questions he could have answered in a letter.

: We ask ourselves this
all the time

But since they’re there now, they’re free to explore the public records of the Carlyle Expedition to see if there’s any connection between it and the various cults they tell Gavigan about.



The private records are something else entirely. Gavigan admits, once the investigators swear themselves to secrecy, that the expedition was given false information about a very early period in Egyptian history, between the Third and Fourth Dynasty, when a sorcerer ruled the Nile Valley. This source, Carlyle’s lover (Hypatia Masters, expedition photographer, perhaps?), then absconded with several thousand pounds. Gavigan explains the expedition members then went to the Kenyan Highlands to recover from this shock, and can’t imagine any connection between the betrayal and their later deaths.


At least the investigators get to see the various small and ordinary items from Sir Penhew’s and the Expedition’s digs at Dhashur and west of Giza. Most of their discoveries went to the British Museum, or stayed in Egypt at the Museum in Cairo while they are catalogued.


Over in Soho, Miles Shipley’s mother seems pleasant enough, after she lets Abbagale in, serves tea and biscuits, and sits down to catch up on her knitting. She’s also completely oblivious to what a drug-crazed creep her son is. Shipley’s mother eventually suggests the two go upstairs to inspect his paintings. They’re certainly well painted - in excruciating detail.


The first, for example, is a portrait of a beautiful woman, unnaturally pale and quite dead, sleeping delicately on a verdant carpet of snakes. The second, a sailing ship in distress, with huge dark shapes beneath the waters. And more in the same vein, each more horrible than the last, and some with oddities of architecture unlike anything Abbagale has ever seen. Shipley insists with some vehemence that he paints what he sees, so when one shows up of what looks VERY like the basement rituals from the Ju-Ju House, complete with the masked and feather-cloaked cult leader that got away, Abbagale takes notice.


But it’s the one of what appears to be a woman in contemporary clothes, being strangled to death on a foggy London street by a creature of smoke and shadow, that disturbs her the most. Particularly because of the way Shipley says he enjoyed painting that one, and is now eyeing Abbagale speculatively.


Making an excuse that she’s expected at her next appointment – to Shipley’s obvious annoyance – she is escorted to the door, skin crawling and hackles raised. She returns to the Ritz, to inform her compatriots of her discovery.



: Never let me talk to painters of modern art again.

: OK. I’ll add it to the list of people Abbagale isn’t allowed to talk to. I'm hoping to expand this list until it's one word. Everyone.


: You’re looking a bit distressed there, Miss Stants. Do you want me to get you a drink or something?

: Yes. Please.

: Water or something harder?

*passes Stants his Brain Tonic*

: ... I don’t trust you.

: Neat gin it is then.


: So, Johnson, what do you think of this painting? ... Johnson? ... Johnson, there's steam coming out of your ears.


The boys promptly consider going around and beating some respect into the debauched freak, but until they know why Jackson Elias considered the news article about Shipley significant, and just what other scenes the artist has ‘seen’, precipitate action may be a mistake.


: I can’t just turn up and start stabbing people! That’s how I ended up in an asylum in the first place.

: And how you got out, too.

: That too.


Stants refuses to go to Holbein Mews again, without company.

: Don’t worry, we'll send Einstein with you, that'll turn off any man.

: Besides, you out-massed him about two-to-one. You could have broken him over you knee like a bread stick.


February 12th - Aldous and Fakebottom take the precaution of standing guard over Stants’ room all night, in case Shipley decides to make a late-night call.

Ritz staff
: Is there something amiss with your room sir?

: No, perfectly fine thanks.

Ritz staff
: Ah, I’ll just leave you here in the corridor then.

: Yes, yes you will.


: How long have you been there?

: Let’s just say I could do with a stiff coffee. But this being England, I’ll settle for what they have.


: We're going to kill everybody Mythos related until we get whoever is behind it all.

: I see no problems with this plan.

: You realise that includes McGinty?

: ... It's for the good of humanity.

: But do you really think you could go up against McGinty and live?

: ....

: Or would he merely beat you half-dead and leave you to be used as a sexual colander by his Irish Wolfhound?


Mass murder postponed, they call Richardson of the Clarion to find out what he knows about the Masters murder in Oxford – not much – and then head back to New Scotland Yard to see what information they have on the latest Papyrus Killing. Conveniently, Carlton and Barrington have wanted a word with them, as well. Unfortunately, that’s because the Inspectors are seriously miffed. Probably because the constable that went around to check on Dr Brigg’s house found the broken off lock-picks, and enquiries among the neighbours and to Grey Fell revealed that the only people who knew Doctor Briggs had been released and had returned to his home WERE the investigators.


: We had to do something.

Inspector Barrington
: And this something was send one of my constables into the home of a death cultist you've already implicated in two other murders?

: In hindsight this was a bad idea.


The Inspectors get even more annoyed when they learn that Lord Frontbottom is a fraud, that Stants KNEW he was a fraud and said nothing, and that Johnson hasn’t been passing on everything they learned to the police, or even warning Brigg’s other targets. They have excellent reason to have the investigators variously deported, imprisoned for possession of burglary tools, incarcerated for psychiatric observation, etc. Consorting with the other investigators isn’t going to do Aldous Quinn’s parole conditions any good either, and only special pleading from the lunatic Fakebottom saves Quinn from having to return to the US in disgrace.


: Aldous thought I was sane the whole time.

Inspector Carlton
: Which doesn’t give much credence to his investigatory skills.


At the very least the Inspectors going to be sending some VERY annoyed letters to Johnson’s superior at the Office of Naval Intelligence. The investigators are ordered to stay in London while their fingerprints are compared to evidence recovered from Brigg’s former surgery-cum-residence.


Thus confined to the city, they decide to go harass Tewfik al-Sayed for a while, to find out more about Sir Aubrey’s previous expeditions, and whether he in fact knows anything about the Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh.


Al-Sayed’s horrified reaction when they bring up the cult and the cult symbol of the Inverted Ankh, and the way he pushes them all out the door and switches the sign to CLOSED certainly implies he knows more about the cult than he let on.


: Why do people keep doing this when we mention Nyarlathotep's cults?

: Because the ones who don’t know about it think we’re crazy, and the ones who DO know think we’re crazy.


What next, then? Aldous is certain the police are having them tailed now, thanks to all the trouble they’ve caused, and a careful check reveals that they are indeed being watched.


They decide to lead their pursuer on a merry chase across London, to everywhere they want the police to investigate, but first they’ll need permission from the Inspectors to interview Dr Lund on Harley Street again.


Despite the antipathy the Inspectors now have towards the group, the information that Tewfik al-Sayed is hiding something is enough to give them a hearing.


The investigators confess that they don’t in fact know enough Egyptology to be sure that there’s a connection between the Egyptian murders and the Papyrus Killings, and Inspector Barrington suggests that bring Edward Gavigan in as a civilian expert.


Fakebottom advises caution there, since merely reading a fake papyrus got the last expert – George Edmundson – killed, so the inspectors arrange to have Gavigan brought to the Yard secretly, by a plain-clothes cop.


Dr. Lund
: *
* I wish you’d told me you were bringing a reporter

: Don’t worry, anything I write has to be vetted by the Office of Naval Intelligence

: Or I get to shoot her

Dr. Lund
: *
raises an eyebrow
* That sort of thing happens a lot in the US, does it?

: Johnson! That was a joke in ill humour!

Dr. Lund
: Interesting sense of humour you have there, Agent Johnson – tell me about your mother. You seem to have a predisposition towards violence against women.

: Nah, I don’t discriminate.


Lund is confident the unarmed constable at his door will protect him from harm, so leaving the doctor to a near-certain demise at the pseudopods of the Mythos, the investigators head back to Soho again, and the Blue Pyramid.


: I was hoping they’d do the Dance of the Seven Surplus Army Blankets


Tewfik al-Sayed is spotted among the patrons, talking to other Middle Eastern gentlemen, and fails to spot to Fakebottom attempting to eavesdrop. Unfortunately Fakebottom didn’t practice his Arabic aboard ship – no doubt because he was too busy climbing the superstructure and stabbing Russian assassins – and learns nothing. But all is not lost – Abbagale’s meal comes with an extra napkin, upon which is scribbled a hurried demand that they meet at an intersection behind the club, after closing.


: If you want to go out there we’ll follow and make sure you’re kept safe

: Oh, you never know, maybe it’s just somebody who likes a woman tall enough to play basketball... I’ll shut up now.


It’s not until she’s out there, standing on a smoggy London street, that she remembers that painting of a woman on a smoggy London street being strangled by a creature of smoke and shadow.


: Uh oh.

Quinn's Player
: Drhoz? You're a bastard


The group flee into dark alleyways just ahead the gathering stench of burning hair, and Fakebottom makes multiple frantic escapes from something indistinguishable from the fog, until they blunder out into a busier street and into the path of an oncoming truck. Luckily for them, the headlights seem to drive the smog monster off, although the lorry driver that nearly ran them over is slightly alarmed by their capering.


February 13th - They even decide to go back to the midnight rendezvous, on the off chance that the message was genuine, and the monster attack a coincidence. They’ll be sure to have their flashlights to hand though, in case the creature returns. Of course, Abbagale will be somewhat conspicuous anyway, even without the flashlights, since only certain women are found standing around street corners at night. Unless the men with her are clients, or pimps.


: I just want to go on record as saying this is a fucking stupid idea.

: The crazy man is advising against it.

: Well, she is trying to retire.

: I just don’t want to get retired with her!


As it turns out, there really was someone trying to meet them – one of the Blue Pyramid dancers. Yalesha overheard their questions about the Egyptian Murders the first time, and desperately wants revenge against the Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh, who killed her boyfriend for refusing to act as they demanded. Or so she claims.


She further claims that a man in a fez - Tewfik al-Sayed by the sound of it - and men from the club meet once a month, and go somewhere in a truck. This is just the sort of break in the case they’ve been waiting for, and they persuade Yalesha to come with them to Scotland Yard, where by happy coincidence Inspector Barrington and Edward Gavigan are pouring over the My Life as a God diary.


Edward Gavigan
: Ah, a familiar face! Mr Johns, wasn’t it?


: We found a witness.

Edward Gavigan
: That was quick!


Barrington is delighted by this news, and after Fakebottom/Damien Johns explains the significance of the New Moon dates, Gavigan volunteers to talk to Yalesha in her native Arabic, to help put her at her ease, and even offers his handkerchief to mop up her tears. This proves especially productive, and it now seems certain that they’ll have a chance to catch the entire cult in one hit, despite not knowing where the cult rituals actually take place.


Although, of course, Tewfik now knowing what three of them look like doesn’t help.


Edward Gavigan
: Will you be needing me to translate these Egyptians on the day?

: Gavigan, if we take them prisoner we want you as far away from the scene as possible

Edward Gavigan
: I see

: We don’t want you anywhere near these people.

Edward Gavigan
: I’m not quite cut out for this cloak and dagger stuff.


Johnson reflects on the fact that he is still far from recovered from his injuries at the hands of the Bloody Tongue cult leader, or the fall on the Mauretania stairs.

: So we’ve got the Egyptian Murders, the Papyrus Killings, and a mummy.


Keeping Yalesha in protective custody, they decide to wait until the night of the new moon on the 23rd of February, then follow the cultist’s truck to wherever they go and fire off a flare. Aldous Quinn’s driving skills might actually get a proper use. Barrington warns Gavigan not to talk to anybody about these plans, and reinforces the need for total security.



Things are finally looking up...


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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


It suddenly occurs to me that a PC speaking to a godlike' date=' disembodied intelligence and getting responses back is perfectly understandable in a Call of Cthulhu setting. :)[/quote']



Perfectly understandable? Maybe.


It's not what I would consider to be a desirable state of affairs, though.




Major Tom 2009 :nonp:

Minus 23 and counting...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


In Cthulhu - it's when they Don't talk back that you should be worried. Like many 4 year old children' date=' godlike, disembodied voices are up to no good when they go silent.[/quote']


True. A silent GM is a GM at his deadliest. ;)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


4th edition DnD-ness

Theren the Archer, Elven Ranger

Goguin the Faithful, Dwarven Cleric

Lucius the Pyro/Cyromaniac, Tiefling Elementalist

Terios the Moo, Minotaur Fighter

Darius the Deadly, Mul Battlemind

Orr the Conjuction, Half-Orc Rogue


Final session: the GM has decided he's had enough of us. Or got a job offer in Los Angeles, it's hard to say. So, we'll be starting a new campaign with one of the players taking the screen, and the former GM saying he'll drive down for the game so long as he doesn't have to run it...

So, final session had a super boss battle, and here's our best clips...


Lucius hides behind the Terios...

Lucius: I cast Minotaur Shield!


Goguin is dominated, and attacks Theren

Theren: Ow, my face!

Terios: He's a dwarf, he can't reach your face.

Theren: Ow, my spleen!


Theren hit by a gaze attack

Theren: Dad, the demon keeps staring at me!


With Goguin and Orr dead, Terios and Darius down and out, Theren and Lucius consider a plan...

Theren: I'm going to run for it.

Lucius: We know there's no way out of here, and they're between us and the exit. Do you want people to say you died with your boots on, or that you died a coward?

Goguin: OOC "Died with his track shoes on!"


So, anyway, we completed the quest for a set of magic items and returned them and Goguin's body to his temple. Final results...


Theren the Archer, Elven Ranger: Living in wilderness area near city, doing ranger stuff.

Goguin the Faithful, Dwarven Cleric: Martyr of the Faith, body in tomb under temple, it is said that he'll walk again if Moradin needs him (if the GM decides to restart the campaign; GM has stated that if he takes up the screen again he'll restart the campaign at level 21)

Lucius the Pyro/Cyromaniac, Tiefling Elementalist: Sets up shop in town to study magic/sell cheap magic trinkets

Terios the Moo, Minotaur Fighter: Working as city guardsman for the brute squad (He is the brute squad!)

Darius the Deadly, Mul Battlemind: Deceased, player says he'll create a new character if the campaign restarts.

Orr the Conjuction, Half-Orc Rogue: Working for the town thieves guild.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


After the group spent some time scavenging a high school (they barely succeeded on their roll), the former bodyguard (who worked for upscale clients, mind you) expresses his...displeasure with their findings.


Bodyguard: *kicks over a stack of cans* "People once said 'This is the way the world ends, Not with a bang but a whimper'. Wrong, ***holes! The world ends with beans. Bush's. F****ing. Baked. Beans"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Peter Schmidt Jensen has done it again...



"The annals of history are brimming with stories of tragic love/hate relationships. The Honorable Lord Frontbottom and Professor Deborah Einstein (born of a secret tryst between Albert Einstein and Jabba the Hutt) are embroiled in a passionate hate/hate relationship, fuelled by their mutual loathing and contempt.


But anything can happen at sea, and who knows what tender emotions may blossom when the two of them are together aboard the RMS Mauretania? ;-)"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


40k Game, this is drawn out so bear with me:


Space Marines are highly regarded in the Imperium.

The Space Wolf attached to the Rogue Trader has a drinking problem,

spending a lot of free time in the various ship's lounges.

The player of the Space Wolf brings his laptop to the game and is constantly

looking at stuff, some for the game, most times not.


Another Player OOC: I just always assume that when the player is looking at his laptop his character is drinking.

Other Player, IC: That's why shipboard morale stays so high! There's always a stein hoisted somewhere!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Ongoing Tales of the Tyrant Sun and the Vorpal Bunny (Lonewalker's Rogue Trader game)... "If you don't shoot at it, it won't notice you!"


After cleaning up and repairing from the last battle where the Vorpal Bunny decimated a Cruiser and Frigate we head to another planet to hopefully secure a home port. Upon entering the system we find the planet under attack by Orks - 1 Cruiser, 2 Attack Ships (frigates) and 3 Brute Force Ram Ships (what it says on the tin).


Thankfully they don't notice our approach, but we're two ships (Tyrant Sun Cruiser and Vorpal Bunny Death Machine) plus the Planetary Defense Force transport. We're able to get in a devastating first blow - our Cruiser blinds theirs with a lucky opening shot, the Vorpal Bunny proceeds to cripple (and light on fire) a Ram Ship.


Battle fully engaged, mostly it's the two cruisers firing at each other and the Vorpal Bunny against everything else...


End Body Count:

The Tyrant Sun has completely destroyed, slagged and decimated the Ork Cruiser, with the Ork Waaaugh Boss mostly yelled "What do you mean "They" shot at us?!", and it crippled a Brute Force Ram Ship


The Vorpal Bunny has - Crippled 1 Ram Ship (reduced to 0 Hull), damaged one so badly it can only flight straight and it has gone off into space in a straight line, Crippled and destroyed both Attack Ships, and got in a few hits on the Cruiser for fun.


Vorpal Bunny: 4; Orks: 0.


The frightening part is that the Vorpal Bunny has no PCs to crew it and give it a boost and only 2 weapons... with a 60% chance to hit it consistently rolled critical hits and doing 30+ Damage. Everything it aims itself at goes away in a fiery, slightly confused, mess. Statistically it's over achieving.


PC: We need to give that something to shoot at regularly or it might turn on us.

GM: I might have to take that away from you...

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