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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A running gag in our Sunday afternoon Shadowrun game has my troll auto mechanic look at the elf drone rigger and OOC exclaim: "Science Woona, explain!" with the reply being simply "Science!"


Of course, this makes more sense (and is funnier) if you know who Science Woona is....




Also, read Moonstuck


Other lines from said game include the comment on a box containing one cybernetic dog: "easy bake guard dog."


Also, "Soy-Coke" (followed by the universal opinion of UGH!) as well as "Soy-Mountain Dew." To which we all said "How could you tell?"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Some quotes from Swancon - they had a very busy games room all weekend :) eg. Pathfinder demo I helped at :)


: Why didn't it eat the cat?... Maybe it's allergic


Playing Arkham Horror for the first time


: Shouldn't there be something in the Miskatonic student induction pack about that? 'Never read the old books aloud'


: No mature-age students at M.U. They don't live that long.


: Superboy punched holes in reality - I'm punching reality to close them


*pronouncing Abyss oddly*
You're in the Abbess.

: That's going to take some explaining - I thought nuns had a vow of chastity. And what does
think of this?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A quote from Rogue Trader I forgot to include


Magos Marzu : We have to fly closer to the planet - I want to attack it with my sword.

GM : You know, with Carno at the helm... you could actually do that.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A running gag in our Sunday afternoon Shadowrun game has my troll auto mechanic look at the elf drone rigger and OOC exclaim: "Science Woona, explain!" with the reply being simply "Science!"


Of course, this makes more sense (and is funnier) if you know who Science Woona is....




Also, read Moonstuck




What woonacy is this?!?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary responds that obviously it's Science! Woonacy, causing Lucius to suspect he's surrounded by woonatics

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From the Pathfinder game the other week, which was, quite frankly, a disaster - one godawful snafu after another, culminating in the near-total slaughter of the party, with only Rumbaba escaping alive. The plot was a follow-on from the retrieval of the magic belt in the previous session, and involved a river-voyage to find the last monk's descendant, on the far side of the Sea of Eels.


: Lucky it wasn't a celibate order of monks, isn't it?


: Hope that's not a Sea of Screaming Eels.


: It seems straightforward

: We're clearly doomed


: At least you won't be going off after strange women on this trip

: I don't know about that, I heard things about river dolphins...



After running aground for the fourth time

:We're not getting our deposit in this boat back, are we?


: Prepare the torture implements!

: Well, we have a ferret - get his pants off!


: He's a bureaucrat - death by a thousand paper-cuts might be amusing


: Well, we have ranged weapons to hand, and they're flying through the air. Skeet shooting time! Pull!



As it becomes swiftly obvious we're about to lose the belt, the mission and our lives.



Other PC
: Well, don't blame yourself, Rumbaba - you had a plan, and it was vetoed by the cultural stupidity of the samurai.


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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


More 4th edition goodness!

Theren the Archer, Elven Ranger

Goguin the Faithful, Dwarven Cleric

Samm the Compensating, Human Fighter

Darrek the Redundant, Dwarf Fighter

Lucius the Pyro/Cyromaniac, Tiefling Elementalist

Damacus the flighty, Tiefling Warlord


Continued Underdark...


Damacus the Warlord gives orders...

Damacus: Lucius, use Elemental Bolt!

Therin: Lucius uses Elemental Bolt! It's super effective!


Lucius explains tactics...

Lucius: Since he didn't give me a attack of opportunity, I will take this opportunity to attack.


Therin is disappointed...

Therin: Aw, I never get to kill anything.


Lucius finds a magic item...

Lucius: I now have the Book of Vile Darkness!

Samm: Which means?

Lucius: You can't argue semantics with me.

Samm: What do you mean by 'semantics'?

Lucius: Stop that!

Goguin: Lucius! You got some 'splainin to do!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Space Marine Gilroy MacIan
: What, nobody wants to charge the enemy with me? Ah well, I'll just do it myself. GILROY MacIAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!

Space Marine Apothecary
: Don't worry, I'll come with you....
I'll harvest your gene-seed one of these days...


Space Marine Gilroy MacIan
: *
* I like to fillet big monsters, I cannot lie; you battle-brothers can't deny...


Magos Casu Marzu
: By the time we're done stripping the resources of this planet it'll look like Easter Island. Mostly bare, with big stone heads of ourselves looking out to sea.

: I believe the Moai look inland.

Magos Casu Marzu
: Who cares, we still want our faces on stuff.

:Wanted - Dead or Alive posters seems likely.




On the Ork who travelled back in time, and killed himself so he could get another copy of his favourite gun.

: Wait...
*goes cross-eyed*
If I do it again.... I'd 'ave THREE guns.... I could do dis
ad infinitinitumium

: If he did do it an infinite number of times he might actually have Enuff Dakka.

: I could cover me ship in me favourite gun! an fire 'em all at once!

van Baroque's player
: Reminds me of the old vehicle combat rules, where you could equip a Rhino with an infinite number of storm bolters.


Seneschal Jaranthine Hamerin
: Wait - Proctor Smythe only cost me 1000 points as a minion, why is Rainbow Dash more expensive?

: Because she's 20% cooler.




Anyway - as the Rose Tattoo continues its stealthy approach to the Pentapod's system, a lot of the extraneous radio traffic shuts down - they're apparently taking the search for whatever just flared into existence out in their Oort Cloud very seriously. Radio and television broadcasts from the inhabited worlds continue - apparently a lot of talking heads discussing the phenomena, and referring with graphics and archive photos to the arrival of the other human spaceship long before. By the looks of things, something badly damaged the other ship - almost certainly Lord-Captain Bel Ingeneri's Sycorax - before it come into the system on a ballistic trajectory, and was braked into orbit by Pukusian rescue ships.


van Baroque and Magos Marzu argue at some length about the best way to exploit these unknown xenos, and seize the Sycorax for themselves.

Jak Frost
: The rest of the crew have snuggled up to Netzach 'Mummy and Daddy are fighting again


Lord-Commodore Leman van Baroque
: Send them a message telling them we seek to parley

: Ah, Lord-Commodore sir? Was that parley or puree?


Magos Casu Marzu
: Maybe I should scare the bejeezus out of them by walking out to meet them, with mechadendrites flailing and going BLARGLEBLARGLEBLARGLE


Lord-Commodore Leman van Baroque
: The only thing Benetek has to worry about is us meeting a peg-legged captain asking if we've seen the White Whale.


Seneschal Jaranthine Hamerin
: The problem with finding Ratlings for Netzach to conceal about his person is that they carry packets of spice, and once Netzach works up a sweat he might mistake them for food. 'Hey, raw Ratling.... this isn't bad, actually'

: Ratling curry

Navigator Netzach Benetek
: Don't worry, I won't eat them if they're good cooks



The explorers and various crew specialists pour over the broadcasts for more clues about the culture of these aliens e.g. Searching the minor channels for subtitled programs, indicating a variety of cultures and languages.

: Looking for the equivalent of SBS television? Of course, SBS is famous for certain other aspects of its line-up...

Magos Casu Marzu
*turns head to side*
What's it doing with that tentacle?


Seneschal Jaranthine Hamerin
: So it appears they don't have conflict? They prefer to resolve everything with negotiation?

Magos Casu Marzu
: Excellent, we can crush them. BWAHAHAHA




The Pentapod equivalent of the United Nations has a flag featuring a stylised sun, equal in size to the stylised Planet 4 next to it.

Magos Casu Marzu
: We should send them our flag - their world crushed in an iron fist.

Voidsmaster Carno Sarvus
: An iron fist clutching two balls?

: Well, their flag DOES have two circles on it...





: Apparently they display status or position by the elaborateness of their hats.

Jak Frost
: We should sell them
Team Fortress 2
- Hats for everybody!




Popular Pentapod pastimes - team football and synchronised stomping. Both demonstrate considerable talent for working in groups, and synchronised tactics. The latter sounds like massed Taiko drumming.

Lord-Commodore Leman van Baroque
: Well, we can safely assume that their world is not like Arrakis.

Voidsmaster Carno Sarvus
: Tap-dancers of Dune - the shortest-lived sports league in the Galaxy.


Communications opened - the locals apparently know a smattering of High Gothic, to the explorer's surprise.

: Welcome! Welcome to our nest! Have you come for tradeness?



The xenos also send a simplified graphic encyclopaedia of their planet, biology, language and history, prior to sending out an interceptor with their First Contact Team. Marzu can barely conceal his glee that none of the xenos ships have weapons batteries, void shields, or anything resembling even basic armour. If the Rose Tattoo does decide to invade, it's going to be a short war.

Magos Casu Marzu
: Hey, Jak - what's that holovid you're always watching?

Jak Frost
: What, the one with the ponies? Here you go. If you lose the disc, I
break your legs.

Magos Casu Marzu
: Send them that - there you go, there's our history

: I predict they're going to be slightly confused when they come aboard expecting brightly coloured ponies

Magos Casu Marzu
: BWAHAHAHAHA. Wait, I sent the right disc, didn't I? Harmless ponies? Not the footage of what we did to Cinnabar?


Jak Frost
: I'll tell all the Adepts that were using the Alienage area for parties to clear off, so we can get it ready.

Jak Frost
: Racing stripes in the Alienage

Magos Casu Marzu
: Skidmarks

: Arghhhhhh.

Navigator Netzach Benetek
: Not my skidmarks, too small.

: Arghhhhhh Brain Bleach! Brain Bleach!

Voidsmaster Carno Sarvus
: Stop making it worse!


Navigator Netzach Benetek
: Can I be there at the meeting?

Lord-Commodore Leman van Baroque
: No.

: We wouldn't want you mistaking one of the Ambassadors for a Swedish Meatball and eating them.


Lord-Commodore Leman van Baroque
: Let's start a
Black Crusade
campaign, we're clearly corrupt.

Navigator Netzach Benetek
: You mean thus isn't


Magos Casu Marzu
: Right, once the diplomats are in the Alienage, I'll have my tech-priests take their shuttle apart to study the technology.

: They'll come back to find all the wheels missing.

Magos Casu Marzu
: It doesn't have wheels.

Jak Frost
: Well, we installed some, then we took 'em off.

Magos Casu Marzu
: Now it's on bricks


Seneschal Jaranthine Hamerin
: If you don't translate faithfully...

: ... we'll cut your ears off.


Pentapod diplomatic assistant
: I hope there's a little Pentapod's room

Pentapod Diplomat
: I told you to go before we left!


: The Alienage doors are big enough that you could transport whales, assuming you had some transparent aluminium


Seneschal Jaranthine Hamerin
: We wish to teach these Xenos their proper place in the Universe.

Navigator Netzach Benetek
: As bean bags.

Magos Casu Marzu
: Or Space Hoppers.

: Yes, I can all too easily picture you bastards seizing them by the eyestalks and leaping about the room on their backs.




Negotiations proceed quite well, although the five xenos are clearly rather perturbed that the explorers are more concerned about the Sycorax, than about the whereabouts or fate ofthe Sycorax's crew ( I just wish I had some props to hand, to better emulate the way their five eyestalks kept swinging about. Perhaps I should make a hat, for next session ).

Pukusian Diplomat
: Welcome to you, Imperium-of-Man ! Welcome to our nest! I MukkKLIKklikPLUCK of Xenos, representative of Admirable F'Kau-Kau-Kau, we welcome Imperium-of-Man in great friending.


Pukusian Diplomat
: Yes, Honoured-Seneschal-Jaranthine-Hamerin-of-Rose-Tattoo-and-House-van-Baroque, the otherward Nest-Star-Machine had Imperium-of-Mans, manyness of Imperium-of-Mans, but they all ceased, was a much sadness.


Seneschal Jaranthine Hamerin
: We will help each other and we will grow strong...
it's not my fault the second 'we' is less inclusive...




But despite the friendly and colourful nature of the Pukusians, something about them makes the humans' skin crawl, even more so usual, given the mere fact that they're aliens and the Imperium are a bunch of fanatical xenophobes. The Lord-Captain orders Adrik to telepathically probe them, in case they're attempting some kind of psychic trick themselves.

Astropath Adrik
: Which of the pair shall I probe first, Lord-Captain?

Lord-Commodore Leman van Baroque
: Either one.

Magos Casu Marzu
: Wait, what? Pair? There's five of them.

Astropath Adrik
: I... I can only only feel... two... souls
*goes into seizure and starts bleeding from the eye-sockets*

Pukusian Diplomat
: Honoured-Seneschal-Jaranthine-Hamerin-of-Rose-Tattoo-and-House-van-Baroque, is your nestmate unwell?

Seneschal Jaranthine Hamerin
: You! Why are there only two of you?

Pukusian Diplomat
: *
blink-blink-blink-blink-blinking nervously
* Honoured-Seneschal-Jaranthine-Hamerin-of-Rose-Tattoo-and-House-van-Baroque, this Xenos imply there is being a misunderstandment? One-Two-Three-Four-Fives, fives Xenos, fives is being auspicious symbol.




As Adrik is carted off to have his brain flushed, the other explorers huddle to discuss their suspicions. It seems certain that three of the Pukusian diplomats and camera-beings are Psychic Nulls - incredibly rare in the Imperium, and bane to psychic effects and demonic entities. A large population of such might well explain the odd behavior of the Rose Tattoo's Geller Field, and the eerie stillness of the Warp in this region. If true, the Pukusians may be an incredibly valuable resource in and of themselves, providing the humans can tolerate being around them long enough.

Jak Frost
: Arcoflagellant Blanks! Fit the Pentapod brains with control circuits, and power flails, and send against the enemies of Mankind!

Voidsmaster Carno Sarvus
: Or just cut out their living brains and put them in life support boxes - portable null shields.

: I foresee horrible, horrible things happening to innocent Pukusians over the coming years....



Eventually, the negotiation team agrees to further talks down on the planet, towards the end of handing over the Sycorax and any artefacts, and opening a trading mission on Planet 3 - also habitable, but with a smaller population than Planet 4. The extra privacy there should make it easier to kidnap random Pukusians for dissection, too. The Pukusians are clearly disappointed that the humans are refusing to teach them about Grav-plate technology, or explain what Void Shields or Warp Engines are, but relieved that the 'Imperium of Man' is not demanding further reparations for all the extra damage they've done to the Sycorax-Nest-Star-Machine as they're methodically explored and taken it apart over the preceeding decades. They're also profoundly shocked by Jaranthine's claim that the Imperium occupies most of the galaxy (carefully not mentioning that the Imperium consists of thousands of isolated, beleaguered sectors, surrounded by hostile species on every side).

Jak Frost
: Poor bastards - they think they're in the Star Trek universe but they're really in 40K - they're f***ed.



The explorers insist on an inspection of the Sycorax before they head down to Planet Four ( Pukus itself, and homeworld of the species, apparently ) for endless negotiations, state dinners, tours of important Pukusian cultural sites, and TV interviews. They helpfully send across one of their Atlases of the human ship, detailing at length every corridor, compartment, and artefact they've found so far ( but oddly making no mention of the biological components i.e. crew ). It swiftly becomes apparent, on close study of these maps, that the late Lord-Captain Bel Ingeneri was a sneaky bastard - the corridors are designed to confuse boarders and lead them into killing zones, and there's at least three sections the Pukusians and presumably Imperial Customs Officials never found their way into. The damage to the ship ( and discovery of assorted leftover teeth ) also implies that it was a Void Kraken that wrecked the Sycorax, and so terrified the crew that they risked a suicidal jump into the Warp even though their Geller Field Generators had been destroyed. But whatever had been peeling the ship open like a banana, en route to the heart of the Bridge Tower, it had gone through the projector compartments first, leaving the crew defenceless from Warp entities even as they fled the monster.


One hidden chamber the Pukusians did discover and duly catalogue was Ingeneri's hidden trophy room. And alarmingly, it's dedicated to the arts of War, bizarre and ancient weapons on every wall, and pride of place given to two sets of admittedly damaged Crusade-Era Space Marine power armour - one Iron Hands, the other the traitorous Thousand Sons. Where in the Galaxy could he have got these from, and why hadn't the Iron Hands or Imperial Authorities ever strung him up like a dog for doing so?

Navigator Netzach Benetek
: Space Marines are pretty careless with their stuff, aren't they? Leaving all this gear lying around...

Magos Casu Marzu
: They're like teenagers that way


Lord-Commodore Leman van Baroque
: That's a good question - what has that Space Wolf we rescued been up to?

: Not much - staring at the walls in the Temple, mostly.

Seneschal Jaranthine Hamerin
: And brewing something that will actually get a Space Marine drunk. And kill anybody else.

Navigator Netzach Benetek
: You wanted the Space Puppy, you look after him!

Jak Frost
: Oh wonderful, now he's scraping his butt on the carpet.

Navigator Netzach Benetek
: See, I told you it wasn't me who made those skidmarks.

: Arghhhhhh! Brain Bleach! Brain Bleach!




They head across to see what treasures Ingeneri had stuffed in his smuggling bays, dissuading the locals from accompanying them by promising to film everything themselves, and bringing along a specialised portable generator servitor for any power supplies they might need.

: Rightio, pass me the jumper leads and hook up his nipples.


Magos Casu Marzu
: Where's my lumin-skull?

Jak Frost
: I think the adepts were using it at their dance party



: The Pukusians are clearly dismayed by the servitor, what with its plenitude of cybernetic implants and unnatural nature.

Magos Casu Marzu
: Eh? What about me, then?

: You, they can assume is wearing some kind of elaborate void-suit. The servitor is the one who had his lips and nose sewn shut and an oxygen tank plugged into his throat. And, of course, the AC/DC nipples.



Marzu, Jak, Carno and Netzach are hardly fazed by the body that ages 50 years in seconds after they find it, rotting to slime crawling with foot-long maggots, because they're all unfeeling bastards who have seen or inflicted worse. Marzu is more interested in the odd misbehaviour of their void-suits chronometers, but he and Jak are actively alarmed when they discover, among the hundreds of other illegal relics of war in the secret cargo bay, the thankfully inert remains of a Necrontyr warrior, its utterly lethal Gauss Flayer weapon, and a very large grooved and segmented box made of the same alloy. The latter has been securely bolted into some kind of suppression cage, but everything here is completely out of power. Marzu immediately sets about recharging the suppression charge. Jak, on the other hand, immediately climbs into the Leman Russ battletank parked nearby. It might be out of juice, but at least inside the tank the Necrontyr devices might not notice him, if Marzu accidentally wakes them up...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Our group just started a new Rogue Trader game.


The Cast:

Morgan D'Stayn -- The Rogue Trader; thirteenth child of the D'Stayn Dynasty; intended to be married off as a political alliance between Houses but an altercation occurred during the wedding that decimated the fleets of both Houses; suddenly finds herself the new scion of the D'Stayn Dynasty, a position she has not been groomed for and is largely unprepared to handle on her own.


Lady Janessa -- Seneschal; born of a noble family that has served the D'Stayn Dynasty for generations; sought hedonistic and ignoble pleasures to the shame of her family but gaining her valuable experience and contacts with the criminal underworld; encountered (and dallied) with a traveling Eldar, spurring her fascination with the enigmatic xenos.


Vesperevasaraphangeline (AKA Vesper) -- Void-Master; born and raised aboard the Tyrant Sun, the last great starship in the D'Stayn fleet; secretly the product of a casual dalliance by Morgan's father among the ratings crew; culled from the lower ranks to serve on the bridge crew, where her natural talent was realized; fanatically loyal to her ship and those aboard.


Tryft NaLapitik -- Arch-Militant; raised and served as an officer aboard the Imperial battlefleets; distinguished himself as a hunter of dangerous xenos and eventually found service as a personal guard to one of Morgan's older brothers; a calamity resulted in the loss of his ship and nearly all on board; tracked down Morgan to pledge loyalty, possibly to make up for a perceived failure.


Eurydice Magdalena -- Arch-Militant; formerly of the Sisters of Battle; drummed out of their ranks for reasons yet unrevealed; instrumental in fighting off an invading horde of Orks that were in fact raiders sent to assassinate a younger Morgan; called on by Morgan to serve the Dynasty following the recent disaster.


Pulveria Nocte -- Astropath Transcendent; born of a line of hidden but powerful psykers within the Koronus Expanse; attempted to avoid Imperial attention but was captured by the Black Ships anyway; aided Eurydice in the defense against the Ork raiders; found and forcibly brought along when Morgan summoned Eurydice to service.



The quotes:

Not the best battle cry for the Helmsman…

Vesper: Praise the Emperor and Pop the Clutch!


Indicating her disdain for people who didn’t grow up on a starship…

Vesper: You know what planets are? They’re just very slow moving spaceships that only go around in circles.


Regarding her family starship, the Tyrant Sun…

Morgan: Only sixty million more payments and this sucker is mine!


Regarding Port Wander…

Tryft: It’s Little America.


Following their failure to negotiate the hiring of a junker team…

Vesper: Would it have killed you to show some leg?

Eurydice: It may have killed someone.


Discussing Eurydice’s cold and aloof demeanor…

Vesper: Have you even heard a smile?

Eurydice: I have read about them…

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Our group just started a new Rogue Trader game.


Regarding her family starship, the Tyrant Sun…

Morgan: Only sixty million more payments and this sucker is mine!



Tyrant Sun? I predict close Inquisitorial attention to your exploits...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Tyrant Sun? I predict close Inquisitorial attention to your exploits...


I can assure you the Helmsmisstress of the Tyrant Sun has nothing but the utmost admiration, love and respect for the God-Emperor Of Man.


At least, in so far as he makes space-travel easier. Without him we'd all be stuck on planets.... and that just will Not do.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I can assure you the Helmsmisstress of the Tyrant Sun has nothing but the utmost admiration, love and respect for the God-Emperor Of Man.


At least, in so far as he makes space-travel easier. Without him we'd all be stuck on planets.... and that just will Not do.


And so far half the crew of the Tyrant Sun has picked up on the fact that the captain is clueless, and have begun parsing any insane thing they want to do, "The lord captain commands me to [fill in insane thing]!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


You're starting a SECOND Rogue Trader game???!??!?


This is an entirely different group than Drhoz. He's somewhere in Aussie-land.


Tyrant Sun? I predict close Inquisitorial attention to your exploits...


We named our ship after a metal song. Or possibly a Superman villain. I'm not entirely clear.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


*reads back story from last session*


"The explorers insist on an inspection of the Sycorax before they head down to Planet Four ( Pukus itself, and homeworld of the species, apparently ) for endless negotiations, tours of important Pukusian cultural sites, ..." - of course, skip the boring stuff and get to the loot!


"... state dinners..." - WAIT WHAT?! they were planning dinners and we went for the frigate filled with Necron scary stuff ?!

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