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Hyper Intelligence


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Re: Hyper Intelligence


Ya know, it might seem trite, but I've always liked the "supreme combat analyst" angle. I mean, in theory, a smart person could figure out how someone fights pretty quickly. And if they did, maybe they'd be able to start REALLY cutting through those defenses. Maybe like a DCV bonus or something that goes up while they scrap. Sorta like the Clock King from the Batman cartoon, although he isn't really "hyper intelligent".


But that's probably a cheapo power.

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Re: Hyper Intelligence


-Precognition, Telepathy, and similar mental powers can probably be bought with the non-psionic "figured it out on my own" special effect. (Sherlock Holmes could tell you your life story after sizing you up for 2 minutes.)


-Find weakness (for obvious reasons)


-An "I knew this was going to happen" VPP utility belt. Special Effect: "Of course I have Shark Repellent, given the rise in tuna prices that coincided with the appearence of Dr. Malevolent there was a 83% chance he would have an olympic sized Mako tank"

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Re: Hyper Intelligence


I'd recommend taking a long look at Dr. Simian, the NPC villain on the Global Guardians website. He's got pretty much the whole package (it's very similar to what I'd do for a superintelligent character like one of Larry Niven's Protectors).


These all have lots of limitations to represent "super-skills", but...

Retrocognition (for figuring out what someone did)

Clairvoyance (for intuiting what someone is doing right now)

Precognition( for anticipating what someone WILL do)

Telepathy (ability to figure out what you'e thinking/hiding/planning)


Overall Skill Levels UBO (he makes really cunning plans)


PRE Defense (he knew you'd do that--and he's not impressed)

Mental Defense (his mental agility is not to be trifled with)


Lots of Luck Only To Make Fantastic Deductions (brainstorming)


Plus Lightning Calculator, Bump of Direction, Speed Reading, Eidetic Memory, and a metric buttload of skills.

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Re: Hyper Intelligence


There are also a number of hyper-intelligence powers in the online USPD, IIRC.


Find Weakness is almost a given. A bunch of overall skill levels, possibly bought as a power, isn't bad either. And you could probably justify quite a number of superskills based on knowing exactly what to do and how to do it.

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Re: Hyper Intelligence


Indirect EB


"Well, of course I anticipated that this is where you would be found, and that your likely maneuverings would see us cornered at this precise point. Which is why I suspended an anvil above your precise location rigged to a sandtimer that runs out just about.... *clang*... Hmm, I appear to have underestimate the sand by 16 grains or so. How disappointing. Anyone for tea?"

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Re: Hyper Intelligence


How about this guy?


Also in the GGU, but he is unaudited and thus not on the website yet.



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

20 STR 10 13- Lift 400.0kg; 4d6; [2]

23 DEX 39 14- OCV 8 DCV 8

20 CON 20 13-

19 BODY 18 13-

45 INT 35 18- PER Roll 18-

26 EGO 32 14- ECV: 9

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

14 COM 2 12-


8/23 PD 4 Total: 8/23 PD (0/15 rPD)

8/25 ED 4 Total: 8/25 ED (0/17 rED)

5 SPD 17 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

12 REC 8

50 END 5

45 STUN 6 Total Characteristic Cost: 210



Movement: Running: 9" / 18"

Swimming: 5" / 10"

Leaping: 4" / 8"


Cost Powers END

Martial Arts:

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 3) Choke Hold -2 +0 Grab One Limb; 4d6 NND

4 4) Counterstrike +2 +2 10d6 / 6d6 Strike, Must Follow Block

5 5) Defensive Block +1 +3 Block, Abort

5 6) Defensive Strike +1 +3 8d6 / 4d6 Strike

5 7) Disarming Throw +0 +0 Grab Weapon, 45 STR / 25 STR to take weapon away; Target Falls

5 8) Grappling Block +1 +1 Grab One Limb, Block

3 9) Grappling Throw +0 +2 10d6 / 6d6 Strike; Target Falls; Must Follow Grab

4 10) Killing Strike -2 +0 HKA 2 1/2d6 / HKA 1d6 +1

4 11) Martial Escape +0 +0 55 STR / 35 STR vs. Grabs

4 12) Nerve Strike -1 +1 4d6 NND

3 13) Takedown +1 +1 8d6 / 4d6 Strike; Target Falls

I've studied you

16 1) +4 HTH Damage Class(es)

1 2) Weapon Element: Staffs

105 TAROT Equipment: Variable Power Pool (Gadget), 70 base + 35 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1) (140 Active Points); VPP Powers Can Be Changed Only In Given Circumstance (Only at TAROT Armory; -1/2); all slots OIF (-1/2)

0 1) TAROT Blaster: EB 10d6, 4 clips of 12 Boostable Charges (+1/4) (62 Active Points); OAF (-1) Real Cost: 31 [12 bc]

0 2) Concealed Mesh Armor: Armor (6 PD/8 ED) (21 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) Real Cost: 17 0


81 Body of Knowledge Interpersonal Effects: Multipower, 81-point reserve

5u 1) The Perfect Strike I: EB 5d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), NND ([standard]; Combat Luck or Luck Powers; +1), Does BODY (+1) (81 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) 3

5u 2) The Perfect Strike II: HKA 1 1/2d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), NND ([standard]; Combat Luck or Luck Powers; +1), Does BODY (+1) (81 Active Points); No STR Bonus (-1/2) 3

3u 3) Break: Dispel Hand to Hand Attack 15d6 (45 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) 4

6u 4) Nerve Blow: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2) (80 Active Points); Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4) 3

2u 5) Dance of Combat: +6 with DCV (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 3


Organic Tactical Supercomputer

88 1) Advanced Battle Planning: +2 with All Combat, Variable Targets (+1/4), Ranged (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Indirect (Any origin, any direction; +3/4), Increased Maximum Range (225,000"; +1), Usable Simultaneously (up to 32 people at once; +1 1/2) (88 Active Points)

24 2) Assimilation of Knowledge: Precognitive, Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group), +2 to PER Roll, Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Telescopic (+10 versus Range Modifier) (77 Active Points); Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), Extra Time (Extra Segment, Character May Take No Other Actions, -3/4), Requires A Skill Roll (Deduction; -1/2) 8

90 3) Acute Deduction: Telepathy 15d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (112 Active Points); Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 0

45 4) Through Careful Study Victory Is Assured : Find Weakness 14- with All Attacks 0

60 5) Doom: Change Environment 1" radius, -3 OCV, Long-Lasting 1 Week, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Selective Target (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (90 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (Deduction; -1/2) 8


8 Suitably Anonymous: Lack Of Weakness (-8) for Normal Defense 0

4 Suitably Anonymous: Lack Of Weakness (-4) for Resistant Defenses 0

23 LS (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Extended Breathing: 1 END per 5 Minutes; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: 800 Years; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per year) 0

25 Diciplined Mind: Mental Defense (30 points total) 0

6 Trained Athlete: Running +3" (9" total) 1

3 Trained Athlete: Swimming +3" (5" total) 1





8 TAROT Greater Arcana: Membership

9 Computer Link (Global Guardians Computer Usenet)

7 Computer Link (INTERPOL)

7 Computer Link (TAROT Nodes)

8 Computer Link (US Federal Government)

6 Computer Link (Russian Federation)

60 Followers: Hermit's Array [16 TAROT agents]

15 Money: Filthy Rich

3 Reputation: Man that knows everything (A small to medium sized group) 14-, +3/+3d6




3 Absolute Time Sense

3 Bump Of Direction

18 Combat Luck (9 PD/9 ED)

17 Combat Sense (Sense) 18-

5 Eidetic Memory

3 Lightning Calculator

3 Lightsleep

5 Rapid Healing

3 Simulate Death

6 Speed Reading (x100)




9 +3 with Martial Maneuvers

24 +3 with All Combat

20 +2 Overall

3 Systems Operation 18-

3 Analyze: Agility Skills 18-

11 Analyze: Combat 22-

3 Analyze: Style 18-

3 Breakfall 14-

10 Defense Maneuver I-IV

3 Computer Programming 18-

3 Conversation 13-

5 Cramming

5 Cramming

5 Cramming

5 Cramming

3 Criminology 18-

3 Cryptography 18-

15 Deduction 24-

3 Electronics 18-

5 Forensic Medicine 19-

11 High Society 17-

3 Interrogation 13-

3 Linguist

3 1) Language: Albanian (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 2) Language: Arabic (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

1 3) Language: Basque (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 4) Language: Byelorussian (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

3 5) Language: Czechoslovakian (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 6) Language: Danish (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 7) Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 8) Language: French (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 9) Language: German (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 10) Language: Greek (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

1 11) Language: Hebrew (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

2 12) Language: Italian (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)

2 13) Language: Japanese (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)

3 14) Language: Latin (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 15) Language: Russian (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 16) Language: Spanish (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

3 Navigation (Land, Marine) 18-

7 Persuasion 15-

3 Security Systems 18-

11 Tactics 22-

5 Teamwork 15-

28 Universal Scholar 18-

23 Universal Scientist 14-

16 WF: Beam Weapons, Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Early Firearms, Emplaced Weapons, Siege Engines, Small Arms, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers



Total Powers & Skill Cost: 1129

Total Cost: 1339


1214+ Disadvantages

10 Enraged: When his carefully constructed plans are thwarted (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 11-

20 Hunted: INTERPOL 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

25 Hunted: TAROT 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

20 Psychological Limitation: Arrogant and Overconfident (Very Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Amoral (Very Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Bigmouth (always making predictions on the actions of others) (Very Common, Moderate)

15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Nicholas Nys) (Frequently, Major)

0 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 1339


Background/History: Eight across they strode southward on the road from Antwerp. Leather boots soled with wood and hobbed with iron made a rhythmic 'crump crump crump crump' as the army marched south. Smatterings of dust flew here and there, but the dirt on the road was hard packed and rain had firmed it only a week ago. All were Hanoverian, proud men, and nearly all of military heritage. Eyes forward, efficient stepping, and no signs of chatter. While buttons shimmered in the sun, the white pack sashes had taken on a slightly less than pure white hue - the only sign that they were on an actual field expedition rather than a training exercise near a barracks.dark blue uniforms, tall hats of the same color with small plumes, and the disposition of the men made it easy for Nicolaas Nys to determine that this was the King's German Legion. A brief check on the banner carried confirmed it - the Union Jack with the crown and the circlet as well as words too small to see from this distance. He smiled smugly to himself with this confirmation. He was rarely wrong. After they passed three line battalions in column, they passed two formations of dragoons, then more line battalions, five batteries of artillery, two light infantry battalions, and the hussars.was then that the Captain Edward Bryant signalled for his company to slow from a canter to a walk. The man to the right of Nicolaas, rode nearly adjacent to him, pulling a second set of reins to force the hermit's horse to slow with the rest. But, Nicolaas was prepared for this. He had known it would happen as soon as he saw the banner flying above the next formation ahead, the personal banner of Arthur Wellesley also known as the Duke of Wellington.began to flow through the head of Nicolaas Nys. 'Old Hookey' he was known to the other Brits of his stature, or 'Our Atty' he was fondly called by his men. Had it been peacetime, they would just as soon preferred he return to India where he had learned his craft. But not a single man bearing a musket, riding a horse, or working the cannons would have wanted any other general to guide them through the war. Nicolaas smiled, they would soon find out whether 'Our Atty' was the match for the wily Corsican Emperor of France.trio of men from the Duke's headquarters brought their own horses to a trot ahead of the rest. The bannerman on the right stared at Nicolaas, but was otherwise silent. The adjutant on the left - deadly looking and with his hand on his saber - continued his conversation with the man in the middle. That one did not seem to look at the hermit, but nonetheless, Nys knew that the man studied him. The man in the middle smiled and spoke aloud to the Light Dragoon Captain, "Lucky Eddie, well, well, well. What have you caught here? A spy dressed as a pauper?"

"I think 'tis something of the sort, Atty. But a spy for no one but himself." Captain Bryant replied. "He is a curiosity. As knowledgeable as a general or a statesman, but given over only to his own ability to predict the most likely outcome of an event. He claims that as we are proceeding, we will lose the upcoming battle at a place called Le Haye Sainte and the enemy will have time to re-consolidate his holdings. Then it would be three more years until a new alliance will assault Paris itself in a bloody seige to finally defeat the Little Emperor."Duke of Wellington had other matters to attend to, but none urgent and the march south was becoming a bit tiresome now. There WAS something about this bedraggled man dressed in simple wool clothing that spoke of either intelligence, knowledge, or both. The general turned to Nicolaas Nys, "And how so, pray tell?"

"Napoleon has been getting the better of you and General Blucher. As I am sure you know, he has the smaller force by far, but his men have great Esprit de Corps even after his exile to Elba. They move together and strike quickly, turning first to your army then to the Prussian army looking to engage each separately at better odds. Even now, I am certain that he is engaging Blucher at Ligny to the east. The Prussians will lose. Blucher is an able general, but the Little Emperor is the best the world has seen. Yet, Blucher is able enough to disengage from the French and join up with you. The numbers then will favor the Allies, but the Prussian army will join yours in disarray and will be pursued by one of Napoleon's marshalls while Napoleon sets the rest of his army to an orderly confrontation with the British Army. The Prussians will be more a liability, then, than an asset. For their disarray will affect your own army. In disarray, your army, even the Scots Greys, the German Legion, and the Guard will be overrun by the French Imperial Guard."

"All you say, makes a sense -" started Wellington, but he was interrupted by the hermit.

"Makes sense! Nay! It is the truth and I predict it," shouted Nys. "I have factored in the mentality of the generals, the troop strength, the troop morale... everything. Even the weather! Why did you know that it will rain the night before the engagement - look at how the clouds blow and their shapes and altitudes, then consider that this is mid-June. It is obvious! And your troops will be confident that the French won't attack up a boggy slope. So, too, don't forget the French artillery - and the Corsican was an artilleryman before he became a general. He will win soundly then march back to Paris. Those Frenchmen whose hearts turned from him when he was sent to exile will regain there nationalistic pride. They won't be defeated easily after that, despite the numbers. It shall be because I make my prediction based on facts and logic. It is not supposition, it is prediction!"

"Enough!" Shouted Captain Bryant. He turned his horse into the one carrying Nicolaas Nys, the firm bump jostling the man. "One does not shout at a general of the British Army. Especially one such as you."Duke seemed to ignore the outburst and the reprimand and simply asked, "very well then. I suppose that with your degree of intelligence and knowledge, you have already determined a way then."then, Nicolaas Nys seemed to have instantly forgotten Lucky Eddie. He smiled and said, lecturing, "sure, it is obvious, isn't it? Blucher must have time to reorganize at least a portion of his army. He must join his army with yours and at the same time have his army pursued by Marshal Grouchy away from the next engagement. Do you see? Part of Blucher's army must continue north in disarray. A small part, but a fast part and a part that can make Grouchy believe that he is pursuing the entire thing. I am sure that had Napoleon not left Marshal Davout in Paris, this would not work, but he will pick Grouchy and it will."

"Interesting man, you've found, Lucky Eddie," Wellington said as he nodded slightly. "Tell me how that happened."

"I was taking my company to water their horses at a stream and nearly stumbled upon him. It seemed that he was attempting to hide from us and at the same time was trying to observe us. As I dismounted, my horse went into a frenzy for no known reason and bucked. No one was hurt, but he kicked up a tremendous cloud of gravel and dust. It was then that I heard a sneeze. 'Twas pure blind luck." Captain Bryant replied.Wellesly chuckled. Pure blind luck. Well, that was why he had Captain 'Lucky Eddie' Bryant patroling. He had a knack for such things. "Ah, well, he is a valuable find, Eddie. You hold onto him until I figure out what to do with him. Be sure that he does not escape; especially prior to the upcoming engagement. And for now, I need a trio of your fastest riders. They are to take a message to Gebhard von Blucher."

week later

"Mr. Nicolaas Nys?" Inquired a deep voice that belonged to a rotund man dressed like a courtier. Nicolaas did not recognize him so the man must not be of large import. He did recognize, however, a small signet on a ring that marked him as being a senior person of a certain major British company.

"What does Lloyd's of London want from me?" Nys replied.

"Ahh, so you don't really know everything then." The man replied and continued before Nys could, "I am Hugh Jennings, a member of the Board of Lloyds, but it is not in that capacity that I come. I and my superiors do have enough influence to have sent Captain Bryant away on an errand, and we would like to determine whether you will have a place in our organization."

"This would be Tarot, then?" replied Nys, as he watched the expression on change to one of astonishment bordered on fear.took a few seconds, but Jennings's composure reappeared and he stammered, "y-yes. And we would like you to not have to worry about worldly things so that you might more freely pursue your quest of knowledge..."


Personality/Motivation: Nicolaas Nys is both very smart and very knowledgeable. And he knows it. Furthermore, he won't let anyone else forget about it. He is often making predictions and delights when they come true, which usually happens. When they don't happen, he will often blame someone else's dumb luck. When he is wrong in a big way, he sometimes goes into seclusion until the Emperor or one of the few other Tarot members that he respects comes seeking his services again.of his vast array of knowledge and his sound logic, his role in Tarot is to do the Hunting. He enjoys this because in doing so, he is pitting his brain against the powers of the most powerful beings in the world. His missions will always involve either a death trap or be assisted by at least one other of Tarot's Major Arcana. He has a team of Tarot Agents working full time on his missions.


Quote: "Yes, I already know that."


Powers/Tactics: The Hermit possesses on of the most formidible intellects on the planet. In particular the Hermit is able to create elaborate strategies based on the psychology and history of the parties involved. His high intelligence does not however lend to him the abilty to invent or construct new gadgets or technologies. it does however grant him nearly encyclopedic knowledge of everything. He peels away the subtlies in person in the merest meeting: instantly knowing more about the person than they could ever suspect.

his long life, Nicloas Nys is a metahuman of unknown origin, he has applied his intellect to deciphering the human physique. He understands the limts of the human body and its potentials for durability and damage. Accordingly he can unleash devastating blows or render himself untouchable to mundane attacks.

as the Hunter of Tarot the Hermit has access to vast resources. He often prepares the area of his assaults with concealed weapons, traps and other surprises. In general the Hermit should have whatever *plot device* technology he needs to complete a mission; be it troops, vehicles or weapons. As a peerless planner, the Hermit always has a back up plan should his carefully constructed plans fall through; as a result he has never been apprehended.


Campaign Use: Real Name: Nicolaas Nys: Tarot: Mentalist: Belgian/Eye Color: Light Brown/Amberof Birth: Antwerp, Belgium/Mass: 1.65 meters/52.2 kilogramsof Birth: January 20, 1780


Appearance: For the most part, The Hermit doesn't worry about his appearance. Although he no longer wears overworn homespuns, Nicolaas Nys still prefers to dress simply. In this day and age, that means a T-shirt (always one that touts his intelligence or knowledge) and jeans that appear stone-washed. For cold weather, he will also include a flannel long sleeved shirt and a long coat. He will never appear clean-shaven and his hair always seems uncombed. This is his 'uniform' since he works for Tarot full time.

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Re: Hyper Intelligence


Gadgeteers could work.

Mentalists could work.


Or you could give the character "Quick Wit Power" skill based on INT for RSR for Power Skills. One sample power could be Damage Reduction 75%, RSR(Quick Wit), Only if Aware of Incoming Attack (-1/2) to represent your character's ability to see an incoming attack and react in a way that a hit, hits a less vulnerable part of your body.

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  • 2 years later...

Re: Hyper Intelligence


In my experience, hyper intellect characters have a lot of the same abilities as hyper luck characters with the important distinction that the effects are intentional instead of coincidental.


Most of the powers have already been mentioned, but make sure whatever you do there are plenty of overall levels.

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Re: Hyper Intelligence


There's also the assorted "Super-Skills" in Dark Champions. Especially the Sensory ones' date=' some of which are covered in [i']USPD II[/i] and Ultimate Mentalist.


(Amazing what the Search function can dredge up :D )


Raising the dead?


Shouldn't the necromancy be done by now?

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Re: Hyper Intelligence


I remember a Batman homage that had a hyper planning multi that totally rawked! You might look for it in old threads.....I'll think a bit and see if I can add anything more tangible...


Sounds neat. If you can remember anything more that might help us find the thread, that would be cool. I tried some obvious searches, but couldn't come up with the one you're talking about (not surprising, given the sheer number of threads that reference Batman).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Hyper Intelligence


Raising the dead?


Shouldn't the necromancy be done by now?


Actually, there are some older threads on these boards that I would love to see dredged up again for a second round of discussion. I was just thinking about an extremely intelligent NPC for my home campaign, so this is good timing!

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Re: Hyper Intelligence


Spend 100 pts on 10 pts of SPD so he doesn't get potted by the first INT-7 speedster who decides that smart people are evil' date=' which is what seems to happen most of the time.[/quote']


Seconded. High SPD is also a great way to simulate a hyper-cognitive individual capable of thinking three to six steps ahead of his adversaries. If it's too expensive for you, perhaps you can buy a few extra SPD points with the Limitation Only With INT-Based Tasks, because you need all the opportunities you can get when disarming a bomb or cracking the doomsday code.


As stated, Find Weakness is good to have, as is every INT-Based skill you can get your grubby little hands on.


I've always wanted to see this scene--two super-intellects stand at a set-up chessboard. They study it for a moment, then--


"Checkmate in sixty-three moves."


"Checkmate in fifty-seven moves."


"Checkmate in forty-two moves"


A pause, then--


"Checkmate in forty-one moves."


The first considers the situation for a moment, then lays down his king.


"Same time tomorrow?"



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