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If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


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Same as the DC thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1057924#post1057924


If you had to play a Marvel character, whom would you choose as your character... AND WHY?


You may make these assumptions:


1. This is a multi-player game (5-8 players)

2. The setting is the Marvel Universe

3. You may choose any HERO in the Marvel Universe to play.

4. Point totals will reflect the character in ANY continuity (point equity is not an issue)



I'm trying to piece together the most popular types of characters for an upcoming gaming endeavor. It’s important that you be as honest with your choice as possible.


I, for one, have different answers to this question on different days. Thus I realize that this is a snapshot of your preferences today and that tomorrow you may change your mind. However, I’ve also been around comic book fans a long time, and each fan seems to carry with them a certain fascination or connection with one character despite changing fads. It’s that character that I’m looking for.


It’s important that you complete your choice by answering WHY you chose that character. Feel free to debate the choices if you wish.


I'd like to thanks for all for your help in advance.


- GA

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


It depends on the campaign theme. If we're facing cosmic Galactic threats on a regular basis, I'd probably play Dr. Strange. If we're more mainstream (and defending New York day in and day out), I'd play Nova. If we were more of a street-level "Hell's Kitchen" level, I'd play Hawkeye. Finally, if we're playing a band of world-saving mutants, I'd be Juggernaut.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


My top pics: The Human Torch; (Johnny Blaze) Ghost Rider, Ms. Marvel, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Hawkeye, Beast, Nightcrawler.


...Tough to choose one...


Beast, Hank McCoy. But on the cosmic scale, probably the latter redemptive Thanos would just edge out the Silver Surfer.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Currently, my top pick would be: Thanos (he's currently acting as an anti-hero) but only because I've always wanted to play a god.


More seriously though, I'd go with Reed Richards. Skills out the wazoo, nigh indestructibel so I could take a hit, and not too shabby in a fight.



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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


It depends on the campaign theme. If we're facing cosmic Galactic threats on a regular basis' date=' I'd probably play Dr. Strange. If we're more mainstream (and defending New York day in and day out), I'd play Nova. If we were more of a street-level "Hell's Kitchen" level, I'd play Hawkeye. Finally, if we're playing a band of world-saving mutants, I'd be Juggernaut.[/quote']

The theme is 4-Color Super Hero


Do your best to choose one and explain why that hero appeals to you above all others :thumbup:

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


My gut call is for Spiderman. However, be advised, my inner munchkin is already plotting revenge against the GM, for when the GM (inevitably) uses Peter's horrific and well-known "[x]d6 Unluck, only in Secret ID" against me... :P



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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Nova would probably be my first pick. He's been one of my all-time favorites since his original series. Quasar would probably be my second choice. I actually did run a Quasar-esque character in a campaign for a brief period of time (brief because the campaign ended, not because the character died or I grew bored of him). A few other strong contenters: Hawkeye, Cannonball, Ant-Man, Cyclops.


As to why, it mostly boils down to characters that I've liked, rather than particulars about their powers. The one exception to that would be Cannonball; I'm not so fond of the character, but I like his powers.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Hmmm...I've played homage characters to Sub-Mariner, Adam Warlock (pre-Starlin, so the Soul Gem is not a vampire) and Stingray, off the top of my head. Any of them would be fun. Probably Stingray because he comes with less baggage, having had less published.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


I would like to play Captain Britain. I played a clone of him over a decade ago, and I wouldn't mind doing it again. :D


Hey, any hero that go two minutes with the Juggernaut and is able to stand up a few minutes later is tough enough in MY book!

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


4-color, eh? Verily, methinks I would choose Thor (Walt Simonson era, please)


Street level, I'd choose Moon Knight (before or after the gaudy gold) or Longshot.


As for why, I've always liked these characters. I've always liked Moon Knight more than Batman, especially when Batman was in JLA mode. Simonson's Thor defined the character to an extent that no other writer could do (which they destoryed pretty quickly after he left the title). Longshot is just plain fun.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Gaaakkk - I really dislike playing other people's characters. One of the reasons that I tend to avoid convention one-shots. In particular, I always find my take on the character doesn't always jive with cannon.


If I had to pick, I would go with Dazzler. For the longest time hers was the only solo hero title that I ever read. The power set is cool, with a nice scalability. The GM and I can arrange it so she has enough power to go toe to toe with a herald of Galactus, or scale it down to more normal level opponents. I definitely would be playing her more of a Diva though.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


This is a no-brainer for me. Only one hero is the perfect blend of mind and muscle, without looking like a pile of rocks or a steel wall. It's Doc Samson of coarse. For those who may not be Hulk fans and think I'm nuts, please refer to Incredible Hulk 315-319 for some of his better moments. And he had bragging rights to knocking out the Hulk long before Invisible Woman!

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


I would, naturally, love to play Captain America, but his tactical genius would be hard to nail down without a lot of input from the GM after some succesful Tactics Rolls. The reasons I'd want to play him, well, gosh darn it, I like a guy who stands for the American ideals and at the same time embodies victory against all odds.


Dr. Strange would also be fun, not because he's so powerful, but I'd get to say things like "The Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!" and "May the Light of Vishanti watch over thee"... throw in the weird duality Strange lives in "Thank you Wong, I've just bested Umar and the Mindless Ones in the realms of Shadow, I'm a bit tired. Could you bring me the sports section of the paper and a cup of tea?" makes him a fun character for me.


Runners up would be Spider-Man, Nova, and Hawkeye. (And I'm delighted to fnd out I'm not the only one on these boards who'd put the last two in their top 10)

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Hero: Quasar


always like the cosmic dudes. :dyn

somebody on the team has to be able to survive in space.

he's tough, he's a team player (force field UBO, force wall, flight) he's dedicated to humanity.



if its more of a street level campaign:

Hero: Moon-Knight

Detective who understands things like possession and necromancy.

he's egyptoid in flavor, he's got issues, and a heckuva patron.




if we're edgy, need a devil's advocate, or in a grey area:

Semi-Hero: Super-Skrull


in a recent mini-series they show his heroic possibilities.

he's had to team up with some Hero Groups to fight off common enemies.

variety is the spike of life. :D

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Thor. He's the guy who defines the Marvel Universe for me (in fact, my first choice for the "Next Generation" Avengers game I'm in was the son of Thor). He's the brick by which you measure other bricks. He's got the angst and he's got the raw power. Perfect combination.


Iron Man. I love power-suit characters, and Tony sets the benchmark for all the others to follow. Plus, he's rich, good looking, and he gets all the babes. :thumbup:


Both are cosmic-scale heroes. For something more street-level, I'd pick Moon Knight. He was always the meanest of the mean. "I wear white not to hide from the badguys, but to let them know I'm coming." The dude's got big brass ones! :king: Plus, I love the Egyptian motiff he had going on.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Captain Mar Vell



This is very interesting... It seems that the last is a combination of the first two.


However, powers are only the starting point. Why do these characters appeal to you?

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Doctor Stephen Strange, a selfish and arrogant man who loses everything and regains his humanity. Great intellect, secret knowledge, cool HQ, great power set, great bad guys.


The Ever Lovin Blue Eyed Thing. An ordinary man trapped in the body of a monster overcomes his flaws to become a Hero.


Wonder Man. Vain, less self confident than he appears, soft spoken, good hearted, and almost as powerful as the Mighty Thor. Bonus: He gets groupies.



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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


I think I'd go with Dr. Strange, `tho if you asked me tomorrow you might get a different answer. Partly just because I read his comics a lot when I was a kid, and I always found the mystic world they drew for him to be fascinating. And there's a lot of room for fun roleplaying - he's not nearly as grim as many mystic masters. But also I tend to prefer versatile characters, and Strange is like the human-swiss-army-knife. Besides, I always thought Clea was hot. (Yes, I am a geek, thank you.)


Spiderman would be a very close runner-up.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Hmm, tough question.

I'd have to say I'd play Quicksilver. I've always been a fan of speedsters, and Quicksilver is perhaps the fastest mutant on Earth. I'd enjoy exploring his arrogance and what hides behind it.

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