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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I've been trying to watch The Muppet Show from the '70s. Many of the Muppet bits are brilliant. But to sell the concept of a variety show starring the Muppets they somehow needed to bring in guest stars. SOmetimes it works -- the Vincent Price episode is classic. But a lot of the guest stars are B-listers who seem to be there because they had a couple of weeks free and needed a paycheck. Many of them are people I haven't heard of in decades, usually for good reason. I mean, why did people think Avery Schreiber was funny?


Worth it, though, for the trademark Muppet wizardry. There are a lot of moments in each episode where I find myself wondering "How could they have possibly done that in 1975?" Many of these moments would be challenging to do with puppets now. Just getting puppets to manipulate objects with any degree of deftness is a major feat, but Muppets did some unbelievable things.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Right now I'm watching the SyFy Channel's desecration version of Moby Dick. It's just like the original, except that Ahab commands a nuclear submarine and he's trying to kill Moby with torpedo harpoons. Oh yes, Moby is 500 feet long and eats blue whales whole.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Right now I'm watching the SyFy Channel's desecration version of Moby Dick. It's just like the original' date=' except that Ahab commands a nuclear submarine and he's trying to kill Moby with torpedo harpoons. Oh yes, Moby is 500 feet long and eats blue whales whole.[/quote']


????? Okay then...

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I saw Kung Fu Panda 2 at the matiné yesterday, with my sister and my older brother and my niece and nephew. Much fun was had -- definitely enjoyable despite the dubbing, so the original voices must make the movie awesome!


Plus, we (with sister replaced with younger brother) saw Tangled on bluray. Also very good, apart from the musical bits. Here I don't think the dubbing really retracted from the enjoyment much. And Maximus was totally a PC.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I've been trying to watch The Muppet Show from the '70s. Many of the Muppet bits are brilliant. But to sell the concept of a variety show starring the Muppets they somehow needed to bring in guest stars. SOmetimes it works -- the Vincent Price episode is classic. But a lot of the guest stars are B-listers who seem to be there because they had a couple of weeks free and needed a paycheck. Many of them are people I haven't heard of in decades' date=' usually for good reason. I mean, why did people think Avery Schreiber was funny?[/quote']


I know the first season is pretty blah. But the second season starts with a series of well-known names and the show took off from there. And tastes change, I mean, you're talking about stuff that's 35+ years old, so what you know think is funny and what was funny (or popular) in 1974-75 might just be two widely different things. Still, there were lame episodes.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Went to the theater yesterday with the idea of watching Super 8 or Green Lantern. I settled on Super 8 and was pleasantly surprised. I hope I feel the same way after watching Green Lantern (Thor set the bar pretty high for this summer).

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Falling Skies-has potential(famous last words). I hope they have a endgame planned and don't try to extend the series at the expense of the story(wishful thinking)


I saw Falling Skies as well. It was OK. Nothing new to be seen so far. It's just Independence Day and Terminator Salvation rolled into one, but it has a solid narrative structure and a lot of good subplots to play with. It seems like they spent some money, and it looks like a first class production, especially for a TV show. It might run for a season or two and not suck. It would make a decent game setting, maybe we'll see a PAH homage down the road.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I had a creature double feature last night and watched 2010: Moby Dick, and Dragon Wars After reading about Moby, I needed to see it for myself. Of course, forewarned as I was, I had a beer and a martini before watching it (judging that beer alone would not be enough to make it watchable)


It was bad. Really bad. But not so over the top bad that it should get singled out from its peers. After all we're talking about the spin the dial, crank out another cheezzy B- scy-fie (or however they spell it these days) movie.


Dragon Wars was also bad, but was a tighter movie with a bigger budget and a lot less plot/physics holes. Could have used more "US Army vs. Evil magical dragon-theamed fantasy army" and less "destined ones running from giant snake." The one thing that did bother me a little was the change in venue for the last scene. The hero gets knocked out and taken prisoner outside of L.A. and wakes up in (from what I can tell) Mordor. Which kinda sucks for our hero, because he just gets left there when the credits roll.


Also (before drinking) I finished watching Moribito a good mid-fantasy anime I rather enjoyed.

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