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VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?

Steve Long

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


And how about some updates from the more respectable characters from European Enemies

- Black Druid

- Floodgate

- Mammoth

- Inquisition

- Carpathia

- Argent Anarky

I don't see how you can call Mammoth and Inquisition "respectable" while leaving off Doppleganger (who I've always thought would be a good addition to Eurostar).
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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Pythias Pomegranate and his Ubermachine? :)
Ah, those halcyon days.... :thumbup: The name is probably not in DOJ's control as intellectual property, but I for one would be very happy to see Pythias Pomegranate (or however it was spelled) appear again. Same for Dr. Lirby Koo (or Kirby Loo, or whatever).
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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Same for Dr. Lirby Koo (or Kirby Loo' date=' or whatever).[/quote']Why do you want to see my toilet? :confused:




Though, the Lirby Koo/Kirby Loo was an interesting background character, it would have been nice to have seen a write-up on him (if there was one on Loo, I was nevery *privy* to it).

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


There will be no updates of any European Enemies characters. ;) And aside from Sunburst, the only "updated" character, if you want to consider it that at all, is Plague -- and that's really just a case of "same powers, same name" AFAIK right now.


I vaguely considered some sort of "villain/thug creator" type of character, but decided it didn't "feel" right. A character like that would work better as the focus of an adventure, perhaps an HPA or something. In the meantime we can just settle for good ol' Teleios. :eek:

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


D'oh! It hit me yesterday that I already have access to a master villain I've wanted to revamp but haven't had the opportunity: Sunburst. So I'll do him and a couple of other Project-created followers. Problem solved. ;)

That just made some people very happy to read I'll bet.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


And aside from Sunburst' date=' the only "updated" character, if you want to consider it that at all, is Plague -- and that's really just a case of "same powers, same name" AFAIK right now.[/quote']


But isn't there already a Plague in the Champs-verse? I seem to recall an illo of some guy in armor and accompanied by rats, killing some random passerby in the USPD. It was in Body Control powers, I believe.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


First, I want to apologise for mentioning Timemaster. I realise now that DOJ proably dosen't own the charater anymore. And if thay did, Mr. Long shurly is not intrested in giveing him an update/makeover. I myself as a fan of "why create new when we can just borrow from the old and remake him somehow" school of updating.


I also must apologise right now that my spelling is not at it's best today.


I am happy that Sunburst is geting a redo. Of course, it helps that Project: Sunburst was mentioned several times in other Champion suplments (or something like that).


As for what I want to see in this book...well, I must state the "why create new". I do want more old charaters updated (prehaps with a can of paint and some of that old Steve Long magic). Of course, the wited up will royaly suck if Mr. Long dosen't feal anything for the charater.


I agree that the Champions Universe needs a few more 'nice guy' villians. I don't mean more silly loons like Foxbat (please...one Foxbat is enougth). But, instead, some more Lady Blue type villians. Or, prehaps a villian who will rob and rampage, but will draw the line at killing. Which reminds me of Threebooter, who is a sereous villian with a funny name and odd power (he has three legs). Of course, he does have a sence of humor. Prehaps some more villians like him.


As for groups...

1) A group of pro-mutant 'terroists' lead (controled) by Holocoast to be his fist when he eventuly takes over the United States. Unbenounced to them, Holocoast realy dosen't cair for mutant rights, but wants to use the movement to get into power.

2) Since your going to use some of thoes animal names anyways, may I sergest a villian group named The Managerie.


As for single villians...

1) I would LOVE to see Mr. Long create a Nekojin (especaly a rather 'low-level' one who is an Malvan Gladiator). Of course, that would also confirm that Kayla is 'real' in the Champions Universe. But my guess is a swift 'no'.

2) I love the ideal of the Malvan Gladiator Finder guy. Go for it, Mr. Long.

3) More aliens, more mutants, and more hi-tech people.


As for master villians...

1) I would love to see a Lex Luthor type guy...but NOT the type we have running in comics NOW. I want the Luthor guy from the Silver Age of comics...a wicked inventor and crinimal mastermind who is willing to kill a million people just to prove that one of his inventions works.

2) Is Lord Dire being updated for Champions Of The North? Yes, a kinder, gentler Mastermind.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


And how about some updates from the more respectable characters from European Enemies

- Black Druid

- Floodgate

- Mammoth

- Inquisition

- Carpathia

- Argent Anarky


Well, we do have these: http://surbrook.devermore.net/revisedhero/herorev.html


Personally I was always partial to the Huntsman of the Black Forest. Most of the EE characters really were rather lame, though, as Susano admirably demonstrates on that website.


OTOH I'd enjoy revisiting some of the crew from Enemies: The International File. There were a number of interesting concepts in that book. And I'm always up for more global baddies.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


But isn't there already a Plague in the Champs-verse? I seem to recall an illo of some guy in armor and accompanied by rats, killing some random passerby in the USPD. It was in Body Control powers, I believe.


Yeah, that's the one, though there are no rats -- USPD 38 is the picture.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Rough Idea:

* At least one villain who is a failed heroic legacy, someone who was expected to take up the mantle of one of the wonderful Golden or Silver Aged heroes, and then failed to measure up in every way possible, became embittered, and now is a villain...and possibly tarnishes the name still.



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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Yeah' date=' that's the one, though there are no rats -- USPD 38 is the picture.[/quote']Hmm, my copy seems to show three rats observing, though hardly a plague of rats. :snicker:


While a few of us have mentioned the fallen hero or the hero mistaken for a villain, there's also the option of the villain posing as a hero. If I recall correctly (and I believe it was mentioned here), the old Allies book contained one or two teams of "heroes" that were truly villains as well as an individual who lived as both a hero and villain.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I'd like to see a swarm-type character. Perhaps an insect being that controls swarms of bees and other insects. The old Marvel character Swarm (himself a hive intelligence of bees wrapped around a human skeleton) would be a good example.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


Well, Steve mentioned that he's updating Hornet. Maybe that will include insect-swarm-control powers. Making a villain actually made up of insects might prompt accusations of blatant Swarm ripping-off, though.


Of course we already have a rat-controlling villain, The Lord of Rats from Champions Worldwide.

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


If Steve is considering a 'nice guy villain' type was not Jessie James supposed to be this ? Wouldn't harm you if you fought on the side of the Confederacy ?


Now in England there is the romanticism of the Highwayman who would be polite while he robbed you and was especially curteous to a lady if he held her up. He was also supposed to be well dressed.


There was a pirate captain as well called Bartholomew Diaz (IIRC) who behaved civilly towards his opponents and once tried to get a priest to join his crew to administer to them. The priest refused but was unharmed.


Is this what we mean ?

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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


If Steve is considering a 'nice guy villain' type was not Jesse James supposed to be this ? Wouldn't harm you if you fought on the side of the Confederacy ?
Legend says Jessie James shot a man in his sleep for snoring too loud. I don't think that's a 'nice guy villain.'



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Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?


I think you're thinking about John Wesley Harden.
I was actually thinking about Billy the Kid! So ha! Shows you! :nya: Though' date=' [b']Billy the Kid[/b] shooting someone for snoring is a myth, because it was really -you'll never guess- John Welsey Harden who did it!




Oh. :o Nevermind. Carry on. Back to our thread.





(I'm very glad that I didn't put the recent theory that Billy may have been a female in disguise and saying it was Jesse James. :whew: )

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