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(really) Super Tuesday


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In the 2008 Presdiential Primary no candidate on either side has enough popularity to ensure a nomination let alone a win. Then your superhero character is contacted by a major political party, they want to know if you would run for President of the United States in 2008.

Would you accept the nomination? Where do you stand on the issues (War in Iraq, same sex unions, health care, etc)? Who would you choose as your Vice-Presidential running mate? If you win would you give up being a superhero for the highest office in the country for the good of the nation?

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


I've only ever played one character who would be eligible for the American presidency. And as it happens he did retire from superheroics due to a slight case of vampirism, so I suppose if drafted, he'd be willing and available. I've never played a character who would give up superheroics for politics.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


I've only ever played one character who would be eligible for the American presidency. And as it happens he did retire from superheroics due to a slight case of vampirism, so I suppose if drafted, he'd be willing and available. I've never played a character who would give up superheroics for politics. Politics is frustrating and you never really know if you are doing the right thing.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


I only have one character that's over 35 and eligible for being a candidate (well, at least not sequentially, I mean. I have one that's probably about 65 now but it's only been 20 years since her birth), and that would be Great Beyond. And she would be gone so fast and so far away from any offers of being Madam President that you'd think she had 87 times non-combat on her running.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Blackcat would be flabbergasted, and would run. Her vice presidential mate would be another superhero - possible Thunderstrike or Gibralter. :)


Terminal Velocity is 19 - too young - ineligible.


Meeb is an alien, and I think an illegal one at that (formally speaking) - ineligible.


Sift is 21 - again to young - ineligible.


Smokeater would take up the challenge. He's 36 and has spent his whole life in public service (Fireman, arson investigator then superhero).

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


I've only ever played one character who would be eligible for the American presidency. And as it happens he did retire from superheroics due to a slight case of vampirism' date=' so I suppose if drafted, he'd be willing and available. I've never played a character who would give up superheroics for politics.[/quote']

Vampirism? So he's already a blood-sucker and almost a politician. :D

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Volt Would not run unless the alternative would be mass chaos. Thinks the Iraq war should ahve been finished the first time, and thinks Saddam had to be taken out since he ignored sanctions. He could not support Homosexual marraige on religious grounds but might something similar. He would be up common law marriage: 7 years a man and woman liver together, they are married. What about 2 men? Two women? One of one sex, multiple of others? multiple of both. Can of worms. Healthcare - questions 1) Who pays for it? Government it not valid, taxpayers pay for everything the government does. 2) Who choose what is enacted. Again,goverment cannot klnowv whats best for everyone, and maigh not get it right fot even the majority. 3) What are the rules? Too many rules, and the best is doomed. Too few and the vultures circle. Allow for poeple to choose, take it from job to job, have the choices Congress does (plus some) and pay for it themselves, maybe have tax credits


Olorin Would not run unless things were pretty bad. Would choose a VP he could work with. Kinda thinks like Volt on the issues, more Libertarian though. May allow homosexual/multiple marriage, but would point out he's never seen homosexual marraige work. Would want the government out of healthcare entirely exe3cpt to prevent crimes (fraud, etc.)


Black Tiger Would not run, and woe to the people that wanted him to. Tends to almost be a "Kill them all and let God sort them out" kind of guy.


Futurian Would laugh and not run. Getting his viewpoints out of hin in a serious non-cryptic manner would be very difficult. Somewhere between Volt and Olorin in politics.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Hmm, maybe thinking of what ages the characters are when they were being played...


Most of them, too young or alien.


Scales: Well over the age requirement, being over 100... Though I'm not sure of how people would vote for a 8'2" metal covered thing... And let's face it, all the skeleton's in his closet would be a lot of fodder for the media.


Calico: "Are you insane!?" would be the first words from her. Hmm, Ex-CIA operative who was undercover in a super villain group and didn't break cover for years. Yea, people would vote for her...

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


I don't think I have a character that would be eligible.


I don't think that I have a character that would be asked to run by a major US political party.


I'm not sure that I have a character that would accept such a nomination.


I definitely don't have a character that would survive the primary process.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


My character is well over the age restriction, but is a British national, and hence not eligible to run for President or Vice President. Other positions, of course, are not restricted by nation of origin, but even if nominated to be Prime Minister of the UK, he'd have to decline, as although he is certainly skilled in the political arts, he is also a 40-year anachronism!


One in my party is a Chinese national, one is an alien (more to the point, she's a Predator), and one is a enchanted automaton.


Other characters in my superhero group may be eligible, but probably not qualified or interested. They are either too young, too hedonistic, or too - well - intense to be a serious candidate public office.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


All three of my Champions characters (Zl'f, Justicar, and Blood Orchid) are too young to qualify. Since Zl'f was born in the Soviet Union and Blood Orchid was born in Cuba, they would never qualify. Justicar is a former US Marine officer. If he were somehow convinced that being president was his duty once he turned 35 he might do it, but it would be extreme unlikely. As a Roman Catholic priest, his duty is to a Higher Power than the U.S.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Smokeater would take up the challenge. He's 36 and has spent his whole life in public service (Fireman' date=' arson investigator then superhero).[/quote']


I'd vote for Smokeater. With a lifetime of public service (as opposed to the 'public service' that the politicians are always bragging about), he'd be an ideal candidate. He'd be perfect for the job.


Which, of course, means that he stands basically no chance of actually getting elected.


Blackcat would be flabbergasted' date=' and would run. Her vice presidential mate would be another superhero - possible Thunderstrike or Gibralter. :) [/quote']


Thunderstrike: Me? Your Vice President? Why me, don't you feel like you had enough opportunities to get me killed when we were superheroes? ;)

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


In the 2008 Presdiential Primary no candidate on either side has enough popularity to ensure a nomination let alone a win. Then your superhero character is contacted by a major political party, they want to know if you would run for President of the United States in 2008.

Would you accept the nomination? Where do you stand on the issues (War in Iraq, same sex unions, health care, etc)? Who would you choose as your Vice-Presidential running mate? If you win would you give up being a superhero for the highest office in the country for the good of the nation?


I don't know if any of my characers would run, but I can probably figure out their platform if they did:


War in Iraq: Pull the press out and take the gloves off the military. Tell them to do whatever it takes to get the job done.


Same Sex Unions: Not my concern. Let the individual states decide how they want to handle it. Same with abortion.


Health Care: How about this; I'll cut your taxes enough so that you can pay for your own health care.


Energy: Drill in Alaska. Build more nuclear power plants. Make research into alternative energy sources profitable.


Illegal Immigration: Build a fence. Enforce the laws we already have on the books. Make people understand that illegal means illegal, no matter what word comes after it.


The Economy: Cut taxes. This will increase spending, investing, and saving. Cut them across the board. This will also lead to the creation of more jobs. Start charging other countries teriffs (sp?) on the goods we import. Make these equivalent to the ones we pay when they import something from us. Cut off financial aid to unfriendly countries. We send them money, food, clothes, medicine, and emergency supplies, and all we ever get from them in return is hatred. Fine, they don't want our influence, they can go without our help, too.



Any important issues I've overlooked?

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


All your characters have the same politics?


Mine do, broadly speaking. (All my personal PCs, that is.)


They're all tongue-in-cheek four-colour conservatives.


Unless they're pushed, in which case they return to their anti-Fascist roots.


For what it's worth, my Silver Age characters tend to buy "Heroic Code" rather than "Code Against Killing". I like the idea that they can revert to Golden Age norms if necessary.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Soulbarb is too young. She's also not interested in wielding political power, so much as making sure others don't abuse it. She also hates the limelight with a passion, especially when in Hero ID, and avoids publicity when at all possible. So, not a chance.


Sylph is also too young. Moreover, she's far too shy to be at all comfortable with the idea, normally speaking. Besides, you really don't want someone who periodically and spontaneously becomes a Maenad, in slavish devotion to the god Dionysius, to be the President. Trust me on this. ;)


Sandy Garibaldi might be about the right age; I hadn't actually decided how old he is, though I had envisioned him in his early thirties. On the other hand, given that he's known to associate with the mafia... I don't see anyone offering him the job anytime soon.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Hell's Angel, Iron Maiden, Black Mask, Slasher and others are all too young to run for President. Heck, Slasher isn't even legally an adult yet!


Man-Ape is old enough, and as a former television star and b-movie cult celebrity, he's actually pretty well known and comfortable with the kind of attention and grueling schedules politicians must endure. He'd consider it, though his campaign would probably resemble Fred Thompson's--if people really want him to run, he will, but it is not and never has been his consuming ambition.


Black Knight is more than old enough, though he doesn't look it. (He was rejuvenated in his 80s and acquired superhuman powers and now looks like he's in his early 20s.) But he spent a lifetime being a solid, reliable middle-class husband and father, suppressing his desires for action and adventure to make his wife happy (he promised not to take risks ever again after surviving WWII, and he's a man of his word). He's living his dream now--fighting, drinking, traveling, sleeping with lots of women. No way is he going to tie himself down again anytime soon, if ever.

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