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Unwanted advances

Kal'El Wayne

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(Straight/gay guy/woman) is hanging out at the Avenger's Mansion with a cup of coffee, waiting for a meeting with the team. You're early, so there's half an hour to kill. Then, the second person to show up arrives. It's (Shulkie for a male homosexual or female heterosexual/Tony Stark for a male heterosexual or female homosexual) and the first words out of her/his mouth are a pick up line, and not a bad one at that!


This was based on an actual game encounter, but I don't think the GM realised that my character, a male blaster called Guardian, was gay. Being as this was Shulkie, he just outed himself to her. If you can't trust Shulkie to keep a secret, who can you trust?


How would your character handle it?

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Re: Unwanted advances


Volt: "If you are not joking, I am not gay. I consider it wrong, but will not lecture you or treat you badly because you are. Forget it."


Olorin "Thanks for the compliment, but I like women. Sorry."


Black Tiger- if looks could kill, BT would be a murderer.


Futurian "Curves in the wrong spots. I don't go that way. But you show good taste!"

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Re: Unwanted advances


Zl'f is enough of a naif she probably wouldn't even recognize it as a pickup line. Her sole dating experience consists of agreeing to go to a sci-fi convention with a teenaged geek so he'd help her track down a computer location to save a kidnapped teammate. It was not a happy experience, although the geek was ecstatic: He had a totally hawt babe (COM 20) as a date to the con and his geek pals were suitably impressed. Apparently even Norwegian nerds are annoying.


Justicar (assuming he could be approached in the first place) would probably laugh outright and make some sort of comment like "If you knew what I do in my day job you wouldn't have asked." (He's a Roman Catholic priest; but he's also a former US Marine so he wouldn't be shocked - he knows all about those Navy types. ;) )

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Re: Unwanted advances


Sue Hetadorr-Enormay: Treat the Chavinist swine like the rest; use Hit things with other things, or maybe Shoot little guns (she's avoided using Shoot big guns indoors ever since she brought the house down.); she's a Macho Women with guns character, what do you expect?


Emily Cascara: She's bisexual. Which one does she get? Whoever had better be ready to be the bottom tho'


C. Claudius Centho Cornelianus Compelletor: I can't figure out how he got from 1231 AUC Rome to "modern day" comicbookland. Any event, he'd be bluntly rude, telling Tony Stark to go to Greece.

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Re: Unwanted advances


Gamma Girl: I'm cool with that, but I'm not into chicks. I just don't swing that way. There are some other chicks in the Legion that do, though. Would you like an intro?


OOC: Interesting question, Kal'El. Amusing on the surface, but underneath, holding a host of potential interpersonal difficulties. Definite role-player's question! Rep for thee (from the daughter of Kal-L Walkur).

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Re: Unwanted advances


Given that everybody that knows him at any length is *shocked* to learn Zero is straight, being hit on isn't at all surprising. He'ld blush, but under the mask who could tell, and beg off on the grounds he's already in a relationship with a catatonic supercriminal from another dimension.


Vitus would bristle. He's heard about these 'furry' fans now, and is starting to wonder who those Playgirl photographers really were.


He would then politely decline - he's gotten used to the fact humans are a race of sex-mad deviants, and doesn't hold it against them.

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Re: Unwanted advances


Sparky: *woof* (Translated: "Not again!")


(Yes, I *will* bring this up every time I have the chance! :P)


Void: "Could you stand a few feet further away? I'd rather not get anything on me if my ex detonates your brain. It's nothing personal, but she's touchy that way; you know how psychotic mentalists are."


Huntress: Depending on how recently she'd dosed up, she might be just wound up enough to go along with her anyways. :help:


Field Test: "You *do* realize I'm male under this armor, right?" :confused:


"And married?" :tsk:


"And that my wife is the jealous type, with a penchant for building death rays?" :stupid:


"You're *still* trying?!?" :eek:


(3d6 Unluck and somebody with Stark's penchant for alcohol can be... problematic. :D )


Steele: "Honey, you know I'm firmly bi... but I think I should warn you. I'm being stalked by a mob boss' daughter. No, wait! It wasn't a brush off, I'm serious! Phooey." :(

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Re: Unwanted advances


All my main characters would say No Thanks in differing ways.


White Knite would avoid that person if at all possible from then on.

At no time would he ever be alone with that person in the future.



Cosmo-Knite would laugh it off, then look for a way to utterly humiliate

said person in public later on, trying to find a humorous way to

totally leave them hanging in the breeze, just for giggles.



Sandor-Sann the Mystic would politely decline, then befriend the

person platonically, help them on a spiritual journey, and try to find

aw way to help them overcome their issues. Why would they let their

idea of romance interfere in a teamwork situation?

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Re: Unwanted advances


Anthem "Er..um... No thank you. Anything we do might get you arrested." (A polite lie, as she doesn't swing that way)


Uncle Slam "No. Thank you, no."


Audra Blue "Well... that would be... interesting. But no thank you." Then, because she's housebound and doesn't get such offers (other than from unknown internet pervs) she'd think about it to the point of distraction. And she'd be stuck thinking about it until she actually had sex with someone.

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Re: Unwanted advances


I'd have to substitute different characters, base etc... as none of mine are in the Marvel Universe where this would be likely. Then again, as Tony Stark is totally Hetero last I heard... it wouldn't happen in the regular marvel universe WITH him either. :)



Aquatic: "Flattered, but I'm seeing someone."


Banner: Would politely decline explaining he is straight. Later would contemplate how maybe he should be seen more obviously leering at the women on his team.


Goliath: It would depend on his mood how he handled it (He's whimsical) but he'd decline.


Mole: May have come in with his arm around Ember, his girlfriend... so he'd come to the conclusion that the guy hitting on him is a moron. "Dude. Do your own thing...just don't do it with me. I don't swing that way."


Stereo- Snort, "Boyo, Your 'dar' or whatever you yanks call it needs fixin." Then realize an opportunity here, "Sides, it wouldn't be fair to Shaw. What, you didn't know? Oh... he's crazy about you."

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Re: Unwanted advances


Tamlyn - Would be mildly impressed that the human managed to flirt tactfully and may even accept a date. (she's bisexual)


Gwendolyn - It would go right over her head. A coffee date would have her suggesting they go out for icecream. Any attempts at kissing would earn them a really confused look. not because of gender, but because she is a child at heart.

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Re: Unwanted advances


Badger- Would try to kill Starke. Though that was because of the events in Civil War( that might be a whole 'nother story I suppose). Anyway, super incredibly uncomfortable, gets out of there as soon as possible. (guy's a bit shy towards opposite sex, and has a hard time attracting females because of it, not to mention his low COM score doesnt help matters. Getting that sort of attention would just bring up way too much confusion for the poor fellow)


Frosty Bob- been in and out of military for about 70 years or so. Definite dont ask, dont tell attitude. (Though exceptions can be made for hot lesbians :rolleyes:) Not sure what he would do, but it would not be very PC (as in politically correct)

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