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So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident" ?


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My Parents are the squarest Republicans on the Planet who do not believe in Role-Playing Games.

My Mother would definitely get Gadgeteer. She tries every cooking or cleaning gadget that comes out. Then she ends up discarding them. She would definitely be good at making her own.

My Dad would get Energy Blast, special effect: Explosion, with uncontrolled activation when enraged. When he got mad, things would blow up including people's heads.


So would anyone care to guess what their Parents' powers would be ?

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Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


My father would become the Driver & the Mechanic with a Hockey Motiff.


My mother would become a world reknowned Teacher of Children who transforms the Education System by making Learning Fun and having Fun doing it.







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Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


My mother would be a super teacher, probably some healing for others as she gave a kidney to her sister.

Biological Father would have more disads than powers.

Stepdad would have prime human stats, life support vs aging, and a flash built from his bald head :) (Love you, Dad)

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Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


Dad: Probably something like super INT and then he would use it only to amuse himself.

Mom: I'm thinking super strength so she can actually unleash all of the repressed rage. (Not that she really gets angry often, but she seems to hold back too often.)

Step-dad: I'd say super strength for him, as well. But he'd use it to do yard and farm work.

Step-mom: Reality warping. She seems to do it in her head anyway.

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Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


Dad the shadetree mechanic would obviously be some kind of gadgeteer. Though his stuff would probably work more often and involve less swearing and hitting things with a tire iron.


Mom already has a superpower, infinite patience for dealing with my brother. Perhaps she'd get the ability to make him move out and get a job. That'd be a pretty high level power though.

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Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


Mmmm.. my folks have changed, mostly for the better I think. So hard to say which version to go with.


Let's go with...

Dad becomes a pocket brick gadgeteer, the man already collects needless tech.


Mom gains duplication, the poor woman tries to be everywhere at once.

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Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


My dad was a rocket scientist (back in the early 60's), worked on lasers (helped build the USAF airborne laser lab), and he can build pretty much any electronic thing he can think up. So I am thinking a genius gadgeteer. As for his actual super powers - Reed Richards level INT; Positive reputation +4d6/+4 PRE skills (people just like dad); high Ego; and 'mind control' (causes people to laugh so hard they can hardly breathe after he tells a joke).


Mom... Well we called her the thermonuclear hand grenade while we were growing up. So I am thinking she would have an 'explosive' mental blast, something akin to 8d6 mental blast, and explosive AoE ~ 8". She would also have a high INT and Ego.

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Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


My dad already has a super power: he clairvoyantly knows whenever someone has just sat down and begun to relax and calls them to perform a chore within 5 seconds of that happening.


Mom would get some kind of Hulk-like Aid/Boost to her STR when enraged. (She has a slow burn temper that rarely goes off, but is like Krakatoa erupting when it finally happens. Thus, a petite 100 lb. lady winning a fight with my dad , at the time an able-bodied Army veteran, by knocking him through a porch support column!)

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Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


Hopefully my parents would get regenerative powers because their healths are both poor. Who would have thought that decades of bad decisions would take a toll on a body?


Back before their hope was eroded away my dad would have gotten supercowboy powers and my mom kitchen queen abilities. They both tried but neither were hero material.

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Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


My father died before I was born and I really don't know that much about him. He was a Mexican federal agent and a skilled sketch artist (which IO know only because I have some of his old sketches). So maybe some sort of super spy with Illusion Powers... which now that I think about it, might just explain my fondess for Fantomex...


I suspect my mother already is a super hero of some sort... no one without time control powers could possibly do as much as she does for others. The woman is a blasted saint and it is my eternal shame that I will never live up to her example of kindness and generosity. That said, she's also loud as hell so Sonic powers might just be in order ;)

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Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


My father would, well, be some kind of undead, since he's presently just dead.


My mother would become Control Freak, capable of meddling in the lives of everybody around them with her 'Judgmental Guilt Trip' Emotion Control power.


Judgmental guilt trip is such a common power for mothers and mothers in law that it should have been one of the examples for "Mind Control" in 6E!!!


My father, probably a huge endurance reserve he can only use to accomplish tasks that fulfill his mild OCD, like mowing the lawn, leaf blowing the yard, and saving stuff he will never need. Probably a small variable power pool to represent the innumerable almost worthless household items he has in his shed, too. "Oh, you need a lawnmower blade for an 1982 sears brand power mower? Of course I have one. Its behind that pile of 8-tracks."


My mother's power will likely cost a lot more points, while being far more useless. Major Transform, item/location that smells like weiner dog urine to item that smells fresh and clean. Her stupid miniature dachsunds piss in her house, but somehow, its still one of the cleanest looking / cleanest smelling places on earth. She does go through more carpet cleaning devices than anyone I know. OAF limitation.

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Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident"


I can see my mom getting a very hulk-ish power set. She's got quite the temper, and she's not afraid to use it. Either that or sonic powers similar to Banshee; she's halfway there even without powers!


I know what superpower my mom would want my dad to get thought: Memory! (not necessarily Eidetic Memory, it would just be nice if he'd remember something...:D)

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