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Though since the writers and editors at least twice messed up their math in Future Flash by saying 2024 was 8 years after 2017, I cut them no slack whatsoever.


Hey, it could have been "early 2017 to late 2024," which is closer to eight years than seven. (Back in the 1960s that might have earned me a No-Prize.) :whistle:

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I admit I didn't see this one coming. Tho apparently I'm in the minority. OK, fine. Still not sure it's worth all the set-up and relationship angst. (Seriously, how many "I believe in you" speeches have we had to endure this season? Someone should make a supercut of all of them, but who'd want to watch it?)


I also feel more & more like Barry's superspeed has some kind of Activation Roll or takes Extra Time to activate or something, because he spent an awful lot of time this week standing around watching other people do things at normal speed.

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It really doesn't make a lot of sense - even for the Flash tv show.  After the Once and Future Flash episode I had added 'Savitar is a rogue time clone' to my short list and I haven't fully taken it off - it makes no sense at all for it to be Barry Prime.


They've had an 'out' the entire time, after all - hide Iris.  We now know this wouldn't have worked because 'Savitar' would have known where she was hidden.  However now that we know that they'll know that he'll know (ow) it should just be as simple as a phone call.


"Hey Oliver - can you hide Iris for a week? Don't tell *anyone* where - not even me."


or even just


"Can you get out of town, Iris? Don't tell us where." (She's a grown woman, after all - she can book her own flight to the Dominican republic or Switzerland or something )



Of course given Ms Deathwish's actions and lectures  so far this season (some justified others less so) she'd probably not go along with the plan.

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I also feel more & more like Barry's superspeed has some kind of Activation Roll or takes Extra Time to activate or something, because he spent an awful lot of time this week standing around watching other people do things at normal speed.


Last week's episode, when Barry deliberately goes up against Mirror Master and Top, was one of the worst examples I've seen. He knows what both these villains can do, yet instead of hitting them by surprise before they even know he's there, he just stands there in front of them making smartass remarks until they zap him. I almost threw something at the television so I wouldn't have to see that much stupid. :tonguewav

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There's a lot I've enjoyed about this season but lord its warts just got huge as it got closer to the end


Loved Vibe suiting up more.

I'm actually good with Caitlyn's Killer Frost arc

Hey, Barry and Iris are finally together... oh thank goodness.

Wally and Jesse were sweet


that said...

Please , no more speedster foes.

Please, tone down the Barry angst a notch. I really miss when he was having more fun.

Say it with me now: Time Travel is nice in small doses... but when you're OD ing every episode, it's time to check into rehab

Try to bring back the Rogues as those lovable blue collar villains who can keep Barry Busy.

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Hermit, you perfectly summed up my feelings on this season.


Last week's episode, when Barry deliberately goes up against Mirror Master and Top, was one of the worst examples I've seen. He knows what both these villains can do, yet instead of hitting them by surprise before they even know he's there, he just stands there in front of them making smartass remarks until they zap him.

The problem again is if he defeats most of his villains before they have a chance to act, the show gets boring really quickly. So they've kindof backed themselves into a corner where Barry's either unbeatable, or else he looks stupid.

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The problem again is if he defeats most of his villains before they have a chance to act, the show gets boring really quickly. So they've kindof backed themselves into a corner where Barry's either unbeatable, or else he looks stupid.


I think it would help if the villains themselves weren't written as being stupid. In the case of the aforementioned S3Ep19, Mirror Master and Top should not be strolling openly away from their latest crime, now that they know the Flash is back in action. At the very least they should have tried to set up a trap for Barry.

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Catching up on series finally. Up to the episode after Savitar gets free. The more I watch, the more this feels like what DC did with Hal and  the Parallax story-line mentality of "no matter what I do, I can go back far enough to fix it so it never happened, so the end justifies the means since no one will remember once I fix everything". Problem with that in this show is we have seen him do it 3 times and all 3 fail so far.

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I'm still stuck on trying to understand what could motivate Barry to kill Iris. Self hatred can only go so far.


Savitar and Killer Frost keep saying that all Team Flash is going through now is just "history" to Savitar. It reminds me of when Eobard Thawn (in his Harrison Wells guise) killed Cisco, despite professing his fondness for him: "To me, you all died long ago."


For Savitar, Iris is already dead. He knows he killed her. Losing her was part of what made him what he is, and he wants to be what he is. Savitar is just replaying his own past.

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this season's "surprise" villain makes me wonder if that was actually the plan all season. It reminds me a lot of the movie Now You See Me (which I enjoyed a lot except the big reveal). I still feel like that movie's mystery person was decided later on and could have been a few people, but they wanted to make it the "most unlikely" person it could be. I keep feeling like the big reveal in Flash was like they followed all the speculation from fans and said, ok, who aren't they guessing it could be.

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It really doesn't make a lot of sense - even for the Flash tv show.  After the Once and Future Flash episode I had added 'Savitar is a rogue time clone' to my short list and I haven't fully taken it off - it makes no sense at all for it to be Barry Prime.




I loved the first five minutes of last night's epsiode.  It's almost like someone had been reading fan forums and decided to answer them in the show itself.  Of course, the 'fan forums' could have been the writers themselves - or even the actors.


I really enjoyed last night episode over all.  I think it was one of the strongest of the season - the character interactions were all well done...



Even if the best arguement Killer Frost could come up after the (very true claim) from Team Flash that 'he can learn' for 'restore his memories' is ... 'uh... there are lots of bad guys out there.  You need more than one Flash!'



The court room shenanigans was amusing but weak, legally - I'm sure there's something else they could have done to delay the arraignment:  After all - if the truth ever came out during the trial then I don't think a perjury claim would help their case.

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Even if the best arguement Killer Frost could come up after the (very true claim) from Team Flash that 'he can learn' for 'restore his memories' is ... 'uh... there are lots of bad guys out there.  You need more than one Flash!'




To be fair, they didn't really have even one Flash at that point. Barry was back to square one in terms of how to use his powers. The fire emergency highlighted how woefully unprepared he was, and villains and other disasters weren't going to wait for him to be trained again.


But the team was already teetering over the argument of whether Barry was even himself any more, without the life experiences that had defined him. I feel Frost's point pushed them over the edge.


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