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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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Good things never last. At least we get a sequel out of this. But not a three-film series.

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Some people are suggesting Ex Machina as the perfect title for Sorkin.  I can't disagree.

Oooo a Sorkin-helmed Ex Machina movie would be awesome! Not that I'm holding my breath.


On the one hand, the first thing I thought of was Ang Lee's craptacular Hulk.

It's a much different world now, where Marvel has much more creative control over their films. When even uberfanboy Joss Whedon complains about studio interference, I don't worry that Sorkin would have a free hand. And bringing in someone with a fresh perspective isn't always a bad thing: both Harve Bennett & Jack Sewards were Star Trek newbies when they wrote Wrath of Khan, still the best Start Trek film hands down.


I actually have mixed feeling about Ang Lee's Hulk. On one hand I understand and respect what Lee was trying to do. OTOH...let's face it, the movie is unwatchable.

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I liked Ang Lee's Hulk, but it could have benefitted from some editing to cut out some of the incidental stuff.  I really like some of the experimental stuff he did with panels so it felt like a comic book at times, that was interesting, if not really necessary.  The CGI dogs were pretty awful but that wasn't really his fault.

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Well, as far as reading a comic, iirc, the people who originally headed Smallville made a point of knowing nothing about Superman/Superboy because they wanted to give it a fresh take in a time of life we had never seen Clark in before. It is one of the main reasons they gave for never having him actually appear in costume.

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Sure, but turning a blind eye to several decades of iconic superhero canon is not a good way to attract me (or any loyal Superman fan in general) as a viewer. I understand not wanting to be weighed down by a mountain of convoluted continuity, but if you refuse to ever show one of the character's signature powers and vow to never show the character in his signature costume, then you're basically giving a huge middle finger to millions of fans merely in an attempt to pander to the ignorance/indifference of the non-fans.

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True, but fandom was an insignificant sliver of the potential audience when Smallville started out in '01.  It's stupid, because it does alienate that guaranteed segment of viewership, and ignoring canon is hardly necessary for writing new good stories.*  Smallville eventually did manage to succeed through good writing, while the Snyderverse both ignores canon and writes badly, which is really kind of remarkable.



* Continuity, on the other hand, can and should be ignored when it gets in the way.

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EXCLUSIVE: Aaron Sorkin In Talks With Marvel, DC



Sorkin admits he hasn't yet ever read a comic book.


Go to DCEU, please. Also shows that the comic book film is a mainstay and attracting the likes of Sorkin.

Yes, the DCEU is already crappy enough he won't be able to damage it much more than Snyder, Goyer, and Ayer already have!

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Marisa Tomei Weighs In On Playing A Younger Aunt May In Spider-Man: Homecoming



“You can imagine my horror when I was cast and I started doing the research, but then I thought “well, I’m going to go with it” and I actually made a case to go, to age me up, but no they didn’t do it.”

-- Marisa Tomei

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