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Secession Squad Needs New Members


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I'm thinking of reviving a villain group I had created way back in the day (4th edition, I believe).  I called them the Secession Squad, and they're a villain group from south of the Mason-Dixon line whose goal is making sure The South Shall Rise Again. 


My original concept (not sure why I did this) was for all members to have names beginning with the letter S.  While this worked thematically for some (Southpaw, Stonewall, Southern Belle, detailed a bit below under the spoiler tag), it didn't fit the Old South theme for others (Scorpion?  Sensei?  Honestly, WTF was I thinking?).




Southpaw was a mentalist who could control the left side of the brain, thus controlling the right side of a target's body. 


Stonewall was a brick with earth/stone control powers, who thought he was the reincarnation of Stonewall Jackson.


Southern Belle was a female sonic energy projector, though I'm thinking of changing her sonic powers to entrancing songs, or maybe something else entirely.




Thus, I'm thinking to drop those that don't fit theme and add some that would.  The only two that leap to mind are Rebel Yell (obviously another sonic energy blaster) and Stars and Bars (I'm thinking pro-Confederacy super-soldier / martial artist armed with a star-shaped shield and club-type HtH weapon, maybe throwing stars for ranged attacks).


Any other ideas / suggestions?  I have 7 players, so at least 2 more villains are needed, though more would be better.

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Well, you have stone/earth, why not something a little different?


Plantation is a natural magic user. She can control wind, plants, and non-magical animals. Her favorite power is growing a tree underneath an opponent to force them in a tall location.


Also slightly strange...


General D is a Necromancer. He likes to think that he is a natural leader. I have no idea on the powers, yet.

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You need a brick.

Bonnie Blue is a classic flying brick who probably looks downright heroic, and the symbol she wears, being less known, probably would be fine. Like many superpowered women, she is exceptionally attractive and has been known to pose and make pre attacks on men to stun them into inaction long enough allow her to press an advantage.


Main Powers: Superstrength, High Defenses, Flight, and a good PRE combined with a few levels of Striking Appearance (Which makes the term 'Bonnie' actually fit a theme)

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I'm thinking of reviving a villain group I had created way back in the day (4th edition, I believe).  I called them the Secession Squad, and they're a villain group from south of the Mason-Dixon line whose goal is making sure The South Shall Rise Again. 


My original concept (not sure why I did this) was for all members to have names beginning with the letter S.  While this worked thematically for some (Southpaw, Stonewall, Southern Belle, detailed a bit below under the spoiler tag), it didn't fit the Old South theme for others (Scorpion?  Sensei?  Honestly, WTF was I thinking?).




Southpaw was a mentalist who could control the left side of the brain, thus controlling the right side of a target's body. 


Stonewall was a brick with earth/stone control powers, who thought he was the reincarnation of Stonewall Jackson.


Southern Belle was a female sonic energy projector, though I'm thinking of changing her sonic powers to entrancing songs, or maybe something else entirely.




Thus, I'm thinking to drop those that don't fit theme and add some that would.  The only two that leap to mind are Rebel Yell (obviously another sonic energy blaster) and Stars and Bars (I'm thinking pro-Confederacy super-soldier / martial artist armed with a star-shaped shield and club-type HtH weapon, maybe throwing stars for ranged attacks).


Any other ideas / suggestions?  I have 7 players, so at least 2 more villains are needed, though more would be better.

How about Stone Mountain? That fits the theme, and saves the "all S's" thing as well? I'm thinking pocket Brick (Defenses) then Growth for offense..?


Back in the day (When I was stationed at Ft. Brag...) I used Andre LeVeux (?) as the Mastermind...claims to be the desindant of Marie, sort of a Mystic Lex Luthor type, he uses Zombies instead of Robots...;)

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Steel Magnolia - a cyberneticly enhanced belle of the south.

Rebel Yell - sonic powers

Star and Bars - a detective/gadgateer and his kid sidekick

Johnny Reb


Other ideas could be more idealistic sounding names since they view themselves as noble and just.


Also, ideas based around specific states that were apart of the South.


Names borrowed from historical figures might also work.


If they are specifically racist, concepts from the Klan could work.


If they are purely political and not specifically racist, you could throw a little shock and awe by tossing in an African American into the crowd.


I'm from Oklahoma.  Oklahoma was still the Indian Territory at the time, but many of the Indian tribes were as divided over the North vs South sides especially the Choctaws and the Cherokees, my tribe.  Also, I have known people in real life who consider themselves Confederate.  I will try to recollect what I know and see if I can come up with more ideas.

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Well I doubt they would call themselves the Secession Squad as alliterate as that sounds. They would see themselves as Heroes of the South there to unite the south again to bring freedom from the Northern Aggressors. Perhaps something like the Southern Knights. They would rob "Northern Corporations" and Banks owned by "Northerners" to equip themselves and to help white southerners. They would probably be seen as heroes by some white southerners.

Perhaps Southern Belle is the Mentalist. Who charms her foes and who gets the enemy to see things like she does (ie idellic Antebellum South, to nighmares like Andersonville).

Stonewall sounds like a brick/leader/Tactician to me. Super strength, Super Invulnerability. 

Change Southpaw into a Pugilist/Brawler

Love that "Stars and Bars" is basically a flag suit. 

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Begging your pardon Tasha, but Southern Knights is already taken--and I, for one, would prefer it remain taken.


Here's an idea I had for a CSA-themed super--Swift Sword, who wears a tabard patterned after the Confederate Battle Flag over medieval-style armor (which may or may not be high-tech).  He carries a sword that discharges lightning upon command ("Try, if you dare, the lightning of this swift sword!") and can cut through nearly anything--although he makes a point of not killing his enemies unless he absolutely has no choice.  After all, the first time someone gets killed, public sympathy for their cause goes out the door.


Hope that helps.

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Begging your pardon Tasha, but Southern Knights is already taken--and I, for one, would prefer it remain taken.


Here's an idea I had for a CSA-themed super--Swift Sword, who wears a tabard patterned after the Confederate Battle Flag over medieval-style armor (which may or may not be high-tech).  He carries a sword that discharges lightning upon command ("Try, if you dare, the lightning of this swift sword!") and can cut through nearly anything--although he makes a point of not killing his enemies unless he absolutely has no choice.  After all, the first time someone gets killed, public sympathy for their cause goes out the door.


Hope that helps.

Wasn't aware that it was taken the Official CU or in Bolo's world.

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Having some be misguided idealists (or even just regular idealists), and some be racist jerks, gives more story potential.  Maybe one guy will admit that slavery was wrong, and the old Confederacy wasn't a moral nation, but he believes that the North was just as bad, and he points out all the problems of the US government over the years.  The Confederacy didn't massacre the Indians at Wounded Knee, after all.  He might just be a big state's rights guy.  Maybe he wears a full bodysuit, and when the heroes defeat him and pull off his mask, they find out that he's a black guy.  That would surely throw people for a loop.


I dunno, you may not want to do something like that.  Depends on what kind of story you want to tell and what role you want the villain team to play.  Sometimes its fun to just beat up bad guys.  And sometimes the group of southern rednecks is just kinda old.

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The Southern Knights aren't an existing team in my world.  However, being a big fan of the Southern Knights comic books, I would be hesitant to use that name for a villain group.


Plus, four of the seven players in my current game were in my very first Champions campaign when I used the Secession Squad.  Keeping the same team name has a certain nostalgic appeal. 


Thank you all for some excellent ideas.  (I ran through all my Likes today in this thread.)  Some of the suggested characters are absolutely going to be used.  (I especially like Plantation and Steel Magnolia.)  I'm imagining Stars & Bars and Bonnie Blue being a couple, perhaps having some playful competitiveness in combat.


Not sure if it would feel too repetitive having both Stonewall and Stone Mountain in the team, but I really like the idea of a brick with growth to be the team's damage sponge.


I also thought about having an invisible recon specialist as a riff on J.E.B. Stuart.  (General Jeb?  Any suggestions for a better name?)  But I feel like I would be overdoing the Civil War generals bit if I had Stonewall, General Lee, and "Jeb" Stuart.

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Thank you all for some excellent ideas. (I ran through all my Likes today in this thread.) Some of the suggested characters are absolutely going to be used. (I especially like Plantation and Steel Magnolia)


I also thought about having an invisible recon specialist as a riff on J.E.B. Stuart. (General Jeb? Any suggestions for a better name?) But I feel like I would be overdoing the Civil War generals bit if I had Stonewall, General Lee, and "Jeb" Stuart.

Can I be honest? I have used both of my character suggestions in actual games. They both did very well.


As for a better name for an invisible recon guy, you could use The Underground Soldier, who, as an ironic twist, could be an African American character working with the villains.

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Having some be misguided idealists (or even just regular idealists), and some be racist jerks, gives more story potential.  Maybe one guy will admit that slavery was wrong, and the old Confederacy wasn't a moral nation, but he believes that the North was just as bad, and he points out all the problems of the US government over the years.  The Confederacy didn't massacre the Indians at Wounded Knee, after all.  He might just be a big state's rights guy.  Maybe he wears a full bodysuit, and when the heroes defeat him and pull off his mask, they find out that he's a black guy.  That would surely throw people for a loop.


I dunno, you may not want to do something like that.  Depends on what kind of story you want to tell and what role you want the villain team to play.  Sometimes its fun to just beat up bad guys.  And sometimes the group of southern rednecks is just kinda old.


Agreed regarding the team having some depth and not just being a bunch of Southern rednecks.


I'm thinking of having the team's AI being named Dixie.  Just a voice the PCs will hear giving info to the rest of the Squad; a sassy, sarcastic woman, if I can pull it off.

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My existing character Stonewall was named Thomas Jonathan Jackson in honor of the famed general, and got his powers thanks to aliens who "fixed" him after nearly killing him accidentally.  The whole episode made his mind kinda snap, and he now thinks he is the reincarnation of the historic Stonewall Jackson.


I'm trying to avoid the team exhibiting overt racism (though members will have varying attitudes about race), so I'm not planning to have members whose names or concepts are directly related to the Klan.


My current lineup includes:  Bonnie Blue, Copperhead, Johnny Reb, Plantation, Rebel Yell, Southern Belle, Southpaw, Stars & Bars, Steel Magnolia, Stone Mountain, Stonewall, and Underground Soldier, plus Dixie the AI.  (I don't mind this being a large group, as I plan for members to come and go over the course of the campaign, so additional suggestions are still welcome.)  Roughly half are directly related to the Civil War - does that seem too much?

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Magnolia - A woman who, much like the other ladys, views herself a southern belle. She has mystical powers which smell of magnnolias.


Little Boy Grey - A shrinker wearing a confederat army uniform.


Sherman's Knot - A man with an elastic body. Prehaps slightly hated by the others because his name refers to a northern general and one of his deeds (wrecking railroad ties).

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You missed perhaps the most obvious name for a Southern Themed Villain to start with a S:

1. Slaver - a mentalist with strong mind control. He might also allow the group to "recruit" people to be thier agents, if some extra muscle is needed to challenge the heroes. It always helps to have a special effect for having those agents.



2. Sabot (from Sabotage)

Just reading up on the civial war, one thematic was "Conservatism". The North had mostly modernised and industrialised, making slavery pointless.

However the South insisted on not-modernising and just cornering the cotton market, so they could buy all that "industrialised" stuff from the North. They wanted "stuff to stay the way they were".

How about someone with Anti-technology powers? Sabot just instantly came to mind, because of that old description of how "Sabotage" came to be as a word.

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