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Funny Pics II: The Revenge

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2 hours ago, archer said:


My uncle when he was a young man had his wedding ring catch on a ladder as he was slipping and falling off of it.


Nearly jerked the digit out from the middle of his hand. It permanently increased the length of that finger close to half an inch, plus gave him a loss of function and dexterity with it.


Maybe they could have done a better job fixing it these days but it looked freaky as hell. And looked painful even decades later.

     So....Let’s see. The last digression about this is....Neckties are alright if your careful, and high heels and wedding rings are bad.

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My mom had to wear a tie while driving cab.  It was a company policy thing.


I know for a long time (at least through the 1960s) male teachers in the USDESEA schools overseas were required to wear ties while in front of students.  The shop teacher wore standard ties in his standard classes (and he had several such classes, since there were a total of 15 faculty in our 7-12 school), and had a single ugly clip-on he changed into for his shop classes.  He made sure to point out to all of us why he wore the clip-on in the shop.


I assume the women teachers had similar restrictions on what they had to wear, but I don't know that from having it explained to me.

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2 minutes ago, Cancer said:



I know for a long time (at least through the 1960s) male teachers in the USDESEA schools overseas were required to wear ties while in front of students.  The shop teacher wore standard ties in his standard classes (and he had several such classes, since there were a total of 15 faculty in our 7-12 school), and had a single ugly clip-on he changed into for his shop classes.  He made sure to point out to all of us why he wore the clip-on in the shop.


Nothing is worse than having your tie drag your face into the table saw


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I've never been required to wear a tie, but I've worn them a number of times to shmooze-with-potential-donors sort of events.  On that basis, they don't bother me much.  And I have carefully preserved the tie I wore at my PhD defense.  I'm out of practice so it takes me several tries to get the knot right, but that still takes less time than ironing the shirt (and yes, I do that myself) I wear with the tie.

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10 hours ago, Tjack said:

In 1978 Apollo astronaut, Neil Armstrong lost the tip of his finger from having his wedding ring catch on something.  He packed it in ice and it was reattached.


9 hours ago, archer said:


My uncle when he was a young man had his wedding ring catch on a ladder as he was slipping and falling off of it.


Nearly jerked the digit out from the middle of his hand. It permanently increased the length of that finger close to half an inch, plus gave him a loss of function and dexterity with it.


Maybe they could have done a better job fixing it these days but it looked freaky as hell. And looked painful even decades later.


Google "Jimmy Fallon wedding ring deglove". 

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25 minutes ago, Old Man said:



Google "Jimmy Fallon wedding ring deglove". 



As both a former nurse and a former medical student, let me heartily encourage you to _never_ google any variant of "deglove."


you have been warned.


This whole recent arc has made me ridiculously proud of a life in the trades where my dress code is "clean with no holes; eye protection, and steel toed footwear."



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