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Avengers Endgame with spoilers


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The Russo brothers did something special here. They redeemed every issue I had with Infinity War (both in the story, plot and construction and acting and pacing). They made this movie personal... quiet in many ways... the sound was amazing and so subdued but precise... the story and plot worked on every level... they understood how the humor should work side-by-side with the pathos of the story... and they TOOK THEIR TIME! Infinity War felt like you were missing the entire movie of why you should actually care about what was going on... and End Game made it all about that.


The plot shift to set-up the final battle was brilliant, providing character growth in the most unlikely place (Nebula) as a lynch pin to both villainous action and heroic victory... the timing and pacing of the movie was staggeringly perfect... they took all they time they needed to make sure all the main characters didn't just get "their moment" but lived and breathed and existed in this broken world. The final battle was staged so that the main fight rose and fell in a rhythm so that the arrival of the full armies felt like the absolutely perfect "shift this up a notch" moment. 

I even loved their discussion of time travel and the theory they ended up going with, and how their "failure" with Loki enabled a time stream where Loki is alive, because it would not have been one that they "closed" off again. (It beggers the question as to multiple timelines, and the fact that for every instance of success where they go back and give the Time Stone back to the Ancient One, there is a timeline where they didn't and that dark, destructive universe exists as well... every possible universe exists somewhere, if we are going the quantum bubble route.)


Great stuff all around... truly redeems the failings of Infinity War and the derivative cheapness of Capt. Marvel. They did Marvel proud. 

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Some of my favorite moments:

  • Professor Hulk, through the whole movie
  • Geriatric Ant-Man, Baby Ant-Man
  • The Portals opening for everyone who came back
  • Tony meets his dad
  • "Hail Hydra."
  • Captain America with the Hammer
  • The women of the MCU stand together and kick a$$
  • "And I...am Iron Man."
  • "It's okay, Tony. We're going to be all right. You can rest now."
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1 hour ago, Pariah said:

Some of my favorite moments:

  • Professor Hulk, through the whole movie
  • Geriatric Ant-Man, Baby Ant-Man
  • The Portals opening for everyone who came back
  • Tony meets his dad
  • "Hail Hydra."
  • Captain America with the Hammer
  • The women of the MCU stand together and kick a$$
  • "But I am Iron Man."
  • "It's okay, Tony. We're going to be all right. You can rest now."


All great. As I was saying on another board, "I could have watched Steve in a counseling meeting, Tony with his daughter and Thor with his mom, all day long..."

I personally found Nat's sacrifice utterly correct. She was the only one with nothing, and it wasn't just her saying it... they SHOWED it in the movie. Of all of them, she was the most committed to the Avengers, never backed down, and it meant the most to her. Renner just owned that loss, as did they all. There wasn't an ounce of insincerity in the emotional moments... heck, for the first time I actually bought the Gamora / Nebula rivalry and sisterhood.

Tessa Thompson had less than five minutes of screen time in whole, and I'd watch an entire movie of Queen Valkyrie.


And ultimately... "On your left..."

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Box Office: 'Avengers: Endgame' Soars to Record $60M in U.S. Previews



"Disney and Marvel's Avengers: Endgamecommenced its North American box office run with a staggering $60 million in Thursday night previews, setting a new record.


The previous crownholder for biggest preview gross was fellow Disney tentpole Star Wars: The Force Awakens($57 million)."

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