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Your Character's Greatest Fear?


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We've all seen the villain examples (Scarecrow in Batman etc) who uses a super hero's fear against him/her. Maybe it's scientific in nature, maybe a mentalist with a cruel bent, or maybe a supernatural creature that feeds on fear... but it does come up.


Of course, in Champions, being an RPG, it helps to know what your characters greatest fear is... so that when the GM hits you with it, at least it will make sense to you both instead of discovering retroactively that Captain Awesome has Aardvarkaphobia. :)


So... anyone want to list what fears their characters have?

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


Uncle Slam: He spent decades killing for the suits who sit in the dark shadows of the capitol and the pentagon. He's since become a different man, a different hero, with a CvK, thanks to a prolonged study of eastern philosophies (following several unpublished wars in South East Asia), but he fears the day that he must resort again to killing, to becoming the savage that would do anything for America, no matter what it did to others.


Anthem: Fears the genetic defect that caused her father to go insane. She fears that someday she'll begin to slip, like he did, and slowly becomg a raving maniac who thinks nothing of abusing others.


Audra Blue: Also fears the man who made her. In this case she fears the man who implanted the cybernetics in her. He was a scientist hiding in South America who used the children of the villagers to further his study and for his own entertainment. She actually lives in mortal fear of him to the degree of being agoraphobic.

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


  • Scales: The classic becoming a monster on the inside to reflect the outside. Real fears, not doing enough. Letting loose the demons that are currently held in check.
  • Spectrum: Having her side personality mind control others and step over the line again.
  • Ice Pirate: Confinement
  • Calico: Being controlled by others, being a pawn

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


Vector: Losing Karen (aka Oracle), his wife. Karen saved Max's sanity. The love he feels for her is so strong, so intense... if she was gone, Max would be so lost. I've told Neil flat out, if that happens, that next stop; Villaindom.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?




Flippant: Being crippled again. Age. Infirmity.


Wraith: Psychologically, he's pretty much undamaged goods. I mean... he sees dead people every waking moment, and he's fine with it.


Robot: Loss of humanity, loss of his mind.


Bedouin: Failing to protect those in his care... that, as an unaugmented human, he's not good enough for the team he's on.

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


SuperPheemy of course has no fear!


However, SunKnight held a deeply hidden fear that one day the bonds that held his energy form in cohesion would break and he would lose the last physical, tangable element that was himself.


Armored Bear was afraid of rats. Even in the armor, he often obliterated rats that scurried out suddenly. (12D6 Penetrating Energy Blast). Comes from his childhood struggling in Soviet Russia. The house he grew up in was infested, and his grandmother warned him to be good, or she would feed him to the rats in the walls.


Broken Arrow has a fear of losing control to the government again. However, he keeps the fear so deeply buried in his psyche that it manifests as his drive to oppose authoritarian abuses.

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


Twilight is afraid of becoming like his real father, Mr. Dark. The idea of becoming a sadistic beast who feeds off the negative emotions of others gives him the chills, since he's basically a nice guy himself. Almost the exact opposite of Mr. Dark.


He used to fear Mr. Dark himself, but grew out of it before becoming a super hero.


Aside from that, he fears clowns.

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


Adonis fears being unloved/unlovable. Adonis was raised by a cold man that viewed him as a thing that he built rather than a child. He had to face a court hearing to determine if he "qualified" as human, because a lot of his DNA is apparantly completely artificial (including negative TV spots meant to stir up public oppinion, and pressure the judge to rule in favor of having Adonis declared an illegal experiment to be destroyed). All of this has left Adonis terrified that he really isn't worth being loved, and no one will ever truly love him, only use him. It doesn't help that one of his two best friends, has his own problems which is turning him into a substance abusing user.

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


A Friend of mines former character, Armordillo is afraid of heights, the irony of it is that the character I played was a pilot in his secret id and our hero group even had a plane, we built a special room in the back of the plane for him that had a very large steel chair in the center and he used to leave claw marks in it during the flights. A group of villains teleported onto out plane once and the groups psi mind controlled Armordillo into jumping off the plane. He barely survived but he left one hell of a crater. He has 8 levels of Density Increase that are always on.

Armordillo is now and NPC hero of mine as is the pilot hero.

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


Aristocrat: An overachiever, afraid of failure.


Arkane: An immortal demonologist, fears the growing power of the unseen evils in the world.


Raven: A vampiric Mentalist, afraid of losing control of his darker urges.


Xentos: A FH Character who actually has a 20 pt Bovinephobia.

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


Reminder: I'm the GM, these are the PC's in the campaign I run -- a supervillain campaign.


Disruptor: fears capture, because he believes (rightly) he will be killed in custody. He would literally kill himself if he thought it eminent and couldn't use his "escape" power for some reason.


Sting: fears that he might be wrong about Oamen (see below) being the rightful owner of the Twin Stone, heaping dishonor upon disgrace.


Hexadecimal: fears that she has another mode she can't control (she's right)


Oamen: on some level, fears the discovery that Primus isn't behind his father's death.

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


Not sure. if my namesake has fears he keeps it hidden. Thinking off the top of my head, probably 3 things could qualify, although genetic he would be afraid to lose his powers. He had to see most of his family die as a youngster as he was powerless to do anything (this was before his powers manifested as a young adult). Also being fiercely independent he would probably be a little afraid of your-cliche-evil mentalist controlling his mind. Also now that he has turned to fighting crime probably lack of crime. This event would mean the loss of purpose he has in life.

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


Ultraviolet, my light manipulator, has a paralyzing fear of the dark. And having her Secret ID revealed. Also, on a much lesser order of magnitude, she's afrraid of not getting the media attention she so richly deserves.


Tyke, my 11 year-old pigtailed brick, has a fear of heights. Fortunately, her Density Increase prevents most people from taking her where she doesn't want to go, including up several flights of stairs.


Black Talon X is deathly afraid of having her Secret ID revealed, and of her father finding out what it is she does at night. It's crimefighting, BTW. Didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea.


Virgil "Hangfire" Kincaid, my alcoholic ex-gunfighter in a Western game, fears nothing more than killing again. Though a highly skilled gunman, he refuses to touch a gun (Uncommon, Total).


Martyr, my empathic healing/harming linguist, would probably fear illiteracy, or something equally unlikely.

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


Special Agent Trent has psychokinetic powers crammed into a brain never meant to hold them, leaving him somewhat unstable. He lives in constant fear that the next time he losing control and killing someone.



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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


The Protectors did not have a lot of fear. Mainly a fear of failure might come through or failing to save lives. This is in spite of the fact that several had vulnerabilities like the Flame and getting hit by cold or water. Or had Code.

Then there were those that did not have Code.


Two specifically had Knows No Fear as a psychological limitation. With Wolverine (yes that Wolverine), it was part of the initial make up. With the Magician, after dieing, being brought back in Ultron's body and then in a demon's as well as some other hellacious stuff, there just wasn't anything that could make him feel fear anymore.


Two did have specific fears as psych lims. Energiser feared wasps and Dr Scorpio feared spiders becomming totally useless in their presence. The reason for the latter was that he was the son of Arak the Spider God.


The Demoness hated and feared people who used black magic like the Pentacle who were responsible for turning her into what she was. Or that something might happen to her son.

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


Robyn Hood suffered one nervous breakdown at the Atlanta Olympics and the fear of it happening again is always there for her. She's also in denial about being a metahuman ('I built these skills every day of my life') as she sees her archery skills as being the touchstone that drew her back to the world...


London Pryde wouldn't admit to fear as such, but he has been so inculcated with the long Pryde family tradition of military service that a serious failure in the field - and the sense of disgrace to the family name that would go with it - would probably flatten him...


Greenmantle's only real physical weakness is asphyxiation or some similar attack, so gas bombs and the like weird him out. He also has unresolved feelings of guilt over the crippling of his fiancee (a deliberate 'warning') even if she has told him she supported his stand...

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Re: Your Character's Greatest Fear?


Adrenaline fears failure the most. He feels that he needs to protect everyone and that he is responsible for everyone.


Rift is afraid of the Realm-leaping evil counterpart that has kicked his butt several times. That and stepping into a dimension that he can't get out of.


Hecabus isn't really afraid of anything. He is already dead, has regeneration and fast healing, tons of immunities, fledgling demigod power, lots of high powered contacts, 2 castles and a Fire Giant enclave, and power out of the wazhoo....besides, there isn't anything that magic can't fix!

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