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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A classic Brick moment...


Heavy Metal stands in a doorway to impede the oncoming Third Reich operatives. The one in power armor and a giant gun for an arm fires a giant cannon blast, obliterating everything around the door as it strikes Heavy Metal. The smoke clears, Heavy Metal still standing there. *pistol wink* "Hey man, you're wrecking the hallway."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Our GM hadn't prepared all his NPCs fully, so he had to make some of the descriptions up on the fly. He was describing a hacker we had just met.


GM: He looks frumpled.

Party: Frumpled? Is that even a word?

Gm: Hey, I have a vocabulary. I just choose to use it for evil.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Monarch (OOC: Played by Troubleshooter's Player's wife): *Trips going past him* Dangit! I HATE it when you do that!


Troubleshooter (Having NOT moved a muscle, OOC) Do what!?!!


Monarch (OOC): When you...when... when youre feet are so big!


Troubleshooter (OOC): But they HAVE to be big, in order to hold up my Big Sexy Smile! :D




Baba Yaga: *Aims her staff at Guardian Alpha and fills him with despair over all the people he is NOT being able to save at this moment, or at all, because he can only be in one place at any given time* Feel the weight of the world, boy!

Guardian Alpha: *Steels himself, as he IS, after all, the son of the ultimate Paragon of his world, Guardian* ......Im USED TO IT!




Techni-Girl: *Sees the giant bundles of roiling tentacles coming toward the group as we are deep under water* Look! Kill-a-mari!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A bunch from last night’s New Champions game:


Inertia & Enigma get an offer to pose for “Uncaped:”

Inertia: “Do I at least get to keep my mask on?”

GM: “Oh yes. It’s assumed you won’t be revealing your Secret Identity.”

GM: “Just, you know… everything else.”

[Note: they decided not to take the offer anyway.]


Promethean, as a joke, rolls against his KS: New York City, wasting a ‘6’ to find a decent place to eat.

GM: “Congratulations, you know every good restaurant in a 20 block radius.”

Inertia: (helpfully) “There’s a Vegan Falafel place around the corner!”

GM: “That’s not one of them, but… “


The team’s young ward, Anna, again exhibits precognitive powers. They decide maybe it’s time to get her a Hero ID:

Promethean: “I’ve got a great superhero name for her: Dreamweaver.”

Built To Last: “DreamReaver? Cool! We can get her a big axe…”


GM: “Who’s going to talk to the press?”

[bTL -- crazy homeless guy in the power armor of a former serial killer/cult leader -- waves hand enthusiastically.]

All other PCs: “NO!!”


PRIMUS continues their efforts to persuade the heroes to register:

Lead PRIMUS Agent: “Aren’t you going to register? Everyone else has.”

Inertia: “Everyone?”

Lead PRIMUS Agent: “Well, Enigma and Promethean have both signed up.”

Inertia: “So its just me & the crazy homeless guy? Can I get one of those forms?”


I introduced Foxbat into the campaign last night. Because, you know, things had been so grim and somber before…

Anyway, Foxbat releases a video demand via You Tube, revealing an enormous beam weapon of some kind:

Foxbat: “Behold the instrument of my Master Plan: the Ronald Ray-Gun!*


Foxbat issues his ultimatum:

Foxbat: “When this timer reaches zero, Ronnie will fire on Central Park, tearing open a portal to the Queso Dimension and covering the entire island in a layer of spicy cheese sauce. Unless…”


An exasperated discussion ensues:

BTL: “We’re gonna need a LOT of tortilla chips.”




Inertia: “When did I become the reasonable one?”


Inertia agrees to meet Foxbat, and learns that Foxbat’s spirit has inhabited a new host body. (Don't ask.)

Inertia: “How can you be Foxbat AND Danny?”

Foxbat: “Because I am… both!” “It’s really not that complicated.”


Foxbat pulls out a remote control to deactivate the Ray Gun. Nothing happens.

Foxbat: "Um, you wouldn't happen to have 9-volt battery on you?"

Foxbat: "Ah, playing hard to get, I see..."


Happy endings, Champions style:

GM: “…And you only blacked out six city blocks.”



* Rep to the first person who can identify where I stole that gag from!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Foxbat: “Behold the instrument of my Master Plan: the Ronald Ray-Gun!*


* Rep to the first person who can identify where I stole that gag from!

According to Wikipedia, it's originally from the intro to "Drug Store Truck Drivin' Man" sung by Joan Baez and Jeffrey Shurtleff at Woodstock. My boss named a comedian who had that as part of his routine the first time he shot me with the "Ronald Ray-Gun", but he's unable to come up with that name today, and Google is being useless.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I remember a Ronnie Ray-gun from the Nuclear War computer game.

Along with Kooky-maimie, Tricky Dicky and a few others. (Although, what the hell a caricature of Ghandi was doing in a Nuclear war game, I'll never know).

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I remember a Ronnie Ray-gun from the Nuclear War computer game.

Along with Kooky-maimie, Tricky Dicky and a few others. (Although, what the hell a caricature of Ghandi was doing in a Nuclear war game, I'll never know).


There was an option to use peaceful propaganda to steal another player's population. Ghandi kicked ass at that. Basically, he was in the game to make that an attractive strategy.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


There was an option to use peaceful propaganda to steal another player's population. Ghandi kicked ass at that. Basically' date=' he was in the game to make that an attractive strategy.[/quote']And yet, I was always able to match up payloads with delivery devices when I played as him.
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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


According to Wikipedia' date=' it's originally from the intro to "Drug Store Truck Drivin' Man" sung by Joan Baez and Jeffrey Shurtleff at Woodstock. My boss named a comedian who had that as part of his routine the first time he shot me with the "Ronald Ray-Gun", but he's unable to come up with that name today, and Google is being useless.[/quote']


I've seen it in everything from graffitti to The Monster Squad (kid's TV show if you didn't know.) It's such an obvious gag on the man's name, even before he became famous it was probably used on playgrounds wherever boys and girls named Reagan met other boys and girls who'd seen a sci-fi movie.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is more afraid of the crab cannon....

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I've seen it in everything from graffitti to The Monster Squad (kid's TV show if you didn't know.)

Lucius wins the no-prize, even tho the actual name of the 1975 show was "The Ghost Busters", starring Forrest Tucker & Larry Storch, both of F-Troop "fame." At the time, not being from California, I had never heard of Reagan; when he ran for President in 1980, my first thought was of this show... :D


Honorable Mention Rep to Alice, since the show's writers probably stole it from Baez & Shurtleff. :)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Lucius wins the no-prize' date=' even tho the actual name of the 1975 show was "The Ghost Busters", starring Forrest Tucker & Larry Storch, both of F-Troop "fame." At the time, not being from California, I had never heard of Reagan; when he ran for President in 1980, my first thought was of this show... :D


Honorable Mention Rep to Alice, since the show's writers probably stole it from Baez & Shurtleff. :)


And I'm sorry, bigdamnhero, but you DON'T win the no-prize. The Ghost Busters was a different show from The Monster Squad, although I'm sure both used the same corny "ray-gun" joke. Or maybe you DO win a no-prize, because The Monster Squad may have stolen it from The Ghost Busters; a check of wikipedia indicates their series ran 1976-77. I don't think I ever saw The Ghost Busters, except of course for the much later movie that apparently had nothing in common except being funny and about ghosts.


I will always remember The Monster Squad (insanely campy as it was) for the mummy episode. The other villain says to the Mummy "Give Pharoah the scroll" and the Mummy nods, grunts affirmatively, and begins to amble off. Whereupon she swats him and says, louder "I said 'Give Pharoah the scroll' not 'Go for a stroll!'" As I recall I was literally rolling on the floor laughing at that one. Then again I was, what, 12 years old or so.....


Lucius Alexander


The palndromedary just disovered the size function.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


And I'm sorry, bigdamnhero, but you DON'T win the no-prize. The Ghost Busters was a different show from The Monster Squad, although I'm sure both used the same corny "ray-gun" joke. Or maybe you DO win a no-prize, because The Monster Squad may have stolen it from The Ghost Busters; a check of wikipedia indicates their series ran 1976-77. I don't think I ever saw The Ghost Busters, except of course for the much later movie that apparently had nothing in common except being funny and about ghosts.


I will always remember The Monster Squad (insanely campy as it was) for the mummy episode. The other villain says to the Mummy "Give Pharoah the scroll" and the Mummy nods, grunts affirmatively, and begins to amble off. Whereupon she swats him and says, louder "I said 'Give Pharoah the scroll' not 'Go for a stroll!'" As I recall I was literally rolling on the floor laughing at that one. Then again I was, what, 12 years old or so.....


Lucius Alexander


The palndromedary just disovered the size function.

I liked the Monster Squad too.

If that was the one where the guy worked in a "Wax Museum" and they fought crime a la "Batman" of the 60's...


Oh and good on the Palindromedary. The size function doth ROCk

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